632 WILLERBY. EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. (I.ELLY'S is now pia~ under the communion table: -there is a Hertford, and is about three-quarters of • mile south­ fon~ ol very 88l'ly date and an organ erected in 1887! west from Willerbv• . there i<; a stained window in memory of the Taylor JamiJy : the church affords 140 sittings. The register STA.XTON is a hamlet and village about half a mile date1 from the year 1653. The living is a vicarage, net east from Willuby, and contains 1,640 acree of laad. yearly value £220, derived from 185 acres of glebe, in principally the property of the Earl of Londesborough the gift of the Rev. G. E. Day, and held since 1910 K.C.V.O. who is lord of the manor. There are Wes­ by the Rev. Robert A.itken White, of St. Aidan's. The leyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. Earl of Londesborough K.C.V.O. is lord of the manor Parish Clerk, George Wyles. and principal landowner. The soil is chalk, sand and Post Office, Staxton. Arthur Glaves, sub-postmast~r. peat; subsoil, various. The crops are on the four­ Letters through Scarborough, via Ganton, arrive at coune system. The area of the parish is 4,564 acres of 8.15 a.m. & dispatched at 5 p.m.; no sunday mail land and 6 of water; rateable value, £3,887; the popu­ Ganton, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money order &; lation in 19n was 384. telegraph office Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, • IIINXIXGTON is a hamlet comprising 910 acres, the enlarged in 1901, for uo children ; average attend­ property of Harold Wrigley esq. who is lord of the ance, 76; Edward :Miller, master manor; it is on the south bank of the small ri\·er Carrier to Scarborough.--William Brown, every thurs. from Staxton WILLERBY. 1Haynes John, Hare & Hounds P.H Whlte "Rev. Robert Aitken (vicar), ST.AXTO:X. Ireland John &:; Frank, black~mitb~ V1carage Binks Mary (Mrs.), farmer Miller Edward. schoolmaster,W!sistant Mason George, farmer, The Wold Brown William, carrier_& shopk_e~per overseer k clerk to Parish Conncil, Prodham Henry, farmer, The Grange Dobson Fr~~k. wheelwn~ht &:; J.o~ner _Sch~ol house . Robinson Albt.(Mrs.),frmr.Manor frm D?bson Wtlbam, wheelwnght & Jomer PICkenng Geo:ge! beer retailer Fhnton Wm. &:; Sons, frmrs. Glebe fm Stonehouse Wllfnd, farmer, Mav frm BINNINGTON. Flinton John. grocer &:; floul' dealer Taylor Henry, farmer · Puckrin George, farmer Gla.ves Samuel, butcher &:; farm-t>r WINESTEAD is a parish, township and pleasant sittings. The register dates from the year 1578, and 4""illage, 1l miles north-west from Patrington station on contains an entry of the birth. in 1621, of A.ndrew Mar· the Hull and Withernsea branch of the North Eastern vt>ll and of the induction of his father to the rectorv railway, 8~ south-east from Hedon and 13! east from Tha living is a rectory, net yearly value £150, including Hull, in the Holderness division of the Riding, south 237 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of T. B. T. division of the wapentake of Holderness, South Holder- Hildyard esq. and held since 1890 by the Rev. Norman ness petty sessional division, Patrington union, county James Miller ~LA. of Magdalene College, Cambridge, court district of Hedon, rural deanery of Hedon, arch- and rural dean of Hedon. There is a charity here called deaconry of the East Riding and diocese of York. The "The Town Stock," producing Igs. yearly. Winestead <hurch of St. German is an ancient structure of rough Hall, the property of Harold James Reckitt esq. of eobbles and brick in the Transitional style, with addi- Littlegreen, Petersfield, Hanb, and occupied by Boswell tions and alterations at later periods, consisting of George Jalland esq. J.P. is a fine mansion of red brick, chancel, with aisle and chapel on the south side, and one mile north from the village, and stands in the nave, with porch, but has no tower: in the nave is an midst of beautiful pleal<ure groundo>. Harold James ,.ltar tomb, with fine recumbent effigy to Sir Christopher RPckitt esq. and Waiter SamuPl Bailt>y esq. of I5 Bruns­ Hlldyard kt. ob. 1602, and another effigy of an eccle- wick t('rrace, Brighton. are the chief landowners. The 5ia@tic of the 15th century: in the chancel is a brass soil is fertile, partly clay and partly light soil; subsoil, w1th the upper portions of effigies of a knight and lady, strong clay. 