^Homp 355.07 use 1184 ANNUAL TOWN REPORT HAVERHILL NEW HAMPSHIRE 1984 Across the Horsemeadow in North Haverhill overlooking the fields next to the Connecticut River, lies the Kimball Farm, framed in the early morning sunUght. UnTver npshire Wrafg. WE WANT TO THANK BERNABD A. MARVIN, JR. OF Installing new water wheel at Woodsville Water HAVERHILL, N.H. FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHS USED IN & Light around 1950. THIS REPORT & A SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO MRS. KATHERINE BLAISDELL & THE HAVERHILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE "ANTIQDE" PHOTOS USED ' IN THIS YEAR'S REPORT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/annualreporttown1984have TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICE HOURS 1 NORTH HAVERHILL WATER & LIGHT DISTRICT 89-99 LIST OF TOWN OFFICERS 2 PRECINCT OF HAVERHILL CORNER J.00-110 SELECTMEN' S REPORT 3 HAVERHILL COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT 111-179 1985 TOWN WARRANT 4-5 VITAL STATISTICS 180-185 MINUTES OF 1984 TOWN MEETING 6-9 BUDGET REPORT J.0-18 DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES a9-23 TREASURER' S REPORT 24-25 INVENTORY 25 TOWN CTj;rkS REPORT 26 AUDIT REPORT 27-44 TAX COLLECTORS REPORT 45-47 TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS 48-49 WOODSVILLE FREE LIBRARY 49 PIKE & HAVERHILL LIBRARY REPORTS 50 NORTH HAVERHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 51 CEMETERY COMMISSION 52 DEAN MEMORIAL AIRPORT 53 REPORT OF FIRE FUNDING STUDY COMMITTEE 54 HAVERHILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 55 COTTAGE HOSPITAL VOL. AMBULANCE SERVICE 56 FOREST FIRE WARDEN 57 POLICE DEPARTMENT 58-61 WHITE MT. MENTAL HEALTH & DEV. SERVICES 62 NORTH COUNTRY COUNCIL 63 WOODSVILLE WATER & LIGHT DEPT 64-67 WOODSVILLE FIRE DISTRICT 68-76 MOUNTAIN LAKES DISTRICT • .77-88 Haverhill sheep take time from grazing to do a little gazing. OFFICE HOURS TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE HOURS: HELEN M. SMITH - TELEPHONE [747-2808] ITONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:30 TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE HOURS: NORMA LAVOIE - TELEPHONE [747-2441] MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 9:00-12:00 & 1:00-5:00 SELECTMEN'S OFFICE HOURS: PATRICIA KLARK-ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TELEPHONE [747-3318] MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:30-12:00 & 1:00-5:00 SELECTMEN MEET EVERY MONDAY EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. HAVERHILL POLICE DEPARTMENT: STEPHEN C. SAVAGE, CHIEF TELEPHONE [747-3322 OR 747-2811] ELSIE L. TIVEY, SECRETARY HAVERHILL DISTRICT COURT CLERK: PATRICIA M. WOLFE, CLERK MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:30 TELEPHONE [747-3063] ALL OFFICES ARE LOCATED IN THE HAVERHILL MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 35 COURT STREET, WOODSVILLE, N.H. 03785. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF HAVERHILL MODERATOR: ARCHIE STEENBURGH PLANNING BOARD: ROBERT RUTHERFORD, CHAIRMAN ROBERT A. MACCINI, SECRETARY TOWN CLERK: HELEN SMITH HEIDI I. LYMAN, CLERK A. FRANK STIEGLER, JR. TAX COLLECTOR: NORMA E. LAVOIE HOMER MAY JOHN C. ALDRICH SELECTMEN: A. FRANK STIEGLER, JR. MARTHA STEENBURGH GARY J. WOOD WILLIAM S. HALL BUDGET COMMITTEE: LARRY COREY, CHAIRMAN STEPHEN CAMPBELL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: PATRICIA G. KLARK JOHN COBB HOWARD HATCH TOWN TREASURER: JOHN S. COBB JAMES DOCKHAM JOSEPH C. MACCINI HEALTH OFFICER: GEORGE J. BARTZIS MARJORIE PAGE WALTER YOUNG DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER: ALFRED EVANS, M.D. ERNEST TOWNE ROGER WELLS CHIEF OF POLICE: STEPHEN C. SAVAGE PETER KIMBALL POLICE OFFICERS: JOHN H. MACDONALD WALTER R. GEORGE ROAD AGENT: A. JAMES BOUCHER LIBRARY TRUSTEES: ROGER WELLS MARILYN SPOONER TIMOTHY MCKENNA SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECKLIST: PAUL I. LAMOTT OLAND V. BYLOW LOUIS T. PIKE CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS: DEAN HAMMOND MAURICE E. HORNE PAUL RICKER HARRY SIMANO EDWARD NORCROSS TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS: HOMER GUCK ROBERT MILLER ROE MCDANOLDS <t fir-lii--.' In Woodsville, Ranger Bridge collapsed in 1922. SELECTMEN'S REPORT 1984 brought with it several significant and positive events. Firstly, through the efforts of the staff of the Cottage Hospital, the Town has conditionally obtained a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $239,000.00. We anticipate using this grant to construct a sewer line from the Dartmouth College Highway to the Cottage Hospital, thereby mitigating a potential health problem with the Hospital's expected expansion. Secondly, an auction of 35 Town-owned lots in the Mountain Lakes District was conducted in the late summer of 1984. While a portion of the purchases resulting from the auction have yet to Archie Steenburgh auctioned off lots at Moun- be completed, it is expected that the Town will tain Lakes. net proceeds of sale in excess of $60,000.00. Another auction is in the