» - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Jan 6. 19M Sister can’t be candidate FDA probes orange juice gripes New England PROVIDENCE. R.l. — If Sister Arlene Violet MILWAUKEE (UPI) - The decides to run for political office, her bishop says stations and convenience stores. The FDA's Milwaukee office U.S. Food and Drug Administra­ it will permanently terminate her association There were also reports of the said samples of the product would In Brief tion is investigating complaints Manchester teacher pay: with the Sisters of Mercy. The Most Rev. Louis E . possibly tainted orange juice from be tested. No injuries were This man’s army Aquinas beats from several people that a brand of Gelineau. bishop of Provkleiice. said it is beyond other parts of the state. reported. orange juice called Very Fine may- his power to grant the Roman Catholic nun either The "Very Fine” brand orange Snelling won’t run again have been spoiled when thev drank How does It compare? Includes laughter East Catholic a dispensation or a 'leave of absence" to run for juice was packaged in 10-ounce The problem came to light when it. M ONTPELIER. Vt. — Republican Gov. state attorney general , glass bottles with a metal twist top. an Appl§ton truck driver notified Richard Snelling told a stunned Legislature he Because of that cases of the It carried an expiration date of Racine County authorities early ... page 3 ... page 11 page 15 will not seek re-election to a fifth term next fall. orange, juice in 10-ounce glass Sept: 12. 1984. and is packaged by Thursday that he felt a burning Snelling. 56. who cut taxes by $300 million during McOonalcfs wins approval bottles were recalled Thursday New England Apple Products. sensation on his lips after begin­ from Milwaukee area service Littleton. Mass ning to drink the orange juice. his four terms, gained national prominence as FREEPORT. Maine — McDonald's has re­ chairman of the National Governor s .Association ceived the final nod from the municipal and became a leader of opposition to E’residenb government in its bid to locate a fast-food Reagan's ill-fated "New F«leralism " restaurant in an historic ISO-year-old house, D&H now part of big rail system winning approval from the town planning board. Angry residents, calling themselves the Mac ■ALB.ANY. N.A’ (U P Il - After years of negotiations. James LaRocca, state transpor­ Attack, say they may appeal to the courts. multi-million dollar losses over 13 The transaction involved state tation commissioner, said thedejJ^ Partly, sunny, Manchester, Gorin. Stabbing isolated case to save the Albany-bas^ D&H years, the Delaware & Hudson aid. a forgiven federal loan and a windy and cold Saturday, Jan. 7, 1984 AUGUST .A.' Maine — State Corrections Com­ Towns share lottery funds Railway Co. today was part of a three-year delay in wage increases "required sacrifice, concession missioner Donald .Allen says the case of a Maine major Northeast rail system w hich for 1.100 New York workers. and risk-taking" by labor, private — See page 2 Single copy: 25C prison inmate charged with a fatal stabbing spree BOSTON — Massachusetts cities and towns said, it expects the line to be Guilford also pumped $7 million in businesses and investment fimis. in New Hampshire after escaping from a halfway will share state lAtery proceeds OF $100 million competitive and profitable within new cash into the line. Mellon, the soft-spoken great- Mrralh bouse is "an isolated incident " He said the for the first time since the lottery began more I three years.- The acquisition of the 1.600-mile grandson of Pittsburgh banker state s work-release and furlough programs work than 11 years ago. officials said. The net proceeds Guilford Transportation Indus­ D&H system gives Guilford 3.900 Thomas Mellon, said the D&H wiQ well and said Ernest Shackford. 35. was a model for 1983. after operating costs and prize money, tries Co., a Connecticut holding miles of track in New York. New break even after one year and prisoner who g'ave no indication of violent compared to $22 million from the original game company headed by financier England and Pennsylvania. Only should turn a profit after three behavior. established in 1972. Timothy Mellon, bought the cash- Conrail. the Consolidated Rail years as part of the Guilfon) starved DAH Thursdav after 2'i Corp.. is larger in the Elast. system Getty-Texaco REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK merger could r START YOUR NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT. set a record \ 7 featuring,.. BUY ONE — OR BOTH — OF THESE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LOS ANGELES (UPI) - GeUy * and Houston-based Pennzoil an­ Oil tentatively approved a merger nounced Wednesday they had Friday with Texaco Inc., the joined forces to buy outstanding nation's third largest oil company, shares of Getty Oil for $5.2 billion. in what could prove to be the The Getty-Penzoil deal at $110 a largest m erger in U.S. history if share would have been the third JUSTUSTEO not blocked by the courts. largest merger in U.S. history. The Raised ranch. 