Larry Hatcher

Larry Hatcher

LARRY HATCHER EARLY LIFE Mr. Hatcher has been in the entertainment industry since the tender age of 9, performing in local bands. He was in the ÄYZ[YLJVYKIYLHRPUNTHYJOPUNIHUK[OH[ZL[WYLJLKLUJL[OL4HYJOPUN>PSKJH[ZVM*LU[YHS/PNO:JOVVSMYVT 4VIPSL(SHIHTH[OH[WLYMVYTLKPU[OLOHSM[PTLZOV^K\YPUN[OL:LUPVY)V^SHUH[PVUHSS`[LSL]PZLKMVV[IHSSNHTL^OLYL senior college players are recruited for the National Football League. He attended Tuskegee Institute where he studied business law and played music. MUSIC CAREER 4Y/H[JOLY»ZTHU`[HSLU[ZPUJS\KL=VJHSZ3LHKHUK)HJRNYV\UK"/VYUZ2L`IVHYKZ7LYJ\ZZPVU:JVYPUNHUK>YP[PUN /LPZHSZVH4\ZPJHS+PYLJ[VYHUK7YVK\JLY4Y/H[JOLYHTLTILYVMParliament Funkadelic, toured with groups such as Parliament Funkadelic, Earth, Wind & Fire, Bootsy Collins, Mtume with Lionel Richie & the Commodores, Chicago, Tower of Power and James Brown to name a few. Mr. Hatcher was the Musical Director for the Manhattans, BB King, and Ron Banks and the Dramatics. /LOHZ^VYRLK^P[OSLNLUKHY`YLJVYKL_LJ\[P]LZ[OH[HYLHWHY[VMOPZMotown family, such as Berry Gordy, Owner and Founder of Motown Records and Jobete Publishing; Lee Young,7YLZPKLU[VMMotown, and currently Mr. Hatcher’s ,U[LY[HPUTLU[([[VYUL`"Jheryl Busby,7YLZPKLU[VMMCAHUK7YLZPKLU[HUK*,6VMMotown, and Head of Urban Music at Dreamworks; Clarence Avant,*OHPYTHUVMMotown, Founder of Venture Records, Sussex Records, Tabu Records, and Avant Garde Broadcasting,^OPJO^HZ[OLÄYZ[(MYPJHU(TLYPJHU-49HKPV:[H[PVUPU0UNSL^VVK *HSPMVYUPHHUKOL^HZHSZVRUV^UHZ[OLGodfather of Black Music & Radio; 0Y]PUN(aVɈ of MCA-Universal, Giant Records,*,6VMLive Nation, and presently partners with Madison Square Garden (MSG); Mo Ostin,7YLZPKLU[VM 9LWYPZLHUKWarner Bros.; Louil Silas, Jr., of MCA Records, Solar Records and Founder of Silas Records, Miller London,=7.4VM<YIHU4\ZPJ+P]PZPVUH[A&M Records,=7VMRCA,HUK:=7.4VMMotown; Benny Medina, /LHKVM( 9H[Motown and Warner Bros.; Michael ‘Carlos & Charlie’ Mitchell,=7VM:[YH[LNPJ4HYRL[PUNH[ Motown; Jonathan Clark,,_LJ\[P]LVMMotown; George Jackson,7YLZPKLU[VMMotown; Steve McKeever, :=7VM ( 9H[Motown Records; Debbie Sandridge, 4\ZPJ+PYLJ[VYVM( 9H[Motown Records; Darrell Jones, ,_LJ\[P]L at Motown Records,( 9VMAtlantic Records, Columbia Records and Arista Records; John McClain of A&M Records, Janet Jackson’s4HUHNLYHUK*V-V\UKLYVMInterscope Records; Jay King of Jay Records; Sylvia Rhone,7YLZPKLU[VMUniversal-Motown, Clive Davis,7YLZPKLU[VMColumbia Records,*OHPYTHUHUK*,6VMArista, J Records, the RCA Music Group, and BMG North America,J\YYLU[S`[OLJOPLMJYLH[P]LVɉJLYVMSony Music Entertainment; Ernest Singleton of MCA Records,7YLZPKLU[VMUrban Music, Ruthless Records, and Warner Bros. Records; LA Reid,*V-V\UKLYVMLaFace Records,*OHPYTHU *,6VM0ZSHUK+LɈ1HT4\ZPJ.YV\W7YLZPKLU[HUK *,6VMHitco Music Publishing,HUKJ\YYLU[S`*OHPYTHU *,6VMEpic Records, part of the Sony Music Group, and Forest ‘Chief’ Hamilton. ;OLYLJVYKSHILSZOLOHZ^VYRLK^P[OPUJS\KLMotown Records under Berry Gordy; MCA Records and Motown Records under Jheryl Busby, in association with Boston Ventures; Dreamworks under Jheryl Busby and Darrell Jones, with ,KKPL.YPɉU" Motown Records under Lee Young, formerly of ABC and MCA Records; MCA Records and Silas Records under Louil Silas Jr.; Universal Records; MCA Records; Warner Bros. Records; Underworld