INDEX PAGE Aberbrothocko Tw e AbbeTh : ,of y Arm-bearers, Scottish, .... 87 Early Thirteenth Centur56 y Seals . , Armlets, Glass, in Britain, . 366 Abercorn, West Lothian, Fragmenta f o s Silver Penannular, froe Skailth m l Sculptured Cross of Anglian Type, Hoard, (donation) 130 no7 w 21 preserve . Churcn di . , hof Armoria Berre d l y (Scottish Section), The, 84 3 10 . Abercromby . , . Arm , sof Arms of the Hammermen, Panel bearing, . 11 Aberdeenshire e Bogheadse : , Kintore; Arrow-head, Quartz, from farm of Trum- Bridge of Don; Clova; Cullerlie; land, Bousay, (donation) 9 Bllon; Monquhitter; Monymusk; Asia Minor, Stone Axes, a Bronze Spear- Tolquhon Castle. head, and Glass Beads from, . 133/. Abernethy, Arms , 8 9 of ... Auchenleck of that ilk:— Accounts, 1936-7, approved, . 178 Archer, Scots Guard Frencf o s h King. , 105 Adze, Stone, from Carinish . UistN , , (pur- Armour-bearer, .... 104 chase) ....9 1 . Austinus, Pottery Stamp of, Birrens, 330 Agnew, Col. H. C., elected, . .129 Awhirk, Wigtownshire, Bronze Bowl from, 137 Altars, Roman:— Awls or Borers, Bone, from Bac Mhic at Birrens, Dumfriesshire, . 279, 339 Connain, Vallay, (purchase) . 19 from Newstead, (donation) ... 14 Axe-hammer, Dolerite, from Nith Lodge AmancVus, Valerius, Alta Brigantio t r t a Stone Circle, .... 244 Birrens set up by, . .279 ——— ——— ——— (donation) 274 Anderson Bronza n o , eG. ,Bow. BevS . lB . Axe-like Object, Stone, fro e Islanmth f o d from the Bhinns of Galloway, . 137 Wyre, Orkney, (donation) 10 Angus, Earl of, Arms of, ... 93 Axes:— ——— William, re-electe2 Councilo d t . , Iron, sockete loopedd dan , from Bahoy, 39 Angus: see Arbroath; Barns of Airlie; ——— Report on, .... 41 Invergowrie; Pitcur; St Vigeans; Stone, Cutting Edge of, from Caithness, Tealing. (donation) ..... 9 Anniversary Meeting, 1937, ..1 . ——— found nea e Brocrth f Midhoweho , Antler, Bed-deer, Oval Implement made Bousay, (donation) 9 8 from35 , foun. t Jarlshofda . , ——— and Axe-like Implement found in Antoninus Pius, Coins of, from Birrens, . 339 Cairn, Huntersquoy, Eday, Orkney, 204 Anvil-stone, from Dyke, Morayshire, (dona- ——— from Asia Minor, (donation) 133/. 8 . tion . ) ——— from Fodderty, near Dingwall, Aqueduc t Birrensa t , ...6 30 . Ross-shire, ..... 12 Arbroath, Angus, Glass Objects used in ——— from Neolithic Cairn, Cal Edayfof , 213 weaving, from, ...1 1 . Axes and Swords, Scottish Late Bronze Age, 150 See also Aberbrothock. Ayrshire: see Beoch; Coilsfleld; Donald's Archerfleld Cave, Difleton, Glass Armlet Isle, Loch Doon; Hinds ward Farm, from, .....8 37 . Skares; Nith Lodge; Big Hill. Ardross Castle, Boss-shire, Turned Wooden Bowl from, (purchase) ..1 2 . Bac Mhic Connain, Vallay, N. Uist, Objects Argyll: see Bahoy, Morvern. from, (purchase) .... 19 397 398 INDEX. Birrenswark, Dumfries :- Beggars', Weem and St Andrews, Glass Armlets from, 378, 381, 3846 38 , (bequeathed) ...3 27 . Ring Pendant8 37 , Glass. , . from, Chimney-sweep's, Leith, (bequeathed3 27 . ) 8 17 Bisset . , Lt.-Col . elected, S. .J . , Porter's, Leit d Newhavean h n Ferry, ——— e Edinburg——Th —n o h Touchplates: (bequeathed) .... 273 Some New Light on their Origin and Bailli f Lamingtoo e n (an f Hoprig)o d , Purpose, ....4 22 . Arm , ....sof 7 9 . Black, Andrew, elected, ...2 . 0 11 Balfour . , .. Otte Armn , ri sof . / 8 Blackwoo9 . Weirr . do , Arm. , sof Balloch, Brae , Perthshireof s , Carved Blower, Fire, Wheel-geared, (purchase) . 19 Boulde , r . 145 Boar and Otter in Scottish Arms, . 110 Band, Silver, from Skaill Hoard, (dona- Boghead, Kintore, Glass Armlet from, . 382 tion) ...... 131Bompas, Charles S. M., Death of, 3 Bannatyne (Banathin), George f Scoto , s Bone, Objects of:— Guards of the French King, . 105 fro Mhic mBa c Connain, Vallay Uist. ,N , Baideston Farm, Creetown, Kirkcudbright9 1 - . (purchase . ) d shireRing-markean p , CasCu f o t d from Jarlshof, ....7 35 . Stone at, ..... 14 See also Pendants; Pins; Rings; Barns of Airlie, Angus, Carved Slab on Toggle; Whorls. Roof of Earth-house at, . 