LARRY HATCHER EARLY LIFE Mr. Hatcher has been in the entertainment industry since the tender age of 9, performing in local bands. He was in the ÄYZ[YLJVYKIYLHRPUNTHYJOPUNIHUK[OH[ZL[WYLJLKLUJL[OL4HYJOPUN>PSKJH[ZVM*LU[YHS/PNO:JOVVSMYVT 4VIPSL(SHIHTH[OH[WLYMVYTLKPU[OLOHSM[PTLZOV^K\YPUN[OL:LUPVY)V^SHUH[PVUHSS`[LSL]PZLKMVV[IHSSNHTL^OLYL senior college players are recruited for the National Football League. He attended Tuskegee Institute where he studied business law and played music. MUSIC CAREER 4Y/H[JOLY»ZTHU`[HSLU[ZPUJS\KL=VJHSZ3LHKHUK)HJRNYV\UK"/VYUZ2L`IVHYKZ7LYJ\ZZPVU:JVYPUNHUK>YP[PUN /LPZHSZVH4\ZPJHS+PYLJ[VYHUK7YVK\JLY4Y/H[JOLYHTLTILYVMParliament Funkadelic, toured with groups such as Parliament Funkadelic, Earth, Wind & Fire, Bootsy Collins, Mtume with Lionel Richie & the Commodores, Chicago, Tower of Power and James Brown to name a few. Mr. Hatcher was the Musical Director for the Manhattans, BB King, and Ron Banks and the Dramatics. /LOHZ^VYRLK^P[OSLNLUKHY`YLJVYKL_LJ\[P]LZ[OH[HYLHWHY[VMOPZMotown family, such as Berry Gordy, Owner and Founder of Motown Records and Jobete Publishing; Lee Young,7YLZPKLU[VMMotown, and currently Mr. Hatcher’s ,U[LY[HPUTLU[([[VYUL`"Jheryl Busby,7YLZPKLU[VMMCAHUK7YLZPKLU[HUK*,6VMMotown, and Head of Urban Music at Dreamworks; Clarence Avant,*OHPYTHUVMMotown, Founder of Venture Records, Sussex Records, Tabu Records, and Avant Garde Broadcasting,^OPJO^HZ[OLÄYZ[(MYPJHU(TLYPJHU-49HKPV:[H[PVUPU0UNSL^VVK *HSPMVYUPHHUKOL^HZHSZVRUV^UHZ[OLGodfather of Black Music & Radio; 0Y]PUN(aVɈ of MCA-Universal, Giant Records,*,6VMLive Nation, and presently partners with Madison Square Garden (MSG); Mo Ostin,7YLZPKLU[VM 9LWYPZLHUKWarner Bros.; Louil Silas, Jr., of MCA Records, Solar Records and Founder of Silas Records, Miller London,=7.4VM<YIHU4\ZPJ+P]PZPVUH[A&M Records,=7VMRCA,HUK:=7.4VMMotown; Benny Medina, /LHKVM( 9H[Motown and Warner Bros.; Michael ‘Carlos & Charlie’ Mitchell,=7VM:[YH[LNPJ4HYRL[PUNH[ Motown; Jonathan Clark,,_LJ\[P]LVMMotown; George Jackson,7YLZPKLU[VMMotown; Steve McKeever, :=7VM ( 9H[Motown Records; Debbie Sandridge, 4\ZPJ+PYLJ[VYVM( 9H[Motown Records; Darrell Jones, ,_LJ\[P]L at Motown Records,( 9VMAtlantic Records, Columbia Records and Arista Records; John McClain of A&M Records, Janet Jackson’s4HUHNLYHUK*V-V\UKLYVMInterscope Records; Jay King of Jay Records; Sylvia Rhone,7YLZPKLU[VMUniversal-Motown, Clive Davis,7YLZPKLU[VMColumbia Records,*OHPYTHUHUK*,6VMArista, J Records, the RCA Music Group, and BMG North America,J\YYLU[S`[OLJOPLMJYLH[P]LVɉJLYVMSony Music Entertainment; Ernest Singleton of MCA Records,7YLZPKLU[VMUrban Music, Ruthless Records, and Warner Bros. Records; LA Reid,*V-V\UKLYVMLaFace Records,*OHPYTHU *,6VM0ZSHUK+LɈ1HT4\ZPJ.YV\W7YLZPKLU[HUK *,6VMHitco Music Publishing,HUKJ\YYLU[S`*OHPYTHU *,6VMEpic Records, part of the Sony Music Group, and Forest ‘Chief’ Hamilton. ;OLYLJVYKSHILSZOLOHZ^VYRLK^P[OPUJS\KLMotown Records under Berry Gordy; MCA Records and Motown Records under Jheryl Busby, in association with Boston Ventures; Dreamworks under Jheryl Busby and Darrell Jones, with ,KKPL.YPɉU" Motown Records under Lee Young, formerly of ABC and MCA Records; MCA Records and Silas Records under Louil Silas Jr.; Universal Records; MCA Records; Warner Bros. Records; Underworld Records/Capitol Records under the