9.21 8.04 9.29 6.49 8.14 5.50 9.35 6.59 8.23 6.00 9.46 4.51 7.06 8.36 3.49 10.01 6.12 5.01 7.19 2.49 1.03 8.51 10.10 3.58 6.23 1.51 5.10 7.35 12.5312.56 2.58 12.01 12.49 11.54 11.51 8.59 4.06 6.43 2.00 --- 5.22 --- 12.58 7.43 3.06 --- 12.0512.1612.3312.42 11.49 11.58 10.5510.58 11.04 4.19 11.40 11.31 6.51 11.15 10.21 10.57 11.04 2.09 10.48 --- 5.41 1.07 --- 3.20 9.51 10.0010.0710.1810.3410.43 --- 4.37 10.24 2.21 9.08 5.51 1.18 --- 3.38 10.31 7.54 4.48 2.39 9.11 1.35 7.03 3.48 --- 7.57 8.50 2.47 9.18 --- 1.45 7.06 6.02 7.50 8.04 --- 9.00 5.00 6.37 7.13 --- 6.05 7.59 --- 4.02 5.35 9.07 5.03 6.45 3.00 6.12 8.07 1.58 4.05 5.42 9.18 5.10 6.53 3.03 8.18 2.01 4.12 5.51 9.33 7.04 3.10 8.39 2.08 6.00 9.44 7.21 8.49 6.13 7.31 --- 8.59 6.23 7.41 9.56 9.10 6.32 7.52 9.58 9.12 6.40 10.04 7.54 9.19 6.42 8.01 6.48 Cornwells Heights Station 130 T event of a City Transit DivisionServiceInterruption. event ofaCityTransit ScheduleforRoute130willgointoeffectinthe This Temporary Dunks Ferry Rd o Bu and Plum Av (Creekside Apartments) c Parx Casino ks CountyCom Neshaminy Mall (near Boscov's) AM SE PM SE Langhorne Station R R VICE VICE St Mary Cornwells Heights Medical Center MOND m TEMPORARY SCHEDULE TEMPORARY T Pheasant Run unity Colle and Terry Dr o Bu (Newtown Industrial Commons) State St and Washington Av A (Newtown) YS THROUGHFRID Com Village of Newtown c Subject g Shopping Center ks County e Bucks County College 10.45 10.49 10.53 --- 11.02 11.10 11.20 11.30 11.38 11.46 11.38 11.30 11.20 11.10 11.02 --- 10.53 10.49 10.45 9.20 8.20 9.24 7.20 8.25 6.20 9.28 7.25 5.20 8.29 6.25 7.30 --- 5.25 4.20 6.30 --- 3.20 9.37 5.30 --- 4.25 2.20 8.40 --- 3.25 12.34 9.46 12.25 12.18 5.41 12.04 1.20 11.49 7.42 11.40 4.30 2.25 12.20 8.49 6.39 3.31 9.56 5.51 --- 1.24 7.52 4.41 12.24 11.30 2.30 11.25 9.02 11.20 10.3910.48 11.02 11.16 11.24 11.33 10.06 6.49 6.04 1.29 8.07 12.29 4.49 --- --- 9.11 10.14 7.03 10.2010.2510.29 --- 6.17 8.18 5.02 3.43 10.22 --- 9.19 --- 7.16 2.41 6.28 8.28 5.18 3.57 9.20 12.40 1.39 9.27 7.24 2.51 6.37 8.15 8.36 5.33 4.14 12.49 9.26 1.48 7.05 7.33 3.05 6.49 8.20 5.42 4.31 1.03 9.30 2.02 7.10 --- 3.19 8.25 5.54 4.40 1.16 2.15 7.15 --- 3.28 --- 4.51 1.23 --- 2.23 9.41 3.39 --- 1.32 8.36 --- 2.32 9.50 7.26 8.45 10.04 --- 7.35 9.00 10.19 7.50 --- 10.27 9.14 8.02 10.36 9.21 --- 8.09 9.32 6.50 8.20 7.01 7.09 7.17 T Community College Station o Change Bucks County m Community College unity Village of Newtown Shopping Center State St and Washington Av T (Newtown) o CornwellsHeights A Pheasant Run YS and Terry Dr (Newtown Industrial Commons) AM SE PM SE St Mary Medical Center R R VICE VICE Langhorne Station Neshami Neshaminy Mall (near Boscov's) and N Parx Casino Serving ® SEP Dunks Ferry Rd e n and Plum Av wt (Creekside Apartments) y Mall o Cornwells Heights T wn Station A Swamp Rd Rd n 413 NEWTOWN to ng Bucks n li tow ByPass l County w E o 532 e a D N g v 413 Community l A e Newtown College Village of R Lincoln d Industrial Commons k Rd Washington A (Weekdays Only) Council Rock Newtown v k l Buc P S T i wn S. C. v o e a t H. S. North t t Dr e r r g Tyler Park a S r d y T ri t d W B R R e e s ro r o n chb i o i c S asant n R he Dr h m t P e a b c Run P o y Lincoln A 332 r S 332 ass v 1 o Gloria yp W wn B N Dei Plaza wto o Maple A e Ne o w d Pine St tow Bellevue A n R d Summit b o 213 k Rd Maple Av M v 413 Square S. C. u 213 aple A George r n Buc N School e e wn Pk w R eto LANGHORNE Woods Middle Holland Rd t o ollgate Rd d v Stone Newtown T w Services Friends n St Mary Bridg NESHAMINY Av w L ie embourg dv Cairn Holland yf School a Medical MALL ran n 213 G or Langhorne University g Center Lux Village d Rd h e Bristol Rd 413 532 o 1 Manor S. C. r n Lak Core Creek 1 BUS e Sears AMC LANGHORNE 1 Holland Rd R County Park d STATION Barnes k Rd Neshaminy Boscov’s Durham Trevose Ro & Noble A Bristol Rd c H. S. y Bellevue Rd Buc kh n Hw S. C. ill 130 col 413 v R 128 BUS Lin Pk d town Old Lincoln Hwy d 1 Penndel ge hester A Macy’s Blv N rid ny e B Winc ami s LANGHORNE esh h v Pine St N a m Pine Woods i ny Watson S. C. Services wnsville Rd S o t v Br NESHAMINY Maple Av 213 Maple A 1 Trenton Rd FALLS STATION P y Blvd asqualone Blvd R Neshaminy TREVOSE STATION oc alem B kh Mall Neshamin Bens lvd ill Trevose Dr ville RdHulmeville Bristol Rd Be Street Rd Walmart Village ns Hulme a 128 Center lem Old Lincoln Hwy Gallo Bl S. C. vd wa y Rd y 276 w 276 H 132 ln Gibson Rd Neshaminy co in Interplex L Crafton hlieu Rd Ric Plaza S. C. Gallo 150 ville Rd BUCKS COUNTY Street Rd Parx wa Hulme Casino y Rd 1 PHILADELPHIA Knights Rd COUNTY Industrial Park Benjamin Rush d Bensalem H. S. R State Park s Showcase t Bridgewater Plaza S. C. h Byberr ig Industrial Park Byberry East n y Rd Adams Rd K Industrial Park B hanicsville Rd Street Rd r Ford Rd id S. C. g Mec BENSALEM e w F a Dunks e Marten t Community rry e R 128 r College of Creekside d Square S. C. R Philadelphia Street Rd d Bensalem Blvd 95 Apartments Bensalem Plum A Square S. C. my Rd de CROYDON ca d v A R STATION ts 132 NORTHEAST igh 13 Kn Cedar A PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Mills 513 v Croydon 63 W o Street Rd o d 13 h ville Rd a Neshaminy v e State Park Knights Rd n Bristol Pk 95 Hulme Rd Aria Woodhaven State Rd Health Mall Cornwells LEGEND Station A Heights er Routing Unchanged Morrell CORNWELLS are Riv Temporary Routing due to Park BristolCenter Pk HEIGHTS w T v N SErvice Interruption ford ennis STATION Dela rank 13 City © SEPTA Route Temporarily