Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16299-0 — Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry Zoe Stamatopoulou Index More Information Index Locorum Acusilaus fr. **204b, 164 fr. 6a–d Fowler, 206, 208 fr. **204c.4, 164 Aeschylus fr. 205, 164 fr. 281a Radt, 125 Prometheus Pyrphoros (Radt) fr. 369 Radt, 166 fr. 208a, 166 Prometheus Bound Vita 18, 166 1–87, 130–32 Apollonius Rhodius 11, 212 scholia to the Argonautica 28, 212 4.57–58, 96–97 52–77, 160 Aristophanes 61–62, 137 Acharnians 199–203, 140 271–75, 211 199–221, 212 Birds 204–21, 140 156–60, 221 221–23, 140 466–78, 198–200 228–41, 132–34 477–522, 200 229–30, 140 539–43, 200–1 247–54, 135 550–53, 194 347–50, 144 553–60, 195 351–72, 57, 144–49 557–60, 211 411–506, 135–37 558–59, 196 496–99, 136–37, 213 588–609, 222 516, 141–42 685–92, 201–2 561–886, 150–56 692, 202, 209 687–95, 157 693–702, 201 871–76, 152 693–703, 202–9 887–906, 156–58 703–22, 209 908–27, 143 704–36, 222 910–12, 141–42 723–36, 210 920–25, 144 753–68, 222 944–46, 137 793–97, 222 975, 212 801–07, 217 1021–25, 160 822–25, 194 Prometheus Lyomenos (Radt) 971, 216, 218 fr. 190, 161, 224 983, 195 fr. 193, 160 1015–16, 195 fr. 200, 160 1202–62, 210–11 frs. 191–92, 153 1247–52, 211 frs. 195–99, 152 1249–52, 194 Prometheus Pyrkaeus (Radt) 1253–56, 211 **207a, 165 1494–551, 211–15 264 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16299-0 — Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry Zoe Stamatopoulou Index More Information Index Locorum 265 1514–24, 214 5.187–200, 26 1515–24, 211 5.191–93, 33 1532–36, 212 5.191–94, 27–35, 118 1535, 214 5.193–94, 34 1537–43, 216–17 10.10, 41 1539–41, 215 13.190–91, 109–10 1545, 212 1546, 214 Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi 1547, 212 51–52, 3 1565–1693, 220–21 207–10, 182 1579–693, 213 215–40, 5 1580, 213 Cratinus (KA) 1635–36, 218 fr. 171.11–12, 223 1672–73, 220 fr. 171.13–15, 224 1686–87, 218 fr. 171.22–26, 223 hypothesis 2.33–37, 193 fr. 172, 223 Frogs fr. 176, 223 762–94, 182 fr. 246, 190 954–1088, 181 fr. 247, 189 976–78, 187 fr. 248, 189 1008–09, 182 fr. 253, 188 1009–88, 182 fr. 254, 189 1013–42, 182, 187 fr. 349, 189 1030–36, 185–88 frs. 258–59, 190 1119–1410, 182 Cypria 1411–13, 182 fr. 1, 133 1419–23, 182 1419–66, 181 Epicharmus (KA) 1433–34, 182 fr. 113, 134 1463–65, 182 fr. 113.241–53, 166 1468, 182 Epimenides (Fowler) 1470, 182 fr. 7, 206 1485–90, 181 fr. 12, 97 1500–03, 181 Euripides scholia to the Knights fr. 481.10–12 Kannicht, 171 534a, 189 Ion Aristotle 8–27, 173, 175 fragments (Rose) 10–11, 176 565, 5 14–19, 176 Artemon of Pergamum (FGrH 569) 26–27, 176 F 5, 125 29–36, 176 Athenaeus 57–64, 167 Deipnosophistae 57–67, 176 8.364a–b, 191–92 69–75, 168 71–73, 177 Bacchylides 330–91, 173–74 Epinicians 335, 176 3.85, 39 436–38, 174 3.85–98, 35–36 436–51, 175–76 4.7–8, 40 517–62, 168 5.3–4, 33 774–858, 168 5.3–5, 38 859–922, 173 5.6–8, 32 887–904, 176 5.13–14, 33 925–69, 173 5.14–16, 33 942–45, 174 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16299-0 — Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry Zoe Stamatopoulou Index More Information 266 Index Locorum Euripides (cont.) 344, 31 970–1047, 168 357, 4–5, 48–49 999–1015, 168 358, 98 1296–99, 167 scholia vetera to the Works and Days (Pertusi) 1398–1500, 173 89, 165 1485, 175 157a, 166 1488, 175 160a, 161 1522–48, 173 828a, 8 1553–1605, 169 Scutum 1563–68, 177 1–56, 89 1575–88, 169 Theogony 1575–94, 169 22–34, 2, 14, 18–21, 46, 201–2 1589–94, 170 26, 22 1601–03, 172 27, 21 