! City Preps Ir Generally Fair IOWA-GeuerallT (air ....F ... Clb Rlah, U-RI,h , tomorrow; DO' mull o...e la Play Today -l telD)lel'at1lre. See Stories on Pale , ,,,,au .. e L , • alII I 0"'. C'ty'. lIorn'n, New.paper ~ ..... ....,..., ...... fte ....... r- rIVE- CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 299 • t. * * * *** *** *** *** ***One Bus Hitler Didn't*** Miss Anti-Aircraft Last Round Battle Against Britain Fire Prevents Predicted Near by Nazi Officials Heavy Raids .~--------~ ~----.---- . --- German Attacks On London Lose InleJlAity Press.Attacks Axis Co'nfers on Joint Wa~ Policy [n 'Repeated Bomb'. England For· -----j------------ LONDON, Sept. 20 (friday) (AP)-A barra,e of anti-aircraft Bombing Raids Foreign Quarters State That Japan Has Given rBritish Defeat, fire around the city of London last nieht and early today slowed Indo-China Until Sunday to Grant Demands Rule of Europe somewhat the pace of the Gennan Go ebb e1 s N ewspaper Planned in Rome night assault on the British capl-. Demand Retaliation t----------· ---------- tal as the Battle of London near­ ed the critical equlnox period. R.eport French ROME, Sept. 19 (AP)-German Again t Harassed Foe The Germani a,ain strucll at all Were Vnyielding Los Angeles Thunders Welcome To Foreign Minister Joachim von parts of the metropolis but were BERLIN, Sept. 19 (AP) - The To New Demands Wendell Willkie's 37-Car Motorc·ad.e Ribbentrop came to Rome today unable to match the Intenalty of jQurnalistic voice of official Ger­ on an ar·mored train equipped many threatened England and her HONGKONG, Sept. 20 (Friday) with anti-aircraft guns and con­ Ironically contl'adictin, former showing the smashed remains of the Tuesday night and Wednes­ LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19 (AP)rhall before the party moved on civilians today with a whole cata­ (AP) - Official foreign quarters ferred for two hours with Pre­ Prime Minister Neville Chamber­ a London bus which was wrecked day morning attack whIch saw said today they had received in­ -Metropolitan Los Angeles thun- to Its official hotel headquarters. lain's wise crack that "Hitler has by a German air bomb. bombs rained in many sections of logue of terror and declared that, dered a tumultuous welcome to- A meeting of Willkle and labor mier Mussolini on joint axis plans missed the bus" Is this picture formation that Japan had given to defeat Britain and ru.Je Europe. the city. in a Rome conference, the axis French Indo-China until Sunday day to Wendell L. Willkie as the leaders at Labor temple was sched­ Spain's "cooperation" in win­ (Apparently the raid still WM was assembling its full power to comply with new Japanese de­ republican presidential standard u]ed for this afternoon, after bearer's motor caravan crept into which the presidential nominee ning the war, with Gibraltar as under way when this dispatch waa "for the last round battle against mands but that the French were the city through crowd-jammed planned a rest before leaving for her reward: was widely discussed English Battle Fleet Goes Into filed but new cenaoflhlp relUla­ Britain." unyielding. streets from the south. the Coliseum, site of his major here as a likely subject between Upon receipt of the 72-hour the two leaders. tions prevent the dispatch of the The press, in which there, ap- ultimatum, the French virtually From the time the 37-car, mo- speech tonight. exact time of the beeinning and torcade departed from. Santa Ana, The stop at the El Segundo M_lIni's Side Action to Demonstrate Mastery pea red hints that the war might would inform the Japanese to From Mussolini's side the future end of the air a Uacks.) go on through the winter, opened "go ahead," these quarters said. where members of the official plant 01 the North American .----------------------- party left their ' speciaLtrain' after Aviation company consumed ap­ of Greece and Turkey-last hold­ Plan to Haras Autumnal Ikllhlox up in angry chorus against 'Brit- . They expressed the opinion, outs against axis domination in (Some quarters have said Adolf ish bombing attacks in Germany, however, t]1is new development an o~er~ight ~tQP at Sa~ . Diego, Iproximately an hour. Wlllkie was Plan Inspection the Ime of travel moved through greeted b:y Ronnie Burla, vice­ southeastern Europe-also were Italian .Force AJoog Hitler might attempt an invasJon and the nazi high command offi- did not necessarily mean the Ja­ believed brought up. of Britain before the approaching cially accused British . pilots of papese would resort immediately almost one continuous ·· ser.ie's of president, and taken on a tour of 350·Mile Coa tline Of Arms Plant crowas at Seal Beach, Long. Beach, the plant. There he sat at the In the war to the finish against equinox, which signals fall storms having killed nine children