AUSTRALIAN ORCHID NAME INDEX (21/1/2008) by Mark A. Clements Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research/Australian National Herbarium GPO Box 1600 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Corresponding author: [email protected] INTRODUCTION The Australian Orchid Name Index (AONI) provides the currently accepted scientific names, together with their synonyms, of all Australian orchids including those in external territories. The appropriate scientific name for each orchid taxon is based on data published in the scientific or historical literature, and/or from study of the relevant type specimens or illustrations and study of taxa as herbarium specimens, in the field or in the living state. Structure of the index: Genera and species are listed alphabetically. Accepted names for taxa are in bold, followed by the author(s), place and date of publication, details of the type(s), including where it is held and assessment of its status. The institution(s) where type specimen(s) are housed are recorded using the international codes for Herbaria (Appendix 1) as listed in Holmgren et al’s Index Herbariorum (1981) continuously updated, see [http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/IndexHerbariorum.asp]. Citation of authors follows Brummit & Powell (1992) Authors of Plant Names; for book abbreviations, the standard is Taxonomic Literature, 2nd edn. (Stafleu & Cowan 1976-88; supplements, 1992-2000); and periodicals are abbreviated according to B-P- H/S (Bridson, 1992) [http://www.ipni.org/index.html]. Synonyms are provided with relevant information on place of publication and details of the type(s). They are indented and listed in chronological order under the accepted taxon name. Synonyms are also cross-referenced under genus. Notes are included for some taxa, immediately following information on the types. The distribution in Australia of each taxon is provided using the abbreviations for State botanical districts (Appendix 2). Should a species also occur outside Australia, the countries in which it is known to occur are listed according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Common Country Coding (Appendix 3) [http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list- en1.html]. Hybrids: The occurrence of natural hybrids in the wild is of interest but has caused some problems in classification. Inter-specific hybrids are treated at the same rank as species following the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Greuter, et al., 2000) [http://www.bgbm.org/iapt/nomenclature/code/SaintLouis/0000St.Luistitle.htm], but are differentiated by the placement of the symbol “×” between the generic and specific names. In the case of inter-generic hybrids, the symbol “×” is placed before the hybrid generic name. Abbreviations: ! = specimen seen, viewed, studied †= destroyed, dead * = exotic species or hybrids naturalised in Australia ** = exotic species thought to be introduced into or misinterpreted as occurring in Australia References: Bridson, G. D. R. 1991. B-P-H/S : Botanico-periodicum-Huntianum. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Brummitt, R. K. & Powell, C. E. 1992. Authors of plant names. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Kew. Greuter, W., McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R., Burdet, H.-M., Demoulin, V., Filgueiras, T. S., Nicolson, D. H., Silva, P. C., Skog, J. E., Trehane, P., Turland, N. J. & Hawksworth, D. L. 2000. International code of botanical nomenclature (St. Louis Code) : adopted by the Sixteenth International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, Missouri, July-August 1999. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany. Holmgren, P. K., Keuken, W. & Schofield, E. K. 1981. Index herbariorum Part 1 The herbaria of the world. Bohn Scheltema and Holkema, Utrecht. Lawrence, G. H. M., Gunther Buchheim, A. F., Daniels, G. S. & Dolezal, H. 1968. B- P-H : Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum. Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh. Stafleu, F. A. & Cowan, R. S. 1976-1988. Taxonomic literature : a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. Bohn Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht. Stafleu, F. A. & Mennega, E. A. (1992- ). Taxonomic literature : a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types Supplement. Koeltz Scientific Books, Köningsberg. GENERA AND SPECIES INDEX: ABAXIANTHUS Abaxianthus M.A.Clem. et D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13(11): 485 (2002). Type species: Desmotrichum convexum Blume. Abaxianthus convexus (Blume) M.A.Clem. et D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13(11): 485 (2002). Basionym: Desmotrichum convexum Blume, Bijdr. 1: 330 (1825); Dendrobium convexum (Blume) Lindl., Gen. sp. orchid. pl. 76 (1830); Callista convexa (Blume) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. 