/, C5 6/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM The Ptibli'sliers - Wr. Cornell University Library 'K, The origirr&Pftf 4ffebook is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924095655589 1; — GENEALOGICAL GUIDE TO THE EARLY SETTLERS OF AMERICA. 285 b^ VW<'.n,< Referencesd . :-—Am. Ancestry, II, 64; IV,- 133; V, 57 Digory Jeffrey, Kittery, was a constable in 1664. VI, 158; Bergen's Kings Co., N. Y., Settlers, 153-66 Edward Jeffrey, came in the Truelove, 1635, aged Munsell's Albany, N. Y., Call., IV, 137; Pearson's Schen ectady, 24, from London, but it is not known where he sat down. N. Y., Settlers, 97; Prime's Hist. L. I., N. Y., \ 360; Schoonmaker's Hist. Kingston, N. Y., 482; Sylves- Francis Jeffrey, Falmouth, about 1685. Willis, I, ter's Hist. Ulster Co., N. Y., 338, 218. then born JAGQUES.:—Henry Jacques, Newburg, a carpenter, George Jeffrey, Windsor, had Mary, 1669; Hannah, ; Eliz., to Suffield; there came 1640; married, 1648", Ann, perhaps daughter of 1671 1675; removed had James, of Westerly, R. I., also Richard Knight; had Henry, born 1649; Mary, 165 1681, who was 1709; he had Sarah, children, and died 1683. died young; Mary, again, 1653; Hannah; Richard, 1858 and perhaps other Stephen, 1 66 1 ; Sarah, 1664; Daniel, 1667; Eliz., 1669 George Jeffrey, Boston, 1676, a merchant from Scot- Ruth, 1672, and Abigail, 1674. He was freeman, 1669 land, may have been, 1684, at Portsmouth. died 1687, and his widow died 1705. Gregory Jeffrey, Wells, was freeman 1653, constable References :—Whitehead's Perth Amboy, 365; Wy- 1658; had wife Mary, and son John, an infant. He died man's Charlestown, Mass., Gens., I, 548. 1662; his widow married John Lux. JAQUITH :—Abraham Jaquith, Charlestown, married Robert Jeffrey, Charlestown, came in the Eliz. and Ann, daughter of James Jordan of Dedham, whither it Ann, 1635, aged 30, bringing wife Mary, 27, and chil- is thought he soon removed; had Abraham, 1644; Mary, dren—Thomas, 7 ; Eliz., 6 ; and Mary, 3 ; two maid ser- re- 1646 ; and 3 other children. He was freeman 1656. Writ- vants, Susan Brown, 21, and Hannah Day, 20; he ten Jackewish when the spelling was by sound. moved to R. I., 1638, where he was in high repute as physician, and treasurer of Newport, 1640, and there was References :—Cutter's Jaffrey, N. H., 377-80 ; Davis' living 1646. Gen., 79; Hayward's Hist. Gilsum, N. H, 344; Hay- Hist. Dorchester, freeman removed ward's Hancock, N. H., 679 ; Hazen's Hist. Billerica, Thomas Jeffrey, 1634, Mass., 77; Sewall's Hist. Woburn, Mass., 618; Steam's before 1634 to New Haven, prob. with Eaton in 1638, Hist. served with reput. in the Pequot war; was called a Ashburnham, Mass., 763 ; Washington, N. H, Hist., had 489-92. serg. when he died, 1661, in good esteem; had a sister Sarah, wife of George Betty, in Co. Somerset. JARRATT:—John Jarratt.Rawley, freeman 1640; died one of the earliest set- 1648. Names in his will wife Susanna, and daughter William Jeffrey, Weymouth, Elizabeth. tlers in Mass. Bay, before Gov. Winth. or even Capt. En- dicott; prob. first at Cape Ann, and may have drifted Reference : —Powers' Sangamon Co., Ill Sett., 408. along shore to Manchester, early called Jeffry's Creek, JARVIS:—John Jarvis, Boston, merchant, died 1656; or as far as Salem; and Felt claims him for Ipswich, but probably he was" only a visitor. but, of course, this would be some years later; he was John Jarvis, Boston, shipwright, married, 1661, Re- sworn freeman 1631 ; may have had Mary, born 1642, tradition gives son be the brother becca, daughter of Elias Parkman; had Nicholas, bapt., and him John. He may 1666; and Samuel, 1674; but prob. the elder died young. of Robert, who was in R. I., 1638, and certainly is seen in list of freemen at Newport, 1655, where he died 1675, In his will, 1689, he names wife Rebecca, and 3 children, aged His will names wife Mary, eldest daughter all minors—Samuel, Mary and Abigail. 84. Mary, son Thomas, other daughters Sarah, Priscilla and Stephen Jarvis, perhaps of Huntington, L. I., mar- Susanna. ried a daughter of Jonathan, of the same, before 1670. References : —Salter's Monmouth, N. J. ; Savage's References: Am. Ancestry, III, 166; VIII, IX, — 3; Gen. Diet., II, 539. 