1609–13, 175 52–63, 17, 46 81–82, 32 Herodotus 81–103, 30–31 2.53.2, 6 81–97, 32 5.66.2, 169 84–85, 32 Hesiod 84–90, 33 fragments (H/MW) 86, 33 *2–*4 / 72–76, 11 91, 33 *2/73, 82–84 91–92, 32 *24/61, 75, 121 97–103, 18 1.1–2, 10, 19 98–99, 32 1.1–18, 155–56 100, 33 1.14–18, 94–95 102–03, 32 4/9, 170 116–18, 199 5/10a.20–24, 170 116–19, 222–23 5/14, 97 120–22, 204 15/23a.21, 99 123, 203–5 20–24 / 30–32, 11 126–27, 205 37/43a, 11 126–28, 199 44/124, 155 133, 205 62–64 / 150–51, 11 207–10, 141 63/150.25, 62 211–25, 205–6 70/59, 70 289–94, 7, 12 71/60, 66–68, 74 314–17, 12 91/195.8–63, 11–12, 196 327–32, 12 101/215, 79, 81–82 459, 224 102/217.1–5, 79–80 459–500, 141 104–110/296–204, 11 471–73, 142 110/204, 10–11 510–616, 128–29 110/204.81, 84 511–14, 164 110/204.87–92, 9 521–22, 160 110/204.96–123, 133 521–616, 127–31 fragments (MW) 523–25, 160 250, 112 526–32, 12 260, 97 535–57, 136, 214 263–69, 12 558–69, 214 283, 9 562–69, 138 288–90, 8 565–67, 164 291, 8 567, 164 292–93, 8 570–612, 100–2 294–301, 12 585, 100 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16299-0 — Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry Zoe Stamatopoulou Index More Information Index Locorum 267 592–607, 159 412, 30, 107, 119 624–28, 139 633–40, 2–3 639–63, 221 646–49, 2, 19 687–717, 143 646–62, 4–5, 50–51 713–20, 142 650–55, 5 717–819, 161 650–59, 181 820–80, 63, 147–49 650–62, 2, 48 859–61, 61 658–59, 2, 19, 21 860, 61–63 677–78, 46 881–85, 219 694, 110 883–85, 132–33 719–20, 110 885, 140, 143 825–28, 8 886–900, 157, 219 828, 8 889–93, 139 Hippias (86 DK) 895–900, 143 B 6, 6, 16, 186 898, 144 Homer 901–03, 139 Iliad 950–55, 12, 81, 196, 218 2.484–93, 51 1021–22, 10 2.486–87, 51 Works and Days 9.270–71, 191 1–8, 33–35 Odyssey 1–10, 21 4.85–89, 222 3–4, 34 7.114–28, 222 5–8, 34 19.203, 21 9–10, 2, 162 scholia to the Iliad 27–41, 2 1.263 (D), 98 42–105, 127–28 2.783, 56 47–52, 138 Homeric Hymns 49–52, 214 h.Ap. 52, 164 13–18, 44 53–105, 100–2 45–90, 43 58, 100 51–65, 44 59–105, 164 79–90, 44 81–82, 216, 218 145–78, 44 83–89, 165 h.Ascl. 84–85, 218 1–3, 66 90–99, 165 90–105, 159 Ibycus 105, 165 S151.23–31, 49–51 109–11, 161 S151.41–45, 51 109–26, 223 109–55, 133 Papyri 109–201, 138 P. Genav. 94, 161 116–19, 222–23 P. Mus. Berol. 21107, 161 156–201, 133 Parmenides (28 DK) 167–73, 222 B 1.4–21, 45 173a–c, 161–62 Pherecrates (KA) 183–88, 162 fr. 155, 191 202–12, 40–41 fr. 156, 191–92 225–27, 110 fr. 159, 191 230–37, 222 fr. 161, 191 289, 119–20 fr. 162.1–3, 191 299, 3 fr. 162.4–13, 191 299–300, 189 Pherecydes (Fowler) 410–13, 107 fr. 3, 65, 68–69, 74 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16299-0 — Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry Zoe Stamatopoulou Index More Information 268 Index Locorum Pindar 5.107, 38–39 fragments (SM) 5.107–08, 38 105a.1, 39 6.19–27, 29, 118 Isthmians 6.22, 9 4.1–3, 47 6.28–42, 117 4.35–39, 25 8.17, 194 4.40–45, 25 9.5–13, 86 6.66–68, 117–18, 184, 229 9.17, 84 6.66–73, 29, 106–11 9.18–28, 86 8.31–35a, 143–44 9.26–28, 84 Nemeans 9.26–37, 86 5.16–18, 23 9.51–65, 86 7.11–20, 24 9.59–65, 80–81 7.20–27, 24–25 scholia vetera (Drachmann) 7.27–32, 25 I.6.53a, 112 7.32–34, 24 N.2.1, 48 8.21–34, 25 O.5.34c, 119–20 Olympians O.6.14f, 119–20 1.1–2, 39 O.9.161c, 119–20 1.28–35, 22 P.2.72, 100 1.103–05, 38 P.3.14, 67 2.77, 162 P.3.38c, 75, 119, 121 2.83–85, 39 P.3.52b, 66–68 2.83–88, 37–38 P.6.22, 9, 119 2.85, 39 P.9.6a, 79 9.46–61, 134 Paeans Quintilian 7b/52h.10–22, 42–43 Inst.
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