For noncritically ill hospitalized patients with diabetes Lantus® as part of a basal-prandial dosing regimen ARA basal-prandialBBIT 2 BASAL-PRA dosing NDoptionIAL forDOS nonintensiveING care inpatients with type 2 diabetes from the RABBIT 2 Study1,a A basal-prandial dosing option for inpatients with type 2 diabetes from the RABBIT 2 Study 31 Calculate total daily dose based Total daily dose on BG and weight at the time of • For BG 140-200 mg/dL, use 0.4 Units/kg admission • For BG 201-400 mg/dL, use 0.5 Units/kg Dose administration Divide the calculated dose into basal and prandial components • Administer 50% of daily dose as basal insulin • Administer the other 50% as rapid-acting prandial 50:50 insulin divided into 3 mealtime injections basal prandial Dose administration Monitor BG, add supplemental • If fasting or mean BG during the day >140 mg/dL, increase basal insulin dose by 20% rapid-acting insulin, and adjust doses as needed • If fasting and premeal BG >140 mg/dL, add supplemental rapid-acting insulin • If BG <70 mg/dL, reduce basal insulin dose by 20% • Hold prandial insulin doses in patients not eating RABBIT 2 was a multicenter, prospective, open-label, randomized study (N=130) to compare the efficacy of a basal-prandial regimen of insulin glargine + insulin glulisine with SSI monotherapy (regular human insulin) in insulin-naive nonsurgical patients aged 18 to 80 years with type 2 diabetes. Patients in the basal-prandial group received glargine once daily and glulisine before meals. SSI was given 4 times per Aday basal-prandialfor BG >140 mg/dL. The mean regimen daily dose of mayinsulin glargine not bewas 22appropriate ±2 Units and the daily for dose all of insulin inpatients glulisine was with 20 ±1 U T2DM.nits. The mean Glucose daily dose of levels regular insulin must (SSI) bewas 12.5 ±2 Units/day, monitoredwith approximately oftenone-half of to patients help receiving minimize <10 Units/day the. risk of hypoglycemic events and help achieve the HCP-recommended glycemic• A basal-prandial control. regimen2,3 may not be appropriate for all patients. Glucose levels must be monitored often to minimize hypoglycemic events and achieve optimum glycemic control7 a RABBIT 2, Randomized Study of Basal-Bolus Insulin Therapy in the Inpatient Management of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. ® IndicationsInsulin therapy should and be initiatedUsage for fortreatment Lantus of persistent hyperglycemia starting at a threshold ≥180 mg/dL. Once insulin therapy is started, a target glucose •range Lantus of 140–180® is a long-acting mg/dL is recommended insulin analog for indicated the majority to improve of critically glycemic ill and noncritically control in adults ill patients. and Morechildren stringent (6 years goals, and such older) as 140 with mg/dL, type 1 may diabetes be appropriate mellitus and forin selected adults withpatients, type as 2 diabeteslong as this mellitus. can be Lantusachieved® should without be significant administered hypoglycemia. once a day at the same time every day •See Important study design Limitations on next of page Use:. Lantus® is not recommended for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Use intravenous short-acting insulin instead Important Safety Information for Lantus® Contraindications ® •Lantus Lantus® isis contraindicateda long-acting in patientsinsulin hypersensitiveanalog indicated to insulin glargineto improve or one glycemicof its excipients control in adults and pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lantus® should be administered once a Warnings and Precautions •day Monitor at the blood same glucose time in all every patients day. treated with insulin. Insulin regimens should be modified cautiously and only under medical supervision. Changes in Limitationsinsulin strength, of Use:manufacturer Lantus, ®type, is not or method recommended of administration for may the result treatment in the need of for diabetic a change inketoacidosis. insulin dose or an adjustment in concomitant oral antidiabetic treatment ® IndicationsImportant Safetyand Usage Information for Apidra for® Lantus (insulin glargine injection) 100 Units/mL Contraindications® • Apidra® is a rapid-acting insulin analog indicated to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes or adults and children (4 years and older) with Lantustype 1 diabetes is contraindicated during episodes of hypoglycemia and in patients hypersensitive to insulin glargine or •one When of used its excipients. as a mealtime insulin, the dose of Apidra® should be given within 15 minutes before or within 20 minutes after starting a meal. Apidra® given by subcutaneous injection should normally be used in regimens that include a longer-acting insulin ImportantPlease see S additionalafety Information Important for Safety Apidra Information® for Lantus® on the