■i CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS ■ i Frogland Awaits You, Exet! Official Student Body Publication of Texat Chritlian Vnivertity VOL. XXXI. FORT WORTH. TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1932 NO. 7 Alumni and Students to Stage Homecoming Nov. 11 Members of All Principals in Homecoming Celebration to Be Held Next Week-End Horned Frog-Longhorn Grid Tilt Classes to Help Will Be Main Attraction of Day; In Building Fire Many Other Festivities Planned Baxter Urges Frosh and Pep Rally, Burning of Bonfire, Band Concerts, Upperclassmen to Special Assembly in Chapel and Co-operate. Luncheon All on Program. By JOE SARGENT. Obtains Two Trucks With the Frog-Longhorn football game as the principal at- traction of the day and an ex-lettermen's. banquet, a mammoth Yell Leaders Head Groups in pep rally and bonfire burning, special band concerts, a special Gathering Combustible chapel program and an ex-students' luncheon as other events on Material. the program, past and present students of Texas Christian Uni- versity will celebrate the University's Upperclassmen will have to co-op- annual Homecoming Day Friday, Nov. crate with the freshmen in building Plans Made for 11. the bonfire this year, Ben Baxter, President Edward McShane Wait*, heed yell leader, told the University IMF- Piece Band Dr. Edwin A. Elliott, president of the men at a meeting held Wednesday Ex-Students' Association, and Marion morning. Musicians Journey to Hicks, president of the student body, The small number of freshmen are urging all ex-students of the Uni- makes it necessary for members of Fair—Concerts to versity to attend and take part in the other classes to aid in the gathering Be Given. Homecoming celebration. of material, according to Baxter. Festivities to Begin Nov. 10. A student body vote taken last week The largest band ever to represent Festivities will begin Thursday, resulted in^favor of having the bon- T. C. U. will go on the field between Nov. 10, and the first event on the fire this year. The question arose halves at the Frog-Steer game, ac- program is a banquet for all T. C over the matter of gathering in the cording to Sproesser Wynn, drum ma- U. ex-lettermen. The banquet, to be wood and building a bonfire or leav- jor, who is recruiting a number of given by the Ex-Lettermen's Associa- ing it for the poor people to use this Fort Worth musicians to add to the tion, will be held in the University winter. As a result of the students' regular band. Wynn plans to have cafeteria and will begin at 6:30 p. nu decision, work has been started on a 100-picce band on the field. According to Raymond "Bear" Wolf, the constructing of the fire. Two The band made its second trip of secretary of the association, all ex- trucks have been obtained for the the year with the West Texas Cham- lettermen of T. C. U. are urged and gathering of material and the men ber of Commerce last week to Clif- expected to attend the function. are working in shifts to hasten the ton to attend the Central Texas Fair. Wolf has announced that plenty of work. The members were served a turkey "eats" will be furnished for the for- Baxter placed Kuyrk Palmer, as- dinner at the Clifton Municipal Audi- mer athletes and that a program of sistant yell leader, in charge of the torium while there. entertainment is being arranged by boys working on the bonfire. Plans are now under way for the a special committee and by the of- band to leave for Houston Friday ficers of the association, Howard night before the Frog-Owl game and Vaughn, president; John Waahmon Play Production Is stay in that city until the following and John Anderson, vice-presidents, Sunday night returning for classes Scheduled Nov. 18 and himself. Monday. Rally and Parade to Be Staged. Other plans include a concert at Succession of Laughs Expected At 7:30 o'clock Thursday night a C. I. A. and a German band concert by Dramatic Players in pep rally will begin in the Frog Field- at Denton High School. "The Nut Farm." These persona and placea will all have important roles In Texas Christian University's celebration of Homecoming Day on Nov. 11, when house, with Ben Baxter, head yell the Horned Froga meet the University of Texas Longhorns on Frog Field, the new stadium. Dr. Edwin A. Elliott, president of the T. C. U. leader, and Jimmie Pate and Kuyrk In the opinion of Miss Katharine Ex-Students' Association, and Edward McShane Waits, president of the University, will welcome ex-students to the campus. The Horned