KOSOVO This file contains elections results for the Assembly of Kosovo for 2007, 2010, and 2014. Though mandates are allocated in a single national constituency (with one-fifth of seats reserved for national minorities), the file includes results at the municipal level. Year, Geography, and Turnout YEAR Election Year MUNI Municipality (some boundary changes between elections) ELEC Registered Voters BALLOTS Total Ballots Cast (2007 only) VALID Total Valid Votes BLANK Total Blank Votes INVALID Total Invalid Votes VALIDR Valid Regular Ballots (2010 only) BLANKR Blank Regular Ballots (2010 only) INVALIDR Invalid Regular Ballots (2010 only) SPOILR Spoiled Regular Ballots (2010 only) BALLOTR Total Regular Ballots (2010 only) BALLOTP Total Provisional Ballots (2010 only) VALIDP Valid Provisional Ballots (2010 only) BLANKP Blank Provisional Ballots (2010 only) INVALIDP Invalid Provisional Ballots (2010 only) REJECTP Rejected Provisional Ballots (2010 only) VOTEDP Voters who Voted (2010 only) VOTEDNP Voters who Voted but not at the Polls (2010 only) Votes by Party AAK Aleanca për Ardhmërinë e Kosovës (Alliance for Future of Kosovo) BSDAK Bošnjačka Stranka Demokratske Akcije Kosova (Bosniak Party of Democratic Action in Kosovo) CDS Crnogorska Demokratska Stranka (Montenegrin Democratic Party) FER Partia Fryma e Re (New Spirit Party) GIG Građanska Inicijativa Gore (Civic Initiative of Gora) GIKN Gradjanska Inicijativa Krilo Naroda (Civic Initiative National Wing) IRDK Iniciativa e Re Demokratike e Kosovës (New Democratic Initiative of Kosovo) JSL Jedinstvena Srpska Lista (United Serbian List) KDTP Kosova Demokratik Türk Partisi (Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo) KOAL Koalicioni për Kosovë të Re (New Kosovo Coalition), includes AKR, PD, PSD, PPI, PPK, PNDSH, PGJK (abbreviations may not be the same as used in this file) AKR Aleanca Kosova e Re (New Kosovo Alliance) PD Partia e Drejtësisë (Party of Justice) KTB Kosova Türk Birliǧi (Kosovo Turkish Union) LDD Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë (Democratic League of Dardania) LDD-PSD Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë–Partia Shqiptare Demokristane e Kosovës (Democratic League of Dardania—Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosova) LDK Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës (Democratic League of Kosovo) LEK Lidhja e Egjiptianëve të Kosovës (League of Egyptians in Kosovo) NDS Nova Demokratska Stranka (New Democratic Party) ND Nova Demokratija (New Democracy) PAI Partia Ashkalinjëve për Integrim (Ashkali Party for Integration) PDAK Partia Demokratike e Ashkanlive të Kosovës (Democratic Ashkali Party of Kosovo) PDK Partia Demokratike e Kosovës (Democratic Party of Kosovo) PREBK Partia Rome e Bashkuar e Kosovës (United Roma Party of Kosovo) SDS Srpska Socijal Demokratska Stranka (Serbian Social Democratic Party) SDA Stranka Demokratske Akcije (Party of Democratic Action) SDSG Socijaldemokratska Stranka Gore (Social Democratic Party of Gora) SDSKM Srpska Demokratska Stranka Kosova i Metohije (Serb Democratic Party of Kosovo and Metohija) SKMS Srpska Kosovsko-Metohijska Stranka (Serb Kosovo-Metohija Party) SLS Samostalna Liberalna Stranka (Independent Liberal Party) SNS Srpska Narodna Stranka (Serb People’s Party) SNSD Savez Nezavisnih Socijaldemokrata Kosova i Metohije (Union of Independent Social Democrats of Kosovo and Metohija) VETEV (Lëvizja) Vetëvendosje (Self-Determination) BK Balli Kombëtar (National Front) ORA Partia Reformiste ORA (Reformist Party ORA) OKP Opstanak Kosovskog Pomoravlja (Survival of the Kosovo Morava) LKC Lëvizja Kombëtare për Çlirimin e Kosovës (National Movement for the Liberation of Kosovo) PSS PSS za Kosovo i Metohiju–Bogoljub Karić (PSS for Kosovo and Metohija– Bogoljub Karić) PDKC PDK with PD, Lëvizja për Bashkim (Movement for Unity), PSD, and Partija Konservatore e Kosovës (Conservative Party of Kosovo) NISMA Nisma për Kosovën (Initiative for Kosovo) SLIST Srpska Lista (Serb List) VAKAT Koalicija Vakat (Vakat Coalition) PDS Progresivna Demokratska Stranka (Progressive Democratic Party) KTAP Kosova Türk Adalet Partisi (Turkish Justice Party of Kosovo) PLE Partia Liberale Egjiptiane (Egyptian Liberal Party) CDU Centar Demokratski Unije (Center Democratic Union) PDP Pokrat za Demokratski Prosperitet (Movement for Democratic Prosperity) KG Koalicija za Gora FORT Partia e Fortë BJL Bošnjačka Jedinstvena Lista (Bosnian United List) PGORA Pokret za Gora (Movement for Gora) KNRP Kosovaki Nevi Romani Partia (Kosovar New Romani Party) SOCDEM Socijaldemokratija (Social Democracy) LGTS Lëvizja Grupimi Tradicional Shqiptar (Movement Traditional Albanian Grouping) KUKA Naser Kuka LUMA Cecil Luma GASHI Hasan Gashi Source: http://www.kqz-ks.org/, Central Election Commission (CEC). .
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