Skvortsovia: 7(1): 1–164 (2021) Skvortsovia ISSN 2309-6497 (Print) Copyright: © 2021 Russian Academy of Sciences http://skvortsovia.uran.ru/ ISSN 2309-6500 (Online) Bibliography DOI:10.51776/2309-6500_2021_7_1_1 Bibliography of Salix L. (Salicaceae) George W. Argus Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Email: [email protected] Received: 28 February 2017 | Accepted by: Irina Belyaeva 3 April 2021 | Published online: 7 April 2021 Edited by: Irina Belyaeva, Keith Chamberlain, Yulia Kuzovkina Abstract This bibliography comprises references to publications related to the genus Salix. The list was compiled by the author during his scientific career. The main focus of the list is on references related to willow nomenclature and taxonomy, but it also covers other biological aspects of the genus Salix and related genera. References are listed in alphabetical and chronological order. The titles of books and articles are given in full and checked against WordCat (2021). The names of journals are abbreviated according to Botanico-Periodicum-Huntiarum (BPH, 2021), the names of periodicals absent from BPH are marked with asterisks. This list was completed by the author in 2016 but has been much revised and checked by the editors of Skvortsovia since then. Keywords: bibliographic references, nomenclature, morphology, taxonomy, phylogenetics, Salix (Salicaceae) Introduction References mainly pertain to Salix L. This list was transcribed from hundreds of hand-written or typed index cards written by me or, sometimes, by my assistants. As this was done over many years and because some of the handwritten cards were difficult to read some typographical errors may have been introduced. The original cards were discarded after transcription and proofreading. Citations were standardized by the editors to conform with the journal’s style. It is my hope that this compilation may help botanists studying the genus Salix, especially researchers for whom library facilities and biological databases are not easily available. 1 List of Salix L. (Salicaceae) References (last revised by the author on October 4, 2016) Abalos Romero, M.I. 2002. Silviculture y producción sauce-mimbre Salix spp. Santiago, Chile: FONDEF/FDI/INFOR/CORFO. Abalos Romero, M.I. 2005. Towards development of the Chilean basket willow sector. Unasylva 221, 56: 40–46. Abbe, E.C. 1974. Flowers and inflorescences of the “Amentiferae.” Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 40: 159–261. Abbott, P. 2002. Montane willows in mid-west Yorkshire. B. S. B. I. News. 89: 22. Abdollahzadeh, A., Kazempour Osaloo, S. and Maasoumi, A.A. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Salix (Salicaceae) with an emphasis on its species in Iran. Iranian J. Bot. 17 (2): 244–253. Adams, R.J. and Morton, J.K. 1972. An atlas of pollen of the trees and shrubs of eastern Canada and adjacent United States 1. Gymnosperms to Fagaceae. Univ. of Waterloo, Biol. Ser. 8: 1–52. Afonin, A.A. 2002. Metody izucheniya raznoobraziya iv v kollektsionnykh nasazhdeniyakh. Bryansk: BGU. Afonin, A.A. 2003. Ivy Bryanskogo lesnogo massiva. Bryansk: BGU. Afonin, A.A. 2005. Metodologicheskiye printsipy sozdaniya ustoĭchivykh vysokoproduktivnykh nasazhdeniĭ iv (na primere avtokhtonnykh vidov Salix Bryanskogo lesnogo massiva). Bryansk: BGU. Afonin, A.A. 2005. Ivy Bryanskogo lesnogo massiva: problema povysheniya produktivnosti i ustoĭchivosti nasazhdeniĭ I puti eyo resheniya. Bryansk: BGU. Afonin, A.A. 2011. Sravnitel’naya morphodinamika odnoletnikh pobegov iv Bryanskogo lesnogo massiva. Bryansk: BGU. Afonin, A.A. 2011. Izmenchivost’ massovykh vidov iv Yugo-Zapada Rossii: teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya salikologiya. Saarbrücken: LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council, and Forestry Ministers. 2000. Weeds of National Significance. Willows (Salix taxa excluding S. babylonica, S. × calodendron and S.× reichardtii) Strategic Plan. National Weeds Strategy Executive Committee, Launceston. 2 Ahmadi, A., Azadfar, D. and Mofidabadi, A. Jafari. 2008. Embryo culture as a tool in intergeneric hybridization of Salicaceae (Salix alba × Populus caspica). Iranian J. Rangelands Forests Pl. Breed. Genet. Res. Summer 2008, 16, 2(32): 149–157. Ahmadi, A., Azadfar, D. and Mofidabadi, A. Jafari. 2011. Study of inter-generic hybridization possibility between Salix aegyptica and Populus caspica to achieve new hybrids. Int. J. Pl. Prod. 4(2): 143–147. Åhman, I. 1997. Growth, herbivory and disease in relation to gender in Salix viminalis L. Oecologia 111: 61–68. Aiken, S.G., Dallwitz, M.J., Consaul, L.L., McJannet, C.L., Boles, R. L., Argus, G. W., Gillett, J.M., Scott, P.J., Elven, R., LeBlanc, M.C., Gillespie, L.J., Brystring, A.K., Solstad, H. and Harris, J. G. 2007. Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Aiton, W. 1789. Populus L. In: Aiton, W. Hortus kewensis. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. 3: 405–407. Aiton, W. 1789. Salix L. In: Aiton, W. Hortus kewensis. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. 3: 389–393. Albee, B.J., Shultz, L.M. and Goodrich, C. 1988. Salix L. In: Atlas of the vascular plants of Utah. Salt Lake City: Utah Museum of Natural History: 552–557. Al-Bermani, A.