Hughes Brothers, Allen and Albert, & Darryl Woods; Universal Records & Giant Records under 0Y]PUN(aVɈ".LɈLU9LJVYKZ under +H]PK.LɈLU" Zomba/Jive Records under Clive Calder and Ralph Simon; Arista Records / J Records under Clive Davis; LaFace Records under Babyface & LA Reid; Arista Records/ Epic Records under LA Reid; Warner Bros. and Dreamworks under Mo Ostin; Motown Records & Warner Bros. Records under Benny Medina, presently J Lo’s,THUHNLY"Vassal Benford of Vaz/ Arista Records, Sony Music, EMI Records, Giant Records & BMG RecordsHTVUNV[OLYZ"Quincy Jones of Qwest Records with artist Keith Washington; Ernest Singleton of MCA Records and Warner Bros. Records; and Randy Jackson of the Sony Music Group, Epic Records, MCA and Columbia Records. 4Y/H[JOLY^HZ=7VM( 9HUK7YVK\J[PVUH[Motown. Mr. Hatcher produced legendary artists including Smokey Robinson of the Miracles with Iris Gordy (manager of Smokey Robinson); the Temptations led by Otis Williams" Johnny Gill; Johnny Gill, Bobby Brown with New Edition; Jermaine Jackson, Rebbie Jackson; the Pointer Sisters; Chico and El DeBarge; the Whispers; the Mac Band; Giorge Pettus; Sugarfoot; Roger Troutman; Bobby Glover; Human Body; Pretty In Pink; the Good Girls; Jesse Campbell; Carol Gist,[OLÄYZ[ISHJR4PZZ<:(HUKSherry Payne, formerly one of the Supremes, with Maxine Powell, Motown’s Chief of Style. Mr. Hatcher along with Larry Campbell WYVK\JLKT\ZPJMVY[OLÄST‘Kazaam’. 4Y/H[JOLY^VYRLKWSH`LKHUKVYYLJVYKLK^P[OZ\JOHY[PZ[ZHZJames Brown; Bootsy Collins; Bootsy’s Rubber Band; Fred Thomas; the Horny Horns with Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, and 2\ZO.YPɉU"Reggie Calloway of the Midnight Star; George Clinton; Parliament Funkadelic; Sweatband; Michael and Randy Brecker of the Brecker Brothers"9LNNPL.YPɉU,KKPL.YPɉU";PT*\UUPUNOHT"Brides of Funkenstein; Parlet; the East Coast Horns & the Jackson 5; Aretha Franklin with Larry Campbell & Mike Powell; Roberta Flack; Luther Vandross; Peabo Bryson; Marques Houston and Omarion^P[O7YVK\JLYChris Stokes and his sister, Smooth; the Dramatics; Gerald Alston; the Manhattans; Cameo & Charlie Singleton;91»Z3H[LZ[(YYP]HS"Chris Jones and the Dayton Band; Slave with Mark Adams, Danny Webster and Cedel Carter; Dr. Dre; Nate Dogg; Tupac Shakur; Carl ‘Butch’ Small; SOS Band; Babyface; Babyface & LA Reid; Boyz II Men; the Boys; Sinbad; Rosie Perez; Sugarfoot & Billy Beck, the Ohio Players; Roger Troutman & the Zapp Band; New Horizons; Human Body; Shirley Murdoch; Charlie Wilson & the Gap Band; the MAC Band (Men After Christ); Phillippe Wynne of the Spinners; Sly Stone; Prince; Chaka Khan; Pretty In Pink; John Pagano; Jesse Campbell of Underworld/Capitol Records and the Voice; :V\UK Engineers Barney Perkins; Manny Marroquin and Dave Pensado of Larrabee Studios; & Rick Camp/J Lo, the Commodores; Mike Brown; Lenny Guice/Lionel Richie, Madonna, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Chicago, Li’l Wayne, and the Commodores; Jim Vitti and John Jaszcz. FILM & TELEVISION 4Y/H[JOLY»ZÄSTJYLKP[ZPUJS\KLHouse Party; Dead Presidents; Paul Michael Glaser’s Kazaam starring Shaquille O’Neal; Mark Burg’s and Nick Cassavetes’ John Q, starring Denzel Washington, James Woods, Ray Liotta, Robert +\]HS,KKPL.YPɈUand Dr. Oz; Friday starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker, music by Ice Cube, Bootsy Collins and 3HYY`/H[JOLY"HUKFoolish with ,KKPL.YPɉU and Master P/PZ[LSL]PZPVUJYLKP[ZPUJS\KLMalcolm-Jamal Warner & ,KKPL.YPɉU»Z Malcolm & Eddie;=:OV^HUKOLHSZVWYVK\JLKH[LSL]PZPVUZOV^JHSSLKFashionista USA. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mr. Hatcher also founded the Fashion Nation Network, concentrating on the artistry of fashion and design, always H[[LUKPUN4LYJLKLZ)LUa3(-HZOPVU>LLR 3(-HZOPVU>LLRLUK"[OL4HNPJ-HZOPVU*VU]LU[PVUH[[OL3HZ=LNHZ *VU]LU[PVU*LU[LY4HUKHSH`)H`/V[LS7YVQLJ[7VVS;YHKL:OV^ :V\YJPUN"5L^@VYR-HZOPVU>LLRHUK4PHTP -HZOPVU>LLR/LH[[LUKLK0U[LYUH[PVUHS-HZOPVU:OV^ZPU7HYPZHUK4PSHU/LHSZVV^UZHIYVHKJHZ[PUNYLU[HSZLY]PJL 4Y/H[JOLY[H\NO[>LZ[LYUZ[`SLT\ZPJPU1HWHUMVY`LHYZH[HWHYVJOPHSZJOVVSV^ULKI`6WLYH:[HY@VRV LARRY HATCHER’S DISCOGRAPHY – ALBUMS PRODUCED, WRITTEN, OR PERFORMED .VSK¶7HYSPHTLU[ :P_+LNYLLZVM7-\UR¶;OL)LZ[VM.LVYNL*SPU[VU /PZ-\UR`-HTPS`¶.LVYNL*SPU[VU -\URLK<W¶;OL=LY`)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[¶7HYSPHTLU[ >L*HU4HRL@V\+HUJL!;OLAHWW 9VNLY(U[OVSVN`¶AHWW 9VNLY .SVY`)KH-\UR»ZVU4L!;OL)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ(U[OVSVN`¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ ;OL=LY`)LZ[VM:OPYSL`4\YKVJO¶:OPYSL`4\YKVJO [O*LU[\Y`4HZ[LYZ¶;OL4PSSLUP\T*VSSLJ[PVU!;OL)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[¶7HYSPHTLU[ *VTWSL[L9LJVYKPUNZ ¶-\URHKLSPJ 2LLWPU»KH-\UR¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ *VTWPSH[PVU!.YLH[LZ[/P[Z=VS 4VYL¶AHWW 9VNLY 9PNO[;\YU6US`¶;PT*\UUPUNOHT /`KYH\SPJ-\UR¶7-\UR(SS:[HYZ ;OL)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[!.P]L<W[OL-\UR¶7HYSPHTLU[ .YLH[LZ[/P[Z ¶7HYSPHTLU[ ;OL)LZ[VM7HYSL[¶7HYSL[ (SS;OL.YLH[LZ[/P[Z¶AHWW 9VNLY ;OPZ0Z@V\Y5PNO[¶.PVYNL7L[[\Z 3V]L<[OL3PTP[¶4HJ)HUK :WLJPHS¶;OL;LTW[H[PVUZ :OPYSL`4\YKVJR¶:OPYSL`4\YKVJR *VZTPJ9V\UK<W¶/\THU)VK` :\NHY2PZZ¶3LYV`º:\NHYMVV[»)VUULY ;OL:HNH*VU[PU\LZ¯¶9VNLY -LLS[OL4\ZPJ¶+H`[VU <YIHU+HUJL-SVVY.\LYPSSHZ¶7-\UR(SS:[HYZ @V\:OV\SKU»[5\M)P[-PZO¶.LVYNL*SPU[VU AHWW000¶AHWW ;OL6UL.P]L[O;OL*V\U[;HRL[O(^H`¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ ;OL,SLJ[YPJ:WHURPUNVM>HY)HIPLZ¶-\URHKLSPJ :^LH[IHUK¶;OL:^LH[)HUK ;YVTIPW\SH[PVU¶7HYSPHTLU[ <S[YH^H]L¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ .SVY`OHSSHZ[VVWPK¶7HYSPHTLU[ 0[»Z;OL:HTL6SK3V]LHUKTVYL¶:TVRL`9VIPUZVU 3V]L:TVRL`9VIPUZVU¶:TVRL`9VIPUZVU )HK)VII`.SV]LY¶)VII`.SV]LY 7SH`4LVY;YHKL4L¶7HYSL[ /LYL¶.VKTVTH ;LHY[OL9VVM6Ɉ¶7HYSPHTLU[ :VTLVUL;V3V]L¶4HJ)HUK 4HRL@V\:OHRL0[¶/\THU)VK` /\THU)VK`¶/\THU)VK` Sweatband - Sweat Band The Saga Continues - Roger Zapp III - Zapp & Roger Shirley Murdock Feel The Music – Dayton Cosmic Round Up – Human Body Love U 2 the Limit – Mac Band Bad Bobby Glover – Bobby Glover Gloryhallastoopid – Parliament Ultrawave – Bootsy Collins Play Me or Trade Me – Parlet Here – Godmoma Computer Games – George Clinton The One Giveth. The Count Taketh Away – Bootsy Collins You Shouldn’t Nuf Guerillas Bit Fish – George Clinton Urban Dance – P-Funk All Stars ;LHY[OL9VVM6Ɉ¶7HYSPHTLU[ Keeping Da Funk Alive – Bootsys New Rubber Band Trombipulation – Parliament The Electric Spanking War Babies – Funkadelic The Best of Parliament – Parliament The Best of Parlet – Parlet This is Your Night – Giorge Pettus Someone To Love – Mac Band.
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