A Review of DipterocarpsDipterocarps Taxonomy, ecology and silviculture Editors Simmathiri Appanah Jennifer M. Turnbull A Review of Dipterocarps: Taxonomy, ecology and silviculture Editors Simmathiri Appanah Jennifer M. Turnbull SEARC RE H I T N S S E T R I T O U F T E CIFOR MA &(17(5Ã)25Ã,17(51$7,21$/Ã)25(675<Ã5( 6($5&+ÃÃÃÃÃ LAYSIA ã 1998 by Center for International Forestry Research All rights reserved. Published 1998. ISBN 979-8764-20-X Cover: Dipterocarp forest and logging operation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. (photos by Christian Cossalter) Center for International Forestry Research Bogor, Indonesia Mailing address: P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia Tel.: +62 (251) 622622; Fax: +62 (251) 622100 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.cgiar.org/cifor Contents Authors v Abbreviations vii Acknowledgements ix Foreword xi Introduction 1 S. Appanah Chapter 1. Biogeography and Evolutionary Systematics of Dipterocarpaceae 5 G. Maury-Lechon and L. Curtet Chapter 2. Conservation of Genetic Resources in the Dipterocarpaceae 45 K.S. Bawa Chapter 3. Seed Physiology 57 P.B. Tompsett Chapter 4. Seed Handling 73 B. Krishnapillay and P.B. Tompsett Chapter 5. Seedling Ecology of Mixed-Dipterocarp Forest 89 M.S. Ashton Chapter 6. Root Symbiosis and Nutrition 99 S.S. Lee Chapter 7. Pests and Diseases of Dipterocarpaceae 115 C. Elouard Chapter 8. Management of Natural Forests 133 S. Appanah Chapter 9. Plantations 151 G. Weinland Chapter 10. Non-Timber Forest Products from Dipterocarps 187 M.P. Shiva & I. Jantan Scientific Index 199 General Index 209 Authors S. Appanah B. Krishnapillay Forest Research Institute Malaysia Forest Research Institute Malaysia Kepong Kepong 52109 Kuala Lumpur 52109 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Malaysia S. S. Lee M. S. Ashton Forest Research Institute Malaysia School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Kepong Yale University 52109 Kuala Lumpur Marsh Hall, 360 Prospect Street Malaysia New Haven, CT 06511 USA G. Maury-Lechon U.M.R. C.N.R.S. 5558 K. S. Bawa Laboratoire de Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie Department of Biology des Populations University of Massachusetts Université Claude Bernard - LYON 1 100 Morrissey Boulevard 43, Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 Boston MA 02125-3393 FR-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex USA France M. P. Shiva L. Curtet Centre of Minor Forest Products Laboratoire de Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie HIG-2, No. 8, Indirapuram des Populations Gen. Mahadev Singh Road Université Claude Bernard - LYON 1 P.O. Majra, Dehra Dun 248 171 43, Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 India FR-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex France P. B. Tompsett RBG Kew C. Elouard Wakehurst Place French Institute of Pondicherry Ardingly, Haywards Heath 11, St. Louis Street Sussex, RH17 7TN P.B. 33, Pondicherry 605001 United Kingdom India G. Weinland I. Jantan Malaysian-German Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation Project Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia GTZ 50300 Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz Jalan Sultan Salahuddin Kuala Lumpur 50660 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Malaysia Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid IUFRO International Union of Forestry ACOM Asian Conference on Mycorrhizae Research Organizations AFTSC ASEAN Forest Tree Seed Centre IWGD International Working Group on ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Dipterocarps Nations JICA Japan International Cooperation ASTAG Agriculture Division in the Asian Agency Technical Department, World Bank JIRCAS Japan International Research Centre (ceased January 1993) LN Liquid nitrogen BHC Benzene hexachloride LSMC Lowest-safe moisture content BIO-REFOR Biotechnology assisted MC Moisture content Reforestation MP Melting point BIOTROP See SEAMEAO-BIOTROP MTC Malaysian Timber Council CIFOR Center for International Forestry MUS Malayan Uniform System Research NCT Non-crop trees DABATTS Database of tropical tree seed NTFPs Non-timber forest products research ODA Overseas Development Authority DENR Department of Environment and (United Kingdom) (now DFID) Natural Resources, Philippines OLDA Orthodox with limited desiccation DFID Department for International ability Development (United Kingdom) OTA Office of Technology Assessment DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid PAR Photosynthetically active radiation EEC European Economic Community PCARRD Philippine Council for Agriculture, FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of Forestry and Natural Resources the United Nations Research and Development FD Forest Department of Peninsular PCT Potential final crop trees Malaysia PEG Polyethylene glycol FORSPA Forestry Research Support Program PSLS Philippine Selective Logging System for the Asia-Pacific RAPA Regional Office for Asia and Pacific FRIM Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FAO) GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für