; ,,. Temple Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ave. Prqvldeno~, R. l• NEWS Says Soviet Union tBJti~ To Continue To Send Arms To UAR ANTHENEUM PRESS IN NEW VIENNA-;--Nikita s. Khrushchev York plans to release today an said here last week that the Soviet American edition of Richard H . S. Union will continue to send arms VOL. XLIV, No. 20 Grossma n 's book, "A Nation Re­ 12 PAGES to Arab countries, particularly the born." Grossman was one of two United Arab Republic, because British M. P.'s who had served on Name Prosecutor som e Western countries are con­ the Anglo-American Commission Assistant Executive Director tinuing to rearm Israel. of Inquiry into th e Palestine prob­ IIn Eichmann Trial He told a press conference be­ lemn i_n 1945. In his book he tells Appointed At Home For fore concluding his state visit to the story of Israel's rebirth. Aged this country that the Arab states JERUSALEM - Gideon Hauser, needed arms to protect their DR. ISAAC KISH. N OT E D new Attoiney General, will act as Charles Vogel has be·en appoint­ scholar and Zionist, h as been ed assistant executive director of "positive n eutrality" in view of chief prosecutor in the trial of the "aggressiv e intentions" of named by Queen Juliana to the Adolph Eichmann, Hitler's specia­ the J ewish Home for the Aged Dutch Supreme Court. The new of Rhode Island it was announced the Western Powers. li st in the mass murder of Euro­ The Soviet leader asserted that appointee is the only J ew on the pean J ewry, it was disclosed this by Max Winograd, president of high court. h e h ad proposed to the Western week. the Home, at the June board m eeting. Born in New York City, Powers to stop all arms ship­ ORTHODOXY IS GAINING Police officials meanwhile indi­ stren gth in Western Europe, it Charles Vogel was graduated from m ents to the Middle East but, he cated that the investigation of the Yeshiva University in 1948 claimed, the West only .wanted was reported in Paris at a meeting the Nazi and collection of material of the permanent committee of with a B.A. and B.H.L. in religious to block Soviet shipments with­ in preparation for the trial may education. He is now a candidate out halting their own arms ship­ the Conference of European Rab­ last longer than had originally bis. The parley in a resolution for the degree of Master in Social ments to I srael. been anticipated. possibly as much Work at the University of Connec­ Can't Advis1: B. G. urged the J ewish Material Claims as a year. Conference to augment financial ticut School of Social Work. The Soviet Union, h e argued. a id to m eet the religious needs of Draft Amendment Mr. Vogel, who assumed his du­ thus was compelled to give sup­ European Jewry, particularly in In the meantime, the I srael ties on July 15, was formerly a port to countries in the Near East the area of religious education. Ministry of Justice is drafting an principal of J ewish Schools in in order to preserve the balance of power. POLICE COMMANDER, ABRA­ amendment to the Lawyers Ordi­ Lewiston, Maine. and in Holyoke, nance to make it possible for non­ Krushchev became sarcastic h am Selinger, who is head of the Mass. While preparing for social Israeli attorneys to defend Eich­ when asked by a correspondent special police bureau assembling work he was a staff member of man in an Israel cow-t. what I srael could do to improve data for the trial of Adolf Eich­ the J ewish Community Center in Under present law, only locally Springfield, Mass. and the Hart­ relations with Moscow. H e snap­ m ann, left Tel Aviv for Europe to ped back that he could not advise obtain more documenta ry ma­ registered attorneys can appear ford Neighborhood Centers in in Israel courts. Foreign attorneys Hartford. Conn. where he super­ Charles Vogel Prime Minister Ben Gurion since terial on the Nazi killer 's role in he believed that Ben , Gurion the extermination of European can appear only as aides to Israel vised youth programs, summer and the National Association of Social Workers. neither sought his advice nor J ewry. Joseph Nahamias, police lawyers or as "friends of the camps, and acted as adviser to Mrs. Vogel, the former Rita would be pleased by that advice inspector genera l, said Selinger court." I n the latter role, the Golden Age groups who engaged Feder , is a graduate of the Uni­ if it were given him. would vi sit several countries but court recognizes the counsel as in recreational, educational, and versity of Colorado. The couple He m ade no refer ence to re­ h e did not specify