International Journal for Pastors September 2004 A L,.1 T.©j/"©"> IA * \!-j %X_,. Is the Genesis Creation account literal? Amid the far-reaching, contemporary shifts occurring in significant Christian circles, what are the implications of dismissing the Genesis Creation epic as a literal account of how the present world order began? Norman R. Gulley f-\ Sexual misconduct in ministry: victims and wounds 1 The fifth in Ministry©s series on ministers and Ftowers, K-fehad Hasel Roland Hegsted, Kathteen Kuntaraf, Ekteharelt Muelier, Jan Pautoi, Robert Peach, sexual wrongdoing Aogzl Man*) ttorirtguez, Penny Shaft "WSSam Shea, Miroslav Kis Zinte Pastoral Assistant Editors: John C. Cress, Fredrfck Preaching beyond modernism (part 2) Russeft, Maybn Scburch, L«-«n Seitwki ©©,, taternatfwat Advisors: AtejarKtroBulton.fohn © : How must preaching change as many world cultures ten Manafchi©Zac^weus©fewfieftiJ, GqbM Msuw, move into seriously different ways of thinking and te» Omwa, Qarid Ostaame, ©Peter ftaawfel*, viewing the world? Pastoral Advtsors: lesfe Baumgartner, S. Peter Gerhard van Wyk and Rudolph Meyer Ministering in the midst of competing A<Jv«rtfaiog Editorial Office worldviews -«W«»»©**^;-;_;;;v-;; ;;;_ What remains the same and what changes in ministry C«*$» Photo GeBy tmag«s Pssigti* , as we seek to reach out to a changing world? Cover Design Harty Kw» ,.,,,. Trevor O©Reggio Subscriptions: 1 2 © issues: United States USS2R.99; Canada arW overseas ,US$S1, 99; airmail VS$41, 75; The stripping process: broken down for breakthrough A powerfully honest story of personal growth in Circulation queries, renewals, new subscriptions, ministry: Year of World Evangelism feature address xhatigejii le^il: riwWSPS©.adWBti^Srg phon«: 501-« 0.&S10; fax J01-680-6S02, Fredrick Russell with name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and The shape of the emerging church: Sodat Security nufnber (if U.S. citizen or possessing a U.I Social Statrfiy number). S«W atftotW " © © a pastor©s view (part 1) (fmi^tmia^a tp l^Spl ofet OsJymbia Kite, Silver What form is the church taking as it moves out of the SMng, old "givens" and into something new? Ryan). Bell 4 An enemy defeated: death and resurrection A fresh, Christocentric view of the twenty-fifth Seventh-day Adventist expression of faith Richard Rice » ©I From panic to purpose: the process and benefits of planning a preaching calendar Derek j. Morris MINISTRY September 2004 T R YOUR MAGAZINE PROVIDES GOOD INSIGHT INTO THE TEACHINGS OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. AT THE SAME TIME, IT IS RESPECTFUL OF THE FACT THAT NOT ALL WILL BE IN AGREEMENT WITH THESE TEACHINGS. s someone who deeply appreciates who have engaged in adultery, fornica in agreement with these teachings. I Athe ministry and friendship of tion, or other types of egregious sexual particularly enjoyed David Zucker©s arti Dwight Nelson, I am somewhat reluc sins should be permanently barred from cle, "Bless Me: An Opportunity Missed?" tant to submit this response to his article "official" denominational ministry. (March 2004) and Praban Saputro©s arti "Requiem and Resurrection for a Fallen Again, my friendship with and cle "Presenting Jesus to Muslims: A Brother." The article, as expected, was respect for Dwight make this letter diffi Suggested Approach" Guly 2004). well-written. On the whole, it was bibli cult to write. Perhaps he could write the Rev. T. Patrick Bradley, Cheyenne, cal and in keeping with the Christian "other side of the coin" with equal pas Wyoming. principles of love and forgiveness. It was, sion and articulation an article entitled however, surprisingly unbalanced. "Repentance and Restitution: The want to express my appreciation for Surely Dwight is not ready to put the Conversion of a Fallen Brother." Until I the article in the May 2004 issue enti serial pedophile back into the children©s that happens, we are left with one side tled ©Traction or Distraction" by Lloyd Sabbath School room, or the adulterous of a two-sided coin, a logical and eccle Wyman. What a powerful and timely pastor back into the position of marriage siastical impossibility. article! So powerful that I plan to share counselor! Christian fellowship? Yes, of David Asscherick, pastor, Troy, Michigan. it with all of our pastors at our fall pas course! Christian leadership? Dwight tors© meeting. May each of us in the seems to say, unequivocally and univer t has been my pleasure to be receiving ministry be found faithful to our calling. sally, "yes." I Ministry for the past several years. Your —John Loor, jr., president, Montana Dwight cites the example of Peter. openness to articles by pastors and min Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Fair enough. Let us remember that isters of other faiths is a refreshing Peter had repented and "wept bitterly." change. I receive so many denomina hank you so much for sending Note carefully the order: repentance, tional-specific magazines pushing their TMinistry. It