9 rooms. 4 bedrooms. 2'-» baths Fireplace «ith Sidney Petersen, chairman and Dupont-Conoco merger for $8.04 V, woodstove. kitchen appliances, aluminum siding oversized chief executive officer of Getty, two car garage with electnc opener and more ERA Buyer Pro­ billion currently holds the record, tection Ran included Be sure to see this one today Vernon announced the board of directors followed by U.S. Steel-Marathon at $103,000 of the Los Angeles-based firm had ^ .6 billion. approved the merger in principle. Early Friday, Texaco Chairman Terms were not immediately John K. McKinley said Texaco announced. signed an agreement with the J. The proposed merger was Paul Getty Museum, owner of 11.8 blocked late. Friday until 9 a.m. percent of the outstanding com­ i-’ t ' ^f,onday by Superior Court Judge mon stock a t Getty Oil, to purchase MANCHESTCR — 3 FAMILY MANCHESTER — 4 FAMILY Richard Byrne to allow attorneys all of that stock for $125 a share in First a Second Roor Apartments - 5 rooms, plus Many improvements and modernizations for Claire Getty — a niece of cash. pantries. Hardwood floors. Modern kitchens. completed on this 4-4-3-3 property. Full basement, Gordon Getty and granddaughter McKinley ^aid its bid was of the late tycoon — to review . UU6M AT WMTER Gas hot water heat. Newer furnaces. 2 large driveways, 3 refrigerators. 4 stoves to re­ recommended to Getty's board by Third Roor Apartment - 3 rooms. Modern kitchen. main. Call our office for further details and an ap­ details of the transaction. its management and also has the p i Enioy the warmth of a fully in s u la te d ^m e This 9 room Dutch Byrne empowered her attorney, Colonial Cape features four bedrooms. 2'^ baths, family room Lots of closet space. Tw o Car Garage.- Newer pointment to see! support of Gordon Getty. with fireplace, bnck and vinyl exterior. 2 car g va g e wtd 18" of John Walker, to waive the order Later in the day, it was learned attic insulation Pnnxe Manchester location $115,000 Rocif.' Nice West Side Location - One-Way $109,900.00 Street. before Monday if he agreed with that Texaco had offered to buy 100 iNe can help you become a the details. $119,000.00 percent of Getty stock. Getty has REALE PflOFESSIONAU The proposed Texaco takeover 79.8 million shares outstanding, Call 646-4S2S. and ask lor Dan. of Getty Oil, the nation's 16th which at $125 a share would cost largest oil company, would kill a $9.97 billion — by far the largest UPI-photo J DJ. REALE, INC. Q merger agreement between Gor­ merger in U.S. history — accord­ Real Estate STRANOXEAL ESTATE Navy Lt. Robert Goodman, released earlier this week as he returns to his home base, Oceana Naval Air Station, don Getty and Pennzoil Co. to take m rnmm S... ■■■ill.i.i,. Cl. 156 EAST CENTER STREET ing to W.T. Grimm, a Chicago firm after a month of captivity in Syria, is mobbed by friends Friday. 64&-4S2S MANCHESTER, a 06040 ‘control of Getty by purchasing up specializing in mergers. 4 4 6 -1 0 0 0 to 43 percent of Getty stock at $110 When Pennzoil learned of Texa­ a share. co's'initial agreement to buy 11.8 Pennzoil has threatened to take percent of Getty's outstanding K. - legal action if Getty does not stock. Chairman J. Hugh Liedtke. N /7 comply with its merger sent a telex to Getty's board of Brass band welcomes Goodman ^ SALE] agreement. directors saying he expected the A Gordon Getty, sole trustee of the firm to comply with the terms of VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (UPI) with Jackson, the Democratic Syrian positions in Lebanon Dec. 4. Getty Trust which owns 40.2 their merger agreement or face The 27-year-old flier bombadier- — Navy Lt. Robert Goodman Jr. presidential candidate who ar­ navigator said he “ most -likely-” Lunge was killed and Goodman, \ percent of the company's shares. legal action. 156 E Center St; got a brass band welcome home ranged his freedom. would go to his hometown of who injured his knee when he Friday at the Oceana Naval Air ejected from the crippled plane, “ But I can't campaign for him, Portsmouth, N.H., Saturday for a Manchester-- Station-and said he was “ grateful" was held for 30 days before and he won't let me campaign for planned homecoming celebration, ■ i to the Rev.
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