What to Do When (For Chapter Officers. Alumnae Advisers, and Province Presidents) (Continued on co't'n Ill) OCTOBE R parison to the other groups on her campu1 fiD blanks provided for that purpose. 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report iD mail to national accountant and province president. to national accountant and province president. 7-Alumna finance adviser places monthly report iD 7-Alumna finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national finance chairman's deputy. mail to national finance chairman's deputy. 10-Treasurer sends chapter's subscription ($2.00) IS-Key correspondent places chapter news letter for Banta's Greek E~change to Central Office, for February Key in mail to editor's deputy. check made payable to the Fraternity. 20-Send Christmas gifts to Kappa's philanthropic 13-Founders' Day, wear Kappa colors. funds. 2S-Key correspondent places chapter news letter for JANUARY December Key in mail to editor's deputy (see opposite page for name and address). Key sta· 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail tionery furnished by· central office. to national accountant and province president. JO-President shall appoint chairman of music and 7-Aiumna finance adviser places monthly report in history sales. mail to national finance chairman's deputy. 3D-Corresponding secretary sends name of chairman 30-Province president sends full rtiport of province of music to national chairman of music, also to grand president and director of provinces. name of chairman of history sales to national 3D-Corresponding secretary sends report to grand chairman of history sales. president and province president (copy to direc­ 3D-Registrar sends to central office typewritten lists tor of provinces). as follows: names and college addresses of all active members; and list of rushing confticts FEBRUARY with other fraternities. 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail to national accountant and province president. NOVEMBER 7-Aiumna finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national finance chairman's deputy. 1-Standards chairman sends copy of standards pro· IS-Registrar sends to central office typewritten lists gram to director of standards. as follows: names and college addresses of all 1-Treasurer mails return postal to national finance active members for second semester, and list of chairman stating that charge sheets have been conflicts with other fraternities since October mailed to all parents of active and pledge mem­ report. bers and lett·ers to parents of pledges. IS-Annual election and installation of all officers 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail held between February IS and March IS. to national accountant and province president. 2S-Key correspondent places chapter news letter for 7-Alumna finance adviser places monthly report in April Key in mail to editor's deputy. mail to national linance chairman's deputy. 28-President shall appoint rushing chairman and 1 S- Treasurer sends copy of corrected budget to na­ alumna rushing adviser for the next school year. tional accountant, national finance chairman, and 28-Corresponding secretary sends name of rushing province president. chairman with college and summer address as 30-(on or before) Treasurer sends to central office well as name and address of alumna rushing per capita tax report and per capita tax for each adviser to the central office. member active at any time during the first half 28-Registrar sends to central office annual catal01r year, as well as per capita tax for associate report on blanks furnished for that purpose. members. 30-Treasurer sends to central office a check for the MARCH chapter treasurer's bond with information re­ quested on blank sent from central office. 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail to national accountant and province president DECEMBER 7-Alumna finance adviser places monthly report in mail to national finance chairman's deputy. I-Scholarship chairman sends to central office, 15-Chapter president appoints Key correspondent. national scholarship chairman, and province presi· IS-Corresponding secretary sends names and ad­ dent a report of the scholastic standing of her dresses of officers and alumnae advisers to central chapter for the previous year (I933-34) in com· office on blanks provided for that purpose. WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER INITIATION treasurer sends initiation fees with addresses for THE KEY to executive secretary. REGISTRAR sends catalog cards for initiates. February Volume 52 1935 Number 1 Official Magazine of Kappa Kappa Gamma February Contents Memorial at· Louisiana State .. .. ........... ...... ....... .. Frontispiece The Editor Reflects . 3 Colonizing Begins at Louisiana State University .. By Rheva Ott Shryock 5 Kappa's Vocational Guidance Bureau .. .... .. By Estelle Kyle Kemp 9 Kappa Radio Advertiser .. .. ..... .. .... .. By Margaret Holmes Sharpe 11 Ohio Goes Kappa!! .... ............. ......... .. ........ .. ... .. 