Wettfield School; Bank* THE WESTFIELD LEADER Open Tonight TNI lUMH AMP MOST MnMV CaCUUTH) WEfKLY NEWSMrtt IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No 6 WESTFIEU), NEW JtJKaftT, TMUKoUAl, HUJflbMbtM 16, 1971 N J. School Integration Housing for Elderly "Working Well" The 1971-72 school term began over a week ago with a slight de- Moves Step Ahead crease in enrollment and the start of a desegregation plan which is pro- gressing smoothly. ' . A senior citizen housing project, still in embryonic stages, grew a . "Wa are implementing the Board of Education'* plan to achieve little closer to reality Tuesday night at a meeting of the Town Council, better racial balance in the schook and the plan is working well," said but no finalization of the program or official sanction of a site has yet : To Evaluate tillard E. Law, superintendent' of ..: : been authorized. • The door is apparently still wide open to discussion, suggestions as4 There have been no major prob- TotvnAthletic objections, but the committee an lem* in implementing the plan, he To Appeal housing for the elderly was given tha noted. Students assigned to new green light to continue its study ao4 schools and students in receiving make specific recommendations to schools are attending classes as School Board Facilities Ballfield the Town Council on financing, or- Extra crossing guards have Optimum use of community ath- ganization and other details of the provided to assure the safe proposed construction. movement of students. Guidelines letic facilities is expected to result Named from a survey authorized by Mayor The committee, headed by AIM According to the desegregation At least '• 'three' .W«tfj»Jd .Ws*..' Donn A. Snyder and members of H. Linden, recommended in its re- plan, 1M fifth and lixth grade stu- School*students and their parent! the Town Council Tuesday night. A For Burke port to the council this summer that dents from Columbus School were ore expected to Joia irith the Anieri-^ 14-member task force was formed the most feasible location for a 1M» reassigned to Grant, Lincoln and can Civil Liberties Union in a court •« take inventory of all existing Tamaques Field #: will be named ISO unit low density garden apart- Jefferson Schools and M McKinley appeal of the Board of Education Unities available to WestiieMers, the Martin D. Burke Memorial Field nvent complex is a town-owned Vk School area seventh grade students guildelinea for non-school publics- «•• tt rmine their short and long range in honor of the late WestXield Fire acre tract in the Boynton Ave.-Twia are now going to Roosevelt, the tions,- - - •••••< ' I'hletic heeds, evaluate effective- Chief, it was announced at a meet- Oaks Terr. area. Following a kngtay Mrthjidt Junior Wj£ Kbool. iMtead Tte gui*Biie«; wluch were adopted i i-.i and efficiency of these facilities ing of the Town Council Tuesday public discussion Tuesday night, tha the touthside junior high at taf{ week's, meeting of the school diid recommend long and short range night. Chief Burke was instrumental council agreed that certain ton .,-•-• -.,.••. .:..•, board, are claimed "unconstHution- pans for fulfilling athletic needs, in organizing the Westfield Boys owned property in the "Sycarwra- In June the board adopted the de- «r by son* of those proUstlng their Citizens of Westfield, both young Baseball League and aided numer- Boynton-Twin Oaks area shall be jnd old, are using these facilities in ous American Legion teams who made available for further study at In iaatemher after there had been '"K^^ ^ "^ ^ *• TOP LEADEMUP ef lass ptfs UttMl Ftatf caatpa Iga are gtaret Mr moiMMimj hurt raising drWe increasing numbers and seek im- later won county and state chain- a site for the project" and approved laier (Ids math. Skewa ftautWag alus ftr the eyest are, Mated oa ftwr. Mrs. Laurence Shaffer aid Hasen. provements," Mayor Snyder said. pionships. "in principle" the findings of Ua> atert MM them are Mn. H. L. HamU, Keherl Us*; flamael.MeCaulley, Dr. Paul Wins, Mn. EL. (Robert L. Duncan Jr. of 523 St. A marker will be erected at the *n'« committee. Clark, Jr., Lee Hale art Mrs. A. E. Attsaasrsaga. Start* are Homer, Martin., Scott Eakeley, jtfcn A. Marks Ave. was named chairman of site of the diamond in memory of The committee on bousing for tha **M, caaaaaiga chalmaa, sad lUacrt C. Tiler, executive •rectoraf «•» United Fund. the task force, which has until Apr. chief Burke, who died almost two elderly was asked to evaluate the re- M 1 to make its recommendations. years ago. suits of past surveys and resurvay John H. Lay o! 739 Tamaques Way The council introduced two meas- as necessary to estimate the exteat mill represent the Board of Educa- ures, one making Dudley Ave. a to which the income and reatal needs •,«S, a decrease of 2» compared