SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Trump orders ‘great rebuilding’ of US military WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump signed to enlarge the ranks of the military services and move is to review and the strengthen the coun- tial jet. Trump had complained that both were an order Friday to begin what he called a “great expand its fleets of aircraft and ships. For example, try’s ability to defend itself against cyberattacks too costly. The Pentagon needs to find ways “to rebuilding” of the US armed services, promising he said he envisioned a naval fleet of 350 vessels, and to conduct offensive cyberattacks itself. The significantly reduce the cost” of the F-35 pro- new aircraft, naval ships and more resources for up from the navy’s current 274 and more than its order Trump signed Friday was less specific, call- gram, Mattis said, even weighing the competi- the military. “Our military strength will be ques- 310 vessel target. And Trump excluded the mili- ing for a sweeping 30-day readiness review of the tiveness of the rival F-18. The F-35 is built by tioned by no one, but neither will our dedication tary from a hiring freeze across the rest of the gov- US military, with the aim of preparing new budget Lockheed Martin, while the F-18 is built by to peace. We do want peace,” Trump said in a cere- ernment that he ordered just after being inaugu- requests to improve readiness. But he has also Boeing. Trump signed the new order at a cere- mony at the Pentagon. Trump predicted that rated president on January 20. pressured the Pentagon to cut costs on some of monial swearing-in of Mattis as defense secre- Congress, which sets the expenditures for the He is also expected to order his new defense its most expensive programs. tary, lavishing praise on the retired Marine gen- government, will “be very happy to see” the White secretary, James Mattis, to intensify operations Earlier, Mattis ordered financial reviews of the eral. “Secretary Mattis has devoted his life to House’s new spending request for the military. against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria costs of two major defense programs-the $400 serving his country. He is a man of honor, a man Trump made clear during last year’s presiden- with more US soldiers and military hardware like billion F-35 fighter jet project and the $4 billion of devotion, and a man of total action. He likes tial campaign and in recent weeks that he wants artillery and attack helicopters. Another expected development of a new Air Force One presiden- action,” Trump said. — AFP Voices from the US anti-abortion rally WASHINGTON: Anti-abortion advocates pope. “I’m looking for abortion to be illegal rallied in Washington on Friday, marching because I believe abortion is murder.” through the heart of the US capital as the White House pledged its full-throated sup- Feminist port to their efforts. Upbeat and optimistic Andrea Dorman, 35, a stay-at-home despite the biting cold, here are some of mother of three young children, was hold- the voices from the 44th annual March for ing a sign with a picture of suffragette Life event, which bills itself as the world’s Susan B. Anthony and the message “Susie largest “pro-life” rally. B. The original gangsta. Pro-life feminist.” “I am progressive, I am a feminist. And I think ‘Human lives’ there are a lot of women out there who do Roofer Jeremiah Caskey, 29, of tiny think like me. I think there are a lot of Nancy, Kentucky, came after learning women who think abortion is barbaric and about the march from his pastor two days more than that it harms women... But I also ago. “I figured if I came here, maybe other realize we have to be very progressive in people would come to show support for teaching young kids how sex works, we life. It is real human lives we’re talking have to educate them. I believe in birth about.” “This right here is probably the control pills.” most important thing that I’ve done in my life.” ‘Infuriated’ Brenda Kresak, a 40-year-old mother of ‘A bullet’ six boys, brought her family to the march High school student Bridget O’Keefe, from Charlotte, North Carolina. She said she 18, called abortion “a poison on our cul- was inspired to join a march for the first ture.” “I’ve heard these arguments of cases time after following news coverage of the of rape, cases of poverty. Abortion doesn’t previous week’s Women’s March in do anything to solve those issues. It’s just a Washington, which drew hundreds of thou- Band-Aid on society. When these women sands opposing Trump’s attacks on a pro- have had a bullet to the heart, it’s nothing. gressive agenda, including access to abor- All it has done is it’s ruining our society.” tion services. “We’re 44 years a silent march... I think you’re going to see a lot CALIFORNIA: The California State flag flies outside City Hall, in Los Angeles, California. A campaign by Californians to secederom f the rest of ‘A purpose’ more people here, a lot of women like me the country over Donald Trump’s election is gaining steam with supporters given the green light to start collecting signatures for the measure Annette Vaske, a teacher at a Catholic that are infuriated by the so-called to be put to a vote. — AFP high school in the small city of Algona, Women’s March when it wasn’t a women’s Iowa, came to Washington with a group of march. We’re all here because we’re going about 50 students and chaperones. They to stand and make our stand for a cause- Californians eye Calexit arrived at 7:00 am Friday after 20 hours on not ‘I’m so mad that my candidate didn’t a bus.”I lost a mom pretty early and it just win’-but for our cause for life.” makes you more aware of pro-life at both California campaign to secede gains momentum ends, not just the unborn but the elderly ‘So happy’ as well... Everybody has a purpose, even if Peter Fagan, a 27-year-old seminary stu- you are stuck in a wheelchair and unable dent from the Archdiocese of Hartford, LOS ANGELES: A campaign for California to repeal clauses in the California Constitution costs.” Calexit enthusiasts, whose campaign is to talk, there’s a purpose for everything Connecticut, marching for the first time. “I secede from the rest of the country over Donald “stating California is an inseparable part of the called Yes California, are pushing for independ- and we need to value all of that.” came to stand up for the unborn and to, Trump’s election is gaining momentum, with United States and that the United States ence on grounds the state is out of step with the like the vice president said, show our voice supporters allowed to start collecting signa- Constitution is the supreme law of the land,” a rest of the US and could flourish on its own. Murder in support of a culture of life in the United tures for the measure to be put to a vote. statement by Padilla’s office said. Voters would “In our view, the United States of America Katelyn Goodwin, a 17-year-old high States. I’m so happy, it’s awesome. I feel like California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla gave then need to decide in another referendum in represents so many things that conflict with school student from Birmingham, Alabama, the White House is supporting our efforts. the green light on Thursday for proponents of 2019 whether California should become a sepa- Californian values, and our continued statehood came to the rally with her church youth It feels like something is happening, like “California Nationhood”-also known as Calexit- rate country. means California will continue subsidizing the group. It was her second time at the march the government is open to life, to support- to start collecting the nearly 600,000 signatures Padilla said the independence measure- other states to our own detriment, and to the and she brought a life-sized cutout of the ing life in the United States.” — AFP needed for the measure to qualify on the deemed highly unrealistic-would have a deep detriment of our children,” according to their November 2018 ballot. impact on the state and would likely face legal website. The idea of independence became very The 585,407 signatures required by July 25 challenges. “Assuming that California actually appealing to many Californians following represent eight percent of registered voters in became an independent nation, the state and its Trump’s shock election. Democratic candidate California-the most populous state in the coun- local governments would experience major, but Hillary Clinton easily beat Trump in the progres- try with nearly 40 million residents and the unknown, budgetary impacts,” he warned. “This sive state, winning by more than 4.2 million world’s sixth-largest economy. Should the initia- measure also would result in tens of millions of votes, almost double the number of ballots cast tive make it on the ballot, a “Yes” vote would dollars of one-time state and local election for Trump. — AFP Bracing cold can’t chill spirits of US anti-abortion marchers WASHINGTON: They came by the could be spotted in the crowd, with Maryland, was marching for the first White House advisor Kellyanne busload, from cities in places like school groups making up a signifi- time with her mother and sister.
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