RAPD Random Amplified Polymorphic Technische Zusammenarbeit DNAs IBPGR International Board for Plant Genetic RIF Regeneration Improvement Fellings Resources (now IPGRI) RIL Reduced Impact Logging ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry Research ROSTSEA Regional Office for Science and and Education Technology for South East Asia IIED International Institute for (UNESCO) Environment and Development SEAMEO- IPGRI International Plant Genetic BIOTROP South-East Asian Regional Centre for Resources Institute Tropical Biology ITTO International Tropical Timber SMS Selective Management System Organisation SPDC Special Programme for Developing IUCN The World Conservation Union Countries (IUFRO) viii SPINs Species Improvement Network TSI Timber Stand Improvement TPI Tebangan Pilih Indonesia (Indonesian UNESCO United Nations Educational, Selective Cutting System) Scientific and Cultural Organization TPTI Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia UPM Univesiti Pertanian Malaysia (Modified Indonesian Selective (Agriculture University of Malaysia) Cutting System) USDA United States Department of TROPENBOS The Tropenbos Foundation, Agriculture Netherlands VAM Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas Acknowledgements The dedication and enthusiasm of the authors have contributed to make this book what it is. Our special thanks go to Christian Cossalter of the Center for International Forestry Research for his major role at the start of the project deciding content, general structure and authorships and later in arranging external reviewers. His attention and sup- port has freed us from the day-to-day problems of bringing such a book to completion and allowed us to concentrate on editorial tasks. We would also like to thank those who reviewed the various chapters: they are P.S. Ashton (Harvard Institute for International Development), Peter Becker (Universiti Brunei Darussalam), Tim Boyle (Center for In- ternational Forestry Research), P. Burgess, P. Moura-Costa (Innoprise), K.S.S. Nair (Kerala Forest Research Insti- tute), F.E. Putz (Center for International Forestry Research), Manuel Ruiz-Perez (Center for International Forestry Research), Willie Smits (The International MOF TROPENBOS Kalimantan Project), Paul B. Tompsett (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew), Ian Turner (National University of Singapore) and T.C. Whitmore (Cambridge University). Our warm thanks go also to Rosita Go and Meilinda Wan for secretarial assistance, Gideon Suharyanto for the layout, Paul Stapleton for the cover design, Patrick Robe for the scientific index and Michael Harrington for the general index. The photographs used in this book have been supplied by Christian Cossalter. The editors Simmathiri Appanah and Jennifer M. Turnbull Foreword The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Appannah at Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), was established in 1993 at a time when there was a 13 authors have prepared and revised the 10 chapters of resurgence of interest in the sustainable management of the book. With authors located in Asia, Europe and the the worlds tropical rain forests. At that time it was United States this has been a major undertaking and the evident that a particular focus for CIFORs research efforts of all concerned to bring this work to a successful should be in the moist tropical forests of Asia. Trees in conclusion are very much appreciated. the family Dipterocarpaceae, the dipterocarps are a I anticipate that this book will be especially major component of southeast Asias tropical forests. beneficial to those planning research on dipterocarps in Their wood is pre-eminent in the international tropical Asia. I hope it will assist university graduate and post- timber trade and they play a key role in the economies graduate researchers, and especially scientists in national of several countries. and international organisations to re-orient their research A considerable research effort had already been to meet priority needs. The review should also be useful devoted to the management and utilisation of dipterocarp to forest managers in both public and private sectors who forests starting with the British in India last century and must make decisions based on whatever information is continuing throughout the 20th century, especially in available to them and who have neither the time nor the Malaysia. A vast amount of information has been resources to delve into the highly dispersed literature gathered, but unfortunately it has not been consolidated on dipterocarps. and no readily accessible compilation of results has been CIFOR is very grateful to many people for their available. This has reduced the impact of the research assistance with this book; to all the contributing authors and has almost certainly resulted in the duplication of for their commitment and for their patience with demands efforts by national and international bodies. made on them
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