2: 654 (1891); Ephemerantha convexa (Blume) P.Hunt et Summerh., Taxon 10: 103 (1961); Flickingeria convexa (Blume) A.Hawkes, Orchid Weekly 2: 454 (1961). Type: Java, Mt. Salag, Apr., C.Blume s.n. (holo L!). Dist: Qco; SB, PG, ID. ACIANTHELLA Acianthella D.L.Jones et M.A.Clem., Orchadian 14(7): 331 (Mar 2004). Type species: Microstylis amplexicaulis F.M.Bailey (Acianthus amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Rolfe). Acianthopsis Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46(2): 143 (31 Dec 2001 [June 2002]), nom. illeg., non D.L.Jones et M.A.Clem. (31 Jan. 2002); Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Kores, Allertonia 7(30: 148 (1995); Univiscidiatus (Kores) Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46(1): 20 (2001), nom. inval.; Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Kores sect. Univiscidiatus Kores, Allertonia 7 (3): 163 (Nov. 1995), nom. inval. Type species: Acianthus elegans Rchb.f. Acianthella amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) D.L.Jones et M.A.Clem., Orchadian 14(7): 331 (Mar 2004). Basionym: Microstylis amplexicaulis F.M.Bailey, Bot. Bull. Dept. Agric. Queensland 3: 18 (1891); Listera amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) F.M.Bailey, Queensl. fl. 5: 1560 (1902); Acianthus amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 11: 344 (1903); Acianthopsis amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46(2): 143 (31 Dec. 2001 [June 2002]), nom. illeg. Type: ‘Eudlo, Queensland’, May 1891, F.M.Bailey s.n. (holo BRI!). Dist: Nnc, Qmo. Acianthella sublestus (Dockrill) D.L.Jones et M.A.Clem., Orchadian 14(7): 331 (Mar 2004). Basionym: Acianthus sublestus Dockrill, North Queensland Naturalist 23(110): 3, f. (1956); Acianthopsis sublestus (Dockrill) Szlach., Richardiana 3(2): 97 (June 2003). Type: Ravenshoe district, North Queensland, 16 Apr.1954, W.W.Abell and W.G.McPherson s.n. (holo NSW!). Dist: Qks, Qkn, Qco. ACIANTHOPSIS Acianthopsis Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46(2): 143 (31 Dec 2001 [June 2002]), nom. illeg., non D.L.Jones et M.A.Clem. (31 Jan. 2002); Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Kores, Allertonia 7(30: 148 (1995); Univiscidiatus (Kores) Szlach., Polish Bot. J. 46(1): 20 (2001), nom. inval.; Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Kores sect. Univiscidiatus Kores, Allertonia 7 (3): 163 (Nov. 1995), nom. inval. Type species: Acianthus elegans Rchb.f. Acianthopsis amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Szlach. = Acianthella amplexicaulis Acianthopsis sublestus (Dockrill) Szlach. = Acianthella sublestus ACIANTHUS Acianthus R.Br., Prod. 321 (1810). Type species: Acianthus exsertus R.Br., fide (Hallé 1977). Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Acianthus sect. Acianthus, Allertonia 7(30: 148 (1995). Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Acianthus sect. Caudatus Kores = Nemacianthus Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Acianthus sect. Cyrtostylis (R.Br.) Kores = Cyrtostylis Acianthus R.Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Kores sect. Univiscidiatus Kores = Acianthopsis ≡Acianthella Acianthus amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Rolfe = Acianthella amplexicaulis Acianthus apprimus D.L.Jones, Austral. Orch. Res. 2: 5, t., f. 2 (1991). Type: ‘New South Wales; Chimney House Reserve, Mt. Wilson, Blue Mountains, 33o31’S, 150o24’E’, 17 Feb.1990, D.L.Jones 5655 and B.E.Jones (holo CANB!; iso AD!, BRI!, CANB!, MEL!, NSW!). Dist: Nct. Acianthus bifolius R.Br. = Chiloglottis reflexa Acianthus borealis D.L.Jones, Austral. Orch. Res. 2: 5-6, t., f. 3 (1991). Type: ‘Queensland; Cook District; Moomin, Atherton Tableland, 17o22’S, 145o25’E, 1030m’, 2 May1988, L.Lawler 9 (holo CANB!; iso BRI!, CANB!). Dist: Qle, Qks, Qkn, Qco. Acianthus brunonis F.Muell., Fragm. 5: 96 (1865), nom. illeg. Notes: Mueller used the name in reference to both A. fornicatus and A. exsertus. Acianthus caudatus R.Br. = Nemacianthus caudatus Acianthus caudatus R.Br. var. ater Lindl. = Nemacianthus caudatus Acianthus caudatus R.Br. var. pallidus Rupp = Nemacianthus caudatus Acianthus collinus D.L.Jones, Austral. Orch. Res. 2: 6-7, t., f. 4 (1991). Type: ‘New South Wales; Conimbla National Park, 33o46’S, 148o25’E’, 10 July1988, D.L.Jones 2704 and M.A.Clements (holo CANB!; iso AD!, BRI!, MEL!, NSW!). Dist: Ncc, Nct, Nnc, Nst. Acianthus exiguus D.L.Jones, Austral. Orch. Res. 2: 7, t., f. 5 (1991). Type: ‘New South Wales; Coolgardie Rd., Wardell, 28o57’S, 153o28’E’, 19 May 1987, D.L.Jones 2550 and J.Moye (holo CANB!; iso CANB!, NSW!). Dist: Nnc. Acianthus exsertus R.Br., Prod. 321 (1810); Epipactis exserta (R.Br.) Poiret, Encyl. Suppl. 2: 571 (1812). Types: ‘(J) v.v.’ [Port Jackson; North Rocks, May 1804, R.Brown s.n.] (lectotype specimen (1) BM!; isolectotype BM!), fide Clements (1989); Syntypes: ‘(J) v.v.’ [Vicinity Sydney, 1804, F.Bauer s.n.] (BM!, K!, L!, P!, W!); [North Rocks, 1802, G.Caley s.n.] (BM!); [North Brush, Apr. 1805, R.Brown s.n.] (AD!, BM!); [Near Askin’s Basin, May 1805, R.Brown s.n.] (BM!). Dist: Veh, Vgi, Nsc, Nst, Can, Nss, Ncc, Nct, Nnc, Nnt, Qmo, Qdd, Qbn, Qle. Acianthus fornicatus R.Br., Prod. 321 (1810); Epipactis fornicata (R.Br.) Poiret, Encyl. Suppl. 2: 571 (1812). Types: ‘(J) v.v.’ [Port Jackson, May 1802, R.Brown s.n.] (lectotype specimen (a) BM!; isolectotype AD!, LE!, K!, P!, W!), fide Clements (1989); Syntypes: ‘(J) v.v.’ [Port Jackson, 1803, R.Brown s.n.] (AD!, BM!, E!, K!, L!, LE!). Dist: Nsc, Ncc, Nct, Ncs, Nnc, Nnt, Qmo, Qdd, Qwb, Qpc, Qks, Qkn. Acianthus huegelii (Endl.) Nicholls et Goadby = Cyrtostylis huegelii. Acianthus ledwardii Rupp, Queensland Naturalist 10: 113, t. (1938). Type: ‘Burleigh Heads, South Queensland’, June 1934, C.P.Ledward s.n. (holo NSW!; iso AD!).
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