r i v- ‘t?> >--v'r>^’ M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuridav. March 27, 19M MANCHESTER SPORTS CLASSIFIED AnVERTISING 643-2711 Crestfield, union Sabres regain This production start negotiations fourth place not for squares CARS CARS R n CAMPERS/ APARTMENTS STORE AND ITV/STEREO/ MISCELLANEOUS | t o |'|TRAILERS---------------- TA 8 SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE APPLIANCES FOR SALE ... page ... page 9 ... page 13 1979 Renault LeCor — 190$ Ford Escort — 2 door 1973 Volkswagen Camper Lika Prlvot# Horn# — 3'/^ Office Space — 500 so. ft. Upright Vacuum — 830 or Needs clutch. Otherwise hatchback. New England — Good condition. 81,500. room oporfmont. Aopllon- Heat Included. 8200 per best offer. 643-1720. ENDROLLS In good condition. 8300 or Ltd. package, low mi­ Coll 742-8843._____________ C M . Working single adult, month. Call 649-5334 or TTVi wtftth - 2M Fishermen's Tag Sale. best offer. 742-8798. leage, like new. 85,000 or married pouple. No child­ 643-717^_________________ Panasonic Upright Va­ Household Items, sound b est offer. 646-6926 When you call Cloeslfled cuum — With ottoch- 13% sridth • 2 for 288 ren, pets. 643-3880. movie prolectors, leslle 1981 Cougar XR7 — Auto­ evenings._____________ to place on od, a friendly 474 Main Street, the center ments, bogs & extra belt. 7 MUST be pIcKed up el the speaker for organ,gultar, Ad-Vlsorwlllon'wei your of town. 3 rooms, first months old. 850. Good MincbMtMr MraM OfftCM matic, power, air condl- Manchester — Beautiful 5 btfoft 11 A M. ONLY. photo equipment etc. Sat­ 1982 Citation — In running coll and help you word floor. Coll 6462426 week­ condition. Call 6463345 tlonlng ond more. condition. Automatic. room, 2 bedroom apart­ urday 29th 1986,9om-4pm. Excellent condition. your od for best response. ment In mint condition, days, 9-5. after 5pm. Banged up right side. 8500. 371 Middle Tpke West, 84,850. 6466887.___________ 643-2711. great location, extra Manchester. 633-5654 Otter 6pm. large rooms. Available r n RESORT 1978 Chevette — 4 door, April 1st. $600 Includes 1974 Dodge Dart Swinger MACHINERY now brakes, now tires, for IM0T0RCYCLE8/ heat, hot water 8, garage. | 3 d | property TAG SALES Get ftie Wont Ad h a b it... — Not running. (3ood for iHaurbratrr Hrralb AND TOOLS parts. 8300. 647-1029. Singles welcome I Call read and use the little ads ports. Best offer. 643-5296. | m o p e o 8 ) Manchesler — A City nl Village Charm Rose, 647-8400 or 646-8646. Vermont — Cottoges for In Closslflsd reoulorlv. rent. Beautiful Lake Onnon (Jenerotor — 21.8 Everything must gol 643-2711. 1977 Mustang — Leather 1982 Kowosokl 550 L TD — Three Room Apartment Memphremagoo, New­ Amp. Very (3ood condi­ Clothes, furniture, kit­ Interior, air conditioning, Excellent' condition. 6,500 tion. 8500. 742-8758. automatic transmission, — First floor, renovated, port, Vermont. Modern chen utensils, ladders and ITRUCK8/VAN8 miles. 74^8843■___________ oppllonces. $300 monthly housekeeping cottages. other miscellaneous. 150 Automotive power brakes 8i steering,. |F 0 R 8 A L E Friday, March 28,1986 25 Cents plus utilities. Security and Sandy beoch, good fish­ Walnut Street. Tuesday, low mileage. 82,200negoti­ Motorcycle Insurance — references required. No ing, especially In June lU W N A N D 11-4, Wednesday, 11-4, able, 2464093 days or 643- (3et Protection! Ride with 5641 evenings.____________ 1978 Dodge Pick Up — % pets. Available April ISth. (Salmon). Call Windsor GARDEN Thursday, 11-4, Friday, Ton, power steering and AAA Coverage. Competi­ 11-4, Saturday, 11-4. 97 Wells Street. Call 646- Locks, C T, 6667846. I CARS 1983 Oldsmoblle FIronza brakes, automatic, very tive rates for all riders. 0350. clean In and out. 647-9963 Discounts for expe­ 10 X 70 ft. glass & wood Multi-Family Tog Sale. FOR SALE SX Coupe, 4 speed, looks frame green house to sit 8i runs super. 83,495. Andy after 5pm. rienced riders 8i riders 3 & 4 Room Aportments — Loomis Rd In Bolton. Nicaragua R T I INDUSTRIAL on foundation. Already Brown's, Route 6, An­ with prior Insurance. Spe­ Newly decorated. Colon­ 9am-5pm. March 38 & 29. 1979 Dodge Omni 024, cial rotes for older riders I PROPERTY dismantled. Best offer. Antique baskets, chairs, looks good, runs good, dover, 742-0101. 1980 CMC Sierra — V8. ial. Heat, hot water, 6466754. diesel, automatic, stereo, with touring bikes. For a 2 this week's special of appliances, central. Mid­ trunks, round oak kitchen cap, new tires and starter no obligation quote, call Manchester — Industrial table, good clothing, 81,495. Andy B ro w n 's, 1973 Lincoln— 8100.1977 4 dle aged lady. 643-8470 runs good. 82,900 or best AAA Insurance at 646 space, 1,500 square feet. Lawn Maintenance — glassware, nails, wire and Route 6, Andover, 742- door Ford. Runs well. offer 6pm. offer. 6462598 or 647-1701. 7096. \ Also 3,000 square feet Free estimates. By the lob so forth. Rain or shine. 