14, 15 Where Women Work .... .... ........... ... ....... .. .... ........ 17 Where Are the Modern Arts Leading Us? ... .. By Dudley Crafts Watson 19 Sigma and Pi Share Three Generations . ... .. By May C. W. Westermann 23 Field Secretary ............ .......... ....................... ~ . 24 Two National Chairmen . 25 Four Province Officers . 27 Monmouth Spurred History Sales ........... .. By Lora Harvey George 31 Distinguished Company Honors Mrs. Simkhovitch . 32 Kappa Names Are News. .. .. .... .... .. ....... ..... .. .......... 33 Semana Santa . .. ...... ................... ... By Josephine Rothchild 35 Coffee and Biscuits with Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald ........ By Rhoda Work 38 Grand President's Greeting to Alpha . 41 What'-s In a Name? . ... 42 On Standards ..... .......... ........... By Helen Snyder Andres 44 "They Say-What Do They Say?"....... ............................. 47 In Memoriam . 49 Chapter and Alumnre News . 52 Directory . 84 Board of Editors HELEN C. BowER, B 6, Editor-in-Chief 15500 Wildemere Ave., Detroit, Mich. MRs. DAVID RoBESON (LOUISE NoE), K, AlumnaJ CLARA 0. PIERCE, B N, Business Manager Editor 404-05 Ohio State Savings Bldg., Columbus, 3834 Homewood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Ohio. DoROTHY WmPPLE, B 6, Chapter Editor MARTHA CoMBS, 0, Publicity Chairman 651 West Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich. 323 West Ninth St., Hutchinson, Kan. Entered as second class matter at the post·oflice at Columbus, Ohio, and at the post-office at Menasha, Wis. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, paragraph 4, section 429, P. L. and R. Subscription price one dollar and fifty cents ~er year. Subscriptions and other business communicattons relating to the publication of THE KEY should be ad· dressed to the Business Manager, 404·05 Ohio State Savings Bldg., Columbus, Ohio, by September 15, Novem· ber 15, January 15, and March 15, in order to become effective for the issues of October, December, February, and April, respectively. , Published four times a year, in February, April, October, and December by George Banta, Offictal Pnnter to Kappa Kap~a Gamma Fraternity, 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin. Material mtended for publicatton must reach the editor before the first of January, March, September, and November. Memorial to Louisiana boys who died in the World War, this campanile dominates the campus at Louisiana State University. February Volume 52 1935 Number 1 Official Magazine of Kappa Kappa Gamma Upon the Excitement certainly was "a woman who spent a Of discovering unexpected "Kappa great deal of time thinking up ideas," angles" to stories for THE KEY. meaning, probably, ideas for her to As a case in point there is the cur­ develop. rent article which will be one of a series In any case, Kappas will read in on findings of the survey just com­ this KEY and in the April KEY, at least, pleted by the American Woman's As­ not only of the interesting disclosures sociation in New York, under grants of the survey, but of Kappas affiliated from the Carnegie Corporation and with the A.W.A. It so happens, also, the Guggenheim Foundation. that the survey material is an excellent Vera Kelsey, K A 0 director of pub­ "tie-up" with the new Kappa voca­ licity and news service for A.W.A., tional guidance bureau, of which hopefully sent out some copy to the Estelle Kyle Kemp, chairman, writes women editors of the Greek press; and in this KEY, and for which Margaret was surprised to find THE KEY editor Holmes Sharpe, r M alumna, contrib­ an old Women's City Club of Detroit utes a fine article on the advertising acquaintance. Meanwhile, the editor field. had heard that a Kappa was on the A.W.A. staff. Miss Kelsey's reply to that inquiry was written on stationery Upon the Winter Season which gave the A.W.A. board of gover­ Which calls for furnace fires in most nors, leading off with Miss Anne Mor­ chapter houses, gan, president, followed by Dr. Mary We hope that Kappa house man­ M. Crawford, first vice-president, agers watch the furnaces and check Kappa from Psi at Cornell. their condition with the utmost care. This led to more work for Miss Kel­ It was only a year ago, February 25, sey, who did twice as much in the way 1934, that nine members of 0 X at of Kappa research as the editor expect­ Dartmouth were killed . in their sleep ed, though she did add that the editor by carbon monoxide gas released by 3 4 THE KEY OF KAPPA KAPPA iAMMA the undetected explosion of a furnace THE KEY is most happy to an­ pipe. nounce the gift of a copy of The Sing­ Remember that a furnace is simply ing Heart (selected lyrics and other an invention for utilizing one of the poems of Clinton Scollard, edited with elements of Nature which, if not pro­ a memoir by Jessie B. Rittenhouse), perly harnessed, will find ways of be­ "Inscribed for the library of Kappa having in a thoroughly elemental Kappa Gamma with many good wishes ·fashion, with resultant property dam­ from Jessie B.
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