"Thirty-Thr— Yean of Responsible Freedom' Movement Described Bernard M. Baruch School of Business £ Public Administration Pierian Vol. Ull, Mo. 3 Tiwsrtgy, Odobw 5, 1£6S A Free Press Petitions Due Free Tuition Calls To 1k)x Student Highlight Campaign have been LXIC OIUUCIIt By MARTIN^ FLA Council office, as this semester's free tuition program gets 9 Response to the availabili underway. • of petitions for Student and The . campaign will be confined Class Council positions was primarily to the Student Center, termed "fair to good" by Mar­ where telephones are set up in 416 tin Schlow '66, vice president (the Council office) and 412 .(the of Student Council. Council executive office) for volun­ teers to phone constituents of As­ "Two seats are -open for which semblyman Sedgwick Green (seven- no petitions have been filed as yet,j DISTRrBliTB MINUTES: Student^sancil v©« make the minutes^ty^second AiBf,.). Speeches will be Mr. Schlow noted. Positions for] Thursday the^atndent body, provided for callers. t ^ Student Council representative are of its night meetings available to open in all classes. Class officers A decision by the City Univer­ are needed in the Classes of '6&, sity Free Tuition Committafc^to and 'G9. cafrrpajgn against Assemblyrqjln SC to Distribute Text Paul C"iTr*an (seventieth A.D.) Petitions are available at the in-! may be reversed. Mr. Curran is ex­ formation desk in the Student Cen-1_ pected to make a statement tomor­ ter lobby and are due Thursday' Of Minutes in School row in which he will come out in at 12; A meeting of all candidates • • will be held that day at 3 in 903. By HERBERT MARKS -'-•,. 'aVor -of an amendment to the Four student"Council seats are A 'motion to distribute the minutes of Student Council State Constitution making ft»e tui­ available is the Class of '66. i meetings throughout the School was passed Thursday by tion mandatory at C.U.N. Y. Berger Both lt-g;.->iiii<->rs volt- I against Cl'XY Free ion Delegate Charles Steve Herman, ? Council. * * ~~ZZZ!Z ~ the free- tuition mandate bill last -antf lucr, Yarber hare petifciwis] TZijnes~oT the fflinntes wiH ^W,cer^^c_abrary , bl x..-ft vriri \ rally is on ba voted an ThursdayA iV . cl year. out ror Tft« OfflCtf fffj placed {n the library, at the StU __._r... J. October, 21 -wilh._ personal _ appear^ '* A list of- ydu-rs in Mr. ureen s • ances by mayoralty candidates treasurer on the Class Council fori dent Council •-information booth in 'j^xe Campus Affairs Committee idistrict will be available Thursday,! J^J^^^ rr. Reame "and John V. the Class of '67 is open. It.is one! the Student Center lobby, and in; announced that -the election^ for|wnen the telephone campaign will Lindsay. As yet, neither candida+e- of the positions'for" which no peti­ display cases in selected parts of vacant seats in both Student Coun- : begin. has been reported to have accepted tions have been filed.— — — the School. ~~ : cit -and Class Council Will be held '• To help raise money lor the cam- the College's invitation. Morris Charnow has filed a peti Wednesday, October 13. 9-3. tion .for president of the Class of} **. •" Berger T68, the sponsor of paign, a dance, featuring the Byrds, Urging - students to participate. a rock and roll group, w-ill, be held '67. The position of vice president; the motion to make the miffutes! The CommunityAffairs Commit­ Max Berber, a free tuition coordi­ November 5 at the Hunter XJollege of that <»1*s5 is h*ing"«^ig)it ty! available to students,^artoted, "i] tee reported that meetings to dis­ nator for the City University and Playhouse. Tickets may be pur­ Bruce Thames. * -j hope that students will take an in cuss the free tuition campaign chairman bf -Student Council's Free chased at $2 each from Mr. Berger Joan Grenst is a petitioner for.; terest in what their student gov were held Saturday at the Alpha Tuition Committee, noted, "The the only open seat on Student j ernment is doing-" in 416 S.C. (Continued on Page. 7) At * Uptown City, a 4<kick-off" (Continued on Page 7) Council for the Class of *68. j . , .... ..