flbtmtmimrnt*. LOCAL AFFAIRS J. P. Bimonton, of the Methodist church, KRKSHKT AT FKANKIJN. County Road Mating. ; and Rev. J. M. Adams, of the Congrega- To-morrow at the court house the Hint tional church, united with Rev. P. A. Much Damage Done as Result of road will be held. Thii NKW A 1>V KKTIhKM »• NTH Til IK WKFK. county meeting Burrill National Bank A. Killam, of the Baptist church, in the Sunday’* Heavy Rain. meeting is provided for under the law The Kill* Stan* field- Application for naturalisa- service. the office of State com- — creating highway tion Wkbt Franklin, April 18 (special) OF ELLSWORTH. MAINE, Admr notice— E*t Thomas Milan. Annie F., wife of Eugene Hastings, The heavy rain of Sunday caused a freshet missioner, and is under the direction of Gro Cl Clows— or gentleman wanted. Lady of at her on the mill stream at West Franklin State Commissioner and the* to commence business October 24.I8s7, the pioneer National Hank Statement—Boston Ins Co. formerly Ellsworth died home Sargent, Authorized commissioners of Hancock of Ellsworth, Maine. l>artd friend—Closing out sale. in Mansfield, Mass., Monday, aged thirty- which resulted in great damage. county county*. Eastern Co—Change In schedule- is there will a Steamship Mrs. maiden name The trouble when the It hoped be large att end- M (Jnllert— Urv goods, boots and shoe*. eight years. Hastings' began Monday — ance of commissioners from tha 8tapio« Plano A Music Co Musical Inatru was McMullen. Besides her husband, upper dam, between the two ponds, gave highway SOLICIT ACCOUNTS OF ments. tow us WE INDIVIDUALS, she leaves four children. way. The water thus tore away of the county, as much valuable .1 A H»yne*—Meats, fish and groceries. released, am) — the booms and with ice and came information will be obtained at the meet- FIRMS asi> CORPORATIONS, OFFER EVERY Patrick Kearns Ments, groceries, canned: Rev. Charles L. White, D. logs goods, etc I)., president down upon the lower dam at ing, and the exchange of ideas between CONSISTENT WITH SAFE M A Clark—Greenhouse. of Colby college, will spiak at the Baptist sweeping ACCOMMODATION .1 L Seammons' which was carried out. the commissioners of the several ton nm Floyd—New market church next Sunday and even- mill, ban KINO. J A morning lkoitimate Thompson—stationery, wall paper, etc. The Main street was will, in itself, be of great value. Jm> music will be rendered. bridge next to go, Fast Mr.: ing. Special HlmnmntHank of HuRHr, and the old was State Commissioner Sargent National Boeton; National Com- Both services will be in the auditorium. Coombs grist mill carried Highway Correspondent*, M I) Chat to—Farm for sale; eggs for hatch- New York. down stream with it. will address the meeting, and there * ill mit-' ial Hank. Albany, ing While in the city President White will be Mr. Scammons is the heaviest loser. be general discussion on the of NOHTHKAST tlARHOR the guest of Mrs. Charles. W. Mason. subject I K Ralph—Architect and builder. Mis mill was not damaged, but his entire road building. The steamer Percy V. of the Ellsworth IlAXGOK stock of logs for the season’s saw ing was O. W. Rlnes & Swan’s Island line made the first trip of TAPLEY, Co—Spring opening at Manning tlock. scattered, and is now strewn about the CHURCH NOTES* ELLSWORTH, IVI El Augusta, Me the season yesterday from Ellswori h, re- banks of the pond and stream, and over Taxea on In Hancock Co. turning to-day. The season was inaugu- BAPTIST. townships fields where carried by the high water. and rated most auspiciously, the steamer carry- Rev. P. A. A. Killam, pastor. INSURANCE INVESTMENTS. No accurate estimate of the number of ing a full complement of freight and Sunday, April 22—Morning service at PARTIES IIAVIKO MONEY TO INVEST Wll.l. KIND SCHKDULK OF MAILS logs lost, or the cost of collecting those on her ard line Berinon AT ELLSWORTH rOdT OmCl. passengers outw trip. The 10.30. by Rev. Charles L. While* IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CAM. ON ME. scattered about, can yet be made, but it is In effect December 4, 1906. promises to be a popular one this season. D. 1)., president of Colby college, Sunday probable that Mr. Scammons’ loss will ap- school at 11.45. Christian Endeavor meet- Miss Bassie Stack pole, formerly of proach 15,000. MAILS RECEIVED. ing at 7. service at 7.30; Mr* West Ellsworth, died at her home in The carrying out of the main bridge 1 Evening C. W. & F. L. From WhST—7.16 a m, 6.13 p ns. White. MASON, Agents