0101. 8400. 649-7467. says rebel or monthly rates. Com­ 2 Bedroom Aportment — storage. Tully Real Est­ ate, 643-0005. mercial and residential. heat 8i hot water Included, Call J., 649-4800. no pets, $500 per month, security deposit, also one 3 bedroom apartment. IMISCELUNEOUS RECREATIONAL camps hit Call Ed or Dean, 649-2947. FOR RENT I EQUIPMENT Monchester — Oft Porter. 3 room apartment, heat 8, Manchester — Keeney Street exit, 1-384. Storage Poolsl Poolsl Pools! AAA Reagan lauds electric, security deposit, space available. 500 to pool distributor must dis­ TAKE no pets, 643-8552. ' 6,000 sq. ft.. Ideal for pose of entire stock of distributor, parts supplier new, leftoyer, 1985, 31 ft. vote in Senate 454 Main Street — Second In retail warehousing. 232- family sized swimming floor, 3 room heated 5903. pools with huge sundeck, apartment, no applian­ fencing, filter, ladders By United Press International ces, security, $400 a and warranty for only A Manchester — Garage for month. Call 646-2426 week­ rent, storage only. 835 8978. Installation optional In a statement issued as the Senate approved 8100 days, 9-5. monthly. Call 649-4003. and extra, financing ayall- million in aid to the contras, Nicaragua said its troops able. Call Paul at 721-1884. ■ Bennet Elderly Housing had "destroyed important enemy camps” and killed now taking applications CHANCE 350 of the rebels in the past week. for waiting list for 1 8. 2 The Defense Ministry Thursday denied fighting had bedroom apartments. Merchandise I MUSICAL taken place in Honduras although previously it had $415-$511. Rent Includes ITEM S said the U.S.-backed rebels' principal training camp heat, hot water, range, is in Honduras near the Nicaraguan border. refrigerator, disposal, King Super 20 Tenor Sax Western sources in Tegucigalpa, meanwhile, said elevator 8> laundry. — Needs overhaul - Best Phone 528-6522. [^FURNITURE the contra rebels repelled a surprise attack by reasonable offer. Call 646 Nicaraguan soldiers on a training base in Honduras 3245 after 5pm. Nice First floor 4 room 2 Protect Your Treasured last weekend in fighting that left 200 Nicaraguan bedroom apartment. Dining Room Table with Revere Clarinet — Needs soldiers and 40 contras dead. Quiet street near busline, custom (It table pads. overhaul - Best reasona­ Honduran officials also said Nicaraguans had Guaranteed. Superior wall to wall carpet, stove, ble offer. Call 6463245 Herald photo* by Buhmr crossed the border but had apparently pulled back. no pets. $525 Including workmanship. Some after 5om. styles with decorator co­ “ The majority of the Sandinistas have re-crossed heat and hot water. Avail­ the border we think,” said Honduran Lt. Col. Danilo able April 1st. Call Rose, lors. I’ll come to your C rls p ln o ’8 no m ore 647-8400 or 646-8646. Carbajal Molina during a briefing for reporters in San Francisco De Capire. 8 miles from the Nicaraguan table with no obligation. PETS AND The conversion of the former Crispi- last October from Sam Crispino and Available Immediately. Lisa, 234-1808, leave border. First floor 2 bedroom. $375 message. | p 0 | SUPPLIES no’s Supreme Foods store on Hartford plan to open the center, above, with In Santa Barbara, Calif., President Reagan hailed plus utilities. J.D . Real Road into a smaii shopping center is about four or five small stores by early the narrow Senate approval for his 8100 million aid Estate, 646-1980. Three Piece Set — Two AKC Golden Retrievers, package for the contras and urged the House to follow chairs, open up divon. readv 4/10/86 coM 6461263 "WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER” under way. Business partners Robert summer. At left, carpenter Boleslaw suit as he began his 11-day Easter vacation. Good condition. Call after offer 5pm. One Bedroom Apartment D. Udolf and Bruce W. Beckerman of Terllkouski sands a door on the side of “ lam deeply pleased by today’s vote in the Senate.' ’ — Heated, working cou­ 4pm, 649-7526. ple or single person. $400. West Hartford bought the building and the building Wednesday. Reagan said. References 8, security re­ Four Drawer Dresser I MISCELLANEOUS surrounding property for $1.1 million He said the Senate’s approval of the 8100 million quired. Call 649-9402 or with full swing-type m ir­ CONTEST package "is sure to send a profoundly reassuring 649-3708 after 5pm. ror. Has 6” legs. Needs FOR SALE signal to those fighting for freedom in Nicaragua, and work. $60. 643-2880.O to Nicaragua’s friends and neighbors.” (Story on A Extraordinary — Man­ page 5.) chester, 2 bedrooms, op­ LIying Room Set — Very Diamond Solltore Ring — good condition. $350. Coll Round modern brilliant The Nicaraguan statement said the Sandinista tional sub-lease, high STARTING People’s Arm y “dealt major blows" to the Contra exposed beamed ceilings, 643-5014.
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