This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FINAL Contact: Mo Tuggart 7031749-1887 Beep 1-800-sky-page pin # 1115689 Jo·Anne Coe 703/845-1714 SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE-- FEBRUARY 10, 1995-- PENNSYLVANIA AND :w: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1995 4:35 pm DEPART Capitol for National Airport Driver: Wilbert 4:50 pm ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft Fl30: Signature 703/419-8440 4:55 prn DEPART Wushington for Harrisburg, PNintemational FBO: Stambaugh's Air Aircratl: Citation 5 (Circuit City) / Tail number: N500FK FJight time: 50 minutes (padded by 8 minutes) Pilots: Tim Heath Manny .Fomasier Seats: 7 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole ,- Steven Cannon, Sr. VP Circuit City \, Mike Glassner Contact: Bobbie Kirk 804/527-4000 ext. 685 l 5:45 pm ARRIVE Harrisburg.i PA FRO: Stambaugh's Air 717/944-1787 5:50 pm DEPART airport for Hershey Lodge and Convention Center Driver: Frank Bartele, Chm. of Montgomery County Drive time: 20 minutes Location: W. Chocolate and Convcnlion Center Hershey, PA S6,0l 83.:l Page 1 of 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1995 PAGE2 6:10 pm ARRIVE I Iershey Lodge and Convention Center 717/534-8644 Met by: Laura Van Hove, DFP 6:15 pm- ATTEND Dole for President Meeting 6:30 pm I ,ocation: Cocoa Suite Atlen<lance: 5-7 Event runs: 6:15 - 6:30 pm Press: Closed Facility: Conforence Table Format: Informal discussion Contact: Laura Van I love 202/547-2499 -*'" 6:30pm- ATTEND Republican Party of Pennsylvania High Dollar Reception 7:00 pm Location: Cocoa Rooms 4 & 5 Attendance: 75 @ $250 per person Event runs: 6:00 - 7:00 pm / Press: Closed Facility: None .Format: Photo-op Mix and mingle Contact: Melissa 717 /234-490 l 717/231-3828 fax 717/580-2152 {phone) - 7:00 pnt- ATfEND/SPEAK Republican Party of Pennsylvania Lincoln Day Dinner 7:30 pm Location: Chocolate Room : Attendance: 1,200 @ $35 per person Event runs: , 7:00 - 9:00 pm Press: Open Fadlity: Dais, podium and mic, h~adtuble r leadtable: Suzanne Moffa Kathy Schweiker Ernie Preate Pat Poprik Herb Barness Michele Ridge Mark Schweiker Senator Rick Santon:un /fr r EN/) E. E.s ~1 s r L11S-80V-GOG:ar ~)I~3W~Page 2 ofN9I~dW~) 62 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FWDAY. FEBRUARY I 0, 1925 PAGE3 Senator Dole Anne Anstine Tom Ridge Kit Gingrich Elsie Hillman Bill Lamb Barbara Hafer Karen Santorum . Terry Stover Format: 7:95 pm Anne Anstine gives welcome 7:08 pm Don Ely gives invocation Pledge of Allegiance 7: 10 pm Senator Santo rum introduces Senator Dole 7: 12 pm Senator Dole gives remarks Senator Dole departs Dinner served Contact: Melissa 7l7/234-4901 717/231~3828 fax 7:30 pm . DEPART Hershey ,Lodge and Convention Center for Harrisburg, airport / Driver: Dom Argento (Anstinc's car) Drive time: 20 minutes ,. 7:50 pm ARRIVE airport anu proceed to departing aircrall FBO: Stambaugh's Air 717/944-1787 7:55 pm DEPART Hanisburg, PA for Washington/Naeionul , FBO: Signature Aircran: Citation 5 (Circuit City) Tail number: N500FK ·. Flight time: 40 minutes (padded by 5 minutes) Pilots: , Tim Heath Manny Fomaiser Seats: 7 Meal: Dinner Manifost: Senator Dole Steve Cannon, Sr. VP Circuit City Mike Glassner 8:30 pm ARRlVE National airport FBO: Signature 703/419~8440 Page 3 of 62 S6,01 83.:! L11S-8017-GOG:GI ~JI~3W~ N9I~dW~J This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IQ, 1995 PACE4 8:35 pm DEPART airport for Omni Shoreham Hotel Driver: Wilbert Drive time: 25 minutes Locatio11: 2500 Calvert Street 9:00 pm ARRIVE Omni Shoreham 202/234-0700 202/265-5333 fax Met hy: Mike Dalt, CP AC 9:00 pm- ATIEND/SPEAK CPAC Conference 10:00 pm Location: Regency Ballroom Attendance: 700 Event runs: 8:00 - 10:00 pm Press: Open Facility: Dais, podium and mic Headtable on stage Format: 9:00 pm Malcom Wallop gives remarks. 