planning phase for the late summer or fall of 1985. We particularly want to thank Archie H. Steenburgh, the Town's auctioneer, for his zeal and skill in representing the Town's interest and William S. Hall for his many hours spent in the field preparing the Town's lots for the auction. Elsewhere in this Annual Report is the 1985 Town Budget as proposed by the Budget Committee. We have reviewed the budget as recommended by that Committee and believe that it represents a sound fiscal program for 1985. Accordingly, we join with the Budget Committee in recommending its passage. Finally, and on a different note, we regret- fully accepted the resignation of Susan F. Holden who gave four years of sincere and devoted service on the Board of Selectmen. Again, we thank William S. Hall for agreeing to serve in Susan's stead through the 1985 Town Meeting. HAVERHILL BOARD OF SELECTMEN A. FRANK STIEGLER, JR. , CHMN. 1985 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To the inhabitants of the Town of Haverhill, in the Article 6 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize County of Grafton, State of New Hampshire, qualified the Selectmen to accept, appropriate, and expend gifts to vote in Town affairs: of Federal and State Aid in the name of the Town of Haverhill. You are hereby notified to meet at the James R. Morrill School in North Haverhill in said Town of Haverhill Article 7 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize on Tuesday March 12, 1985 at eight o'clock in the the Selectmen to sell real estate acquired by the Town forenoon to act on the following matters. Article through Tax Collector's Deeds, by public auction sale One will be decided by written ballot. The polling or by advertising for sealed bids, except that the booths will be open from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. for Selectmen would be empowered, but not required, to make voting on Article One. At 6:00 P.M. the meeting will one last offer to the person who was divested of his adjourn to reconvene at 8:00 P.M. at the James R. property and a late redemption would be allowed upon Morrill School in North Haverhill, in said Town of payment of all taxes, costs and interest. Haverhill for consideration of the remaining articles in this warrant. Article 8 : To see if the Town will vote to appoint or elect a Budget Committee to recommend to the next Article 1 ; To choose by a non-partisan ballot one Annual Town Meeting the amounts to be raised for Selectman for a term of two [2] years; one Selectman various purposes, such recommendations to be printed for a term of three [3] years; a Town Clerk for a in the next Annual Report. term of one [1] year; a Tax Collector for a term of one [1] year; a Trustee of Trust Funds for a term of Article 9 : To see if the Town will vote to make any three[3] years; and a Library Trustee for a term of alterations in the amount of money to be raised and three [3] years,- and a Treas\arer for the term of one appropriated for the ensuing year for the support o (1) year. the Town as recommended by the Budget Committee in Article 2: To announce the results of the balloting its report, to raise and appropriate all sums so on Article One. determined for said purposes, and pass any other vote relating thereto. Article 3 : To choose a Cemetery Commissioner for a term of five [5] years and to choose any other Article 10: To see if the Town will vote to authorize necessary town officials. the withdrawal from the Revenue Sharing Fund established under the provisions of the State and Local Assistance Article 4 : To hear the reports of the Selectmen, Act of 1972. The sum of $49,000.00 for the following Treasurer, Cemetery Commissioners and other Town specific purposes herewith indicated: Officers and Committees heretofore chosen and pass any vote relating thereto. Appropriations for Debt Service Article 5 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize Haverhill/Newbury Bridge Bond $10,000.00 the Selectmen to issue interest bearing notes in Grader Note 10.000.00 anticipation of taxes and to provide for the expenses Revaluation Bond 20,000.00 of the current year. 1985 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING WASSANT Appropriation for Operating Budget Article 17 : To take any other action that may legally come before this meeting. Computer $ 9,000.00 Given under our hands and seals this 11th day of TOTAL $49,000.00 February 1985. Article 11 : To see if the Town will vote to A. FRANK STIEGLER, JR. increase the appropriation for the libraries to GARY J. WOOD $25,000.00. [article inserted' by petition] WILLIAM S. HALL Article 12 : To see if the Town will vote to HAVERHILL SELECTMEN increase the appropriation for Cottage Hospital to $10,000.00. [article inserted by petition] Article 13 : To see if the Town will vote to establish a vehicle capital reserve fund pursuant to RSA Chapter 35, and to raise and appropriate the amount of $10,000.00, and further to appoint the Selectmen as agents to carry out the purpose of said fund.
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