Somerville, Mass., Sunday, aged fifty-five cuts off travel between Franklin and Ells- From East-IUG a m, 5.30 and 10.17 p m. | Bible and service at 7.301 of years. Miss Stack pole had been in the worth team the study prayer For INSURANCE Every Description. MAIL CLOAKS AT POATOFFICK. by except by roundabout I and business there Friday evening. I lf*. Accident, UabltttT an*i hunly. Burglary ami Plat*- LUnh Inttur* Gowo Fast—7 a m and 5.30 in. millinery dry goods way of Kastbrook and \V#ltham. Fire. p METHODIST EPISCOPAL. e. Ilomls of all furnUnr<l on *l»ort many The remains arrived here ant Surety «lf»Horl|>tlon* notice, Going West— 1140 a m, 5 and 9 m. years. It will cost the town fl,500 to build a i the p Rev. J. P. an«l all at lowest rate* po**U>le. and were taken to W’est Simonton, pastor So Sunday mall. Tuesday night new bridge. It is probable that a Room* 2 and J riret Nat Rank 4 Main tempo- C4II, write or trlr(>hoM Rl*J* 5t.. f'.lleworth, Me. Ellsworth Funeral services were j Friday, April 20-Prayer service at 7.3QU to-day. rary bridge will be built. held there Rev. J. P. Sunday, April 22 — Morning service at Mrs. Arthur Shute is in Boston. this afternoon, The Coombs mill was an old I visiting structure, 10.30. Sermon school Simontou and the by pastor. Sunday Paine Harvard officiating. loss on it is about fl,000. at nR. UEO. P. OOULD. ftlS3 ETHEL WARD. fTR. HARVEY W. BOWELS. George is at home frqm 11.45. Epworth league at 7. Easter The Hose for its annual for the Easter recess. City company concert at 7.30. Easter ball introduced There will be a service at Jordan’s Monday this year Marlavllle Man river* of The 6 o’clock whist club met with Mrs. Missing. at 2 m. Suits, Coats, Waists, a Trenton, Sunday p. the “Wayback ball” feature, and scored 17 Dress F. W. Rollins last evening. Mariaville, April (special)—George CONGREGATIONAL. Goods, Silks, hit. The galleries were sold out before of this Whittier, place, has been missing Rev. J. M. Adams, Leon R. Moor is at home from the Uni- the of the ball those who pastor Laces and evening by more than two and ail efforts to Neckwear, the Easter recess. weeks, 22— service at versity of Maine for wished to see the fun when the Sunday, April Morning Way- locate him have so far proved unsuccess- 10.30. Sunday school at 11.45. Trimmings Charles W. is at home from backers on the floor. And fun there Campbell got ful. The police of Bangor have been Prayer and conference meeting on Fri- AT the of Maine for a few was. The first of the dance day evening at 7.30. University days. part pro- notified, but as yet have found no clue. was to those in cos- UNITARIAN. Miss Bertha Raibour, of Bar Harbor, is gramme given up Mr. Whittier left here over two weeks The Me, while those in civilian dress looked Rev. S. W. Sutton, Manning Block, Ellsworth, visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Alexander. tume, ago for Bangor to attend to some busi- pastor. on. In the second all in the Sunday, April 22—Morning service at Miss Mabel William J. of is visit- part joined ness, and nothing has been heard of him (Room formerly occupied by Joy) Russell, Rockland, 10.30. Sunday school at 11.45 a. m. dancing. The evening was an enjoyable since. His ing his son, Henry Ruseell, on Lincoln family fear foul play, as he one. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 25 and 26. street. carried quite a sum of with him. money atrfjcrtfatmn’.ta. Sunday trains will begin running on the Mr. Whittier, with his wife and his You are especially Invited to call. Irene chapter, O. E. 9., gave one of its Mt. Desert branch May 6. The train will wife’s Mr. moved here pleasant sociables at Lygonia hall last brother, Grover, leave at 6.10 a. m. for Ellsworth about a His Friday evening. Bangor year ago. family relations were and Mt. Desert Ferry, connecting with apparently happy, and no cause can be The Little Round Top went into tug steamer for and arriving at Bar Harbor at assigned for his mysterious disappearance. commission and is now for to-day, ready 8.56 a m. Steamer will leave Bar Harbor tne season's business. Sundays at 1.30 p. m., connecting at Mt. COMING EVENTS. Edward broke his collar bone Sllvy right Desert Ferry with train leaving at 5.25 p. a fall from at ELLSWORTH. last Friday by the hayloft m., arriving iu Bangor at 7.15 p. m. Com- at the Branch Pond mill. mencing Saturday, May 5, ferry steamers Wednesday, April 18, Congregational BANOOR, MAINE.
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