/ , » I , • / • - ■' ■ ■ ■ PAGE FORTY-FOUR FRroAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1989 Aemrave Daily N^.Preaa R n iManrif?0tpr Vbr Ute Week WmOet The Weather • Mereoiber IS, U99 MloaUy cloudy tonigbt w^h lows in Use. upper 20s. Tomorrow Maj. Kenneth Lance, offlcer The Stein Club of the V7W Pastor To Talk partly cloudy and colder. High j j DO YOU H AVI A OKAHtS CMOIT ACCOUNT? | About Town In' charge of the Mancheater will sponsor its annual Harvest SB to to. lid>nday’a outlook fafr . , SalvaUon, Army Corps, wUl con- Dance tomorrow, from 9 p.m. to On Spiritualism 15,800 and cold. ' r. Shop t o t a l A A Lamaze. cWIdblrth film ^ g . „ 1 a.m. at the 'VFW'Post Home. IfaMchaater— id City o f Vi Chmrsr. on « d l o >*atlon W IN F. A buffet wlU ^ served. TlckeU labor and delivery will be pre*',*,^ 4- ______ The Rev. William Henry Jack- Gvauts may be purdiased at the door. OPEN VOL. LXXXIX, IjlO. 51 (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION—TARIXIID) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NDv EHBER 29, 1969/ (CBasiHInd AdvertWag oa Pegs 17) PRICE TEN CENTS K r40Wrj rOR VALUFS £ , I"? ; 2 *SJSwcTST’ z son of Hartford will speak on ChimaiM and tha ManakAalar the spiritualist movement, at on 88 Prospect Bt., Rockville. Clergy Association. the St. M ary’s Episcopal Church For further information contact C h u rc h P r o g r a m .ft. Baron, 583 Hartford Senior Young People’s. Fellow- Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Ijld., Manchester. Features Music ^ip meeting Simday a t. 7:30 observe Past Noble Orands School Bans ' Night at Its meeting Monday at BmanueTc^urch Women will P-™- !«»'the'Senior Fellowship Viet Official Wants A ris. ss» -T..4JI r«sTi'^ 4ti RooiH iu the bascment of the Sunday, November 30fh S an ta O a u s ^ 8 >p.m. at Odd Fellows HaU. meet TueMayMooa. at 7;« p.m. In «, Park Guild of the AssumpUon sch«l- entertainment. MARBUDHOAD, ^ n a a . ‘It’s Great to Be uied Jor Monday 1^ ^en p ^ ^I^r refroshmlnts’’;;^ ^ ^ ;: ^ (AP) — Tbe Uaxhlelnad ' j ' ’ ^ ” poned until Dec. 9 when ' the of Christmas music ^11 be pre- nev. Mr. Jackson is the 3 ¥ J M . i o 9 P.M. Slayings Trobed School DepsitmoBt hh* ban­ group will have ,% Christmas sented, featuring the Bell Ring- pastor of the First Church of ned all re)%9DUB reference to potluck at 6:30 p.m. at the Members of the Manchester ers. Choir, a women’s octet and the Divine Ught of Coimectlcut COME IN AND SEE AND HEAR . By^lBE A880CIATBD PRESS K y and ITileu have often been Ghrtstmaa In the town'* pub­ Church of the.. Assumption. Junior Women’s Club who have a men’s octet from Emanuel in Hartford an<| director of the A helicopter {dlbt Tvbnor com­ at odds and W y is known for his lic schoda, and akso Hanu- dressed dolls to be donated to Choir. Philosopher’s Open^orum. THE IDEAL FAMILY GIFT plaint led to ati Army inquiry independent political manner kah, tb e JewCah boRday Reservations close tomorrow tb^ Mhnchester Welfare De- Members are reminded to a business meeting to plan Into the alleged M y L ai maaaa- and putriic statem m ts that which begina next Friday. Say Spacemen After ‘ for the Army-Navy Club Aux­ partment are reminded to de- bring small wrapped^ gift*- the, fellowship and youth serv- — M CHRISTMAS — •ere won a heroUm award for Bometimea clash with official reference tb the wmd iliary annual' Christmas party government policy. llver the dolls to Mrs. Steidien labeled as to contents, for dis- ice will be held at 6:30 p.m. be- saving 16 children there. In Ghrfsimaa wiH be elimtiMted and may be made with Mrs. A i^aring at the dedication of SPACE CENTKXt, Houston Harvey, Ralph Rd., by Dec. 11. trib^lin at Norwich State Hos- fore the q>eech. GULRRANSEN ORGANS & PIANOS S ou ^ 'Vietnam, Vice Preeident in group SKtivtUea planned in John Vince, 227 McKee St. a high school library, Ky told (A P ) — Am erica's ncoveet apace ----- pltal. The hat, mitten and sock Nguyen Cao Ky says he has all IfacUeheiad edwols," a The event will be held Wednes^ newsmen today that he was heroes, the ApoUo 12 moon ex­ ’The American Legion Auxllla- tree will be decorated and given ,.aaked for a new Investigation of policy atatement said. , .day a t '7 p.ni. at the clubhouse. "not satisfied’’ with the pre­ plorers, returned honte today, "ry will sponsor a home-baked to Mansfield State Hospital, the incident. School Supt Aina W. Ode- ham and bean supper Sunday, Refreshments will be served KEYBOARD STUDIO vious investigation. His state­ called their flight a "btast" and LOFT'S KITCHEN man aaM the department The publfjc la invited to at­ CSiief WO Hugh C. TTiompeon ment came two days after a told their families and BOO well- > Dec. 