TV Magazine In This Issue Complete Listings For Lowc^Cabl^VS^stein The Grand Valley Ledger Volume 7, Issue 28 Serving Lowell Area , Readers Sinee 1893 May 18.1983 S.O.S., Save Our Schools slogan adopted by committee SOS". Save Our Schools, mittce ai Ihc weekly meeting Approximately 2(1 interested manned 3-4 hours per day by ations Phone K97.K7|*>or K«)7. and in Lowell June 24 became ihe batde molto of the Thursday night at 1:M). in LHS people attended the meeting, Rev. Amundsen and co-workers ysiw. Jim Lindhout. Cili/ens Mil- Citizens Milluge Steering Com- K (^uad which focused on reports by sub- lor the distribution of informa- Civic groups Imed up Ihe talks lage Commillee Chairman re- committee chairpersons who up- tion lo the public. by C Vredenburg included The viewed the programs "al risk" dated the group on their prog- Dale Johnson announced Vergennes Club. Schneider detailed by the School Board and ress. coffee meetings lor farmers m Manor. Alio, Kushnell and Kun- introduced ihe slide presentation Mr Dick Korb, Chanman of the Soulh end ol the District, but ciman PFO's. The Art's Coun prepared by Lowell High School lAlm St/imtk Ihe Finance Committee an- stressed the need lor additional cil. SchiKil llmployees. and the students Jim stressed ihe impor- nounced the donation ol S5(K) by volunteers to carry the informa Studenl Councils ol ihe Middle tance ol the drive for quality edu- IL Ihe Kent Co Political Action lion lo additional farmers m ihe School and l.ouell High School cation and praised ihe Lowell Committee This donation cov- area The YMCA I .eaders Club and Districts' response to further ihe ers half the proposed budget of Hnih Barb Johnson and Pally Ml young people volunteered possibility lor both the renewal ihe Citizens Committee l-l/mga, chairpersons ol ihe tele- their lime .uul energy toward ihe ol the current millage and ihe .< l> Chuck l.ippcii. Publicity phone and iliMir todoot citmmii- drive lor the passage ol the mil- addilional milK Chariman. announced ihe SOS lees stressed lite need im addi lage a mollo and the opening ot .1 Mam lional volunteer, to help wilh I wo coffees are planned by Street Storclronl oflice to be then direct communication oper- the Hoosiets Club. Alto June 25 Long awaited "After Deck" opens Ihe Allerdeck ihe long awaited restaurant overlooking % the Flat River and Ihe Lowell Showboat has linally opened after months ol preparation and delays. The restaurant, which features luxury dining, including lumens offers line seafood, sleaks and prime rib According to Beth Scully, the THE I REE RIDE •.manager of the new restaurant, quality iv ihe essence of the new Mr. William Wirth Sr. of Lansing, Michigan was ihe lucky w in- eslablishmenl. Belh has over 15 ner ol ihe moped rattled oft by the Lowell Athletic Boosters Sal years experience in the restau- May I4ih Proceeds went lo the Lowell Schools Athletic program rant business with Point West Hotels, ihe Hatch. Tangle wood. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Dave's Aulo Pub. and Bel Mar The theme of the mam dining Door to door canvassers are needed for the Citizens Millage room is nautical, wilh the em- Commillee To volunteer your lime and energy, contact Pally El- phasis on old sailing ships /inga. Ky7-y?i(W Adjoining the 100 seal Afler- deck is a tavern called the Plight CITIZENS MILLAGE COMMITTEE NEWS Deck, with an aviation theme The tavern seals 19. and dinner J Cili/ens Millage meeting, 7:(K) Thursday night, K quad. Lowell can be served there il so desired Belh Scully. Manger of Ihe Aflerdeck, Lowell's new restaurant High School All interested people are invited Civic groups and in- Mrs Ruby Christianson terested parties who would like a presentation by the Cili/ens Mil- former owner ol the building, Bushneil folk lage Committee should contact Jim Lindhout between ft & 11. ft7(v Outhouse races planned was on hand for the opening art festival 9913. Tuesday. Don't iusi sn there! Get oil n 1 The outhouse must have ai Lunch is being served 11:30 - and race it! That's ihe challenge least two wheels Bushneil School will host a COMMUNITY EDUCATION GRADUATION 2:30, lues • Sat Dinner 5 10 cry ol Ihe first annual l.owell 2 II must be at least 2 leet bv 2 Polk Art Festival, hridav. May lues Thurs 5-11 In Sal Showboat outhouse race The leel by 4 feel high 20th. at 6:30 Allan Exoo. Adult Community Lducaiion graduation ceremonies will be held And a Sunday Brunch 10:30 - race is scheduled lo follow ihe < It must be a one-holer or folk-.mger. will entertain both Thursday. May 25. al 7:30 