-K.K.A., Al-Shammary, K.I.A., Gornall, R.J. and Bailey, J.P. 1993. Contributions to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora. 3. Watsonia 19: 169– 171. Al-Bermani, A.-K.K.A., Al-Shammary, K.I.A., Gornall, R.J. and Bailey, J.P. 1993. Contributions to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora. 3. Watsonia 19: 269– 278. Alford, M. and Belyaeva, I. 2010 Salicaceae sensu lato (including Samydaceae and the majority of former Flacourtiaceae) In: Milliken, W., Klitgaard, B. & Baracat, A. Neotropikey - Interactive key and information resources for flowering plants of the Neotropics. www.kew.org/neotropikey Ali, S.I. 2001. Salicaceae. In: Ali, S.I. and Qaiser, M. (Eds.) Flora of Pakistan. St. Louis, Missouri: Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Karachi, Pakistan and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 203: 1–60. Ali, S.I. 2005. Salix L. Flora of Pakistan. (www.efloras.org) 3 Alliende, M.C. and Harper, J.L. 1989. Demographic studies of a dioecious tree. I. Colonization, sex, and age structure of a population of Salix cinerea. J. Ecol. 77: 1029–1047. Almeida, J.L.F. de. 1946. Sorbe a cariologia de Salix salviifolia Brot. e S. babylonica L. Bol. Soc. Brot., ser. 2, (20): 201–242. Alsos, I.G., Alm, T., Normand, S. and Brochmann, C. 2009. Past and future range shifts and loss of diversity in dwarf willow (Salix herbacea L.) inferred from genetics, fossils and modeling. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 18: 223–239. Alström-Rapaport, C., Lascoux, M. and Gullerg, U. 1997. Sex determination and sex ratio in the dioecious shrub Salix viminalis L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 94: 493–497. Alström-Rapaport, C., Lascoux, M., Wang, Y.C., Roberts, G. and Tuskan, G.A. 1998. Identification of a RAPD marker linked to sex determination in the basket willow (Salix viminalis) J. Heredity 89: 44–49. Amlin, N.M. and Rood, S.B. 2002. Comparative tolerances of riparian willows and cottonwoods to water-table decline. Wetlands 22: 338–346. Anderson, C.L. 1850. A monoecious willow. Zoe 1: 41–42. Anderson, E.W. and Bedell, T.E. 1987. Northwest common-name check list of plants. Special Report 786. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Agricultural Experiment Station. Anderson, J.P. 1939. Plants used by the Eskimo of the northern Bering Sea and arctic regions of Alaska. Amer. J. Bot. 26: 714–716. Andersson, N.J. 1845. Salices Lapponicae. Upsaliae: Wahlstrom & Co. Andersson, N.J. 1858. Bidrag till kannendomen om de i Nordamerika forekommande pilarter (Salices). Öfvers. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 15: 109–133. Andersson, N.J. 1858. Salices Boreali-Americanae. A synopsis of North American willows. Cambridge: Metcalf and Co. Andersson, N.J. 1858. Salices e Japonica, quas descriptsit N. J. Andersson Holmiensis. In: Appendix to “On the Botany of Japan.” Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, n.s., 6: 450–452. Andersson, N.J. 1860. On East Indian Salices. J. Linn. Soc. 4: 39–58. Andersson, N.J. 1866. Om slägtet Salix, isynnerhet dess nordiska former. Bot. Not. 1868 (8): 129–149. Andersson, N.J. 1867. Monographia Salicum. Pars 1. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 6(1): 1–180. Andersson, N.J. 1868. Salicineae. In: A.P. de Candolle. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis. Paris: Treuttel et Würtz. 16(2): 190–331. 4 Andersson, N.J. 1874. Salix. In: Blytt, A. Norges Flora. 2: 418–484. Oslo: Brogger and Christie. Andersson, N.J. 1910. Vier Briefe N.J. Andersson an A. Kerner. Salic. Mitt. 3: 123–129. Andreev, A.A., Siegert, C., Klimanov, V.A., Drevyagin, A.Y., Shilova, G.N. and Andreev, N. 1982. In: Löve, A. (Ed.) IOPB chromosome number reports 76. Taxon 31: 575– 576. Andrews, E.A. 1906. Polarity in the weeping willow. Torreya 6: 1–5. Andrienko, T.L. 1980. Melkie bolotnyye ivy (Salix lapponum, S. myrtilloides, S. rosmarinifolia) na Ukraine [Small marsh willows (Salix lapponum, S. myrtilloides, S. rosmarinifolia) in the Ukraine]. Bot. Zhurn. (Kiev) 65(6): 843–848. Antsiferov, G.I. 1984. Iva. Moskva: Lesnaya Promyshlennost’. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 1990. Electrophoretic heterozygosity and developmental stability in Salix eriocephala. Population Genetics of forest Trees Symposium. Abstract 31. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 1990. Gene mapping in Salix eriocephala Muhl. Canadian Society of Plant Molecular Biology, 5th. Abstract 11. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 1990. Relations of growth to the heterzygozity in multiplicative overdominance (MO) and inbreeding depression (ID) hypotheses. Population Genetics of forest Trees Symposium. Abstract 30. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 1991. Biochemical evidence for maternal effects and sex linkage in Salix exigua Nutt. Unpubl. Report. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 1998. Analysis of genetic linkage in Salix exigua Nutt. Silvae Genet. 47: 127–131. Aravanopoulos, F.A. 2001. Genetic linkage in Salix eriocephala suggests linkage conservation above the species level.
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