Relating To Jews Of DifferentBackgro11nds Haolam, the most trusted name in Cho!ov Y1sroel Kosher Cheese. A reputation earned through 25 years nf scrupulous devotion to quality and kashnuh.With 12 delicious varieties. Under rhe strict Rabbinical supervision af K'hal Adas Jeshuru~, N. Y. Haolam, a tradition you'll enioy keeping. Kosher for Passover I I Cholov Yisroel OHVRM"O' WORU•rnm•co '" "w'°"'·" 410 The Thurm families wish Kial Yisroel a nn'l'1 l\!Jj :\n Look for the Green & White Box AOS CHITTI D"UTI n111n Last year, your support enabled Kolel America to provide Passover provisions for over 5000 indigent Americans in Israel. The poor, the elderly, the ill, Kolel families, widows and orphans celebrated a joyous Pesach amidst plenty. This year, the list is multiplying daily as the victims of inflation, subsidy cuts and growing unemployment stream into the offices of Kolel America. Many of these fellow Americans are forced to ask for aid for the first time in their lives! We all have relatives, friends, former neighbors or classmates struggling in Israel. They and all of our poor American brethren there are depending upon and deserve our help. Don't let them down! "Open your hands widely to our American brethren who deserve priority in their time of need. We proclaim it a sacred obligation upon every Jew to support Kole/ America most generously." Honorary Presidium Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Rabbi Yaacov Kamenetsky Rabbi Yaacov Ruderman Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg I Here is my Pesach donation for needy Americans in Israel: I D $750 D $500 D $300 D $100 D $50 D $25 D $18 I A Large Family A Small Family A Couple A Widow A Student An Orphan Chai For Life I 0 $ ____ Every Donation Helps I I Name I Tifl;A\tERICAN RABBI MEIR !UAL HA'\.'E.SS 0-fARITT L'li ISRAf2 ~- I City State Zip I D Please send me a FREE Donations to Kolel America are tax deductible. I Seder Guide (or call [718) 871-4111 for your Guide). KOLEL AMERICA I -------------------------------------------'132 Nassau St. •New York, N.Y. 10038 I THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly ON OUR COVER: If the hat fits, wear it. except July and August. by the If not, respect it. Agudath Israel ofAmertca, 5 Beek­ man Street. NewYork, N.Y. 10038. RELATING TO JEWS OF Second class postage paid at New DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS York. N.Y. Subscrtption $15.00 per year;twoyears,$27.00;threeyears, $36.00. Outside of the United 8 All Jewish Children Are "Our Children," States (US funds only) $20.00. Rabbi Avrohom Pam $25.00 in So. Afrtca and Pacific countrtes. Single copy: $2.00; for­ eign: $2.50. Send address changes 13 Through the Prism of Personality, to The Jewish Observer, 5 Beek­ Rabbi Joshua Fishman man St., N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Prtnted In the U.SA 15 The World is Watching, RABBI NISSONWOLPIN Editor Rabbi Nasson Schennan Editorial Board 19 A Rav For Warsaw, Rosh Hashana-5746, DR ERNST BODENHEIMER Rabbi Moshe Lerer Chalnnan RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FRIEDENSON 25 The Safed Midnight Express, RABBINOSSONSCHERMAN Yehuda Bernstein RABBI MOSHE SHERER Management Board 29 Avraham's Household, NAFfOLI HIRSCH Faige Osnat Levy ISAAC KIRZNER RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 41 The"Aruch Hashulchan," Business Manager Rabbi Chaim Shapiro RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING TuEJEWJSH OBSERVER does not 51 Wanted: Your Bobbe and Zaide-By The assume responsibiJity for the Mormon Church, Kashrus of any product or ser­ vice advertised in its pages. Rabbi Shmuel Gorr © Copyright 1986 55 Megillas Esther and the Nuremberg Trials, Nasson M. Munk ADAR II 5746, MAR.1986 VOL. 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In Brooklyn: fifth Avenue. 9th and 10th Streets. 718-965-7500•Church and McDonald Avenues. 718-435-4300•181h Avenue end East 2nd Street. 