
GENERAL REPOR1\ 1919-20. From 1st Octoher 1919. To 30th Septemlwr 1920. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CoLONEL C. H. D. RYDER, C.I.E., D.S.O., R.E., SURVEYOR. GENERAL OF INDIA. PlUN'l'~U AT 'J'HK PHO'J'O.-Ll'l'HO. Ol<'fo'ICt:, 8URV~Y OF INDIA. CALCUTTA, 1921. Price Two Rupees-- or Four Shillings. ~u~u~u ofl ~ndia. GENERAL REPORT. 1919-20. From 1st October 1919. To 30th September 1920. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CoLONEL C. H. D. RYDER, C.I.E., D.S.O., R.E., SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. PRINTED AT TRB PHOTO •• LITHO. OFFIOE, SURVEY OF INDIA.. CAT,CUTTA, 1921. PRINTBD AT THE PROTOGilAJ'HlC AND LITHOGRAPHIC 0PFICB, ST.TilVJfY OF INDIA, 14, Woon 8TRBR'7, CALC'I'1TA. NOTICE. Maps published by the Survey of India can be obtained from the Map Record and Issue Offi.ce, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta. 1. TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS are published on the scales of 4 MILES TO 1 INCH, 2 MILES TO 1 INCH. AND 1 MILE TO 1 INCH :- (a) TuosE SURVEYED AFTER 1905 are printed in colours, in sheets 24 INCHES• X 19 INCHES, price Rs. 1-8-0 per copy. (b) THOSE SURVEYED PRIOR TO 1905 are printed in black only or in black with hills in brown, in sheets 40 INCHES x 27 INCHES, price Rs. 1-8-0 per copy. (c) 4 miles· to 1 inch maps are printed in two editiono, vt:., LAYERED and PoLITICAL, as described in para. 4, price Rs. 1-8-0 per copy. Those from old surveys are printed in black and styled PROVISIONAL, price ONE RUPEE per copy. 2. GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS are also obtainable as followo :- (a) SoUTHERN AsiA SERIES, scale 1:2,000,000 or nearly 32 miles to 1 inch, in LAYERED and PoLITICAL editions, as described in para. 4, size 36 inches x 24 inches, price Rs. 3 per copy. (b) INDIA AND ADJACENT CoUN1'RIES, scale 1:1,000,000 or nearly 16 miles to 1 inch, in LAYERED and POI.ITICAL editions, and from old· surveys as PROVISIONAL ISSUES, size 24 INCHES X 19 INCHES, price Rs. 1-8-0 per copy. • (c) INTERNATIONAL MAP OF . INDIA, scale 1:1,000,000 or nearly 16 rnilea to 1 inch, in LAYERED edition (without shading of hills), aize 30 inches x 26 inches, price ONE RUPEE per copy. (d) GENERAL MAPS OF. INDIA, scale 32 milea to 1 inch, in aets of 12 sheeta, each sheet 25 inches x 32 inchea, in" LAYEltED and POLITICAL (without hills) editiops, price Rs. 12 per set. Maps of India on various ~maHer scales and miscellaneous special mnps illustrating Railways, etc., are also available: 3. MISCELLANEOUS mapa are also published as below:- (a) PROVINCIAL MAPS, on scales 16 miles and 32 miles to 1 inch . (b) DISTRICT MAPs, on acales 4 milca auu 8 miles to 1 inch. (c) CANTONMENT AND TowN MAPS AND oTHEH MISCELLANEovs MAPS, on various scales and prices. ( d} FOREST MAPS obtainable only from the 0FFIC>:lt IN CHARGE, FonEST MAP OFFICE, DEBRA DtJN. 4. The styles of printing of 4 miles to one inch and Geographi­ cal mapa are aa followa :- (a) LAYERED EDITION, printed in colours with contoura and graduated layer tints to abow altitudes, and shading to emphasize the hills. (Colour ribands along boundaries cannot be added to this edition.) (b) PoLITICAL EDITION, printed in coloura with colour ribands along houndaries, contoura to show altitudes and shading to emphasize bills. , (c) PROVISIONAL IssuE, generally printed in black or black with hills ·in brown. Colour ·ribands along boundaries are added by hand when required at an extra cost of 2 annas per sheet. 5. MAP CATALOGUES can be obtained at ONE RuPEE per copy. 6. Maps can be mounted on cloth and folded or mounted on rollers for hanging, etc., at a email extra charge. 7. Maps approved for iasue to Government Ofliciala on the PUBLIC SERVICE are anpplied on BOOK DEBIT. Indent forma and rulea governing tbio eupply can be obtained on application. All other issuea of printed maps are made on cash payment or by V. P. P. Cash payments may be made by Money Order, or by nncroaaed cheques (uaue.l commiaaion chargee being added to cheques on Banko out­ side Calcutta). Crossed cheques, Hundi8 and Receipts jlYT' paynunts into Treasuries cannot be accepted. Poetage, packing and V. P. P. charges are extra. 8, THE MAP RECORD lAND IssuE OFFICE will be glad to give, free of ·charge, any further information. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF INDIAN OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. LONDON. FOR i\lAP::i ONLY A. CONST.O.BLE & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W. C. LONDON. P. S. KING & SoN, 2 and 4, Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W. EDWAHD STANFOIW, LT!J., 12-14, Loug Acre, KEGAN PAuL, TRENCH, TRtiBNER & Co., W.O. 68, Carter Lane, E.C. B. QuARITCB, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. · INDIA. HENRY S. KING & Co.; 65, Corn hill, E.C. 0RINDLAY & Co., 54, Parliament Street, S.W. THACKEll, SPINK & Co., No. 3, Esplanade, T. FISHER UNWIN, L'ro., 1, Adelphi •rerrace, East, Calcuttn, nnd Siwln. W.O. W. '!'HACKER & Co., 2, Creed Lane, Ludgate NEWMAN & Co., No. 4, Dalhousie Square, Hill, E.C. Calc11tta. LuzAC & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, W.O. LA!. CHAND & SoNs, No. 76, Lower Circular Rond, Caleutta. EDINBURGH. THE MANAGEII, THE lNlHAN ScHooL SuPPLY OLIVER AND BOYD, Tweeddale Court. DEPOT, No. 309, Bow Bazar Street, Calcutta, and Dacca. DUBLIN. RAI SAHID M. GtTLAB SINGH & SoNs, E. PoNSONBY, LTD., 116, Grafton Street. Lahore. THACKJ.;R & Co., LTD., Hombny. OXFORD. D. R. TARA!'OIIEVAI.A SoNs & Co., Bombay. B. H. BLACKWELL, .50 and 51, Broad titreet. HJGOINBO'fHAMS, LTD., Mndras. CAMBRIDGE. PitoPHJETOR, l\IAI~ASII.ITE PlUNTINO WORKS, Mu~o~soorie. DEIGH'J'ON, HELL & Co., LTD., Trinity ~tred. COCI\HUHNS AoENCY, ~rinu~ur. ON THE CONTINENT. CuHATOU, OovEnNMt:NT BooK DEPOT, ERNEST LEROUX, Hu~ Bonaparte, HPHMA, Rangoon. Paris F'rance. MARTI NUS NIJHOFJo', ~l'!Je Hague- Holland. Hl'RMAS & Co, Muzatiilrpur CONTENTS. PAOB. PART I.-GENERAL REMARKS- 1.-Introdnctioil I II. -Atlministrstion tmd Personnel 3 TABLE I.-Disposition of Officers 6 PART 2.-WORK OF FIELD PARTIES, &c.- 1.-ToPOORAPHIOAL SURVEYS TABLE !I.-Progress since 1906 9 TABLE III.-Out-turns and costs 10 N orthem Circle 12 Southern Circle 13 Eastern Circle 14 11.-FORXST SuRVEYs.- Northern Circle 16 Southern Circle· 16 Eastern Circle 16 111.-CANTONMENT AND LARo:&-SOA.LB SURVEl'S.-No. 1 Party 18 No. :l Party 18 No, 3 Party 18 No, 20 Party 18 Cantonments 19 IV. -THE TRIOONOMETRIOA..I. SURVEY.- Astronomical Latitudes 20 Pendulum Observa.tions 20 Tria.ngula.tion 20 Tidal Opero.tions 20 Levelling 21 Base Lines 22 Mrtgnetic Survey 22 PART 3.-0FFICE WORK- ·I.-HEAD QUARTER 0FFIOE8 Mtt.}J Publication Office . 24 Mnp Record and Issue Office ... ... 26 TABLE IV,-Publica.tions during the year 28 No. 1 Drawing Office 29 Engraving Offioe 30 Photo.-Litho. Office 31 Mathematicnl Instnrment Office .... 32 11.-DEHR.A DUN OF.FIOBS.- Computing Office 33 No. 2 Drtlwing Office 33 Forest Map Office 36 III.-CrROLE AND Loo.u. DRAWING OFFICES,- 38 PART 4.-WORKFOROTHERGOVERNMENTDEPARTMENTS.,.... 42 INDEX MAPS (bound ot end of Report). 1. Modt>rn survey IWd publicstion. 2. Publication of modern one-inch aeries, 3. modern h&lf-inch aeries for India . •• .. "India and Adjacent Countries' eeries, scale 1 • •• 1,000,000 1 6. Indian shee .. n of "'- c-~- Internati'onole du M d " -' ...., ~ tt.• n.oer on e, sctue l,Ooo,ooo' 7. ·Southern Asia' series, scale 2 ,oo~,ooo' 8. Progrt'BB of the Great Trigonometrical Survey. ~ttruen.., Jndin. GENERAL REPORT, 1919-20. From 1st October 1919 To 30th September 1920. PART I.-GENERAL REMARKS. 1.-INTRODUCTIO~. 1. The main parts of this report, as shown in the "Contents 11 on the opposite page, are Pa•·t 1!-Wo_:rk of Field Parties, &c., summarising the operations of the field parties, grouped under appropriate headings; and Part 3-0ffiee Work, whirh gives a brief account of the year's progreso in the head-quarters and other offices. Fuller details of these operations are being published in Volume XV of the "Records of tho Survey of India." 2. An abstract showing the progress of the topographical programme assigned to the department in 1905, may be found in Table II on page 9. From this it will be seen that the out-turn of topographical survey during the current year was -:i0,464• square miles; and that this brings the total progress since 1905 to 540,774 square miles, leaving 1,2KO,H26 square miles still to be done. 3. The first Index map, at the end of the report, shows the progress of this topogrnphica] programme both in survey and in publication in the three circles, while the remaining seven indexes show the progress in publication of the various series of maps appertaining to the scheme, and also the main framework of triangulation on which the survey of India is based. 4. Table IV on page 2.~ gives a list of the new publiclltions of the Calcutta Offices during tbe year. A completo list of departmental publica­ tions, apart from Dl,ilps, may be found in the annual "Records of the Survey of India"; and lists of new maps are published quarterly hy the department, as well as in the month1y "Notes of the Survey of India." 5. Progreso in the Trigonometrical Survey can only be asoes•ed by a study of the "Records of the Survey of India" and the special publication• issued at Debra Dun.
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