VOL. IX. DOVER, MOBRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APBIL 26 1879. NO 20 THE IRON ERA PAS5AGE TICKETS GEO MANN'S POETIC. ' ,' [FOB IHB 1B0N EB4.1 hATASS FUNERAL. 'you the pjre tvhila we go to fetch our UNCLE JOHN DISCOURSES ON BABIE A Dangerous Ride- ' FROM fHEjOLD WORLD. gold." (•OBLlfl ED EnSIDATCJUIATlI I felt mysolf lifUad np from my bod By Haviof in u« last two screeds wreetlec Several ycare ago I was passing a day FORTY ACRES AND A MULE. , 'yes were fiied upon tlie face with "Huflbauda" and "Wives," it iu Dedbam, playing eht-M with tho Hon. New Billiard Parlor f lUaUEY OF 1IEV. AND HZ* JOhEl'U 1. mds invisible, ami swiftly boruo down BENJJH.V6GKP. RAM, HAMCE4 Co.'s STORE, "Dem fobtjr tkuln IDH (tot mool," '> he ever narrowing avenue of Timi my coiujiauiou, bull could uot read the unilly follow!* Umt I should this wtel Win, J}., mcmljfir from OongreHS, from EDITOn AND PBOBIETOB. and SALOON. BUckwoll St., DOYAT, just Said Jim,» odUon haod, ; : POTTER TO I'BIU<I&. fitted up with new «nd elegant appointment*, •Sacb moment I piieaiid a century, and thoughts that occupied his brain. When tackle the rmitrimoninl comet Mass. It wan in the latter purt of July Offloe on Morris Street new BliwkweU. PORT OHAM. .N,jJ. "Uaiibfl.otdiicblleiiafuol, -- - Iturnod cguta tbe vast hall was empty otttn to the pleasure *«ektir ona of th» qnl- Sum«»uar about do hud, Through tha furor ol a lady residing ^countered new empires, new peoples, wbicb we call "Bubiea," an unusually warm summer, I re- TRIMS 0V StIDBCKimU a ; etast and most sleasnnt plncos of enjoyniont ; fctaccasunon, tbo following extracts of all save bim and mo. I enter upon tuia subject with con- quested tbe proprietor of a livery stable In town. THE BILLIAKD PARLOR oon- "Wen ITtiBft Lfnkum'B folks klm down, itrango idi^as, and unknown faitba. So, Iier*niiiu.T IK ADVMUE. taini two fine carom tables and is fitted up Wo nlggahe onder»tooJ ire taken from a )etfcr addressed to her. it hat, I found nirttctf nt the end of tho Slowly and laboriously we built the Biderable misgivinR, UcaiiHo babiea nn in Boston to sucfl mo one of hh fufltt-st with everything neoensary far the enjoyment Dny meant to do do t'JDR tip brown, ittid TfifiornTi, Perain, Deo. 18, 1878, vetm., at the end of Time, andcr a 'unerai pile in tbo centre of the apart' hard subjects to handle. What knowl torsos attiiched to n ligbt gig, all of uue Year, ------- •2.00 of tho game. HUPFEL'B LAQBS, tho flu. mstit. Wo built it of the costly woodi whicli Lo williugly did, knov.iug h..-. tu est boverBgo dn.uk, alwajs kept in fresh And toUsU m ont do wood. icloaing receipts for manaya forivnrdeil iloofl red eky uiora awful than the doep- edge I bavo of them lias of course been 1.00 WOOpPOET HOUSE. T tlio Buccosunna Ladies' MiHsiounr/ ;lmt weru ut baud, already sprinkled by gained almost exclusively by observa- be a hntuan driver. Alter spending a plies, andafull stock of 9enr.ua cheeses, ' 'Dem folty ihabit mundcJ nito [ 3t black. Tune months,- ------ - 60 Mneial wotew, Pine Apple Older, 1'roUeln, levout mourners with the choicest epicen. quiet and undisturbed Jay engaged iu 'IIOMAS BRIGHT, Proprietor. Dutmool-woiioorJ Llmiqucnl; loeiety to Tehoran for tbe iiso of tho Men and women harried to and fro, tion. Never having been iu matrimonial Sardines, eta. Q««rge will be nlwayn on ssiorj, in winch «be writes : We bcilt the pilo broad and high, and linruess, and rover having been n nurse, chess, my horso van brought to the ADVERTISING RATES. WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. hand to please bis friends, and will make Bui all do land Ii inav.*o. •loir pale facoa reflecting tbe aocuraed" ivfity stranger f«el at home. 52-8m "We have been mating preparations oinplexion of tbe braveus. A desolate Irnpod it with gorgeous etnfTs. Thu old it can't be expected tbat I am very wcli door, tvUeii, Ibo aspect of tlio bf.