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Proving ^^ College graduates get Officer earning $1,000 month -.^ -:^1 skills at the heart of today's nucleaP^^andidate School leadership Be one of the most accomphshed powered Navy. training, and a year of graduate- professionals in a challenging field. ^ Over half of America's nuclear level training in the Navy Nuclear Lead the Adventure as an offie^^^ rcactt)rs arc in the Navy. That adds Power School. in the Nuclear Navy. Contact ypur^ "~ up to more years of experience The rewards are top-notch, too. Navy Officer Recruiter or call _- with reactors than any company in Generous bonuses upon commis- 1 - 800-327-N^rvi^ - -.^ - — _ NAVY^^ OFF m LEAD THE ADVENTURE, illinoislechnograph October 1987 Volume 103, Issue 1 Editor: Scott C Brun The Merging of Mechanics and Medicine 4 Business Manager: Lisa Gronkowski Dan Powers Production Editor: Mary J. Winters Through technical innovations, the field of clinical engineering Features Editor: Mike W, Lind has helped to increase health care efficiency in the past and Copy Editor: David Song present. EOH Editor: W Dan Leonard Photo Editor: Alyce M, Nogal Engineering Family Album 7 Design: Abel Sanchez Mike Lind Asst. Design: Angela Lin Our annual guide to some of the prominent engineering activities to be found on campus. Publisher: E Mayer Maloney, Jr Production Manager: Geoff Bant Simulating the Wild Blue Yonder Editorial Staff: Fred Brunner, Tim Diez, Nancy JamesIAlyce Nogal Doug Dominiak, Scott Heydinger, Laura ILLIMAC and Flight Simulator II represent safe and effective Jakstas, Nancy James, Steve Kropp, W. Dan alternatives to aerial training for both tne professional and the Leonard, Mike W. Lind, Alex Magnus, Ashish novice. Mayenkar, Alyce Nogal, Kevin Ochsner, Dan Powers, Ken Raczka, Dawn Smith, David Song, Rich Symanski, Swathi Vourganti. Departments Editorial 2, Tech Teasers 2, Tech Visions 6, Technovations 9, Photo Staff: Peter Lei, Mike Pavlovic, Dan Tech Notes II, Tech Profiles 12 Powers, Eric Smith. Cover: Abel Sanchez Illinois Technograph. Room 302 Engineering Hall. Urbana, Illinois, 61801, phone: (217) 333-3558. Copyrighl lllim Media Co. 1987 Illinois Technograph (USPS 258-760) Vol 103 No 1 October 1987 Illinois Technograph is published live times during the academic year at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Published by lllini Media Co, 620 East John St, Champaign, Illinois. 61820. Editorial and Business offices of the Illinois Technograph Room 302 Engineering Hall. Urbana, Illinois. 61801, phone 217-333-3558 Subscriptions are available for $725 pet academic year Advertising by Litlel-Murray-Barnhill. Inc., 1328 Broadway, New York, N.Y, 10001, 221 N LaSalie is Street, Chicago, If, 60601 . Illinois Technograph a member of Engineering College Magazines Associated tech teasers editorial 1. Solve the following addition, knowing Serving 35,000 Cainpuswide benefits for society, such as improved that FOUR + 12 equals a perfect Considering the fact that the distribu- health care via support technology for the square; tion boxes for the Illinois Teclmograph physician or heightened fiight safety are usually empty within a few weeks af- through instructional software for pilots. FIFTY ter the release of each issue, one would Although these articles are not specifically FOUR imagine that the contents of the magazine written around such social themes, con- FOUR have been widely disseminated. Hopeful- sidering them in this light may help stu- TWO ly, the rapid disappearance of the maga- dents to realize that tangible accomplish- zine has been linked to an appreciation of ments can result from the manipulation of SIXTY the educational and entertainment merit of differential equations. the publication. While the staff of the Despite these noble sentiments, 2. How many squares are on an 8x8 Teclmograph attempts to develop subject perhaps you would prefer to read about chess board'.' How about on an n x n material of interest to a significant seg- subjects that directly pertain to engineer- chess board'.' ment of the campus population, the im- ing experiences on the University campus. mense size of the University of Illinois Should this be the case, we invite you to 3. What is the maximum number of gives rise to a spectrum of opinions, and send to the Teclmograph a list of topics knights which can be placed on a chess- catering to every single one of them you wish to see developed, whether you board in such a way that no knight attacks would be a task even Atlas would fear. be a member of the faculty or student the other'.' Moreover, as our audience consists of stu- body, engineer or otherwise. UnforUinate- dents