Core Characters

Core Characters

Core Code Charts for Kurinto Fonts Kurinto_CodeChart_Core.pdf This document provides code charts for characters that are available in all Kurnto fonts. It is provided as part of a release package of the Kurinto Font Folio, available at Terms of Use Copyright ©2017–2020, Clinton F. Goss ([email protected],, with Reserved Font Name Kurinto. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1, which is available with an FAQ at: 0020 Basic Latin 007F 002 003 004 005 006 007 0 0 @ P ` p 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 1 ! 1 A Q a q 0021 0031 0041 0051 0061 0071 2 " 2 B R b r 0022 0032 0042 0052 0062 0072 3 # 3 C S c s 0023 0033 0043 0053 0063 0073 4 $ 4 D T d t 0024 0034 0044 0054 0064 0074 5 % 5 E U e u 0025 0035 0045 0055 0065 0075 6 & 6 F V f v 0026 0036 0046 0056 0066 0076 7 ' 7 G W g w 0027 0037 0047 0057 0067 0077 8 ( 8 H X h x 0028 0038 0048 0058 0068 0078 9 ) 9 I Y i y 0029 0039 0049 0059 0069 0079 A * : J Z j z 002A 003A 004A 005A 006A 007A B + ; K [ k { 002B 003B 004B 005B 006B 007B C , < L \ l | 002C 003C 004C 005C 006C 007C D - = M ] m } 002D 003D 004D 005D 006D 007D E . > N ^ n ~ 002E 003E 004E 005E 006E 007E F / ? O _ o 002F 003F 004F 005F 006F 007F Printed using UniBook™ Printed: 25-Jul-2020 2 ( 0020 Basic Latin 002C ASCII punctuation and symbols 0025 % PERCENT SIGN Based on ISO/IEC 646. → 066A ٪ arabic percent sign 0020 SPACE → 2030 ‰ per mille sign • sometimes considered a control code → 2031 ‱ per ten thousand sign • other space characters: → 2052 ⁒ commercial minus sign 2000 –200A 0026 & AMPERSAND → 00A0 no-break space → 204A ⁊ tironian sign et → 200B zero width space → 214B ⅋ turned ampersand → 2060 word joiner → 1F674 heavy ampersand ornament → 3000 ideographic space 0027 ' APOSTROPHE (FEFF  zero width no-break space = apostrophe-quote (1.0 → 0021 ! EXCLAMATION MARK = APL quote = factorial • neutral (vertical) glyph with mixed = bang usage → 00A1 ¡ inverted exclamation mark • 2019 ’ is preferred for apostrophe → 01C3 ǃ latin letter retroflex click • preferred characters in English for paired quotation marks are 2018 ‘ & → 203C ‼ double exclamation mark 2019 ’ is preferred for geresh when ׳ 203D ‽ interrobang • 05F3 → → 2762 ❢ heavy exclamation mark writing Hebrew ornament → 02B9 ʹ modifier letter prime 0022 " QUOTATION MARK → 02BC ʼ modifier letter apostrophe • neutral (vertical), used as opening or → 02C8 ˈ modifier letter vertical line closing quotation mark → 0301 ́ combining acute accent • preferred characters in English for hebrew punctuation geresh ׳ paired quotation marks are 201C “ & → 05F3 201D ” → 2032 ′ prime is preferred for gershayim when → A78C ꞌ latin small letter saltillo ״ 05F4 • writing Hebrew 0028 ( LEFT PARENTHESIS → 02BA ʺ modifier letter double prime = opening parenthesis (1.0) → 030B ̋ combining double acute accent 0029 ) RIGHT PARENTHESIS → 030E ̎ combining double vertical line = closing parenthesis (1.0) above • see discussion on semantics of paired hebrew punctuation gershayim bracketing characters ״ 05F4 → → 2033 ″ double prime 002A * ASTERISK → 3003 〃 ditto mark = star (on phone keypads) arabic five pointed star ٭ NUMBER SIGN → 066D # 0023 = pound sign, hash, crosshatch, → 204E ⁎ low asterisk octothorpe → 2217 ∗ asterisk operator → 2114 ⅋ l b bar symbol → 26B9 ⚹ sextile → 2317 ⌗ viewdata square → 2731 ✱ heavy asterisk → 266F ♯ music sharp sign 002B + PLUS SIGN 0024 $ DOLLAR SIGN → 2795 ➕ heavy plus sign = milréis, escudo 002C , COMMA • used for many peso currencies in Latin = decimal separator America and elsewhere → 060C ، arabic comma • glyph may have one or two vertical bars → 201A ‚ single low-9 quotation mark • other currency symbol characters start → 2E41 ⹁ reversed comma at 20A0 ₠ → 2E4C ⅋ medieval comma → 00A4 ¤ currency sign → 3001 、 ideographic comma → 20B1 ₱ peso sign → 1F4B2 heavy dollar sign Printed using UniBook™ Printed: 25-Jul-2020 3 ( 002D Basic Latin 0048 002D - HYPHEN-MINUS 003C < LESS-THAN SIGN = hyphen or minus sign → 2039 ‹ single left-pointing angle • used for either hyphen or minus sign quotation mark → 2010 ‐ hyphen → 2329 〈 left-pointing angle bracket → 2011 non-breaking hyphen → 27E8 ⟨ mathematical left angle bracket → 2012 ‒ figure dash 〈 → 2013 – en dash → 3008 left angle bracket → 2043 ⁃ hyphen bullet 003D = EQUALS SIGN → 2212 − minus sign • other related characters: 2241 ≁ –2263 ≣ → 10191 ⅋ roman uncia sign → 2260 ≠ not equal to 002E . FULL STOP → 2261 ≡ identical to = period, dot, decimal point → A78A ꞊ modifier letter short equals • may be rendered as a raised decimal sign point in old style numbers → 10190 ⅋ roman sextans sign arabic full stop ۔ 06D4 → 003E > GREATER-THAN SIGN → 2E3C ⸼ stenographic full stop 。 → 203A › single right-pointing angle → 3002 ideographic full stop quotation mark 002F / SOLIDUS → 232A 〉 right-pointing angle bracket = slash, virgule → 27E9 ⟩ mathematical right angle → 01C0 ǀ latin letter dental click bracket → 0338 ̸ combining long solidus overlay → 3009 〉 right angle bracket → 2044 ⁄ fraction slash 003F ? QUESTION MARK → 2215 ∕ division slash → 00BF ¿ inverted question mark → 2E4A ⅋ dotted solidus → 037E ; greek question mark arabic question mark ؟ ASCII digits → 061F 0030 0 DIGIT ZERO → 203D ‽ interrobang ⁓ 0030 FE00 0 short diagonal stroke → 2048 ⁈ question exclamation mark form → 2049 ⁉ exclamation question mark 0031 1 DIGIT ONE 0040 @ COMMERCIAL AT 0032 2 DIGIT TWO = at sign 0033 3 DIGIT THREE Uppercase Latin alphabet 0034 4 DIGIT FOUR 0041 A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 0035 5 DIGIT FIVE 0042 B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B 0036 6 DIGIT SIX → 212C ⅋ script capital b 0037 7 DIGIT SEVEN 0043 C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C 0038 8 DIGIT EIGHT 0039 9 DIGIT NINE → 2102 ⅋ double-struck capital c → 212D ⅋ black-letter capital c ASCII punctuation and symbols 0044 D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D 003A : COLON 0045 E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E • also used to denote division or scale; for → 2107 ⅋ euler constant that mathematical use 2236 ∶ is → 2130 ⅋ script capital e preferred 0046 F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F → 0589 ։ armenian full stop → 2131 ⅋ script capital f hebrew punctuation sof pasuq ׃ 05C3 → → 2132 ⅋ turned capital f → 2236 ∶ ratio 0047 G LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G → A789 ꞉ modifier letter colon 0048 H LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H 003B ; SEMICOLON → 210B ⅋ script capital h • this, and not 037E ; , is the preferred → 210C ⅋ black-letter capital h character for Greek question mark → 210D ⅋ double-struck capital h → 037E ; greek question mark arabic semicolon ؛ 061B → → 204F ⁏ reversed semicolon Printed using UniBook™ Printed: 25-Jul-2020 4 ( 0049 Basic Latin 006E 0049 I LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I 005E ^ CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT • Turkish and Azerbaijani use 0131 ı for • this is a spacing character lowercase → 02C4 ˄ modifier letter up arrowhead → 0130 İ latin capital letter i with dot → 02C6 ˆ modifier letter circumflex above accent → 0406 І cyrillic capital letter → 0302 ̂ combining circumflex accent byelorussian-ukrainian i → 2038 ‸ caret → 04C0 Ӏ cyrillic letter palochka → 2303 ⌃ up arrowhead → 2110 ⅋ script capital i 005F _ LOW LINE → 2111 ⅋ black-letter capital i = spacing underscore (1.0) → 2160 Ⅰ roman numeral one • this is a spacing character 004A J LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J → 02CD ˍ modifier letter low macron 004B K LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K → 0331 ̱ combining macron below → 212A ⅋ kelvin sign → 0332 ̲ combining low line 004C L LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L → 2017 ‗ double low line → 2112 ⅋ script capital l 0060 ` GRAVE ACCENT 004D M LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M • this is a spacing character → 2133 ⅋ script capital m → 02CB ˋ modifier letter grave accent 004E N LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N → 0300 ̀ combining grave accent → 2115 ⅋ double-struck capital n → 2035 ‵ reversed prime 004F O LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O 0050 P LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P Lowercase Latin alphabet → 2119 ⅋ double-struck capital p 0061 a LATIN SMALL LETTER A 0051 Q LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q 0062 b LATIN SMALL LETTER B → 211A ⅋ double-struck capital q 0063 c LATIN SMALL LETTER C 0052 R LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R 0064 d LATIN SMALL LETTER D → 211B ⅋ script capital r 0065 e LATIN SMALL LETTER E → 211C ⅋ black-letter capital r → 212E ℮ estimated symbol → 211D ⅋ double-struck capital r → 212F ⅋ script small e 0053 S LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S 0066 f LATIN SMALL LETTER F 0054 T LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T 0067 g LATIN SMALL LETTER G 0055 U LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U → 0261 ɡ latin small letter script g 0056 V LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V → 210A ⅋ script small g → 2164 Ⅴ roman numeral five 0068 h LATIN SMALL LETTER H 0057 W LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W → 04BB һ cyrillic small letter shha 0058 X LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X → 210E ⅋ planck constant 0059 Y LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y 0069 i LATIN SMALL LETTER I 005A Z LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z • Turkish and Azerbaijani use 0130 İ for → 2124 ⅋ double-struck capital z uppercase → 2128 ⅋ black-letter capital z → 0131 ı latin small letter dotless i ASCII punctuation and symbols → 1D6A4 횤 mathematical italic small dotless i 005B [ LEFT SQUARE BRACKET 006A j LATIN SMALL LETTER J = opening square bracket (1.0) → 0237 ȷ latin small letter dotless j • other bracket characters: → 1D6A5 횥 mathematical italic small 27E6 ⟦ –27EB ⟫ , 2983 ⦃ –2998 ⦘ , dotless j 3008 〈 –301B 〛 006B k LATIN SMALL LETTER K 005C \ REVERSE SOLIDUS 006C l LATIN SMALL LETTER L = backslash → 2113 ℓ script small l → 20E5 $⃥ combining reverse solidus overlay → 1D4C1 퓁 mathematical script small l → 2216 ∖ set minus 006D m LATIN SMALL LETTER M 006E n LATIN SMALL LETTER N 005D ]

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