* ,. • „. ! An additional motiofi, which con Jessie Ru"bin, Carol Rosen, Marcj; cerm, tfte curre„t^Tbrary problem Stockfield, and Barry Berger arewas reported to be still in com Tutorial Program Site Changed; all petitioning for four open seats; mittee Sponsored by Marc Ber on Student Council for the Class; man >67 chairTrian. of Council's Spe _°.L.'6^"___ _ J__ " | cial Library Committee, the motior More Hours Slated for Tutoring Elections' will "be "heIoT_ W e'ahes^pfoposeV "a' survey" "~of"" sTudje'ntS" (Continued on Page -7) | faculty. and administration con The location-of the tutorial program has been changed to Twenty-Fifth Street and TeXth Avenue, announced Gail Garfinkel, '67, chairman of the Tutorial C6mmittee. x The reason for the change, Miss Garfinkel explained, was. to make more hours Full Auditorium available for tu"toring, since* the administration of the j Students desiring to volunteer For (Congressman Lindsay Church of the Crossroads, the j |pg wis© their services as tutors in time to previous location of the pro-jj| take "advantage" of the orientation "When mayorality candi • gram, had only requested [| program should see Miss Garfinkel date John V. Lindsay speaks' tutors for Monday afternoons in THE TICKER office, 418 S.C, at the School next Thursday for further information. from 3:30 to 5. Volunteers may tutor for as at nontfT. I do not believer that The program that Baruch School ' many hours as thev have available, there "wiTT be a vacant seat," students will now be tutoring in _J_ Mondays through Thursdays. :?:.?0 stated Mel Katz, '66, president. Ts~ cattedr the" Hudson Guild— iS-Fudy to 8. However, once the tutor dtf- of Student Council. Den, wBich has been set up entirely termines. Ithe time and number of -All students, directly j hours that he will tutor one rhiUi, with a_ political party or mentary and high school students he- must appear every- week to dp not, should be interested in what who have fallen behind in school. the.tutoring at the designated tim.-. the candidate has to say about the The study d,en also has a "head Usually, Miss Garfinkel noted-, issues of this campaign, Mr. Katzj start program," in which, pre-school tutors work one to two hours a declared, children from, deprived areas are week. ^ . , introduced to the materials that "Thus far.'''she stater}, ''approx­ Congressman Lindsay, who has 'they will use upon commencing- imately twenty-five p?ople have .-spoken before students'taking Poli­ their education. volunteered to tutor, but the need tical Science 1 on numerous occa John V. Lindsay Currently, an orientation pro -' Gail Garfinkel for tutors iij still, great. Kvcry.me ,SH£n_s_.Jn'. the Friday morniiig__lec^ To S-peak at School grarrTior tutors Is being organizer Tutorial Coaxunittee CJ'.airjnan 4 vetth one hour t-s spare ea^h wee+c ture, is scheduled to make a' brief campaign speech and then, for the j" wer any questions posed by th to acquaint ,tRes» with methods 0J type of children with whom they could not possibly devotn it. to a bulk of the time allotted him, ans I audience. tutoring a-nd- to tell them about the will be working; [ better cause." THE TICKER Pcga ThiW Fog* Twtf THE TICKES_ Tuesday, October 5, 19*5 THE TICKER CONGRATULATES Scholarships Arkin Notes BOB FAMIGHETTI GO TICKER Are Offered revisions In " CNKI on the Ticker staff, To Students FRANK CASSIDY where there wre* more By JOSEPH SCHIKMAN Curriculum OU THEIR ACCEPTANCE TO neurotics than in tho SeveraT scholarship pro­ By RtTBT * fc"I ZMAX - • - 1 - 7~- , grams are being offered this Curriculum revisions are be­ SIGMA ALPHA Bellevue psychopathic .semester to needy Bstroch-i ting considered by the newty^ •» ward, we must be do- School students. formed Department of Sta­ The Students' Aid Association, tistics, announced Professor fog something RIGHT! one such, program, provides grants-} Herbert Arkin, depart mont ZKeMOnON of from $100 to $200 each semester. chairman. •To be eligible, a "student must have* Professor Arkin did not antiri- completed at least twenty-four} PICTURE J pate the addition of new course*, credits while carrying; twelve cre­ and noted" that no definite plans dits in tb* "term for which ha is Dean Frank Saitiel have been, made yet. Revisions will rO OFFEND applying for assistance. THEATRON Vice President Charles TVrratteHa and Pmidfit Ray Rttn* Scholarship P?opram occur fri the near future, he said. He must also have a 'B plus" EVERYONE! Cerafeoae panse while planning for, production of "Never Too Late." vides work opportunities for stu­ average for two successive terms. dents so that they may continue The Statistics Department, which Further information is available in' their schooling was formed this term, is still being 104 S.C. ' The program permits a student! reorganized. Professor Arkin noted. Another program is the Baruch -to—work fifteen hours -per weekj ,t-~ts" -Offering ccvcntccti 'Never Too Late, to Be School Scholarship and Loan Fond during the regular semester and! *'hlch .Wl11. ^ tau«ht b>- a stoff ™* which provides small loans to I>ay T do full-time work during the sum­ j forty-five instructors. Among trios* mer. Information can be obtained courses which have been trans­ esented by Theatron ferred to the Statistics Department, Presented by I heatronj^t^^^L^r^ in the Placemen* Office, 303. j or other necessary items.
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