E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2003 No. 21 House of Representatives The House met at 3 p.m. DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR HONORING PRESIDENT RONALD The Reverend Sara A. Gausmann, St. WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON TODAY REAGAN ON HIS 92ND BIRTHDAY Paul Lutheran Church, York, Pennsyl- Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask (Mr. LINDER asked and was given vania, offered the following prayer: unanimous consent that the business permission to address the House for 1 Gracious God of light and peace, we in order under the Calendar Wednesday minute and to revise and extend his re- praise You for the way You have rule be dispensed with today. marks.) blessed our Nation with a bounty of re- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MIL- Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow sources and talents. Enlighten us this LER of Florida). Is there objection to is the 92nd birthday of the 40th Presi- day with a measure of Your wisdom, the request of the gentleman from Col- dent of the United States, President that we would use the gifts You have orado? Ronald Reagan. He is the only political given us for the good of all. Where There was no objection. idol I have ever had. He came to the there is confusion, give us clarity of f presidency knowing who he was, what thought; where there is danger, cause URGING COLLEAGUES TO SUP- he wanted to do, and he did it. us to walk carefully; and where there is PORT NATIONAL AMBER ALERT There is a wonderful story that then injustice, help us to work diligently to NETWORK ACT Governor Reagan told by his aide, Mi- eliminate it. chael Deaver, who was walking in 1978 Empower our Nation to continue to (Mr. LAMPSON asked and was given down the street in Manhattan. be a beacon of hope for the cause of permission to address the House for 1 A fellow inched up to him and wanted freedom. Bless our President and Con- minute and to revise and extend his re- to say hello, and Governor Reagan said gress and all our leaders, that we marks.) hello. The gentleman said, may I have Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise might be guided by Your precepts and your autograph, Mr. Milland? And today to urge my colleagues to support comforted by Your grace. May the the National Amber Alert Network Reagan kindly wrote ‘‘Ray Milland,’’ work undertaken in this place today be Act. As founder and chairman of the and walked on. And Deaver said, why pleasing in Your sight and directed by Congressional Missing and Exploited didn’t you tell him who you were? He Your will, for You live and reign as Children’s Caucus I am an original co- said, I know who I am. He wanted to God forever and ever. Amen. sponsor, along with the gentlewoman meet Ray Milland. I am always heartened knowing from Washington (Ms. DUNN) and the f gentleman from Texas (Mr. FROST), in somebody has come into office know- this commonsense, bipartisan legisla- ing who they are. I am as comfortable THE JOURNAL tion. with President Bush, who knows who he is and what he wants. That is good The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Similar legislation passed last year for our Nation and good for the soul. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- in the House and in the Senate in sepa- ceedings and announces to the House rate bills, but the 107th Congress ended f his approval thereof. before the final decisions were made. AMERICA SHOULD GAIN SUPPORT Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- However, in October of 2002, President OF UNITED NATIONS SECURITY nal stands approved. Bush endorsed the program and signed COUNSEL BEFORE ATTACK ON an executive order that set in place IRAQ many of the provisions of the legisla- f tion. He also pledged $10 million for (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was Amber Plan training and equipment given permission to address the House PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE upgrades, but still urges Congress to for 1 minute and to revise and extend The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman pass the bill. his remarks.) from Texas (Mr. LAMPSON) come for- Mr. Speaker, I urge Members to Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, ward and lead the House in the Pledge please bring this bill to the floor quick- Secretary Powell’s address today reit- of Allegiance. ly and pass it. It is crucial to providing erated that Saddam Hussein is an evil Mr. LAMPSON led the Pledge of Alle- every community with the resources dictator, but he did not explain how a giance as follows: needed to set up the Amber Alert and preemptive war is in the best interests I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the to improving the effectiveness of exist- of the American people. Will a preemp- United States of America, and to the Repub- ing Amber Plans. The Senate passed it tive attack on Iraq without United Na- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, last month. It is our duty to do so as tions support make America safer? indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. quickly as possible. How will attacking Iraq prevent the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H277 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:57 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05FE7.000 H05PT1 H278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 5, 2003 proliferation of weapons of mass de- table: war. War, as General Sherman later, one in three girls participate in struction? What will preemptive war do said, is absolute hell; and I think if we high school athletics, as compared to 1 to stability in the Middle East? Are we can avoid it, we need to do everything in 21 thirty years ago. ready to commit to a decade of Amer- in our power. I hope we all take the time to cele- ican troops policing Iraq and the bil- f brate this very special day and to lions of dollars needed to rebuild and honor the triumphs, the dedication, RECOGNIZING SACRIFICE OF CREW stabilize that country? and the spirit of our great female ath- OF SPACE SHUTTLE ‘‘COLUMBIA’’ Before we start a war that could kill letes. IN QUEST TO EXPAND HUMAN thousands of civilians, could create KNOWLEDGE hundreds of new al Qaeda recruits, f could increase the potential of blow- (Mr. CRANE asked and was given URGING AMERICANS TO REVIEW back aimed at innocent American citi- permission to address the House for 1 SECRETARY OF STATE COLIN zens, we must think through the con- minute and to revise and extend his re- POWELL’S PRESENTATION ON sequences of our actions and be pre- marks.) IRAQ TO UNITED NATIONS SECU- pared for a long, difficult road in Iraq. Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, last Satur- RITY COUNSEL One thing is certain: Any action day we lost seven of mankind’s finest. against Iraq will be much more dif- The crew of the space shuttle Columbia (Mr. SMITH of Michigan asked and ficult, much more costly, much more made the ultimate sacrifice, not in a was given permission to address the dangerous if we take preemptive action feat of arms, but in the noble quest to House for 1 minute and to revise and against Iraq without the support of the expand human knowledge. My deepest extend his remarks.) United Nations Security Council. thoughts and prayers go to the families Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- f of those brave men and women lost in er, Secretary of State Colin Powell this accident. Their loved ones will be today made a presentation to the INTRODUCTION OF THE POVERTY remembered with deep gratitude and United Nations Security Council. Mr. TRAP STUDY ACT OF 2003 admiration for their dedication to- Speaker, I would just urge all Ameri- (Mr. PETRI asked and was given per- wards advancing our understanding of cans that are interested and concerned mission to address the House for 1 new frontiers and discovering ways about this particular issue of Iraq to minute and to revise and extend his re- science can improve our lives. review that presentation. marks.) While space shuttles fly regularly, One item after another to me pre- Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, it is a space travel itself is anything but rou- sented a compelling argument that shame and a scandal that many anti- tine. Its dangers are many, but the Co- there is no question that Saddam Hus- poverty programs actually keep people lumbia’s crew was willing to brave sein, number one, is a bad guy; number poor by making it too expensive for them. We in Congress have a duty to two, has been developing these weapons them to work their way out of poverty. them and our astronauts to find the of mass destruction. Our many anti-poverty programs were cause of this horrific accident. We can For two reasons, I think it is impor- individually designed without regard never fully eliminate the danger, but tant that we just not let this slide. for each other and without regard for we can manage the risk. One, if Saddam Hussein starts thinking the fact that if several benefits phase When asked by his brother about that we are not going to have military out simultaneously a poor person who what would happen if something went force to insist on his compliance with works hard may find himself or herself wrong, Captain David Brown, a mem- the United Nations’ Resolution 1441, worse off than if he or she stayed home ber of Columbia’s final crew, replied there is a greater likelihood that he is or had done the minimum necessary to ‘‘This program will go on.’’ He was not going to destroy those weapons.
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