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. at t^e by Mrs. Edward ’Trares, Mrs. R O U TE 83 872-4922 V4 m U D V S m i T U B C n K & B adopted the poBcy "foilawtiv tend an exhibit of items com­ FRESH CANDY Jr., 27, confirmed Friday at Ft. leading oi^xMitton politician. wlaliera; " I t ’s great to-, be • Post Home. Reservations may ’Thomas Turner and members of a conference wilfa ,deigym en pleted (by students in the Man­ Rucker, Ala., that he had re­ Sen. Tran Van Don, said he back !" ■ be made by contacting Mrs. their committee. Miss Norma of aB fatttti in Miaildehead.” chester Adult Evening School WELDON DRUG CO. ceived the Diatii^uiMied Flying' would conduct a new. investiga­ Charlee "Pete" Oonrod Jr., Leon BratSey, 73 Phelps Rd. Johnson and Mrs. Herbert John- He eeld tbe decMon pro- program, to be held in Man­ Tu: M-VIN SI K I.I I Croae tar .bravery at M y Lai on tion. Richard F. Gordon Jr., and These enchanting letterriirHI bring the Tlckets may also be purchased son will welcome members and libtts reference (d Stuxta chester High School cafeteria March 16, 1968—date of;the al­ The earlier inquiry orders^ by Alan L. Bean, still sealed tn a wonder ,of Santa Claus to the little boys at the door.' guests. Glaua and tbe exchange of leged alaagister. Hiieu was carried out by Lt. sliver quarantine van. arrived 2 and girls in your life. They will know the Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. gtfta between pupils and be­ ’Thomiiwan, o f t^^catur, Ga., Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, com­ at nearby- Ellington Air Force letter is from Santa because Work on display will Include tween pupfla and Ceaobeta, crewel, embroidery, rug hook­ I loi SI': declined to give any details but mander of the northernmost 1st Base aboabd an A ir Force trane- and b a n deoonatlbns In sources disclosed that the cita­ Gorpe Tactical Zone. Hla port plane that hod brought The Proof is in the Postmark! ing, cake decorating, knitting, school 'wlndowa conosohen tion was awarded for his action them from Hawaii. Visit our Santa Claus Post Office. Select one of our gay, tailoring, and art. lengthy report was based entire­ with either hdUay. » in saving the Uves of 16 Viet­ ly on results of previous inves­ They waited patiently for 4B colorful letters and envelopes, FREEI Address, stamp and Odeman aatd _lhe last Jehovah’s Witnesses will con­ \ ■' ./ ' A " . \ namese children at "persMial tigations by province and dU- minutes while techniclahs trans­ mail it in our special mail box. We will have it postmarked year be received “numeroui duct a theocratic ministry disregard for hla oxm safety.” trtet ofhcials. ferred the trailer from the plane from Santa Claus, Indiana. This is our way of saying Merry oomplalnlB" tram Jewish school tonight at 7:80''an d a Pentagon sources in Washing­ It concluded thai about 20 ci- to a flatbed truck tor the tour- Christmas to children of all ages. ton Friday said It was Thomp­ parehta about their chll- service meeting at 8:30 at King­ viliana were killed by American mile' trip to the Lunar Receiving We're Celebrating 'llAIJi: son whose complBdnt touched off dren’B participation in ached dom Half. artillery and air strikes during Laboratory at the Manned 9 tlOAJl.to9 PJI. hoHday activities. He said the Army’s initial inveatlgation a battle with Viet Gong in the Spacecraft Oenter. the C iv * Ltberttea Union Campbell' Council, KofC, will of the alleged massacre. They village but that there had been The spacemen face 11 more oomplBlnad that a "rellglou i declined to elaborate. no mass slaying of dviUans by days of' quarantine In tbe quar­ PARKADE conduct its regrular bingo game BETTER KITCHEN MONTH aapect" was preaent in 'm Secretary of the Army Stanley U.S. ground troops. ters more spacious than thora of tonight at 7 ;45 at the KofC Chrirtmaa iJbMvtty in the R. Reaor. told congressmen Ky said he could accept tbad the wheelleos trailer that has Home. sohocto. Wednesday that the original In­ some clviliana are killed In the been their home atnoe their re- at GLENNEY’S quiry stemmed from a helicop­ heat of battle, "but afterwards, coi^ry Monday. ter pilot who "suggested there if innocent clviliana are killed In Wesurlng powder blue flight might have been unnecessary cold blood, I cannot suscept." overalls, Oonrad, Gordon and T0NI8HT and TOMORROW, THE U ST TIME killing of noncomatants at My Meanwhile, Lt.
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