tion on the panel and Frederick through street and the other desig- of prospective applicants for senior tions be set/ferth. United Fund Goal $305,833; Dating loading zones in Parking Lot «'ti*n housing *'» eorrespend wit* with the aame school day last term. Schaiblc of 309 Hyslip Ave. the #4 (between Elm and Mountain the eligibility criteria and rental AU elementary schools, with the According to the guidelines, non- Westfield Recreation Commission. school puUkattsns include written Also named -were Jerry V. Jarrett Aves.), realigning bus stops on Elm costs for the various available Fast exception of Jettenon Which has eral and state low and moderate in- nine more, and Grant which gained or printed notice*, pamphlets, cir- of 994 Woodmere Dr., Mrs. Lucille St., prohibiting parking adjacent to Lindley of U2 Brightwood Ave., Miss the intersection of Elm St. and Dud- come housing programs using either three, have fewerstadents this year, MCoptlmied oopaje 4) * : $23,000Higher than in 1970 Mary Hagen of 574 Cumberland St., ley Ave. and establishing safety the non-profit local apoosor or local The total decrease' is JOB students : housing authority organiiatiaMt at tha. elementary level and 14 at AU3000 increase in United Fund The "pledge-by-phone" drive will Mr. McCaullcy praised the budget Robert E. Brewster of 1028 Harding (Continued on page 4) methods. • ; the'secondary level. campaign.givingis sought this year, begin Sunday, Sept, 26, and continue review committee headed by Thorn- St., John Tourtellotte of 634 Glen Asks Marburger aocordillgtoSahnierMcCaulliy Jr., for about a month, or until about ton Smith, for Its efforts in "keeping Ave., Amos' Webster of 148 Windsor The council also asked the com- i (Continued on page 4) president'of the fund-,, who'an- 7,000 Westfield homes are reached agency requests as low as possible." Ave., Alfred M. Wolln of 20 Wood- mittee Tuesday night to draft a adt' ncunced thtit the 1971 goal to lend by 300 volunteers iwho will man Six agencies were granted increases; brook Cir., Dr. J, Daniel Cox of 600 able document for the estabUsonaat To Intercede to, 15 local service agencies telephones to be installed in the one was cut and the others will re- Lennox Ave., Robert G. Pcclta of 809 Mayor Names of the organizational method which West of Civil Defense room of the IMunicijMi •celyo.the same amounts as were al- Sheitrook Dr., Donald E (Continued on page 4) Seven Appointed Tha increase, he noted, trim »»Ji»W."the'Suburban Trust\-.O* located last year, 4S3 East Dudley Ave. «od Mrs. Wal- f ter £. Eckhart of 20 Burringtoo Eight Advisprs than the percentage hike given pub- National State Bank and the Central serving with Mr. Smith on the re- Gorge. A bi-partlsart panel of eight advis- To Youth Council State Senate candidate Chrlsto- lie employees'•'. or those in miny Jersey Bank. t viow committee were Ralph S. Wal- pher Dietz has called on Carl -L. private industries during the past Those who wish to be called on lace, Julius West, Mrs, Hazel Ward ors to the mayor was announced Booster Button presidents of Westfield were Marburger. state commissioner of year "thanks to the many unpaid personally at home may still receive and Mrs. Wilbert A. Allen, Tuesday night by Mayor Donn A. appointed to the Westfield' Youth education, to "*cl to eliminate ... volunteers who augment the paid this attention, Mr. McCaulley said, Granted this year, in addition to Feminism Topic Snyder, who remarked that advice Servjcds Council, a youth guidance stifling restrictions irnposed by the staffs at the agencies. "but in this hurry-hurry society of funds for campaign exwnse, office from private citizens is constantly Campaign Opens sought and utilized by his office. group lestabUshed recently by the Westfied Board of Education on stu- -Q^^O^X ^ & y,ese vital ours, numerous residents have ex- budget and ,provision of "uncollectible Town Council foltawing a recommen- dent press." . service prganizaUons have increased pressed a preference for tjie tele- Of Adult School Advisors include G. Granger Bi«r- Saturday Morning laUon|by a special task force on In a letter to the state offical, | , ho adjust their fees Phone solicitation."' (Continued on page 4) wirth of 240 West Dudley Ave., Wil- aw many W bert A. Allen of 426 Chestnut St., JwM- Diet? said that "especially now, on an ability-to-pay scale find that .. New insights into "feminism" C. Fried of 623 Kensington The Westfield High School Named by Mayor Donn A. Shyder «»ce the voting age has been lower- Q^ are absorbing more of the cost and "femininity," as well as the H. Bagger of 1049 East ers Association will open its Booster at a meeting of the Town Council ed to 18, it i« the duly of the State a the services they provide," Mr.
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