Po l All At- Read! ,IVilh K"'I'1'~;':~;1 I THE N E Lrt them Introduce our ,. lamU " paper wIth news I ,rolluct In virtually ('very I )'uurselr, your children home in thc ewnrk trad­ :nd neighbor, T ing area. 5, 1946 l 'ttBsrllty W illS Poel,r y A III(/rd To INSTALL I CONCERT REDUCTION 125 PARI(IN G GIVEN HERE I SUES 3 lN ELECTRIC METERS IIERE BY WEBSTER BUILDING LIGHT RATE IN60 DAYS ISTRING TRIO ITS E nthol'ize( II ! CeuturyC -Iuh A plications For SUI' wise Move I Hcars Progl'anl ew Cons Tllctiol Bv Conncil t 1 By IllstrnDlcntal Here In oveluhcr O ~'(·('nlhc .. Mcct I Gt'OUP M·ontlay Tot. 1 ~~21. ? OO I I Newark wi ll hAvc pilrkinl{ mcte~s : I A progr:lIn f chnmbcr music wasl Applic~tions forbu il din~ pcrmits . 1\ P l'llf 1"<11 1'f'dllct1ot1 ill t'!l'rtriL' 1j',ht withi n sixt~· clays, the To\\ n. COllnCl1 I I presentcd by the Webster T rio nt the here fell o fT during November, with I J'. t('s f · II" d("nC'Sti(' lL'('J"S in 'l'\\ .. '1'1 . derided "I its December mectll1g Mon- I James Pease I bi-wcekly meeting of thc Newark New only three being issued for a total of Irillldn~ thC' lucnl nt<' s ,Ie ill 11Il<' day nigh t 111 an unexpected rcvlval of I ' C ntury Club Monday afternoon. $2 1. 200 in new onstruction, accol·ding Iwi t!, th:lt 111 n'ect thrllll"huut the' the lon g t,l bled issue· I J ame' Peasc, young American bass- As in P" vious appeArances here, the to a report by town officials this week. C/lU llt ." was authl)riwd b. thl' Town Purcha>c of 125 mcters for instalJa - 1 ba ritone, will appea l' as soloist in enseml"e presented !I varied program. The largest went to the Newark ICounci l il l\[ondHY nil ht's 111PCtil1 g. lion alon l( both sides of Mall1 Street M ltch cll Hall o n Tu~sday . cvening. which displayed the finished technique Lumber 'Company for a stone and sand The new n tes will become I'flccliv" b tween thc B. & O. and P ome roy when thc Newilrk MUSIC Society p re­ of the instl·umcntalists to advantage. freight stati on on Enst Main Street to ' Mdl'C'h 1, 1947, the begillning of tl1l' t:ackS and along both sides o[ Academy sents the fi rst concert in its .1946-47 Til!' pr ;)g r~m was w 11-1' ceivl'd by the cost $15,000. The others were gr anted town'~ Oscal year. it \\as derided. Street betwecn Delaware Avenue a nd subscription series, Anthony J . Loudis, members, who always rl'gard th.1' trio's as foll ows: George Moore, two apart- I The rnove \\"~ l S 111 adc to ncoul'agp ~1'Iin was authorized by a n una nimous head o[ the University of De laware cone",:t, he re "s an enjoyable music~l ments in '·oa l' of 208 East Main Strl'et. wiclcl' usc of lectrical appliances in "~ t e , Only member absent from the Music Department. a nnounccd today. expencnce. 1$6,000: :md Albert L. Ross, a lterati ons, I locn l homes and to pel·mit great I' cur­ session was Norris N. Wright. W inner of the 1943 Mctropoli tan MI:s. Don Ma rtin. music cha innan 51 East P a rk Place, $200. l' 'nt consumption without substantiall y The new me ters will be the la test Auditions of the Ail', M I' . P ease hos was .I n cha rge, ~1I1d Mrs. R. O. Bausman. Town Treasurer, Vernon Stcele's I incl' asi ng the cost. mlllt i-coin devices, similar to those it:- r ecently retul'l1ed to the conc rt st~g c preslde!,t. p reSided at the bUSiness seS-j l'cport ,for the month listed electric l A specia l hot water cu rrcnl ra tl! of I stalled in nlimel'O US nearby communl- afte r three yea rs ser vice with the Army SIO:' pnm· to. the concert. light receipLs totaling $7 ,7S1.7S-plus t cC'n t p " kilowl1tt hour for o fT -peak ti s, with both penny and nlckle slots, Air F orce. I n past months. he has sung 'Ihe t,· IO IS composed of MI SS Bar- electric power retul'ns of $4 ,667.6;. and I hour \\ as also· dopted. The new policy permitting th e motorists as low as 12 with the Chicago and Indianapolis ::~;~ ~~~~I~~'\,~,:~ I O~~~Ss}I~:; n~I~~r:~~ wa tel' rents m:,ounting to $7.724.96. I __ l\'Trs. Susan Sharp Adams will permit the installation o[ electric hot water hea t I'S in N wHrk homes minu tes for one penny up to two hours S,I m phol1les, and With seveal other piano. The pl·ogr-n m inctuded: Adagio The cash balance plus cosh receipts fill' Iwo I1I ck les well-known muslc<ll organlza l1 ons I I without 11 pruhi bi tive ri se ill the lec­ I from Sonata Pathetique, Op. 13. by for November reached $67,587.28, less WILM POETRY tric bill. The prrce of the meters Will be $75 fn hiS reC Ital hele, the sll1gel Will Bee, thoven: Sonata a Trois. No.2, by disbul'sements of $30,.685.75, for total • The new li ght rates cOlIl (01' ubstan ­ caeh, pIllS the cost of freIght and 111- present a prog ril m chosen from the best Loeillct: Adagio from Trio Vf in B cash on hand amounting to $36,901.53. tial I'educti oll s a ll along the li ne and slaJla tlon The purchase agreement I o[ the b::lrltone Uterature The concert fl at Major, by Beethoven: a nd Leo Town Engineel·, Cleaver Price. I'C- GROUP GIVES o fT r a considerable saving to consum­ ca ll s for monthly payments f rom the IS scheduled to begll1 a t 8: 15 a m Deux Montons. by Martini. ported tha t the work on additions t.o ers using vcr 90 kilowatt hours. An attracti ve display, enti tled "Thea- the Sewage Treatment Plant was 65 CompariSOIlS between the new Hnd ~~~:~i t ~l~~ t~ e o'; '~~~,l~:S o l ~ b:~ ~ tl~:~ t~~ IGOP FAVORS tre Accesso;'ies" :1I1d includi ng bags, per cent complet . He also disclosed t. h old ril tes may bl' mad throllgh the the CounCil Thc contract also allows CO AWARD TO [" ns and other colodul a rti cles, was that five new electric services werc - scales ':lITied in fu ll be low: II SIX months tl lal pel lod, at the end of I a lso off I ed at the session T he ex hi bit connected d urrng the month. and that The New c:de whic h, the me te L'S , if n t fOllnd salis- RHODES FOR wns dl r,lI1ged by the Frne Alts c om- I strcct Il ghtrng III the VICll1 lty of Hames WOMAN HERE Net r"clury. will be removed without cost mltte Stl eet and Delawarc Avenue had been 14 K. W. H . ..... $1.00 (Please turn to page 8) Tea was served by Mrs G Tagga rt Im proved through the installation of a ' ___ I 1Next 31 K. W. H . 5c Evans :rnd her committee IIlc ludll1 g' street II ghtll1g transf01 mer , , I INext 35 K. W. H . ... ,.,. , ... 4c I PRESIDENCY MI s Albcrt Hammond, Mrs Herman I Fou r va lves were IIlsta ll ed in hydrant SOCIety Next 70 K. W. H . 3c POLICE LIST Ha ndlofl . Mrs Mldd l ton Hanson, MI s branches and one on the water h ne to W·II P -1...1· h Over 150 1<. W. H. 2.5c , Althul H tl loldson, Mrs. J ames Hast- I sewage dI sposal plant. he said Th C" I IlJ.J IS I The Old IOF SENATE II1 gs and Mrs Al thul H auber storm sewer n Academy Street, was S I . B Net I Hostesses a t the tea table were Mrs a lso completed during the month e ectiOItS y 1 10 K. W. H. 59 ARRESTS 9.5 c I C. E. Douglass and MI's. W. E. Arm- I During November, 16,375,500 gallons S A I I Next 20 K. ·W. H . 5·7 c wark Mall I ntrong. of water were pumped [01' a daily aver- I usan { anlS Next 170 K. W. H. a.8 c IN NOV~~,n ~ , . : age of 545.850 nnd a da il y incr ase of , Over 200 1<. W . H . 3,325c Id ! oh-ical GDOGRAM BY ·3,347 gall ons 0 e l' October. The fi g Ure , Mril. SUS:,II Sharp Adams, of I Briar 0 :1 I' 400 fi:. ,'1. i . 2.85 (. '·("" Il. ! also marks a n increase of 1.1 42,700 ~n l - Lane. Nottingham. Mannr, h as been sC'- Figure Is Choice By GOP I 1 Ions over November 1945. I tected co-winnel' a long wlth MISS Al i- I PLAY HEADS I son Kimball. of Greenville. of thc thirr! DEDICATION Drop Of 42 Party Leaders ~ ', BOLTE ASI(S bi-cnni· I book a \\":lrd o[ the Wil min!(- ton P oetry Society.
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