
THE WESTFIELD LEADER TH1 LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIEOULATED WEEKLY NEWS PAPES IN UNION COUNTY SygNTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 2 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Published 30P»i -10 CenU Men Wmitetl 'Operation Abolition* Filming jterature, Arts Courses The Westfield Musical CIub'» off Broad street pro- 7,819 Students In Class duciion of "Kitmet," to be To Be Shown Here Sept 28 )ftered By Adult School given Nov. 24 and 25 in the Senior High School auditor- "Operation Abolition" will re- ium, is seeking male smgers. ceive its first public showing in Subject Range Wide, Men of all ages, sixes, shape* As Local Schools Open Westfield at 8:15 p.ni. Thursday, Varied; Classes and voice ranges are needed Sept. 28, at St. Paul's Parish lor this "musical Arabian House under the triple sponsor' Start ^ night." ship of Martin Wallbcrg Post 3, INotable Record If your suppressed desire American Lepion, the Westfield School Staff Adds Gain Of 239 Over S'esrly one-third of the 40 is to be a bandit chieftain, Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri- A ncholaatic achievement i* ones to be offered this fall by whirling dervish, master of a can Revolution, and the West in tbe making lor * member '61; Employees " WcstfieW Adult Schoo! deal harem, Wazir of Police—or Fields Chapter, Sons of the Ameri- 24 New Members of the Wectfieia High School th literature and the arts. Mrs. even Emir of Bagdad—this ii can Revolution. clati which graduated in 1 June. f Honley. chairman of the In- your golden opportunity. The public is cordially invited to Seven Have Taught Win Plaudits action committee, pointed out Auditions will be held at 8 attend. There will be no admission Dr. S. N. Ewitn Jr., iuper- jay that in addition to the p.m. Sunday and Monday, Al College Level intendent of tchooli, itt hi* charge. report to ihe Board of Edu- More than 8,500 youngsters uses providing opportunities for Sept. 17 and 18, *t the home "Operation Abolition" is the in these fields of Mrs. James R. Crawford, The Westfield Hoard of Educa- cation Tuesday night, told lite trudged back to school yesterday If expression widely acclaimed documentary film morning as the Weatfteld Public e are several which will be de- 1517 Rahway avenue. tion Tuesday liijrht heard Dr. S. N. board that Kenneth Banki, a jr prepared from news shots taken in Ewan Jr., superinUnient of schools, June graduate vfho took a .Schools ami Hoiy Trinity paroch- led to critical analysis. San Francisco )n May, 1900, when report that the schools' instruc- number of college prepara- ial classes started a new year, H In the latter group is a course Communist-inspired student groups tional staff now numbers 384, « tory couriea in the high marked the start of tha 163rd "Contemporary Literature" to Third Great Books broke up the hearings of the House sain of 24 over last year. The total school, will become a ioptio- school year ill this district, jiven by Robert It. Raymo, as- Committee on Un-American Activi- school staff numlxjrs 55(5 which is more when he eitten Harvard i,te professor of English at ties. It is accompanied by taped Tlii« total public school atten- 33 more than last year. University thU month if he dance ii.H of yesterday afternoon itgers Newark College of Arts Program Offered commentaries presented by four panes one more examination. i Sciences. Dr. Raymo will trace Committee membors, Representa- Dr. Ewan stated that of the In- was reported at 7,818, an increase t development of modern writ- tives Francis E, Walter, Edwin E. structional personnel, 78 nre new Kenneth, ton of Dr.' and of 230 over the first day of school discussing and evaluating Discussion Group Lists Willis, Gordon E, Scherer, and IRVINE JOHNSTONE JR. to Westfield, 24 because of new po- Mrs. C. Kenneth Banks of 643 in September last year. t James, D. H. Lawrence, DR. ROBERT R. RAYMO August K. Johansen. sitions, and 54 are replacements. Nottingham place, explained At a moetinic of the Board of Open Session Sept. 19 he paised ihe advanced place- ,_t Hemingway, William The film shows the attempt to The superintendent reported that Education Tuesday night, Dr, S, the 78 new jiersonnel includes 37 ment test* in English and cn.1- N. Ewan Jr., superintendent of iilktier, Aldous Huxley, Jean The third year Great Books dis- make a fiasco of the hearings, johnstone Named culus given by the College nl Sartre, Albert Camus, Gra- which were held to probe Commun- secondary teachers, 20 elementary schools, had told the board mem- Boro Post Office cussion group will hold an opening teachers, three rending specialists, Board at Princeton Univer- hers that as of that time 8,081 in Greene,, Vladimir Nabakov meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 8 