and faculty, Tecfmograph must gear ly, the staff of the Technograph cannot (answers on page 1 1) its stories to accommodate both. Thus, claim omniscience as a talent in its pos- our goal is to provide information on en- session, so we welcome your ideas. gineering topics in a manner that allows Moreover, in order to receive feedback for comprehension by those without a from as large a portion of the campus as substantial technical background, as well possible, we urge you to pass this issue as giving educators a student's perspective on to a friend or colleague. As stated pre- on subjects they deal with on a daily viously, since engineering plays such a basis. substantial role in our society in one form In addition, readers should be aware or another, the Technograph wishes to of fields which they may not be intimately provide both engineers and those studying connected with. Thus, as both of our fea- other disciplines with an opportunity to ture articles deal with the contributions of learn about technical topics of interest to engineers to fields that have improved the them. quality of almost every one of our lives. we encourage you to read the material although it may not be immediately re- Illinois Technograph invites letters in response to lated to your sphere of interest. While its articles and editorials, or any otiier items of in- classroom work usually does a fine job of terest to its readership. Articles, photographs, and teaching mathematical concepts, we often other contributions are also welcomed. Letters must be signed, but names will be withheld upon lose sight of the fact that those same static request. numbers can be translated into dynamic Fellowships % Pioneer the future with us. All of the technological advancements that have part-time while studying at a nearby university; Full- been pioneered by Hughes Aircraft Company are Study Fellows attend classes full-time. merely an introduction to what will come. And Hughes has just announced a special MSEE As a Hughes Fellow, you could be pioneering your program in Microwave Engineering in conjunction with own future, studying for your Master's or Doctorate in two major Southern California universities. Microwave Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Manufacturing), Fellows will be allowed time off at full pay to attend Computer Science or Physics. classes taught by university faculty right at Hughes' You'd be receiving full tuition, books and fees, an facilities. educational stipend, full employee benefits, relocation Since Hughes is involved with more than 90 expenses, professional-level salary, summer employ- technologies, a wide range of technical assignments is ment, technical experience. .with a combined value is available. An Engineering Rotation Program also of $25,000 to $50,000 a year. available for those interested in diversifying their work While you're completing your degree, you'll also experience. have the opportunity to gain valuable experience at Since 1949, more than 5,500 men and women have Hughes facilities in Southern California, Arizona or earned advanced degrees in engineering and science Colorado. with the help of Hughes fellowships. We hope you'll Hughes Fellows work full-time during the summer. join us in creating the next generation of technological During the academic year, Work-Study Fellows work wonders, by pioneering the future—yours and ours. Hughes Aircraft Company, Corporate Fellowship Office Dept. MC-8788, BIdg. C1/B168, P.O. Box 45066, Los Angeles, CA 90045-0066 Please consider me a candidate for a Hughes Fellowship and send me the necessary information and application materials. PLEASE PRINT: Name Home Phone & Hours Address City State Zip I am interested in obtaining a Master's Doctorate _ in the field of: Rotation Program Interest: Yes No Microwave Program Interest: Yes . DEGREES NOW HELD OR EXPECTED: Bachelor's: Field Date School GPA Master's: Field Date School GPA HUGHES Minimum GPA-3 0/4,0 Proof of U.S. Citizenship May Be Required, Equal Opportunily Employer ' The Merging of Mechanics and Medicine Dan Powers Although the physician is the most recognized specialist in health care, support personnel such as the clinical engineer also help provide a safe and efficient medical environment. Technological advances have enabled hospital staffs to general idea of any fluid, like water, was that it evaporated up- make commonplace what three generations ago would have been ward. The lamp bearer forgot, or did not know, that ether vapor inconceivable. However, modem hospitals also have to take re- is heavier than air and falls downward.
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