-avc.is •M.O*. | 1 wt | 3 wxa. Bin. luo. hli«1d eaUblUbHl Hotel ii opon for llio leuoQ Da tuool lioln't slioned bin lieol. •nd 1* putioiUiIy dufnbie for tho»» leaking open tfie girls' school, wbiob com- iluiice rested upon all things. Then I nan smiUul us be prepared the magii up in tbo subject. brenteciug athuntlcr etortn, I was per- tirod luniraer rold«pc«. emitted SI tliabtftd "It'i mfglitj balid lo ilanJ do rents, ii'o tb.it wu3 to consamp tbo gold which suaded io wait and play ono game inure, ft 1 259 1 GO• 175 dkn Uop.tooua iu future* of lak* and noun- Eiuces to-day. A novr and Hpttcious '•?ardafar alow wnil.indescribably griev- I suppose it is possible to know too i UWMIT, eiMlUnt hOfltlna *nd Hihlne.tnj lot Wld cotton Blttiu'cluitp, lildEhg baa bioa flttod np for tbe use IIB Devil woi-ahlppom had gftne to fetch giving it time to pasa over. It wna 1 VS a oo a so 8 50 '•••uktlt uainrpftwed brugr In IbttnglDr BACKOFF'S And d«n tie bill ob do expend iwelling and falling u^U, and much about babies. I judge tbis to bi i n 8 78 3 M> 450 "wUcalar* uldrra M •boi 1»%I t tbie BOUOOI which tDvotved a good ng with the notes of the storm Witliin thu pvro be left nn ample epuoc fio in the case I was reading about only 1/ niue WIJOU I uutcred my gig, mul • !! IJOKLB ns btblnd, t bwp. 2 'I!, 850 4 GO 5 50 leal ol work aud expense, iu coDaidem- •bat bogon to rage. Tbe wniling was r thoir sauriScc. yesterday, wbcruin u wife astonished as my horse, wbicb had beeu utaudin^ 2 n 1 25 5 50 0 50 : VARIETY THEATRE "Di'm fobly aknbs ind Oat mool liarncsscd for somo tiino, made a dash 4 Column. - 8 HO 5 85 7 00 8 50 or Sale, Rent or Exchange. ion of wblcbl proposed tlio appropria- answered by a grnau, and tbe groaning 'fogotber we broagbt forth tbe De- icr husband by presoutiug bun wiLk t GO 6C0 800 10 00 Atn'tou'y bilo.'r; ion of the money you sent to liclp moot grew into thunder. The people wrung mon's body, and placed it carefully in our at ona dose. I can imagine thai jut of the gnto, I folt tbo wheel ^rnto 5 CD 800 10 25 18 60 ThB fina property on the comer of Blast, BILIJARpPARLORS Dt-7 mai« be-wlib I'd been to ichool- TwoWe girla bavo tlmu far been Ibeir hands nnd tore their hair, and a lOBitiou at tbo top of tha pile. Tbnn- the poor fellow's hair stood oo end, nnd ijwn tho sido jiost. thinks I, if that is 10 00 111 00 82 OO 1 " 10 00 rail an£ Essex street*^ rebeaUy oooiipied bj Up In do Norr iOBewli»r. iromiscd, and now, at noon, half of tbat rofee, piercing and persistent, sbrieked lors rolled In tbe lofty space nbove 'our I fancy I can bear bim Bay, as be first 'our game I will not balk yon, but let 8 HOB. OHO.. 1*B.» . iruR.' - Snot. ' mlel O. Wiggins, Esq., wUch includ.. i^KOrr S1JH1CKER, Proprietor*. ••ItKln'tnoiKiotolienilgn-. lumber bftve arrived, ranging ID years ibove the turmoil, "Our lord and mas- leada, and tho wliole building shook glanced at tbe brood, "Did any of them you go. Presently, turning the corner 1 ~1 Inoh. * tin • 4CO t <J 00910 oo #l DoLnwd'Bpot oiiooyoibul; 'rom six tu ilfluoo, BO I would eatimate. ter, tbe Devil, is no more I" Then I, too, BO terribly that I expected it to fall, gut away V itertbe Dedbatu turnpike by tlio railing Bud store. Apply to ' Sussex Bt, 81 Door from Canal itage bouse (iu those days) lie carried 9 " 100 e 50 10 00 17 00 ; Up to «ln Norf la wb.r ho gwine, 'lie house is fumitibed with Bach arti- joined the mourners who bewailed tbe j an between roof and pavement. Cables aro of various hinds. There 8 M 8 60 0 00 It 00 .82 00 4841' K. V. U. BEARING, AE«,,l. ?,•-, Bridge, B0VBE. N.J. me, in spite of nil my exertions, HO CIOHQ '^Ibaatosnafool." >a as tbe papila have liucn acouatomed leatu of Batan. Crash came after crash of thunder, are good babies and bad babies, pretty 4 » ' ' 8 00 1100 IB OO 27 00 Tbo pirlori are ibonmRhl^ eanlppoa with ao load of hay coming toward IHG Unit 10 OD 18 00 21 00 at borne, only better. In tbe homos nearer and nearer to tbo pyre. Ligbt- ibieu and homely bubics, fat babies nnd B » — 80 08 "you bettali wait," aa'id TJocla Jike, An old man came to mo and took me bad to drop to tlia bottom of the gig 4 Oolumn. 12'SO -85 60 85 00 .UiUon/ Md.4V«rr rtWiiUnwFW ttw "And ala; wbar you w»i bawn; if the uatiroe no obaira or tables nro to >y tbe band, "You also loved aud serv lingsplajcd close around us—around nn babies, laughing babies and crying 15 00 leas 29 50 o save ay head, tbe gig-top being for- 10 0° 45 00 HQMCE.QI'.A.TIIIO .ilua is of tbe beitorfer. Tho B»r !• "applied Jt'i nnllln but nucliinoa Hey tako.
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