'Iht> chief crops are wheat, beans, pPas, t>ix daughters (one headless) and seven sons, the eldest oat~; and barley. The are'\ is 2,106 acres of land and 3 being in armour, supposed to represent Sir Christopher of water; rateable value. £r·9·F; the population in H1ldyard kt. ob. 1538, his second wife., Joan, and family; tgn was 188. - the male figure was discovered in 1899 to be palimpsest, SPXton, Robert Wright. €xh1biting portions of a Flemish brass, c. 1360, repre- $enting the left shoulder and arm of a civilian, wearing Post Office.-Fred J efferson, snb-postmaster. LetterA a mantle, and figured in the Yorks. A:rch. Jl. xvi. 239, received from Hull at 6. 34 a.m. week days & a. 30 a.m. and there is another to William Retherby, rector and mndays to callers only; dispatched at 5.55 p.m. week & ~e-builder of the church, ob. 1417: the font, for some days 4_30 p.rn. sundays. Patrington, 2 miles di!rtant, time abandoned to base uses, has been recovered and is the nearest money order &:; tPlegraph office repla •ed: the church was restored in 1889-90, and the foouth aisle (removed, it is believed, in the 17th Council School (mixed), for 64 children; average attend· century) rebuilt, at a cost of £2,400: there are 134 auce, 35; ::\Iiss Lucy Tonge, mistress Jalland Boswell George J.P. Wine- Clarke Edward, farmer, Manor farm Jackson Edwd. Wallis & Albt. farmert stead hall Clarke William, farmer Jefferson Fred, joiner, Post office Miller Rev. Norman James ~I.A. (rec- Croft Thomas, farmer, New farm Savage Railage Howes, market grdnr tor k rural dean), Rectory Fost('r J<'rederick,gamekeeper to B. G. Screeton Robert, fa!"mer COHKERCIAL. Jalland esq. J.P Wreathall Clement C. farmer Eickley Worthy, market gardener Hutton John, insurance agent WINTRINGHA:M. is a civil parish and village, 3 since 1875 of A. J. Cholmley esq. impropriator, and held mile~ south-east from Rillington station on the Maltoa since 1881 by the Rev. George Alaander Grenside M.A. and Whitby section Q( the North Ea!itern railway and 7 of University College, Durham, who is also rural dean of east from Malt<ln, in the Buckrose division of the Riding, Settrington, and rector of and resides at Thorpe-.Bassett. waputake .and petty sessional division of Buckrose, Here is a Wesleyan chapel. There are several cpari.ties, Malton union and county court district, rural deanery of the interest of which, amounting to about £3, is Settrington, archdeaconry of the East Riding and diocese annually given to the poor. Place Newton is the of York. The church of St. Peter is a building of stone property and re«idence of Alfred John Cholmley esq. in the :Norman and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, B.A., D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and chief landowner, nave of four bays, aisles and a western tower with pierced and stands close to the village, within a park of 180 embattled parapet, crocketed pinnacles and a lofty spire acres, through which runs a stream. The soil is of conta.lning 3 bells: the east end of each aisle has a a sandy description in the valley, but a large proportion chapel, both chapels have screens and retain their original of the township is on the chalk of The Wolds; .subsoil, stilne altars: the east window of the south chapel and various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and others in the church contain fragments of old glass, c. turnips. The area is 5,328 ac~s of land and 4 of 1350; the modern glass in the window was presented in water; rateable value, [,5.097; the population in 19II L£88 b~· A. J. Cholmley esq.; the u.terior of the tower is was 273. rel1eved by a profusion of carved heads and shields: the Linton, 3 miles ~asi from Wintringham, is a hamlet, church was restored and new roofed with English oak comprising a large farm, the property of Sir Tatton during the period 1885-91, at a coat of £2,000. the old Sykes bart. D.L. and wa!! originally a grange farm design of the roof being adhered to' in 1892 a chancel belengiug to the Gilbertine pr.i.tll'y of Old Mak1>n; ih screen. and choir . stalls were provided; there are 300 area\ 1s· 433 acres. s1ttmgs. The register dates from the year 1561. The hv ng is a donative, without endowment,. in the gift 1 Parish Clerk, William Kiddle. .
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