and to military action but that instead Britain, Virginio Gayda, authori­ that would make more dUficult wounded 12 in raids on plainly they might seek to reach a face- Compton, Lynwood and Hunting- COntrols of a training plane and ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Sept 19 Sites in Iowa ton p,ark. , .... saw . scores of other trainers in tative fascist editor, declared, the transportation. of trooJ)8 acrOtll marked hospitals in Prussia. saving .agreement at the last min- other European nations, "particu­ (AP)-Britaln's battle Ileet has the channel. The autumnal equi­ e . The route then led to the. plants the process of construction fOr the larly friendly ones," are 'involved gone into violent action to demon- WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 19 No Consldera&lon Iute. of the' North American. "Aviation United States and Canada. nox comes next Sunday night.) Der Angriff, the organ of Prop-, (In Tokyo. Emperor Hll'ohlto had "not as spectators alone." strate its mll3ter;y of the Medi- (AP)-Representatlve Karl Le­ Only intermittent ,un and bomb aganda Minister Paul Joseph an extraordmary, con­ company and the Douglas Aircraft At the Douglas plant, he was This was considered a reference ~~ree-hour company for brief inspection stops, met by President Donald Doug­ terranean and to harass Italy's ad­ Compte (R-Ia) today said that flashes were seen a8 the morn In, Goebbels, demanded retaliation a f~rencl! to~a~, on. Importa~t na­ to Spain, and there have been un­ wore on. thousand-fold; Deutsche AlIge- tIOnal affaIrS With the chiefs of then into the city ·proper for a las, who personally escorted him confirmed rumors of axis at­ vancing expeditionary torce along a war department ofllcer would short halt at · the steps of city through the buildings. SmaU group of raiders circled meine Zeitung thundered: "The st~!f of .the army and nav!, P~e­ tempts to 'persuad~ Spa in to at the 350-mile Egyptian _ Libyan inspect sites near Ottumwa next the metropolis or cut across It in scoring of accounts will be ter- ~Ier Prmce Konoye and hiS mlll- least permit troop passage lor a coastline. week as to their feasibillty for the wake of their earlier fellows pre .bl " ISters.) land . attack on Britain's strong­ AU a long the coast, the Bl'itlsh the construction of a lar,e shell­ who unleashed loads of bombs. II "e. " A Japanese sppke$ml\Il disclo- hold a~ Gibrilltar. Mammoth German bombs ex. Hereafter, declared ~~e news- ed that a special train would ga­ Willlue Design~ Program T.o say, the bombardment caused loading plant. U. S, IDvolved plodlni in central London tcr p~per Nachta.usgabe, not the ther up Japanese civilians and Ramon Serl'llno Suner, Spanish heavy damage to the invading The congret;sman laid he be- slightest consIderation need be diplomatists tomorrow and it was nljht made the streets u bri,ht Keep U. S. From Totalitarianism minister and pro-axis adviser to column ~ . lieved the chances "very good" as Times Square in New York taken" f~r British civilians. diplomats tomorrow and it was his brother-in-law, General Fran­ The lleet's mighty guns burst for the establishment of such a Authonzed German spokesmen understood they would be carried ------------------------. and teU with roariOl blaats that co, is stiU in Berlin where Rib­ against Italian land positioll3 night plant near the southeastern Iowa shook bulldlnlls from top to bot· said that "tangible. acts': would to Haiphong, thence by ship to Proposes Formation bent.rop had conferred with him follow the Rome dlSCUSSlOns be- the island of Hainan and Canton President Gives before last after it had made a City. tom. prior to the Rome conference. This 13th consecutive nightly tween German Foreign Minister Japanese-occupied parts of China: Of Coillmissi?n Italy already has launched in three weeks' sweep of the Medl- LeCompte made the announce- Joachim von Ribbentrop and Pre- Thi:3 announced precaution pos- Speech Tonig ht T~ raid on London wu loosed In an offensive in Egypt toward the terranean and Aegean seas. ment after the latest in a series heavy clouds and over the low, mier Mussolini. sibly in anticipation of fighting, At Philadel hia To Right Country 8 Ills Suez Canal, one key in Britain's "Thi~ new sweep of the Medi- of conferences with army ord­ These "acts," it was indicated since the central Chinese govern­ hold on the Mediterranean. thick cellin, the drone or nul p LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19 (AP) terranean and this blastin;: of el"l- nance otticlals. He said the site motors could be clearly heard. in various quarters, would be ment itself has threatened to in­ UnHed States trends since th~ agalnst "vulnerable" points in the vade Indo-China whenever the WASHINGTON, Sept.
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