■ • ’ t ; T i ■ Akryjt 5 ; t ; e! ...... 1 I 3 1 1 »•vr.’.'.'/.T rl*iïi‘i'i‘ï> _ —Biitrffwi iTU ! j? :. L >¥ 1_ ■ E Ml ¿MIS1 A JP» 4 j r MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1967 > —------ fc.'.H"") 'W'.'-------------------------- i'll Ch.'iT -----—T graves. ’ fi More than 2,000 packed the tern- ti pie for the funeral services and n hundreds of others were unnable to E get in. Most of those attending the rites were forced to dash to tho church through’ the driving rain P after fighting for parking space 0 some distance from Clayborn 0 Temple. 1 The short block in front of the temple, on Hernando' between Lin­ den and Pontotoc, was roped'off Oy police Abd i.tped-.aa-.4-parWng » “area for. fuiieral cars. Other traf- 1 fic was rerouted. Four special motorcycle cops, two Negro and two white, escorted the long procession to the cemetery where about 2,000 stood on a mud­ dy hillslope to watch burial cere­ LeMOYNE’S NEW 'MISS UNCF' monies. There was a hearse for each body, two from Southern and one from Qualls. The Southern hearses led Miss Anita E. Curry of 966-A off, Carrying the remains of Mat­ Porter, a 21-year-old senior and thew Kelly and Carl Lee Cunning­ honor student at LeMoyne, is win­ ham. The Qualls hearse carried the ner of the college’s ‘Miss UNCF , body of Jimmy Lee King, Jr. contest. ° Remains of the three musicians She reported $688.51 in a cam­ 0 had been viewed by hundreds on pus contest in which five other s- Saturday. coeds competed. The six contest­ Kelly, a drummer; Cunningham, ants raised a total of $1,257.45 for a drummer, and King, a gulritist. (Continued on Page Four) j were killed Sunday a week ago when soul-singer Otis Redding’s ■ plane went down in a lake while I making an instrument landing near | Madison, Wic. Also dying in the I ill-fated craft were Phalon Jones, si tenor sax, and Ronnie Caldwell, or- | ganist, both members of the Bar- “ Kays. Jones’ body was recovered j Saturday and returned to Memphis Big gift of the week was $2,250 turned in $78. Schools reporting | for burial. Caldwell was still miss- from J. Strickland and Co., manu­ were Weaver, $27. and Mitchell | Ing Monday. facturers of Royal Crown cosme­ High, $51. This division has ac­ | Redding, who died when his tics. counted for $674.20. 1 small plane went down, was given | a big funeral'Monday in Macon, A final report m volunteer work­ The City School Teachers Di­ vision, under direction of Charley | Ga., His pilot, Richard Fraser, of ers is scheduled for Jan; 2. b Robbins, Ga., was killed also. General workers reporting last J. Patterson, Jr., reported ah ad­ | Only survivor is Bon Cauley, a week were Miss Naomi Gordon, ditional $293. (Hanley, $185; ; Lip­ coin, Jr. High, $11 for a total of - trumpet player of Memphis. He $144. and Howard Sims, $100. $35; Alcy, $7 for a total of $39; .< grabbed a cushion when the plane The County School Teachers Di­ Dunbar, $14 for a total of $8156; ai hit the water and floated until vision, headed by R. J. Roddy, | resoued. A. B. Hill, $30 for a total of $40; i Kansas, $33 for a total of $881,.and Another member of the Bar- | Orleans, $13 rior'i total' of $103). Kays, bass player James Alexander, This division has reported ‘a to­ was not on the plane. He had tal of $4,129.75. ■ . .1 ■ flown with Redding’s wife to Madi­ son on a commercial flight. : ' Honorary pallbearers for Sunday’s triple funeral were The Heat . Waves, Tornadoes, Booker T. and the M. G.’s, The Wildcats and the | Mar-Kays. I Active .pallbearers were Robert Thomas, Herbert Kneeland. Theo Wade, Geary Campbell, Avery | Davis, Willie Bacote and Carl | . Jackson. I Elder Blair Hunt gave a Charles : F. Morris Sri touching eulogy' at the temple and was at the cemetery to deliver the he said he would take le® ¿slaps bodies to the grave. to keep J. O. Patterson ft;jjg|iii being sworn in as a meÄr.. of The Rev. W. E. Ragsdale gave the new City Council the prayer and read the scripture ' • i ■ '■ ■<. and kind words were said by J. D. Morris, who wap defeated ■'by MEMPHIS Ni^XT YEAR will get a chance to see desegrega­ Springer, principal of Booker T. Patterson in the hotly contesfed Washington High School, and Mrs. District 7 run-off last Nov. 3; has tion-at work in'the. Methodist Church. Negro Methodist churches Estell Axton of Stax Recording ased Circuit Court to order a new inlthe area will'be under supervision of a white-district superin­ Company. There was a solo by election. ; 1 tendent and dvvhiti bishop. Spencer Wiggins and special nulslc Morris, whp resides with tils fainl- • | X K W X i by II Cantorlum. A-.I-’J . ■. (Continued on Page Four) : I EARLY MORNING motorists travelling South Bellevue and South Parkway East, are finding it necessary to contend with hundreds of fay-v/cilk'ih'g students. The Hamilton-bound students don't seem to mind ducking and dodging, though, o ' • . • ' * Hr * * REV., JAMES M. LAWSON, JR„ minister of Centenary Me- thodist Church, has been elected president of the West Tennessee Council on Hqman; Relations. lly MARION E. JACKSON though one asked what was knocked down and stripped of his Atlanta Daily World Stall »bout. clothes there was on a forgotten MACON, Ga. —. There is quiet City auditorium stands as fraement of the greatest American here Dec. 18—the captains and the if HTGC! TtrvtFnv ruihltn Ufa - ; kings have departed,. The dust set- (Continued on Pare Four) ¿ By MRS. I LUU COLEMAN Morning Star Baptist Church held its appreciation program for the Rev. J. |E. Sullen Sunday, Dec. WASHINGTON-(UPI) - Sen. Edwqrd W. Brpqjrc. R-Man„ 17. Thé'honoree received1 many pice to initiate a New Career Oppor­ predicted Thursday that’'Refj^Hcan moderates would swirtg Rifts. ; tunities program. behind GoV. kelson A. Rockefeller for the GOP presidential e NAO programs, designed to NEWLY WEDS nomination if George Romney's candidacy runs out of steam. ct students to non-tradltional Wedding Bells rang out for Miss âfields, will take place on 87 pre­ , Brooke an Influential voice in the primaries." Thy further agree they Brenda Faye Wright and S-Sgt. dominantly Negro college campuses,. party's’moderate wing, said in an should get behind one candidate; Elbert Lee Brantley, who said their Feb. 15 - 29. At this time, Key­ “who is becoming clearer all the marriage vows at the home of Interview he did not think anyone note speakers and recruiters will games. but the New York governor could time. ' ’ | theRev. and Mrs. W. L. Reid. (Mrs. be invited to talk with Interested keep former Vice President Richard It'j Nelson Rockefeller." 1 Reld i? a sister to the bride). The Gra-Y and Hi-Y. boys at students. M. Nixon from seizing the nomina­ The senator said he had talked Thé bride is the daughter of Mr. Abe Scharff YMCA are engaged in Meeting with Dr. Joell were Dr. tion if Romney failed to win big apW'Mrs. John D. Wright of Hen­ basketball compétition with teams to Rockfeller Monday at a new Herman Stone, Jr., dean of in­ in the primaries. York dinner honoring Sen. Jacob ning, Tenn. from other communities in the city. struction; G. L. Thaker, in charge “The moderates feel Nixon K. Javits R-N. Y„ and believed the The Y-Gents,have played games can’t win" he said. "They are less ’S-Sgt. Brantley is the son of of placement Mrs. Anna L. Cooke, with Chicago Park Elementary governor was coming around to the executive secretary of »alumni af­ troubled by his philosophy than Mrs. Nealy Brantley. School, Pine-Hill and Gaston park same thinking on the matter. fairs; Clarence Weaks,' Student his image and his ability to win ’Assisting at the reception which Community Centers, Mt. Vernon Dr. Von D. Mizell Government Association president; elections. followed immediately after the Church, an'd two boys clubs in and Paul Barnes, student represen­ “A lot of people both Rpublicans marriage were Mrs. Milton Drans, West Memphis, Ark., and Adams' To Attend Phi Beta tative. and Democrats think NlxOn is the Mrs. -Roger B. Jones and Miss Hawks. Brenda Hamilton. one Republican who can unite the Sigma Conclave Democratis party.” Brooke added. ■After a -weddtng trip to New Or­ The annual Abe Scharff Hi-Y, Beautiful, La: FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Dr. Rockefeller who ; has lost two leans,; La„ Mr. Brantly will be leav- Gra-Y basketball league play be- ingi^iortly for Germany where he Von. D. Mizell, National Director beglns the second week in January attempts to win his party’s nomi­ of Undergraduate Affairs of the nation, insists he has utterly no will be stationed. and will be concluded with a tour­ Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., nament. désire o try again. will be leaving on Dec. 26 for As proof his aides cite Rockefel­ Austin Thompson, owner of Richmond, Va., to attend the na­ Some of the Y-Gents are Carl­ Thompson’s Mortuary, held his an- ler firm support of Romney back­ tional conclave held at the John ton Lark, Jim Smith, Derron Wil­ ed by direct financial aid loans of nuaF drawing Dec. IB, extends Marshall Hotel from Dec. 27 thru liams, , Freddie Coleman, Bethorla top political strategists research ma­ thanks to his members and friends, 30.
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