last page. ® ContraindicationsClick here for Full Prescribing Information for Lantus . • Apidra® is contraindicated during episodes of hypoglycemia and in patients hypersensitive to Apidra® or any of its excipients Warnings and Precautions • Closely monitor blood glucose in all patients treated with insulin. Change insulin regimens cautiously and only under medical supervision. Changes in insulin strength, manufacturer, type, or method of administration may result in the need for a change in insulin dose or an adjustment in concomitant oral antidiabetic treatment. As with all insulin preparations, the time course of Apidra® action may vary by individual or at different times in the same individual and is dependent on many conditions, including the site of injection, local blood supply, or local temperature 15 For noncritically ill hospitalized patients with diabetes Lantus® as part of a basal-prandial dosing regimen RABBIT 2 STUDY IN HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS CONSIDER A BASAL-PRANDIAL APPROACH INSTEAD OF SSI In noncritically ill hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes1 Consider a basal-prandial approach instead of SSI InA basal-prandialthe RABBIT 2 study, regimen a basal-prandial significantly regimen reduced significantly BG vs SSI monotherapy reduced BG1 vs SSI monotherapy. Change in BG levels from time of admission a 240 n=65 SSI monotherapy Basal-prandial insulin regimen 220 n=65 b 200 b b g/dL) 180 c c c c (m 10 160 ADA goal BG 140 b 120 P<0.01 c P<0.05 100 Admit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Days of therapy a a egu Regularlar h humanuman i ninsulinsulin 6h q6h wwithoutithout bbasalasal coverage.coverage. A multicenter,multicenter, prospective, prospective, open-label, open-labe l,randomized randomize studyd stud (N=130)y (=10 ) ccomparedompared thethe efficacyefficacy of o fLantus Lantus® ®+ Apidra Apidr®a ®with wit standardh standar SSId SSI monomonotherapytherapy inin insulin-naive insulin-naive nonsurgical nonsurgical patients patients with aged type 1 2 to 0 years (meandiabetes age aged was 18 56 to years 80 years in both (mean treatment age was groups) 56 years in both wittreatmenth type 2groups). diabetes. Glargine Glarg inwase w dosedas dos onceed onc dailye da andily andglulisine glulisi ne before meals at a starting dose of 0.4 Unitskgday for G 140-200before meals mgdL at aor starting 0.5 Un itskdosegd of ay0.4 fUnits/kg/dayor BG 201-400 for BGmgd 140-200L. I mg/dL waor 0.5s g Units/kg/dayiven 4 times forper BG day 201-400 for BG mg/dL. >140 m SSIgdL was. given 4 times per day for BG >140 mg/dL.1 he mean daily dose of insulin glargine was 22 ±2 Units and the daily d Theose mean of insuli dailyn gl doseulisi neof insulin was 20 glargine 1 Unit s.was h 22e mea ±2 Unitsn da ilyand do these of regular insudailylin dose (SI) of winsulinas 12.5 glulisine ±2 Unitsd wasay 20, with±1 Units. app roximThe meanately daily one- dosehalf of pofati regularents re insulinceivin (SSI)g 10 was Units 12.5day. ±2 Units/day, with approximately one-half of patients receiving <10 Units/day.1 rom Umpierrez.1 Important Safety Information for Lantus® Warnings and Precautions Insulin pens, needles, or syringes must never be shared between patients. Do NOT reuse needles. Monitor blood glucose in all patients treated with insulin. Modify insulin regimen cautiously and only under medicalIndications supervision. and Usage Changes for Lantusin insulin® strength, manufacturer, type, or method of administration may result in the need for a change in insulin dose or an adjustment in concomitant oral antidiabetic treatment. • Lantus® is a long-acting insulin analog indicated to improve glycemic control in adults and children (6 years and older) with type 1 diabetes mellitus and in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lantus® should be administered once a day at the same time every day ® Please• Important see Limit additionalations of Use: ImportantLantus is not recSafetyommend Informationed for the trea tformen Lantust of diabetic® on ke totheacid lastosis. Usepage. intravenous short-acting insulin instead Click here for Full Prescribing Information for Lantus®. Important Safety Information for Lantus® Contraindications • Lantus® is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to insulin glargine or one of its excipients Warnings and Precautions • Monitor blood glucose in all patients treated with insulin. Insulin regimens should be modified cautiously and only under medical supervision. Changes in insulin strength, manufacturer, type, or method of administration may result in the need for a change in insulin dose or an adjustment in concomitant oral antidiabetic treatment Please see Important Safety Information for Lantus ® and Apidra® on pages 34 and 35. Please see
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