9: 15 pm David Keene introduces Senator Dole 9:20 pm Senator Dole gives remarks 9:40 pm Wayne La Pierre introduces Dick Armey 9:45 pm Dick Armey gives remarks 10:00 pm Woody Jenkins closes Conta1.:t: Zorine Shirley 703/739~2550 703/548-7657 fax 10:00 pm DEPART Omni Shoreham for Watergate Driver: Wilbert 10: 15 pm ARRlVE Watergate r SO'd £TQ'ON 8G:ST S6,0T 83.:l LTTS-8017-GOG:ar ~JI~3W~Page 4 ofN9I~dW~J 62 FEE-08-19'35 16: 50 This documentREP is fromST theco~~ collections OF PA at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas717 231 3828 P.04 http://dolearchives.ku.edu PlUVATE RECEPTION -- (;,'. "30"" 1 :oo f¥Yl AS OF 2/8/95 DIGNITARIES ANNE ANSTINE SENATOR JUBELIRER JEFF JUBELI.RER HERB BARNESS SENATOR BOB DOLE MRS. KIT GINGRICH ELSIE Hll..L.MAN GOVERNOR RIDGE MRS. MICHELE RIDGE SENATOR RICK SANTO.RUM KAREN SANTORUM LT. GOV MARK SCHWBUCER MRS. KATHY SCHWEIKER GUESTS CAROL AlCHELE LANCE ALEXANOER SKIP BRION TIMOTHY BUCHANAN ELAINE AND NAN BURMAN RAY CARR BOB AND RUTH CARROLL DAN CLARK DOROTHY CHILDRESS DAVID DODD MARILYN EARHART JERRY FRASER MAilY FRAN GIP ANNI MIKE FRICK LUCYONAZZO ROBIN GODFREY BARBARA HAFER (WITH 3 GUESTS) MIKE HAGEN (WITH 2 GUESTS) MARTIN HAMBERGER CHUCK HARVEY Page 5 of 62 ~JI~3W~ N9I~dW~J FEB-08-1995 t6•51 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas REP ST COMM OF PA 717 231 3828 P.~S http://dolearchives.ku.edu LISA AND MARK HOLMAN TOMMY JUDGE ASHKHARE . MARJE AND FRANK LALLEY DAVID LUY ARA CHARLES MACKIN NATHAN MAO CATHY.MATTA 8-G. RICHARD MERION MARTHA Mll.BRM'D BOB MUMMA ROBERT NARDELLI RlCHARD NAPOLI PAUL PANEPINTO PATPOPRIK ERNIE l1R.EATE DEL RILEY FRANK ROBINSON WILLIAM RUSH BlLLRAPP DAVID SANKO AND lllS WIFE STAN SAYLOR JAMES SCHAFFER. 1. MATTIIEW S.EAG~ST BRYAN SELLERS GARY SILVI LAURIE Sl:MMONS RONALD STANKO RICHARD STEWART OEORGESULKOSKY BRUCE TAHILLY DAVID TODD IOHNVARTAN KATIIT..EENIBOB VERRATTI ALAN WALKER RICHARD WA YBR.lGHT JAMES WILLIAMS PageTnTt'\I 6 of 62n nc LO'd £10'0N 8~:Sl S6,0l 83~ L11s-8ov-~o~=ar ~JI~3W~ N9I~dW~J FEB 10'95 BOB DOLE FOR PRESIDENT This ID:202-547-2585document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu February 10, 1995 To: Senator Dole From: Kathryn Coombs Photo Op at CPAC dinner .... Lou Uhler, National Tax Limitation Committee Lou Uhler ofNTLC is bringing a presentation scroll that he wants to give you at CPAC. It is a I Oft. long petition with 5,000 names asking you to lead the fight on the Tax Limited version of the Balanced Budget (3/Sths.) This is friendly and not a confrontation. Uhler has welcomed the possibility of our "co-opting,, his photo op and using it to campaign advantage. I strongly recommend we do this and Scott and Bill agree itJs a good idea. It provides the opportunity to reinforce the perception that you are a "true believer" on this issue -- which is THE hot button item with the CPAC crowd, not a Balanced Budget per se. Although only a plain BBA can pass the Senate at this stage, it enables you to talk principles instead of process. It also helps lay to rest the New Hampshire 1988 tax pledge problem -- the week before the NH dinner. The way to co-opt it would be for you to mention in his speech that you and Uhler will be doing the photo after dinner -- so it looks like part of OUR plan. No schedule change is required. I have coordinated with Clarkson and Kerry. The Advance team is briefed on logistics and Ralph Lamson is doing photos. Do you want to do the photo op? ____ No Page 7 of 62 BOB DOLE FOR PRESIDENTThis documentID:202-547-2585 is from the collections at the Dole Archives,FEB University 09'95 of Kansas 2:15 No.022 P.06 ~t~-~(-L?~~ •£ · ~ · http://dolearchives.ku.edu WINTER MEETING OF THE RErUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE He~hey Lodge and Convention C~nter - February fo-t l, 1995 ~---- - .. ~~- Jkkots for the Lt11coln Day Dinner mc,y bll pic/ud up at the RSC Information DeJ.k (Iocat~d in the Chocolate lobby) from 2:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m on Friday. February JOth. REVISED AGENDA Friday, bbryarv lOtl! 2:00 p.m. Resolutioos Cotntnittce Mer.ting MonarchB 2:00p.m. Legislative Update sponsored by Sen.\tor Jim Gerlach MDnarchA 3:00 p.m. County Chainn6n Meeting MonarchD 4:00 p.m. Leadership Committee Meeting Cocoa 2 &:3 5;30 p.m. Finance Conuuittee Meeting Cocoa J 5:30 p.m. Aftican American Meeting Cocoa8 6~00 p.rn. Private Reception with Senator Bob Oole Cocoa 4 &5 6 :30 p.m. General Reception Chocolate Labby 7:00 p.m, Lincoln Day Dinner "Nith Senator Bob Dole Choc.o:'1.te Ballroom Page 8 of 62 BOB DOLE FOR This documentID:202-547-25 is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas • L-.LJ U I '*•.I-'•PRE-' ...,S ._ IDENT' ... ,._, _, _,,. - ... 85 FEB 09'95 2:15 No.022 P.07 ... -http://dolearchives.ku.edu · - 9:30 p.m. - 11 :00 p.rn. Newman&. Barrasse for Supreme Cciurt Reception Monarch A 9:30 p.m.
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