P M in the LHS gym Senator Richard 2:30 Showboat Parade Saturday. May more children and adults with a sing- Posthumous will be the guest speaker The public is invited 2Hih 4 It must be supplied with along to stan oil the fesiiviiies SUPFRIN I NEDENT lo enter your mobile house 111 paper, catalogs or corncobs that culminate the school's lolk ST MARY S FUN DAY SEARCH CONTINUES the race, it's only necessary to 5 011 must have four men. 01 art month len other local artists Over 7(i applications have head on down lo Man's World, women, team-2 pushing. I pul- w ill be present to display and ex- Don't miss it! Si Mary shun hay. <22 Amily St.,Lowell 12 m- been received bv the Lowell register with Fred Ruehs. and ling. and I ruling inside plain their many and diverse lolk 5:IK) H I . Clowns, drunk lank, video games. Cake walk, pony Area Sch«»ol s Boaid ol Lduca- follow the rules and regulations (> Ihe race is a timed event art crafts ranging Irom weaving rides, space rides and the chance lo win your very own goldfish are iion lor the posiiion ot Superm 7 Any optional accessories to pottery just a lew ol the action packed visitors and games planned lendenl ol Schools I he applica- welcome ()n display al the lolk art lesii- tions have been read by Board PRECISION & FASHION K Registration lorms must be val will be- Ihe students projects OFF THF BLOTTER Members The University Con- HAIRSTYLING - For both returned to Man's World 2011 In pottery, stichery. weaving, sortium ol Placement Centers men and women. Man's orld Mam St , Lowell belore 5(K) leather tooling, candlemakmg Shawn Hill, Timothy Cook. Frankie Murphy, and David Allen lias recommended those candi- llairstvling. Phone K97.8102. P M Mav 27th(Pnday) and copper-snnlhing were issued appearance violations lo appear al a later dale lor lar dates n considers particularly ceny under SIOO in connection with a larceny ol gasoline from a well qualified ATTENTION ALL PETS! WEDDING PHOTO- parked vehicle on Godlrey St., May 5 Interviews are teniaiively Bring your owners down to \ppomtmenls not alwavs Florence Vandepeerle of Ada was involved in a propeny damage- scheduled lor Wednesday. Modern Photographies and needed al Nanitv Hair hash- GR APH> at its BEST! Beauti- accident Wed afternoon when she backed Ihe car she was driving Thursday, and Inday evenings have your picture taken during ions. Open five days Lowell. ful portraits create beautiful into a parked vehicle owned bv Bristol's BIKIV Shop on Soulh and all day Saturday. depending our annual pel special. I HxlO K97.7596. memories. Trust Modern Broadway oft Main Si on the availabilily ol ihe candi and 5 wallets of you will only Photographies for memorable Todd Haight ol l.owell was issued an appearance violation by dales II you wish lo observe ihis cost th-m SI4.95. Modern wedding pictures lo cherish Lowell officers Wed evening for having an open container ol al process, call Ihe Board ol Educa- Photographies "Number one SUBSCRIBE TO forever. We care! Mini-Wed- cohol in a motor vehicle tion oflice ai Ky7 «4|5 tor deli with those who care" 897. THE LEDGER ding packages starting at $150. Merrick Stephenson was arrested Thursday morning and charged mie interview nines 5606. 1197-5606. with driving under ihe influence ol alcohol Sundav evening Howard Giel/en ol Belding was arrested lor Burl Dolly driving under Ihe inlluenceol alcohol ONE SHOW EACH Paul Chrislenson ol I owell was arrested and lodged 111 ihe Kent STRAND fltfitv REYNOLDS PARTON 1 <, .-.lit Co |ail lor ihe issuance ol nonsullicieni lunds checks on a warrant IN NIGHT AT 8 P M Irom the Mrd Disind Court Helen hroese and Richard I ongwav. Ntlh ol I owell. were 111 Friday, May 20th "THE BEST LITTLE volved in a propertv damage accident in the Valley V isla I railei Monday Is Park Saturday allerni">n Mav Thru William Ihomas was arrested Monday evening bv I owell police Monday, May 23th WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS' Bargain Night on a warrant issued bv (iiarul Rapids ( ourt. I'ner'.dol ihe( ourtwar Rated R rani Advtihtrmrni SAT., MAY 21: "Fun Day" at (irand Valley i-edger - Wednesday, May 18. 1983 - Page 2 SUN., MAY 22: At 2:00 AM Cirand Valley Ledger - Wednesday, May 18, 1983 • Page 3 Don't Blame Coming Events ... St Mary s School at 322 the Re-Singled Group wil be secutor. to speak on the new Obituaries Amity St.. from 12-5 P.M., meeting at the First Congre- SUN., MAY 29: At 2 P M. Ex-Ledger writer succumbs Your Age For WED., MAY 18: Past Mat- Hazel Tanner.
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