228; Eaton's Annals of Warren, Me., 559; Jarvis Gen. Arms : (1879), 369 pp.; Whitmore's Copps Hill Epitaphs. : JEFTS, or JEFFS :—Henry Jefts, Woburn, 1640, mar- JAY —Jonathan Jay, a soldier, 1676, under Capt. Will- iam Turner. ried, 1647, Ann Stowers, and next, 1649, Hannah Borth, or Births, perhaps Booth; had John, born 165 1 ; Hannah, Boston, married, about William Jay, 1653, Mary, who died 1653; Hannah, again, 1655; Joanna, 1656; of Hunting of Dedham. daughter John Henry, 1659, and possibly others before or after, but References:—Alden's Am. Epitaphs, V, 246-50; Am. all these, since the first, at Billerica, of which he was one of the first settlers, and died aged Strangely Ancestry, VI, 151 ; Baird's Hist, of Rye, N. Y., 479-85 1700, 94. Bolton's Westchester Co., N. Y., II, 196; Flanders' Chief is the name spelt Sciffs, in 2 Mass. Hist. Call., II, 162. Y., I, 11-8; Holgate's Am. Gen., Justices of N. 234; John Jefts, Boston, 1656, mariner, had Mary, born City, I, Y. Gen. Biog. Lamb's Hist, of N. Y. 602, 697; N. 1656, by wife Sarah, who took admin, upon his estate 1 10-6; Rec, VII, X, 114. 1670, because "nigh twelve years since depart, and no Arms:— news of him." Rhode Island, JECOCKES, or JECOXE :—Francis Jecockes, Strat- William Jefts, 1652. ford, 1646. References:—Hazen's Hist. Billerica, Mass., 78; Hill's Hist. Mason, N. H., 203 ; Sewall's Hist. Woburn, JEFFORD John Jefford, Lynn, 1675. :— Mass., 618; Steam's Hist. Ashburnham, Mass., 763; JEFFREY, JEFFRIES, or JEFFERY :—Davfd Jef- Washington, N. H, Hist., 492-4. frey, Boston, merchant, married, 1686, Eliz., daughter of JEGGLES :—Daniel Jeggles, Salem, 1639. John Usher; had Jane, born 1687; John, 1689; David, ; ; Sarah, ; Francis, Daniel Jeggles, Salem, perhaps son of Thomas, 01 1690 ; Eliz., 1692 Rebecca, 1693 1695 living his wife possibly of the preceding, was master of a vessel taken 1696, and Peter, 1697 ; all of these when died, 1698, as Sewall tells, in Geneal Reg., VI, 77. by the French, 1689. See Rev. in N. E., Justif., 43. ; ; 286 GENEALOGICAL GUIDE TO THE EARLY SETTLERS OF AMERICA. Thomas Jeggles, Salem, perhaps brother of the first Samuel Jenkins, Greenwich, 1672, may have been Daniel, married, 1647, Abigail, daughter of Elder Sam- he who married, 1670, Mary, widow of Eleazer Famer, uel Sharp; had Abigail, born 1648; Thomas, 1650; Will- of Dorchester. iam, 1653, died in few days; Samuel, Eliz., 1656; 1654; References:—Am. Ancestry, I, 42; IV, 174; VI, 171 William, again, Daniel, ; ; 1659 > 1661 Mary, 1665 Nathan- Deane's Hist. Scituate, Mass., 294-6; Freeman's Hist. iel, 1666; all exc. the third, bapt. born 1668; John, 1669; Cape Cod, Mass., II, 87; Hayward's Hist. Hancock, N. Ebenezer, and Benjamin, 1672, 1674. H., 680; Hobart's Hist. Abington, Mass., 406-9; Mitch- William Jeggles, Salem, 1637, shipwright, prob. ell's Hist. Bridgewater, Mass., 203; Norton's Hist. Fitz- brother of first Daniel, and perhaps of first Thomas, died william, 617; Spooner Gen., I, 471-83; Wyman's Charles- 1659. He had wife Mary, and son John; but perhaps town, Mass., Gens., I, 550. a 2nd wife, Eliz., was admx. Another William, of Salem, JENKS : Joseph Jenks, Lynn, 1645, blacksmith, em- who came from Virginia, died 1674. Giggles, Gyggles, — ployed at the iron works, came, a widower, is the tra- and other forms are used. dition of the family, from Hammersmith, or Hounslow, Reference:—Savage's Gen. Diet., II, 541. Co. Middlesex, or Colebrook, in the edge of Bucks, near London; had child Joseph, born in England, and per- JELLETT John Jellett, Boston, died 1656, yet it :— haps another son that may have gone south, and be pro- might seem that he was only trans., since we see no other genitor of the name in N. C. ; and by 2nd wife Eliz., mention of him ; but the record of marriage contains that who died 1679, had prob. Sarah; certainly Samuel, born of William Wardell with widow Eliz. and under Gil- J., at Lynn 1654; Deborah, 1658; John, 1660; and Daniel, let may be read more of her. 1663 ; and died 1683. He was an ingenious workman JELLICOE :—Thomas Jellicoe, Middletown, had wife in 1652 was engaged to cut the dies for our coinage, say9 Mary, but prob. no children ; died 1684. report; and Boston, 1654, gave power (we find by the its contract with him for engines JEMPSON, GIMSON, or JEMSON :—James Jemp- record) to selectmen to carry water in case of fire. son, Boston, had wife Sarah, 1647, and son James, born to 1651, who prob. died soon; and James, again, 1655; and References :—Am. Ancestry, III, 141 ; Ammedown died 1662. - Perhaps he may have written the name Gen., 45 ; Corliss' No. Garmault Gen. ; Draper's Hist. Jameson. Spencer, Mass., 213; Driver Gen., 147; Essex Inst. Hist. Call.; Savage's Gen. Diet., II, 542-4; Wyman's Hunt John Jempson, Amesbury, possibly son of the pre- Gen., 114. ceding, married, 1670, Esther, daughter of George Mar- tin, of Salisbury; took oath of fidel. 1677. JENNER, GINNER, or JENNERS :—David Jenner, Boston, 1685, freeman 1691 ; prob. was of Charlestown Patrick Jempson, at Dover, adm.
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