which countries. working without remuneration. social activities. He is a m em­ have three children . David 10, peated attempts by Ben Gurion The Israeli press expressed cauti­ Such a development was consid­ ber of the American Camping Judith 6, and Paula 4. They will to vi sit Moscow and m eet with ous optimism over the possibility ered unlikely to happen in the trial Association. the National Associa­ of Eichmann. tion of J ewish Center Workers, reside at 153 Chace Avenue. him. that President Frondizi of Argen­ Khrushchev was infuriated by tina will change his adamant another question dealing with the position with regard to the Eich­ Rabbis' Intervention In Politics Rio De Janeiro Opposes status of the J ews within the So­ ma nn case when he returns from viet Union. When h e was asked his present European trip back to if he would permit Russian J ews Buenos Aires. Causes Trouble, Says Reporter Citizenship For Cukurs to leave the Soviet Union to be A GROUP OF GROSSE POINTE reunited with family m embers in residents went on record in Detroit JERUSALEM - The introduc- has no pull to religion whatso- RIO DE JANEIRO-The Rio other countries, h e angrily re­ as strongly opposing the "point tion of Reform or Conservative ever. de Janeiro city council went on plied that the Soviet Foreign Min­ system " used to bar Jews and Judaism is Israel would not cure U. S. "Revival" record last week as opposing the istry h ad not received a single other "undesirables" from the ex­ the sickness of religious life in the The much-vaunted religious re­ granting of Brazilian citizenship a pplication from a Russian J ew clusive area as "an affront to the J ewish State, according to a Jeru­ vival in the United States is part­ to a former Latvian Nazi SS offi ­ for an emigration permit. On the standards of decency in human salem Post columnist, Geoffrey ly the result of social pressure cer, Herbert Cukurs. who has been other hand he asserted , it was re­ relations." The group expressed Wigader. and partly the outcome of a sick cha rged with killing 32,000 J ews ceiving m a ny applications from its view in a letter to Corporations The trouble with organized re­ society. It is little more than a in Riga during World War II. The Israel asking permission to im­ and Securities Commi ss ion e r ligion in Israel is, according to the desperate clinging to a reed. council voted unanimously to ask migrate into the Soviet Union. Lawrence Gubow who is holding J erusalem Post columnist, that Attempts have been made to in­ the Minister of the Interior to re­ In any ~ase, he said , "reuniting hearings on the Grosse Pointe the obscurantism of the Israel rab­ stitute Reform and Conservative ject Cukur's citizenship applica­ families" was a vague expression housing bias practices. It com­ binate as well as its intervention but it is significant that such ser­ tion. which did not mean anything. m eded the co m m i s s i on for in politics has robbed it of respect vices, although presented attrac­ The council also decided to r e­ "searching out the truth." The in the sight of the majority of the tively according to R eform tenets, quest the Minister of Justice to signa tories to the letter said they young people. We are witnessing have had no appeal to the I sraeli institute proceedings against Cu­ First Jet Plane "hold firmly to the belief that the tragic spectacle of the ecclesi­ and the meagre congregations are kurs in accordance with the UN racial reli gious and na tiona l pre­ astical authorities living in a drawn largely from ex-Americans Convention on Genocide. to which Delivered To judices have no place in our de­ world that is basically out of touch and ex-Germans. Brazil is a signatory, and turn the Israel Air Force mocracy" with modern reali ties. Wigader Comes From Within former Nazi over to Israeli auth­ TEL AVIV - The first jet plane THE HOMES OF THREE JEW­ wrote. It would be apparent that any orities fer trial. An extradit ion ever ass e m b I e d in Israel - a ish Families in Absecon N. J ., Neither the synagogues nor the spiritual regeneration will have agreem ent is in force beween the French Fouirn Magister jet trainer were defaced with swastikas and rabbinate as a whole have any­ to come from within and will not two countries. - was delivered to the I rael Air anti-Jewish slogans warning the thing to do with youth work or be kindled by modes of worship The Brazilian Government turn­ Force last week by Israel Air J ewish occupants to leave town.
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