Records/Capitol Records under the Hughes Brothers, Allen and Albert, & Darryl Woods; Universal Records & Giant Records under 0Y]PUN(aVɈ".LɈLU9LJVYKZ under +H]PK.LɈLU" Zomba/Jive Records under Clive Calder and Ralph Simon; Arista Records / J Records under Clive Davis; LaFace Records under Babyface & LA Reid; Arista Records/ Epic Records under LA Reid; Warner Bros. and Dreamworks under Mo Ostin; Motown Records & Warner Bros. Records under Benny Medina, presently J Lo’s,THUHNLY"Vassal Benford of Vaz/ Arista Records, Sony Music, EMI Records, Giant Records & BMG RecordsHTVUNV[OLYZ"Quincy Jones of Qwest Records with artist Keith Washington; Ernest Singleton of MCA Records and Warner Bros. Records; and Randy Jackson of the Sony Music Group, Epic Records, MCA and Columbia Records. 4Y/H[JOLY^HZ=7VM( 9HUK7YVK\J[PVUH[Motown. Mr. Hatcher produced legendary artists including Smokey Robinson of the Miracles with Iris Gordy (manager of Smokey Robinson); the Temptations led by Otis Williams" Johnny Gill; Johnny Gill, Bobby Brown with New Edition; Jermaine Jackson, Rebbie Jackson; the Pointer Sisters; Chico and El DeBarge; the Whispers; the Mac Band; Giorge Pettus; Sugarfoot; Roger Troutman; Bobby Glover; Human Body; Pretty In Pink; the Good Girls; Jesse Campbell; Carol Gist,[OLÄYZ[ISHJR4PZZ<:(HUKSherry Payne, formerly one of the Supremes, with Maxine Powell, Motown’s Chief of Style. Mr. Hatcher along with Larry Campbell WYVK\JLKT\ZPJMVY[OLÄST‘Kazaam’. 4Y/H[JOLY^VYRLKWSH`LKHUKVYYLJVYKLK^P[OZ\JOHY[PZ[ZHZJames Brown; Bootsy Collins; Bootsy’s Rubber Band; Fred Thomas; the Horny Horns with Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, and 2\ZO.YPɉU"Reggie Calloway of the Midnight Star; George Clinton; Parliament Funkadelic; Sweatband; Michael and Randy Brecker of the Brecker Brothers"9LNNPL.YPɉU,KKPL.YPɉU";PT*\UUPUNOHT"Brides of Funkenstein; Parlet; the East Coast Horns & the Jackson 5; Aretha Franklin with Larry Campbell & Mike Powell; Roberta Flack; Luther Vandross; Peabo Bryson; Marques Houston and Omarion^P[O7YVK\JLYChris Stokes and his sister, Smooth; the Dramatics; Gerald Alston; the Manhattans; Cameo & Charlie Singleton;91»Z3H[LZ[(YYP]HS"Chris Jones and the Dayton Band; Slave with Mark Adams, Danny Webster and Cedel Carter; Dr. Dre; Nate Dogg; Tupac Shakur; Carl ‘Butch’ Small; SOS Band; Babyface; Babyface & LA Reid; Boyz II Men; the Boys; Sinbad; Rosie Perez; Sugarfoot & Billy Beck, the Ohio Players; Roger Troutman & the Zapp Band; New Horizons; Human Body; Shirley Murdoch; Charlie Wilson & the Gap Band; the MAC Band (Men After Christ); Phillippe Wynne of the Spinners; Sly Stone; Prince; Chaka Khan; Pretty In Pink; John Pagano; Jesse Campbell of Underworld/Capitol Records and the Voice; :V\UK Engineers Barney Perkins; Manny Marroquin and Dave Pensado of Larrabee Studios; & Rick Camp/J Lo, the Commodores; Mike Brown; Lenny Guice/Lionel Richie, Madonna, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Chicago, Li’l Wayne, and the Commodores; Jim Vitti and John Jaszcz. FILM & TELEVISION 4Y/H[JOLY»ZÄSTJYLKP[ZPUJS\KLHouse Party; Dead Presidents; Paul Michael Glaser’s Kazaam starring Shaquille O’Neal; Mark Burg’s and Nick Cassavetes’ John Q, starring Denzel Washington, James Woods, Ray Liotta, Robert +\]HS,KKPL.YPɈUand Dr. Oz; Friday starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker, music by Ice Cube, Bootsy Collins and 3HYY`/H[JOLY"HUKFoolish with ,KKPL.YPɉU and Master P/PZ[LSL]PZPVUJYLKP[ZPUJS\KLMalcolm-Jamal Warner & ,KKPL.YPɉU»Z Malcolm & Eddie;=:OV^HUKOLHSZVWYVK\JLKH[LSL]PZPVUZOV^JHSSLKFashionista USA. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mr. Hatcher also founded the Fashion Nation Network, concentrating on the artistry of fashion and design, always H[[LUKPUN4LYJLKLZ)LUa3(-HZOPVU>LLR 3(-HZOPVU>LLRLUK"[OL4HNPJ-HZOPVU*VU]LU[PVUH[[OL3HZ=LNHZ *VU]LU[PVU*LU[LY4HUKHSH`)H`/V[LS7YVQLJ[7VVS;YHKL:OV^ :V\YJPUN"5L^@VYR-HZOPVU>LLRHUK4PHTP -HZOPVU>LLR/LH[[LUKLK0U[LYUH[PVUHS-HZOPVU:OV^ZPU7HYPZHUK4PSHU/LHSZVV^UZHIYVHKJHZ[PUNYLU[HSZLY]PJL 4Y/H[JOLY[H\NO[>LZ[LYUZ[`SLT\ZPJPU1HWHUMVY`LHYZH[HWHYVJOPHSZJOVVSV^ULKI`6WLYH:[HY@VRV LARRY HATCHER’S DISCOGRAPHY – ALBUMS PRODUCED, WRITTEN, OR PERFORMED .VSK¶7HYSPHTLU[ :P_+LNYLLZVM7-\UR¶;OL)LZ[VM.LVYNL*SPU[VU /PZ-\UR`-HTPS`¶.LVYNL*SPU[VU -\URLK<W¶;OL=LY`)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[¶7HYSPHTLU[ >L*HU4HRL@V\+HUJL!;OLAHWW 9VNLY(U[OVSVN`¶AHWW 9VNLY .SVY`)KH-\UR»ZVU4L!;OL)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ(U[OVSVN`¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ ;OL=LY`)LZ[VM:OPYSL`4\YKVJO¶:OPYSL`4\YKVJO [O*LU[\Y`4HZ[LYZ¶;OL4PSSLUP\T*VSSLJ[PVU!;OL)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[¶7HYSPHTLU[ *VTWSL[L9LJVYKPUNZ ¶-\URHKLSPJ 2LLWPU»KH-\UR¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ *VTWPSH[PVU!.YLH[LZ[/P[Z=VS 4VYL¶AHWW 9VNLY 9PNO[;\YU6US`¶;PT*\UUPUNOHT /`KYH\SPJ-\UR¶7-\UR(SS:[HYZ ;OL)LZ[VM7HYSPHTLU[!.P]L<W[OL-\UR¶7HYSPHTLU[ .YLH[LZ[/P[Z ¶7HYSPHTLU[ ;OL)LZ[VM7HYSL[¶7HYSL[ (SS;OL.YLH[LZ[/P[Z¶AHWW 9VNLY ;OPZ0Z@V\Y5PNO[¶.PVYNL7L[[\Z 3V]L<[OL3PTP[¶4HJ)HUK :WLJPHS¶;OL;LTW[H[PVUZ :OPYSL`4\YKVJR¶:OPYSL`4\YKVJR *VZTPJ9V\UK<W¶/\THU)VK` :\NHY2PZZ¶3LYV`º:\NHYMVV[»)VUULY ;OL:HNH*VU[PU\LZ¯¶9VNLY -LLS[OL4\ZPJ¶+H`[VU <YIHU+HUJL-SVVY.\LYPSSHZ¶7-\UR(SS:[HYZ @V\:OV\SKU»[5\M)P[-PZO¶.LVYNL*SPU[VU AHWW000¶AHWW ;OL6UL.P]L[O;OL*V\U[;HRL[O(^H`¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ ;OL,SLJ[YPJ:WHURPUNVM>HY)HIPLZ¶-\URHKLSPJ :^LH[IHUK¶;OL:^LH[)HUK ;YVTIPW\SH[PVU¶7HYSPHTLU[ <S[YH^H]L¶)VV[Z`*VSSPUZ .SVY`OHSSHZ[VVWPK¶7HYSPHTLU[ 0[»Z;OL:HTL6SK3V]LHUKTVYL¶:TVRL`9VIPUZVU 3V]L:TVRL`9VIPUZVU¶:TVRL`9VIPUZVU )HK)VII`.SV]LY¶)VII`.SV]LY 7SH`4LVY;YHKL4L¶7HYSL[ /LYL¶.VKTVTH ;LHY[OL9VVM6Ɉ¶7HYSPHTLU[ :VTLVUL;V3V]L¶4HJ)HUK 4HRL@V\:OHRL0[¶/\THU)VK` /\THU)VK`¶/\THU)VK` Sweatband - Sweat Band The Saga Continues - Roger Zapp III - Zapp & Roger Shirley Murdock Feel The Music – Dayton Cosmic Round Up – Human Body Love U 2 the Limit – Mac Band Bad Bobby Glover – Bobby Glover Gloryhallastoopid – Parliament Ultrawave – Bootsy Collins Play Me or Trade Me – Parlet Here – Godmoma Computer Games – George Clinton The One Giveth. The Count Taketh Away – Bootsy Collins You Shouldn’t Nuf Guerillas Bit Fish – George Clinton Urban Dance – P-Funk All Stars ;LHY[OL9VVM6Ɉ¶7HYSPHTLU[ Keeping Da Funk Alive – Bootsys New Rubber Band Trombipulation – Parliament The Electric Spanking War Babies – Funkadelic The Best of Parliament – Parliament The Best of Parlet – Parlet This is Your Night – Giorge Pettus Someone To Love – Mac Band.

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