Palmer, assistants, in charge. After Moore, the first major production of Frog Band will furnish music at a mammoth pep rally the night of Nov. 10 and will play at the football game. Miss Mary Rowan, sweetheart Y.W.C.A. Members a program of yells, songs, talks by the Dramatic Club, "The Nut Farm," of the band, will march with the band during the half at the game. Coach Francis A. Schmidt and Capt. Johnnie Vaught will head the Froga To Meet Saturday prominent ex-students and music by to be presened Nov. 18 in the Univer- in their battle with the Steera. the Horned Frog Band in the field- sity Auditorium, is likely to be one house the scene of the activitiaa will All Y. W. C. A. members who have of the most highly enjoyed plays ever shift to the site of the huge bonfire signed up to attend the Y. W. C. A. presented by the club. Cosmopolitans to Go Faculty Receives Portraits Given to on the campus behind Jarvis Hall and Juniors Urged to camp at Lake Worth this week-end "The Nut Farm" is a rollicksome Hall by Mrs. Jarvis the fir&^rill be burned. Following to Forum in Denton are requested to meet in the girls' three-act comedy written by Brow- Have Photos Made Another Reduction this burning, boys of- the University lounge at 2 o'clock Saturday after- nell, Miss Moore related, "The play Addison Clark and Old Faculty will journey to the Fort Worth busi- Citizens and Students to Hear noon, according to Miss Rebecca centers around the Barton family, L. 0. Dallas, editor of the Horned A new reduction of 25 per cent in Member Pictures Also ness district, where they will stag* Disarmament Discussed Graves, president. consisting of Willie, who yearns to be Frog has announced that juniors may faculty salaries was announced this Are Exhibited. a shirt-tail parade. by Club Sunday. Each girl is requested to bring a movie comedy director; his married begin having their pictures made week by the administrative committee Activities will begin early on the heavy bedding. Transportation will sister, Helen, who is ambitious to be- Monday. and the board of trustees. This cut On the first floor of Jarvis Hall campus Friday morning, with con- International Relations Club will b* furnished, Miss Graves said. Mrs. come a movie star; his mother, Dallas also requested those of oth- comes as the third of a series amount- certs by the Horned Frog and the travel to Denton next Sunday evening hang two old portraits, one of Major C. R. Sherer, sponsor, will accom- whose patience is sorely tried by her er classes who have not as yet been ing to approximately 43 per cent re- German Bands. Impromptu pep ral- to hold a lecture forum on "The J. J. Jarvis and one of his wife, Mrs. pany the group. two children, and Helen's husband, photographed should go to the Horn- duction from the salaries paid in lies will take place during the morn- Ida L. Jarvis. They were given to who has $30,000 with which to buy ed Frog studio in Room 104 in Brite Christian Attitude Toward Disarm- 1930. ing. a 'nut farm.' College and have their pictures made ament" at the First Christian ChuKh. A voluntary cut of 10 per cent was Jarvis Hall by the latter last May. To Have Special Chapel Program. "Poor hubby! By the time a slick so that the class editors may com- Dr. W. J. Hammond, sponsor,ywill voted by the faculty last fail at the On the same floor hang pictures Skating Party to Be At 10 _a..m. Friday a special chapel film producer, an effeminate scenario plete their sections. make the main speech of the eve- beginning of school. A further re- of Addison and Randolph Clark, early Held by Junior Class program for ex-studenta as well at writer, a bored leading man, his wife, The photographer will not be on ning to a group of citizens and stu- duction of 16 per cent was announced founders of T. C. U., and group pic- present students will be held in the and brother-in-law get through with the campus much longer and those dents of Texas State College for last spring at commencement time, Mller Urges All Students to University Auditorium under the aus- tures of old students and faculty the $30,000, all he has left is a mem- who neglect having their pictures Women and North Texas State Teach- applicable on the salaries for this fall. Take Part in Annual, pices of the Bio-Geo Club, Pa u 1 members of old Add-Ran College at ory," Miss Moore continued. made now will have to go to the town ers College. After his speech an The September checks have been paid Rink Affair.
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