is the only magazine I then reinstatement. Too, it should be own agenda. Some of these border the read from cover to cover. noted that reinstatement into leader insulting. As a board certified health care In your letter section of May 2004, F. ship is not guaranteed. Consider Moses chaplain, I try to remain open to learn A. Hertwig from Missouri asked a ques on the border of Canaan: public sin, ing about all religious teachings. It is tion. I would like to respond from public punishment, no reinstatement. impossible to work with the sick in a sec Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child." "To whom much has been committed, ular hospital without being at least This is a promise, the promise being the more will be required." Leaders pos aware of the teachings of all religions. the training children receive will be with sess great responsibilities, and thus, at Your magazine provides good insight them all of their lives. What they do times, receive severer punishment. into the teachings of the Seventh-day with the training depends on their deci It may not sound "accepting," but Adventist Church. At the same time, it is sions. However, the training remains. my position is that ministers or leaders respectful of the fact that not all will be Chris Slye, Hillsboro, Texas. nthly and haven,^paid for a subscription,^ II.Seventh-flap Acfteiitist roinisters. We believe, however; :thptthe ©time,has come for, clergy everywhere-, to experience a, resurgence of faith in landfaffegi:e<it{tr$h©s!ih,M_^ .x,©^-..-xJl;^*.-*iiL- ^_-j'i.--iL''J- .:©..: ^- ,-(-±.. -:^^^:fau jyijllg^pfjhf^jpuj^ias^^ ?. Bimpnih^ffis©u^sctiptioh* an^f^fye^f}$,^.^ rfa^officefj; ^,'•';'.•,''!.!'..''" .' ;J !'•'•;';!'..'• '•.;'•;'''•'' ;; '/' :,;': -'.iS'iV'!' '••'•' •''"•'.' ' '" '.•''•' • '•'•', September 2004 MINISTRY EDITORIAL Horizontal humility new generation from diverse or create, or even that the church itself backgrounds and complex situa owns. We have our authority, thank God, Ations challenges the church©s only from Jesus Christ Himself, through traditional way of preaching." the witness of the Spirit. WlLLMORE D. EVA This straightforward description of One of the best illustrations of this the thorny realities that confront us as "standing alongside" approach may be preachers is the opening sentence of a found in that fabulously suggestive story significant article in this issue of Ministry of Philip©s encounter with the Ethiopian by Gerhard Van Wyk and Rudolph financial officer (Acts 8). At the direction Meyer, "Preaching Beyond Modern of the Holy Spirit, Philip goes "down" ism," part 2 (see page 12). While their from Jerusalem to Gaza. He positions basic concern is not new, what they himself close to this man©s chariot bring to this observation is thought- entourage (verse 29). He then runs right provoking and enlightening. humility, in which the preacher no up to the chariot, and listening to what Behind their thinking is the fact that longer projects himself as the final the man is reading, he asks the ministers face a powerful new and per authority, and the members of the lis Ethiopian if he is understanding it. On plexing tide of worldview. Thus, pastors tening congregation as essentially the backdrop of this horizontal man-to are quite easily seduced into experi inferior in their grasp of what the man approach, the way is opened for a menting with schemes and strategies to preacher may haughtily have pro heart-to-heart encounter; and it doesn©t entice people into church and keep claimed. take long for the man to actually ask for them securely seated in the pews! Good Van Wyk and Meyer are looking for a baptism. as they may be, many of these schemes fundamental attitudinal shift amongst Van Wyk and Meyer, of course, have a way of developing into shallow, us, a re-evaluated understanding of who approach their subject from the point of gimmicky fixes that demean the dignity the minister is or sees himself or herself view of the realities that underlie the and high calling of bona fide Christian to be in relation to those who hear modernist/postmodernist debate, both ministry, worship, and preaching. Christian preaching. of which present potentially serious dan When it comes to possible gim The problem among us is that there is gers to authentic Christian faith and mickry, some novel way of preaching is a significant school of preaching preaching. often uppermost in our minds. We thought, hubristic "pulpiteering" as a Without question one of the most urgently want to be relevant and mean manifestation of legitimate confidence serious of these dangers is the way the ingful worthy objectives, to say the and the distinct spinoff of some sort of largely unquestioned knowledge- least but in our attempts to become divine unction. As people have reacted oriented modernist approach has a way so, our preaching can lose its spiritual more and more against this overbearing of puffing up (1 Cor.
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