This document has been archived. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Office of Legislative and Public Affairs Volume 24, No. 9, May 1997 tact the NSF Information Center by Printed copies are available from the NSF phone, (703) 306-1234, or by e-mail, Forms and Publications Unit and can Announcements [email protected], for help in signing up to be ordered using the information on receive alerts via e-mail. the Publications Order form in the for May 1997 back of this Bulletin. In an effort to save printing and mail- ing costs as well as paper, NSF encour- ages the use of electronic methods. The NSF Bulletin provides monthly news Program Deadlines For more widespread distribution, any about NSF programs and funding op- or all portions of this publication may portunities, deadline and target dates and Target Dates for be reproduced, with the exception of for submission of proposals, current the mailing permit. Proposals publications, and meetings and con- ferences as well as sources for more BIO Awards Lists information. Telephone numbers are The Bulletin gives key dates on which the Arlington, VA, area code 703 unless Available The fiscal year 1996 (FY96) Summary of grant proposals are due at NSF for the otherwise indicated. Individuals who next 4 months. These dates are subject are hearing-impaired should call Awards for each division in the Direc- torate for Biological Sciences (BIO) is to change. Further information on the either NSF’s Telephonic Device for the programs in this publication is avail- Deaf (TDD) at 306-0090 or the Federal now available in print and electronic format. Each summary provides the able from the staff members or offices Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1- listed for each entry; from the NSF 800-877-8339 for further information. scientific and engineering communi- ties with information about awards Guide to Programs (NSF 97-30); or from made in the division during FY 96. Infor- the NSF Home Page on the Web. Un- The material in the printed version of mation includes the principal investi- less otherwise indicated, brochures in this publication can be accessed gator’s name, the award title, the parentheses are available from NSF’s electronically on the NSF Home Page amount, and the duration of the Publications Office and may be re- (http://www.nsf.gov/) via World Wide award. quested by filling out the Publications Web. The direct URL for recent issues Order Form located in the back of this The following information includes the of the Bulletin is http://www.nsf.gov/ Bulletin. In addition, many of NSF’s pub- publication number and the Web ad- od/lpa/news/publicat/bulletin/bullet lications are available electronically dress where each summary can be in.htm. on the Web. The number and letter accessed: codes after some announcements re- If you would like to be notified when fer to listings in the publication Key- · Division of Biological Infrastruc- new issues of the Bulletin are available, word Thesaurus. They are used by the ture (DBI) (NSF 97-65), http://www. you can sign up for the NSF Custom research management offices of col- nsf.gov/bio/pubs/awards/dbia News Service. Further information leges and universities to target NSF wd96.htm. about the service and instructions on Bulletin information to potential users. how to subscribe are available at · Division of Environmental Biology http://www.nsf.gov/home/cns/. If you (DEB) (NSF 97-66), http://www. Program Deadlines: Unless otherwise don’t have access to the Web, con- nsf.gov/bio/pubs/awards/deb stated in announcements or solicita- awd96.htm. tions, proposals postmarked after NOTE: The CFDA numbers that · Division of Integrative Biology and these cutoff dates generally will be appear under each directorate Neuroscience (IBN) (NSF 97-68), returned to the proposer. heading are taken from the http://www.nsf.gov/bio/pubs/a Target Dates: Unless otherwise stated Catalog of Federal Domestic As- wards/ibnawd96.htm. sistance, a publication issued in announcements or solicitations, annually by the Office of Man- · Division of Molecular and Cellular proposals postmarked after these cut- agement and Budget and avail- Biosciences (MCB) (NSF 97-67), off dates will be reviewed, although able from the Government http://www.nsf.gov/bio/pubs/a they may miss a particular panel Printing Office at (202) 512-1800. wards/mcbawd96.htm. meeting. Most NSF programs that do not have a from the NSF Forms and Publications TARGET DATES: specific deadline or target date will Unit using the order form in the back accept proposals at any time of the of this Bulletin. For general inquiries, June 15, 1997---- year. These programs do not appear contact Dr. Fred Stollnitz in the Divi- Ecological Studies. In the Ecosys- in the Bulletin. It takes approximately sion of Integrative Biology and Neu- tems Program, contact Dr. Gauis 6 months