Phil Spector page s h i n i n <• lli i' c (i I I e (i e c « in in u n f or m ore than eacon November 14, 1994- WILLIAM PATERSON COLLEGE 35,000 phone calls clog phone system "There were two problems," By Yoni Greenbaum many students trying to regis­ tern was down from approxi­ directs phone calls. NEWS EDTTOft said Evangclista. "The first ter. mately 7 a.m. to midnight, over As word of the slowdown was a wire that was not con­ "I've been trying to give the 35,000 calls attempted to come spread, people started to line up When Voice Response Reg­ nected properly. That was eas­ radio station [WPSC] updates into the college, explained in the Student Center and any istration officially began, no ily fixed. as to the status of the system" Pamela Fueshko, telecommuni­ place else where there was a major problems were anticipat­ "The second problem was a Evangelista said Friday. cation and administrative ser­ campus phone. ed, yet a computer glitch and hyphen in the program. When­ "When we're up, things are vices director. This is in com­ "I have had students register sheer call volume brought the ever the computer got to it, it fine, but when we are down..." parison to the normal 5,000 in my office," said Pete Spiri- registration process to a halt on would go back through its When the system was up, calls that the college handles on don. vice president of adminis­ Wednesday and Thursday. memory trying to figure out Evangelista explained, 24 lines a daily basis. tration and finance. "We had simulated and live what it meant and eventually were handling "a couple of "In order to protect their Students who tried to use the tests and had not had any prob­ shut itself down. hundred calls an hour," at a rate [Bell Atlantic's] central office system when it was down were lems," said registrar Mark "The company could not find of "3.9 - 4.4 minutes per call." switch and us, they have met with busy signals, "All Evangel ista. the problem," Evangeslista said The problem with the regis­ slowed down the calls," lines are busy," or "The WPC Students who registered on "The error messages were not tration program was only com­ Fueshko explained. "Other­ voice registration system is Nov. 7, the first day the new reflecting where the problem plicated by the call volume wise, it would have taken the currently unavailable' mes­ phone registration system start­ was." coming into the college. switch down." The switch is sages. ed, for the most part reported This resulted in confusion for On Thursday when the sys- the mechanical equipment that SEE MIXED PAGE 4 positive experiences. "I thought there would be no I i m • I • structure to it, but it went sur­ prisingly well." said Cheray T. Willams, a senior communica­ r unions coiniie ngn israion tion major. "Voice registration went quicker than on-line reg­ By Jennifer Carney of it." tion is keeping us busy 'burn­ The second unfair labor prac­ istration. but there was no hu­ ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR The four labor unions on ing the midnight oil.'" tice filed by Irwin Nack, a fac­ man contact." campus (CWA, IFPTE, PBA Despite obligations to the ulty member, AFT vice presi­ The decision to go to a com­ From freedom of speech to AFT/CIO) have joined forces. students during the registration dent and chief negotiator. His puter based phone-in registra­ the right to privacy, the issue of "The administration contin­ process, the administration has application for a career devel­ tion system came after years of constitutional rights is being ues to keep pressure on the fac­ not allotted any extra time for opment fund was denied by the students having to wait on lines questioned by several labor ulty." stated Linda Dye, presi­ the faculty to revise the com­ college, according to Singh. to register in person. unions on campus. dent of WPC's AFT. "They prehensive analysis, according Nack asked for funds left On Wednesday, the system "Our civil rights have been want us to re-submit a compre­ to Dye. over from tuition reimburse­ shut down, bringing the regis­ violated repeatedly," stated hensive analysis (for the evalu The AFT has filed two more ment for professors continuing tration process to a halt from 3 Victor Cirello, president of IF- ation process of the tenured unfair labor practices against their education. p.m. to about 7 p.m. PTE local 195. "We are tired professors) but the administra- the college since the one filed "When he applied this year in the Karen Lewis case. The for the fund he was completely Lewis case arose due to a con­ denied, so was Dr. Anthony tractual dispute, leading to her Mazzella from the English De­ removal as acting resident di­ partment who had a similar to state rector in Hillside. case," stated Dye. Both of the cases against the "How these charges are un­ By John F. Gillick the WPC administration on completes a firearm training college are without merit, ac­ fair labor practices I don't EDITOR IN CHIEF three occasions, and have course and qualifies annually." cording to Rajendra Singh, as­ know," stated Singh. brought the issue before the According to Campus Police, sistant vice president of human However, Dye stated that State Policemen's Benevo­ Student Government Associa­ the word "may" leaves the de­ resources. Singh has refused to sign off lent Association (PBA) dele­ tion at their Legislature meet­ cision to the "governing body The first unfair labor practice any documentation to the gates met this past Tuesday to ing this past Tuesday. of the institution," in this case, filed by the AFT was due to the unions so they can't have any discuss taking the issue of arm­ the Board of Trustees. dock in pay Timothy Gerne, evidence in the future cases, ing police officers stationed on 'We're taking it out According to Campus Police, supervisor of student teaching, and that is where the unfair la­ college campuses before the the PBA hopes to amend the received when half the stu­ bor issues come into play, ac­ New Jersey State Legislature, of their hands' law to read "shall," taking the dents he supervises dropped the cording to Dye. according to WPC Campus Po­ - Campus Police decision out of the administra­ program. Cirello claimed that his em­ lice. tion's hands. "He is a very loyal person to ployees were being treated un­ WPC Campus Police have The controversy revolves "The administration won't the college; seven of his 12 fairly stating that they are been working in conjunction around New Jersey Criminal have this awesome power to re­ family members graduated "tired of being treated like chil­ with the New Jersey State PBA Code 2C:39-6c(10), which strict us like they are," com­ from WPC," stated Dye. dren." to address the issue of arming states that a campus police offi­ mented a campus police offi­ "The college has offered a One instance Cirello said Campus Police officers. They cer "may carry a firearm at all cer. "We're taking it out of solution," stated Singh. "The was when one of his fellow su- have requested meetings with times provided he successfully SEE COMMUNITY PAGE 5 faculty member has refused it" SEE RALLY PAGE 4 COPYRIGHT 1994, VOL 64, NO.6 2 Campus Events Monday Tuesday new flava in ya ear! Women's Center—S.W.A.P. Catholic Campus Ministry- Career Services— Workshop: Reception.(Students Who Are God speaks to us through scrip­ Career Services-Workshop: Career Services—Workshop: "Careers in Accounting" SC Parents), 10 a.m.-noon, Wom­ ture. Come & hear what He has "Internet resources for career "Interview Opportunities" 11- 213, 11-12:30 p.m., "Voca­ en's Center, SC 214. to say to you as we informally services" Advance sign-up is 12 p.m., SC 215 also, Work­ tional Testing" 5-6:30 p.m., SC CCMC—Has God blessed you gather to study His words. required 3:30-4:45 p.m., Coach shop: "Interview Techniques" 215. with the ability to sing or play CCM Center, 3 p.m. House 101 D, also Workshop: 12:30-2 p.m., SC 215. Women's Center—Financial an instrument? Come and glori­ "Exploring careers in your ma­ Essence—Genera] meetings. Aid Workshop led by Karen De fy the Lord with your talent! Sunday jor" 3:30-4:45 p.m., Matelson PA Lounge, 3:30 p.m. Angelis, Director of Jersey City CCM Center, 8 p.m. 104. Organization of Latin Ameri­ State College Women's Center- Catholic Campus Ministry— CCMC—Join us for weekly can Students—Meeting, 3:30 Expert on Grants and Scholar­ Friday Join us for our 16th Annual visits to the Preakness Nursing p.m., Trailers X101. We are ships. 12:30-2 p.m., SC 213. Thanksgiving Awareness Mass Home & make a difference in asking all Latino and Non-Lati­ Organization of Latin Ameri­ Women's Center—Eldercare in celebration of God's good­ others' lives at 6:30 p.m. CCM no students for their support in can Students—First Annual Support Group Meeting. 12:30- ness to us & your generosity to Center Gate 1. enhancing the WPC Latino Miss OLAS Pageant. 8 p.m. at 1:30 p.m., Women's Center, others. Bring a friend! 7:30 WCRN—Midday monster Community. SC Ballroom. SC 214. p.m., SC Ballroom. with the Nooseman making Christian Fellowship—Dr.
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