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Some Aspects of the City T ~TLEOF THESIS/TITREDE LA TH~SE of Algiers and its Role in Pre-Colonial Algeria" '. 3 UN,VERS,TY,uN,VERS,T~ Simon Fraser University DEGREE FOFl WHICH THESIS WAS RESENTED/ GRADE POUR LEOUEL CETFE THESE FUT PR~SENT~E As YEAR THIS DEGREE CONFE~~RED/ANN./?ED'OBTENTlqN DE CE GRADE 1984. NAME OF SUPERVISOR/NOM DU DIRECTEUR DE THESE C1ev4and Permission is hereby granted to the NATIONAL LIBRARY Of L'autorisation est, par la prdsente, accordde 9 la BIBLIOTH~- CANADA. to microfi lrn this thesis and to lend or sell copies QUE NATIONALE DU CANADA de microfilmer cette these et of the film. de pder ou de vendre des eiemplaires du film. The author reserves other publication rights, and neither the L'auteur se rBserve les autres droits de publication; ni la 5 thesis na extensive extracts from it may be printed or other- thbseni de longs extraits de celle-ci ne doivent Btre imprimBs wise reproduced without the author's written permission: w autrement reproduits sans l'autorisation Bcrite de l'auteur. 24924 128th Ave. PERMANENT ADDRESS/R~SIDENCE FIX^ I Haple Ridge, B.C. ' THE INNER CIRCLE: SOME ASPECTS QF THE CITY OF ALGIERS AND ITS ROLE IN PRE-COLONIAL ALGERIA \ f i Barry E. N. Reid > 7 $.A. (~ons.1, ~hnFraser University, 1971 I , A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE.DEGREE OF % MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of ist to'^ Barry E. N. Reid 1984 SWN FRASER UNIVERSITY ' December 1984 - All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by phomcopy - - or other means, without permission of the authoy / /' /" PART t A t COPYf? iGHT L ICENS E I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the r,ight to lend my thesis, proJect or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) to users of the Simn Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single copies only-for such users or in response to a request from'the library of any other university, or other educational institution, on 'its own tsehal f or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copyfng of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted ' by me or the &an of Graduate Studies. It is, understood that copy i ng or publication of this work for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Title of Thesis/Project/Extended Essay "The Inner Circle: Some As~e'ctsof the City of Algiers and its Role in Pre-Colonial Algeriau Author: (signature) Barry Edward Neil Reid APPROVAL Name: Barry Edward Neil Reid Degree: M.A. - Title of thesis: The Inner Cir~le: Some Aspects of the City of Algiers and its Role in Pre-Colonial Algeria 4 Examining Committee: J.I. Little, Chairman N.L. CLeveland,Tefiior Supervisor J. Spagnolo, Supervisory Committee n&n~Exteyajl Examiner, e Professor,' Geography Department, Simon Eraser University December, 1984 ABSTRACT until the 1960's most studies of pre-colonial Algiers were based on preconceptions established as a result of the French Conquest of 1830. The eighteenth century city was portrayed as suffering from political anarchy, social chaos, and overall economic distress; it was considered to have been rescued from these conditions by the French occupation. This picture of Algiers requires a considerable amount of modification in the light of recent historical research which shows -that the people of Algiers found their city to be a viable urban unit. f If history is to reflect reality, then new interpretations must be produced from the available data and re-evaluations of older studies must'be &esented without the overwhelming European bias which has 3 r coloured earlier scholarship. Thus, aspects of life in and around ~l~ieksneed to be re-examined. in order to build a more satisfactory picture of the pre-colonial city during the half-century preceding the Conquest. Algiys was A viable political entity with a hig6degree of social cohesion and a sound economic base. The city was not simply * a haven for pirates and an establishment dedicated to enslaving Christians; - - it was developing an identity based on its connections with the Muslim world, its location within the Mediterranean region, and its relation- ships with the rest of North Africa. a This study focukes on pre-colonial Algiers from 1780 to 1830,- t and presents the city as an independent, developing urban region, with some difficulties which were in the process of being resolved when the Conquest occurred. ~l~ierkwas much mo I% like other Mediterranean / Islamic towns than like the decaying, oligarchic mosaic portrayed in the literature of the past. /Eke major sources for this study include recent works by Yorth African and French specialists, earlier French historical literature, relevant new studies in English on North Africa, ad selected British , Foreign Office material. The major contribution of this thesis rests with its re-interpretation of standard materials and its integration of early literature with the new pers~ectiveprovided by recent scholarship. -~ I Ottoman Algiers From Charles A. Julian, ClioCorq hlor4h Airica, (Lcndoo, l97a), P. 289. - GLOSSARY OF O'ITOW ADMINISTRATIVE"POSITIONS ' Agha Ottoman dignitary; in the Divan at Algiers, a minister responsible for administering the military affairs .outside of the -fahs. Local dignitary within the various harah (quarters) or person iny.e-karge-- of a specific corporation; an urban notable. Beit el-maldji ~i~nitar~responsible for filling vacant positions within the administrative hierarchy. r) Ottoman administrative head of a beylik (province), appointed by the -dey. - Cadi ' A Muslim judge involved with civil law and usual religiouF 1 An administrative officer within the lower level bureaucracy; W' in the hierarchy, between an amin and khodja. Ottoman governor of ~lgiers;generally selected from within the Algiers administrative system. v- "Gardien-bashi" Captain of the port. Khal ifa Administrator within the beylik, under the -bey. Khaznadar Treasurer; secand position in. the Divan. Khod j a Deputy ministers respo~siblefor carrying out the decisions made within the Divan. 'There were at least six Khodjas on the Divan. I Khodja el-Kheil Receiver-general of taxes and tribute. 11Jurisconsultant" entitled to interpret'and expound Islamic law. There were two within the Divan at , Algiers. Local officer responsible for the orderly operation of corporations, markets, and other services. - - Nakib el-ashraf Member of the Divan in charge of habous'and related topics. 9 ,-Oukil el-Khard j Representative of the marine interests on the Divan. -,- vii Pasha Ottoman term denoting of high rank. In early Ottoman Algiers, the equivalent of the &, appointed by the Porte. Rakamd j i Sheikh Respected, even venerated man, selected --as, ,. the. chief of a tribe or brotherhood. ' :: viii . CONTENTS INTRODUCTION -. ' Pre-colonial Algiers: the problems; review of literature and sources; Islamic cities CHAPTER I. A HISTORICAL OUTLINE ............. 15 The early site; the Islamic city; ottbman, Algiers: from beys to deys; internal dif- i ficulties; a positive re-assessment CHAPTER 11. A DESCRIPTIVE SYNTHESIS ........... -32 Site, situat,ion, and layout; a functionabl analysis CHAPTER 111. THE FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT ......... Philosophical basis of administration; relat4ons with the Ottoman Empire;lbeylical administrations; 11 the outer circle;" the Dar el-Sultan; the govern- ment of the city; a changing political system CHAPTER IV. THE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS .........-, . An overview; the role of "la chase;" an agricultural economy; resources; internal trade, manufacturing and commerce; artisans and corporations; external trade; ordinary . revenues and taxation; economic harmony CHAPTER V. THE SOCIAL NETWORR .............. 109 The role of Islam; ulama, marabouts, and suf is; Y the Ottoman tribal policy; ethnic diversity ; civic social Structures; culture'and education / CONCLUSIONS. ............................ 136 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY.
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