to process a proposal. roscience by phone, 306-1413, or by Shaver or Dr. James Callahan; and in e-mail, [email protected]. [P.T.34; K.W. the Ecology Program, contact Dr. Biological Sciences 0502006.] Penelope Firth or Dr. Taber Allison; Di- vision of Environmental Biology, 306- July 28, 1997---- 1479. [P.T.34; K.W.1002016.] CFDA #47.074 Multi-User Biological Equipment and Systematic and Population Biology. Further information on the programs Instrumentation Resources. (Bro- In the Systematics Program, contact in this section can be found in the chure NSF 96-91, available in elec- Dr. John Gold, Dr. Charles O’Kelly, or NSF Guide to Programs (NSF 97-30), tronic format only.) Contact Dr. Barry Dr. James Rodman; and in the Popu- or on the BIO Directorate Home Masters or Dr. Karl Koehler in the Divi- lation Biology Program, contact Dr. Page at http://www.nsf.gov/ sion of Biological Infrastructure by Elizabeth Lyons, Dr. Mark Courtney, or bio/start.htm. phone, 306-1472, or by e-mail, bmas Dr. Lisa Brooks; Division of Environ- [email protected] or [email protected]. mental Biology, 306-1481. [P.T.34; K.W. PROGRAM DEADLINES: [P.T.18,34; K.W.1002000,1002024.] 0413004,1002011.] May 2, 1997---- August 25, 1997---- July 10, 1997---- Fifth Competition for Long-Term Eco- Instrument Development for Biologi- logical Research (LTER)----Urban LTER. Animal Behavior. Contact Dr. cal Research. (Brochure NSF 96-90, (Brochure NSF 97-53, available in George Uetz in the Division of Inte- available in electronic format only.) electronic format only.) Contact Dr. grative Biology and Neuroscience Contact Dr. Barry Masters or Dr. Karl by phone, 306-1419, or by e-mail, Scott Collins in the Division of Environ- Koehler in the Division of Biological mental Biology by phone, 306-1482, [email protected]. [P.T.34; K.W.0201009, Infrastructure by phone, 306-1472, or or by e-mail, [email protected]. [P.T.34; 0404000.] by e-mail, [email protected] or kkoe K.W.1002000,1007001.] [email protected]. [P.T.18,34; K.W.1002000, Animal Development. Contact Dr. May 15, 1997---- 1002024.] Judith Plesset in the Division of Inte- grative Biology and Neuroscience Learning and Intelligent Systems. Full DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED---- by phone, 306-1417, or by e-mail, Proposals. (Brochure NSF 97-18.) For Environmental Geochemistry and [email protected]. [P.T.34; K.W.1002052.] biologically related projects, contact Biogeochemistry. (Brochure NSF 96- Dr. Walter Wilczynski in the Division Behavioral Neuroscience. Contact 152.) Unsolicited proposals for this Dr. Walter Wilczynski in the Division of of Integrative Biology and Neurosci- specific component may be submit- ence by phone, 306-1416, or by e- Integrative Biology and Neurosci- ted to any of the following divisions: mail, [email protected]. For general ence by phone, 306-1416, or by e- Earth Sciences, contact Dr. Mary- mail, [email protected]. [P.T.34; information, send an e-mail message ellen Cameron by phone, 306-1554, to [email protected]. [P.T.34.] K.W.0404000,1002030.] or by e-mail, [email protected]; July 15, 1997---- Ocean Sciences, contact Dr. Ken Buesseler by phone, 306-1589, or by Research Collections in Systematics e-mail, [email protected]; Chemistry, and Ecology. (Brochure NSF 93-116, contact Dr. Margaret Cavanaugh in revision.) Contact Dr. Meredith by phone, 306-1842, or by e-mail, Lane in the Division of Environmental [email protected]; Chemical and Biology by phone, 306-1483, or by Transport Systems, contact Dr. M.C. NATIONAL SCIENCE e-mail, [email protected]. [P.T.20,34; Roco by phone, 306-1371, or by e- K.W.1002011,1002016.] FOUNDATION mail, [email protected]; Atmospheric Arlington, VA. 22230 July 22, 1997---- Sciences, contact Dr. Anne-Marie Schmoltner by phone, 306-1528, or Neal Lane, Director FOUNDATION WIDE by e-mail, [email protected]; Environ- Joseph Bordogna, Acting Deputy Director Faculty Early Career Development mental Biology, contact Dr. Gauis Shaver by phone, 306-1479, or by e- The NSF Bulletin is issued monthly (ex- (CAREER) Program. The CAREER Pro- cept July and August). Use of funds for gram guidelines (NSF 97-87) and the mail, [email protected]; Molecular printing this periodical has been approved FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and Cellular Biosciences, contact Dr. by the Office of Management and Budget. Charles Liarakos by phone, 306-1441, document are now available on Editor: Christina Bartlett-Whitcomb the NSF Home Page (www.nsf.gov/) or by e-mail, [email protected]; and Assistant to the Editor: Brian Lombard under the heading ‘‘Cross-Cutting contact the Division of Mathemati- Office of Legislative and Public Affairs Programs.’’ The FAQ document is cal Sciences at 306-1870. [P.T.18,34, (306-1070) or [email protected] TDD (306-0090) available in electronic format only.
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