THB TBB8DJLL1 MBRCUBT—WBDN18DAT, APRIL 13, 1881. raxjiAii BUTius.—The Drapers Monday First. BSTABMSHm> 1901 THER8 will be a MEETING of the COMkLTITEB of BARNARD CASTLE WILL CLOSE their Fairfield Auction Mart, Darlington, Weakly Live S 1 of the MIDDLETON-IN-TEE8DALE LATE THORNGATE respective establishments at 1 o'clock, EVERY Stock Sale at 9*30 a.m. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, in the Town's Ha£ M . J. DIXON, FRIDAY, oommenoiog April 29th, 1881. TARN xriB Ball by Auction, at their on FRIDAY, the 22jrp say Arm, 1881. at 7 p.as. COUNSEL'S 01 DRAPBB AND SILK MBEOBB, Mart, every Monday, a choice number of COTHERSTONB REGULATED PASTURE. DAIRY COWS, FAT and STORE CATTLE, ANTS D , IMMEDIATELY, a Good Plain BABNABD CASTLE. NON-LIABILITY OF ANTED, TWO SHEPHERDS for the above SHEEP, LAMBS, Ac. W COOK. Age not under 30. Wags, £18.— REALTl Pasture.—Application to be made to the Field Sale to commence with the Milch Cows at half- Also an EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID: Asenot W The fallowing is a copy of I 1JBW GOODS IN ALL DEPABTMENT8. Beeves, on SATTJRDAX, Aran. 23rd, 1881, at the Fox >ast 9, Fat Cattle and Sheep at 10, and Store Cattle under 20. Wage £14. Good references required.- TafrGlsa^bairisrer-at-law, int and Hounds Inn, Cotberatone, at 2 o'clock in the ollowing. Apply to Mas. Huaonrsos. Bomaldkirk, Darlington New Scotch Tweeds fry the Barnard Castle Local Black Silks, by the best makers Afternoon.—All Occupiers of Stints are requested to Hay berries, Mickleton, Darlington. Even wood, near Cockfleld. •ill opinion. 1st: Whether thai "Worsted Coatings send in to the Field Reeves the number of Stints they Ifwmch Merinos and Cashmeres B. J. A L LIN SON has received instructions to liable, sod can he compelled, Men's Ties and Scarfs hold, and of whom taken, on or before the 23rd April Wool Beiges and Cashmerettes Copley Bent, near Cockfield. M Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, the 16th das payers, to reinstate the bridf Boys' Beady-made Suits aforesaid. f Farm Stock Sale. "Louis " "Velveteens, in black & colours of April, 1881, the whole of the CATTLE JSmEm peUebU, whether they have a < BY ORDER OF THE FIELD BEEVES. ESSRS TARN, instructed by Mr Joseph Millinery and Jackets Carpels ana Druggets to Mr R. H. Dickinson, Blacksmith, consisting of 3 iosof 3rd: Who are entitle M Beetbam (who is declining farming), will Sell cows, recently calved, full of milk ; 1 heifer, rising Linoleum and floor Cloths OOOKFIBLD FELL REGULATED PASTURE. the I isssaini of the old bridge i Ladies' Underclothing by Auction, on Friday, April 22nd, 1881, at Copley two-years-old ; 1 bull calf, one grass cutter, by Burgas New Styles in Cretonnes A SHEPHERD WANTED for the aboxe-named public meeting of tbe ratepayer Ulsters and Tweed Cloaks Bent, the whole of tbe valuable FABM STOCK, and Kiersley. Lace and Muslin Curtains t\. Pasture. Any person wishing to engage must the luajuirty, authorise tbe T "Semper Secco," New "Waterproof Cape Implements of Husbandry and Effects, comprising :— Sale at 2 o'clock. what steps in the matter, so as I make application to tbe Field Reeves, at the house of Horrock's and Crewdson's Long Cloths Dent's French Kid Gloves 3 useful cows, April, slay, and June calvers; 4 do. Terms-Cash. oorx orisiq Mrs Wigham, Greyhound Inn, Cockfleld, at 2 o'olock heifers, May and June calvers; 1 young oow barren, Ladies' Ties and Scarfs, Hosiery Mouut Pleasant, Middle.on-in-Teesdale, April 8th, Irish Linens and Diapers p.m. on Friday, the 22nd day of Aprd, 1881.—By 2 useful bullocks, two-years-old; 4 yearling bullocks, 1. Tbougb the bridge in qu 80 Dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, 1881. T Calicos and Sheetings Order. STEVENS WALKER, Secretary. 1 yearling beifer, 2 young heifer calves, 1 bay mare, have been a highway within 1" "Wool and Union Shirtings bought 25 per cent, under value in foal to Middleston Hero, quiet in all gears; I bay LET, Fifty-one STINTS on OoTBXssrosrB. Highway Act, 1835, having I MUSIC HALL,BABNABD CASTLE yearling filly, by Middleston Hero; a quantity of T°i MOOR.—Apply to Mrs HOLMES, the Limes, 1870, and as I presume no st e Any article not in Stock procured in two days.—Dress & Mantle Making on the premises Under distinguished patronage. ' poultry, 1 good horse rake, coup cart, shelving*, hay- Cotherstone. that Act with regard to it, it \ MB. ALEXANDER INGLIS sweep, obaff cutter, ladder, bayspade, rakes, forks, ilia inhabitants at large were I qrvO BE LET, 16 SHEEP STINTS on COTBXRS- Will give a Humorous and Dramatic chains, cart gears, also part of the Household IMP in repair, aad, this being si 1 TOME REGULATED PASTURE.