718-435- <l100·Seventh Avenue end President Site€!, 718-789-<l100•Bay Parkway and 67th Street 718-837-8400•13th Avenue and 53rd Street. 718-<l36-9505•Neptune Avenue and West 5th Street, 718-996-4100• 10<'15 Flatbush Avenue at Duryea Place. 718 282-7500•1550 Flatbush Avenue at Nostrand Avenue. 718·859-5300 In Monholton: Lexongton Avenue and East 51st Street. 212-752- 8282 • Bioodwoy and West 79th street. 212-873-3730. In Queens: Hilkside Avenue at 179th Street 718-291-3100 In Nassau: 222 Station Plaza North and 3rd Avenue. M•neolo. 516-747-6100 In westchester Calder's Shopping Center. 535 Bos:on Pos1 Rood. Port Chester, N.Y 914-937-6760 INTRODUCTION RELATING TO JEWS OF DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS ll Jews share responsibility for one another, in both the spiritual and material sense. This is so far­ A reaching that, as one Kiruv acti­ vist put it: "If I already said Kiddush on Friday night, and a guest enters my dining room, not yet having heard Kiddush, I can repeat it for his benefit. Why may I recite a bracha that I am not under obligation to say-even pronouncing G-d's name? Be­ cause my guest has not yet said Kiddush. L----------=_...;..--' His lack is my lack. In other words, one mil­ lion Jews in the New York area have not heard or said Kiddush on any given Friday night, and the halacha considers it as though I have an unfulfilled obligation-one million times over!" Many barriers separate Jew from Jew, especially the Torah Jew from those who are estranged from Judaism or who have allegiance to its Conservative or Reform mutation. The ideological barriers are real and in many cases insurmountable. But the personal barriers in most cases should be removed. The lay people, and even many of the deviationist rabbis, are in the category of "Tinokos Shenishbu"-captive children, victims of circumstances who cannot be considered liable for their lack of commitment, for it is merely an outgrowth of their lack of knowledge. How do we reach those who know so little of their true heritage? How do we break down the barriers of mistrust and bridge the gap of misun­ derstanding that separates us? How do we teach our searching brother? How do we help the Jew with a new commitment to Torah adjust to the Orthodox community? How do we help him feel at home, now that he is there? These questions, and others related to them, were discussed at the recent (63rd) national convention of Agudath Israel of America. In the pages that follow, The Jewish Observer presents several essays based on convention addresses. The Jewish Observer. March 1986 7 RELATING TO JEWS OF DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS ALL JEWISH CHILDREN ARE ''OUR CHILDREN'' based on an address by Rabbi Avrohom Pam N 11 0>?\!J MORE THAN CHARITY advised us that "Every man must motivation. As for children from a ask himself, When will my actions weaker background or oflesser abil­ roviding every Jewish child­ reach those of my Avos-Avraham, ity, they are simply not accepted in and I emphasize every-with Yitzchak. and Yaakov?'" Such an many conventional yeshivas. There P a Torah education is one of expectation truly seems beyond us. are guidelines of halacha and pre­ our supreme responsibilities. It is until we analyze the word Avos­ cedent to direct us in deaing with doubtful if we fully appreciate this Patriarchs. These three men are such problems: obligation for what It truly is. On the called Avos because they built Kial If a child is disruptive or has a one level. it can be viewed as an act of Yisroel: all Jews are their children. negative influence on others. he charity. Indeed, after recording the When we provide Jewish children should not be accepted Into a regu­ Rambam's eight levels of tzeddaka, with Torah, they gain an apprecia­ lar yeshiva. As the Sefer Chassldim the Shu!chan Amch adds: tion of their membership in Jewish puts it, i1'1"J.Y o'pnJ ion oiN n~nn 7N peoplehood.
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