ist activities in Northern Califor- sity. He U to take a test in j Lawrence Durrell. nia. It reveals how it was* and is, As Director of three guidance counsellors, two jiiln were registered p.m. in the Hopkins Room of the music teachers (elementary level), chemistry at Harvard. Ac- A breakdown of the total nt- 'The Modern Theater," another Dedication Rite Westfield Memorial Library. possible for tt handful of Commun- cording to Kenneth, Harvard me in this group, will use the ist agitators, usinff mob psycholo- two art teachers (elementary), one tondnnce listed 1,520 in the high Mrs. Orace Boyle and Philip First Federal audio - visual coordinator, one it the only tchool where a stu- school, 1,006 in Ediaon Junior ijs ot eight modern dramatists, gy, to incite student demonstra- dent may skip a year by get- tging from Henrik Ibsen to Due Saturday Mintz, leaders of the discussion tions and convert these into riots. nurse, one dentist, one assistant Hjich, »l(i in Roosevelt Junior group, have planned that the first principal (elementary) and one ting credit for three freshman Hitfh, and 4,378 in the elementary nneisee Williams and Arthur Their success serves as a warning Irvine B. Johnstone Jr., West- courses. tar, to analyze the dilemma of session will be an introductory that Communist infiltration efforts field Attorney, has been elected a junior high school principal. schools. The smallest elementary atemporary man. It will be MOUNTAINSIDE — The bor-meeting for those who have not are directed especially toward member of the hoard of directors total was Grant School with 250, ough's new post office will be dedi- been members of the group before The' superintendent stated that while Franklin was high with 723. iglt by David Shaber, MBA youth anil student groups and pro- of the First Federal Savings and 110 per cent of the teaching stall' cated at 1 p.m. Saturday Post- and who might be interested in vide « r«al threat to our internal Loan Association of Westfield, it Holy Trinity High School start- It School of Drama, who was an master Edwin Lake announced to- joining. At this meeting they will hold masters decree or* better in Clergyman's Wife itmctor at Smith College and security. has been announced by II. C, Par- ed the new year with approximate- day. lead a discussion on the Declara- sons, president of the association. their fields, while ?(S per cent have is active in television and had previous experience. ly 450 students with more than tion of Independence to acquaint When Americans hear of riots Mr. Johnstone wns educated in 000 unending the grammar school. Is productions. Mr. Shaber's The new facility, located at <»(M new members with the Great ToCiteUMCEF Sherwood parkway, is part of the crested hy Communists anionK stu- the Westfield public schoo! system Dr. Kwuii noted that of the 21 In his report to the Board Dr. tares will be followed by class Books Discussion plan. dents in other countries, they say: teachers employed for the hi^h Missions. Post Office Department's unique and holds a US in economics from Ewan reviewed the work done dur- commercial leasing plan, the local Great Books J)isctission groups "The United Slates is strung. It Rutgers University and an IXB school this year, one-third hold MA Aid Overseas ing the summer by maintenance in analysis of jazz music will be postmaster explained. meet every other week during the can't happen here!" Mut unfor- degree, cum tuude, from the Hut-decrees, 1!) taught before, 12 are staffs in refurbishing the school basin of u course called "Jazz winter to discuss works which pre- tunately the Communist success in irei'B University School of Law. In honor students, two are I'lii Beta UNICEK plunncin nrnl church mid grounds. 'He Mated that all Under this program, investment sent timeless and timely questions. San Francisco in May, 19(10, proves addition, he holds a degree of Kappas and seven have taujrht at bildiiiKH had been cleaned from , Recorded History." Record- (hat it run happen here! the. college level. representatives witl have the tin i covering a period of 70 years financing is used to obtain needed Persistent questions find the basic master of laws from New York usual opportunity of hearing Mrs. top to bottom, floors scrubbed and begin with African sources facilities which remain under priv- problems which have confronted The accuracy of "Operation Aim- University mid has completed all This report prompted Hoard Frederick 13. Christian tell how waxed, windows washed and furni- trace the development of jaaz ate ownership, pay local taxea to society from Plato to contem- litioh" han been attested by the course work required for the de- President Robert II., Mulreany to UNICEK actually la helping in ture denned.
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