—Application to be TJND, at BARRIKQHAII, near Barnard Castle, a RECITAL, Furniture, dairy utensils, 2 lead bowls, churn, milk the Local Board cannot be cocci made to the Bye-Law Committee, Messrs Teas. •po BED CUB DOG.—The owner can have the N THURSDAY EVBHIKG, April 28th, 1881, in aid bowls, Ac, Ac. Also 1 ferret and box. bridge at the oast of the ratepe] FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! Raine, Geo. Walton, and The*. Birkett. 2. As there is no liability thrl same, on payment of expenses, by applying to Robert O of the Cricket Club Funds. Sale at 1 o'clock. inhabitants at large in respect J Robson, butcher, Barnard Castle. If not claimed in Doors open at 730, to commence at 8 o'clock. Hay berries, Mickleton Darlington. TO LET, a HOUSE in John-street, Barnard Castle, opinion that tbe Local Board 7 days, the doc will be sold. Carriages at 10 p.m. L containing Two Sitting Rooms, Four Bedrooms, power to reinstate the bridge, i On account of the long-continued duUness of April 13tb, 1881. Reserved Seats (numbered) 2s. 6d. Party Tickets STAINDROP. Bath Room, W.C., Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, Garden, for fixe, 10s. 6d. Second Seats, Is. Back Seats, fid. and Outoffices.—Apply to Mr B. HRTWORTII , Spring on tbe ratepayers. Trade, 3. After tbe bridge was < NOTICE. " The whole of the Recitals elicited strong mani­ TO SPIRIT MERCHANTS, INNKEEPERS, AND Grove, Barnard Castle, became, in my opinion, the i FAIR will be held at the HIGH FORCE festation of approval."—Auckland Times, February OTHERS. the land on each side of the riv C. PEACOCK, A INN, near MIDDLBTOR-IIT-TIBBD AES. on TBCTU- 18th, 1881. OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL FOB SALE. LET, a HOUSE in Newgate, Barnard Castle, DAX, Aran. 14th, for Cattle, Sheep, Ac Also a Sale For particulars see Programmes. known by tbe name of " Spring Villa," con­ ware constructed, and upon r bridge rested. The structure of Cattle, Sheep, and Implements, on the saeae day, MB. T A B N taining Two Sitting Rooms, Five Bedrooms, W.C., been carried away by tbe flood, i OALGATB, BARNARD CASTLE, to commence at 12 o'clock a.m.—By Order of the GAITS IN HORNBY PARE. WILL OFFEB FOR PUBLIC COMPETITION. Kitchen, Scullery, Pan try, Yard, and Outoffioes.-Apply on the side o' tbe river, is not (' Committee. ATTLE and SHEEP will be taken to grace in On the Premises on SATURDAY, the 16th day of April, to Mr B. HarwoiTH, Spring Grove, Barnard Oastle. the owners of the land on Now offers C Hornby Park from the 13th day of May, to the 1881, at 6 for 7 p.m. prompt, _J THE DURHAM FU8ILIER& TAINDROP.—TO LET, HOU8E A GARDEN, bridge formerly rested, and 11 11th day of October, at sums varying according to HE BLACK LION HOTEL, situate in the Maia THE WHOLB OF HIS LARGE STOCK WNERS and Occupiers of Billets and Lodging age and sire. The Gaits to be paid for before the S at present occupied by John Hartley.—Garden materials or remains of the I T Street of Staindrop, containing 3 Booms and a to be entered upon on 5th of April, and the house at Houses are invited to Tender for the Occupation animals are taken away. Every attention will be owners. OF WELL • SEASONED, O Kitchen on the Ground Floor ; 4 Bedrooms and large of the same by Militiamen during the preliminary May-day next, rent £15.—Apply JOHN FAWCETT, 4. I am of opinion that a| paid to the Stock, but the Owner of the Park will not Public Room on the Second Floor; with large Cellar, drill and training, under the conditions prescribed by Builder, Staindrop. ratepayers could not confer up HOME- MADE be answerable for any Loss or Damage; and no StabliDg for 9 Horses, Hayloft, Coach-house, Pigger­ the Army Discipline Bill. Applications to be made any such power as is suggested i allowance wiU be made for any Cattle or Sheep taken ies, Large Yard, Garden, and other Conveniences, to the Quartermaster, in writing, not later than April away after the first day of September.—Apply to TO COBRBGTOJTDMTS. Ziooal Board must leave the re-s now in the occupation of Mr Charles Wilson. Ajuaxaieas oonsmaiaaalou ma en »• asssaat reeeivs FURNITURE, 22nd.—By Order, u tf it be re erected at all, to the i| MB WILEY Also a HOUSE and SHOP adjoining, containing atteatioa. Brerr ooatribatioa most W —* r-rr1wtsS (ia oaBfidsaee) with tb* uui mt that writer. inhabitants of the district. It I W. A BERWICK, Office, Hornby Castle, near Bedale, Yorkshire. 5 Rooms, with Yard and Conveniences, now occupied AT A VERY LARGE REDUCTION FOB Captain and Adjutant, Vf • daelias to retara rejected eomnuioatiaai. bridge" under tbe statutes reu by Mr William Burrows. CsrrespoademU woald obugs bj wrJttaf sa spa siisef taeir do not think that it is intended < CASH.
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