F 11/2016 Discontinued Av A 95 v State Rd NEW JERSEY 9.05 8.05 9.13 7.10 8.13 5.45 9.24 7.18 8.24 5.53 9.35 4.25 7.29 8.35 3.45 6.05 4.34 7.40 2.45 --- 3.54 6.16 1.45 --- 4.46 2.54 12.45 9.56 10.0910.1710.2810.3210.39 --- 4.06 1.00 --- 6.30 1.54 4.57 9.46 12.54 3.06 12.0412.1512.3012.3812.4912.53 --- 11.45 11.54 4.17 6.38 9.37 2.06 --- 5.11 --- 1.04 11.42 3.17 11.35 11.31 11.20 10.59 11.12 10.49 10.39 9.29 10.30 4.31 --- 6.48 2.17 5.19 1.15 3.31 --- --- 4.39 6.52 2.32 5.29 --- 1.30 3.39 4.49 --- 8.32 2.40 --- 5.33 1.38 --- 3.50 7.30 --- 4.53 8.40 2.51 6.33 --- 1.49 3.54 --- 7.38 8.49 2.55 --- 6.41 1.53 7.47 --- 8.59 3.02 6.49 2.00 7.57 9.12 6.59 8.10 9.20 7.12 8.17 9.31 7.19 8.27 9.35 7.28 8.30 9.42 7.31 8.37 7.37 Cornwells Heights T Station o Bu Dunks Ferry Rd and Plum Av c (Creekside Apartments) ks CountyCom Parx Casino Neshaminy Mall AM SE PM SE (near Boscov's) R R Langhorne Station VICE VICE 7.14 5.50 7.22 4.25 5.58 2.50 7.34 4.33 1.20 6.09 2.58 7.42 4.47 12.0212.1512.25 11.54 1.28 6.17 3.10 10.1910.2710.3910.49 4.55 1.41 3.20 1.50 8.48 8.56 9.06 9.15 T m Cornwells Heights o NeshaminyMall St Mary Station Medical Center unity Colle AM SE PM SE Dunks Ferry Rd State St and and Plum Av (Creekside Apartments) Washington Av R R (Newtown) VICE VICE Village of Newtown S Parx Casino SUND Shopping Center A g TURD Neshaminy Mall Bucks County e (near Boscov's) 6.25 5.00 6.36 3.30 12.3012.4212.5112.59 5.12 2.00 6.44 3.42 5.21 2.12 6.52 11.28 11.20 3.51 11.12 11.00 5.29 2.21 3.59 2.29 9.30 9.42 9.50 9.58 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1.42 --- --- 1.31 --- 5.45 --- 1.23 5.10 --- 5.51 3.25 --- 1.10 --- 5.16 2.30 4.10 12.2512.3112.3712.4712.56 --- 6.01 3.31 1.45 --- 5.26 2.36 --- 4.16 6.10 3.37 1.51 --- 12.39 12.28 12.20 12.07 11.53 5.35 11.44 11.35 2.42 9.45 11.31 11.25 4.26 --- 6.22 3.47 1.57 8.40 10.1010.1610.2010.2910.3810.52 11.05 11.12 11.23 5.47 2.52 9.57 4.35 7.45 6.35 3.56 2.07 8.52 10.04 6.00 3.01 4.49 7.57 6.43 8.55 4.10 2.16 8.59 10.14 6.08 7.55 3.15 5.02 8.04 6.53 9.01 4.23 2.30 9.09 Community 6.18 8.01 3.28 5.10 8.14 9.05 4.31 2.43 8.05 3.36 5.20 9.14 4.42 2.51 8.14 3.47 9.21 3.02 8.21 9.34 8.32 College 9.46 8.44 9.53 8.51 10.04 9.01 T A o Frankford-Knights YS Bucks County Neshaminy Mall A (near Boscov's) Community College YS AM SE PM SE Parx Casino Village of Newtown Shopping Center R R VICE VICE Dunks Ferry Rd T State St and o Frankford-Knights and Plum Av Washington Av (Creekside Apartments) (Newtown) Cornwells Heights St Mary AM SE Station PM SE Medical Center R R VICE VICE Langhorne Station Neshaminy Mall (near Boscov's) Parx Casino Dunks Ferry Rd and Plum Av (Creekside Apartments) Cornwells Heights Station.
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