146 Bone, Cetacean, Grooved Object of; from Barron, Rev r DouglaD . s G-., presentea d Broce th Howef ho ,9 (donation . ) Flint-lock Sprin . g Gun.13 . , 2 See also Hammer. Bartholomew, Sherif3 f John . , Deat , hof Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, Food-vessel Urn Bathgate, Thomas D., presented a Toddy found on Dobbie's Knowe, presented Ladle, ..... 12 4 13 . by Tow . n Counci , of l Beads, Glass, from Asia Minor, (donation4 13 ) Bookbinding, Tools 4 for13 , (purchase . ) Beaker, Cut-glass, from Birrens, . 279 Books, Donations and Purchases of, Beaker Urns: see Urns. 15, 22, 70, 72, 129, 135, 179, 233, 274 Bearsden, Glasgow, Intaglio foun linn do e Borers or Awls, Bone, from Bac Mhic of the Roman Wall at, . 10 /. Connain, Vallay, (purchase) . 19 Bedehous t Tarvesea . , .. 24. 8./ Borness Cave, Kirkcudbright, Glass Armlets Beggars' Badges: see Badges. from, .... 374, 1 37838 , 2 . Bell, . Georg , electedJ. eE . , Borthwick, Henry, Death of, . 3 Benvie, Perthshire, Sculptured Monument Boulder, Carved t a Brae, f Ballocho s , at, .....0 12 . Perthshire, ....5 14 . Beoch, Ayrshire, Stone Circl d Buriaan e l Bouvier, Gilles le, . 86, 102 , Siteat ....6 23 . Bowls:— ——— ——— ——— Relics from, (presented) . 274 Bronze, froe Rhinnmth f Gallowao s y Berie Sands, Valtos, Lewis, Bronzd an n ePi (Awhirk)7 13 , ... Fragment f Clao s y Vessels from, Wooden Turned, from Ardross Castle, (donation) ..... 130 Ross-shire, . 21 Berry Armoriae Th , (Scottise d l h Section)4 8 , Box of Sheet Iron, (donation) ... 11 Berwickshire: see Edin's Hall; Spottis- Boyle, Miss Mary E., elected, ... 2 woode, Lauder; Whitehill, Earlston; ——— ——— Suggestions for the Dates of Four Whitrighill, Mertoun. Scottish Monuments, by, . 115 Bible printed by Christopher Barker, 1583, Bridge of Don, Aberdeenshire, Jug found in Tolquhon Castl256 e Library . , with Hoard of Coins near, . 178 Bicker, Ale, from Duriblane, (donation) . 274 ——— ——— Hoar Silvef do r Coins found near, . Bickerton.10 . 3 . , Arm , sof (acquired) . ' . 233 Birley, Brie, on Excavations at Birrens, Brigantia, Altar to, at Birrens, . 279 1936-1937, ..... 275Broch of Howe, Sanday, Orkney, Relics from, 9 Birrens, Dumfriesshire, Excavations at, Broch of Midhowe, Rousay, Orkney, Stone 1936-1937, . 275ff. Axe found near, .... 9 INDEX. 399 PAGE Bronze, Objects of:— Cambusnethan, Lanarkshire, Cross-shaft from Birrens, ..... 292 1 2 . fragmen. t from . , Cattlefoldd Ol fro e mth , Vallay . Uist,N , Camelon, Stirlingshire, Glass Armlet from, (purchase) ....9 1 . 367, 370, 372, 389 See also Axes; Bowls; Cauldron; Fibula; Cameron, William J., elected, ... 2 Pins; Spear-head; Swords. Campbell, Sir Duncan, Knight of Malta, . 98 Brooch, Silver, (donation) ..0 7 . ——9 —12 Joh . n Hope . , elected . , See also Fibula. ——— Mrs Archibald, presented a Congreve Brooker, Cecil, present Halsa f Thistle Merit Match-box, .... 132 of James VI. and a Pocket Mirror of ——— of Ardentinny, Arms of, . 98 Lord Ogilvy's, .... 273 Candlesticks, Brass, (donation) . 11 Brown, Sherif H.. C f, re-electe o Councildt 2 , Carinish, N. Uist, Inverness-shire, Adze Bryden, Robert, presente dStona 2 1 e Axe . , from, (purchase) .... 19 Buchan, Arms of, . .97 Carlisle, Glass Armlet from sit f Tullio e e Bullivaut2 , Lindsa . , elected . yF. , House Museum, . 386 Burial Site Ayrshiren si , Excavatioo Tw f no Carlops, Midlothian, Horn Ladle from, . 12 Bronze Age, .... 235 Carlowrie, West Lothian, Carved Cist- ——— Belies from, (presented) . 274 cover , ....sat 5 14 . Burials, Cremation in Stone Circl. e/ a4 t9 Nit . h . Carnegy . , Arm . , sof Lodge, Ayrshire, ... ff.3 .24 Carron Company presented Belies from Burns, Bev r ThomasD . , Beques f Como t - Croy Hill Fort, ...0 7 . munio3 n27 Token . Badged s an , sby Castle, Tolquhon, ....8 25 . Castlecary, Glas6 38 s Armle . t. from, Cauldron, Bronze, Fragment of, from Caddonlea Camp, Selkirkshire, Glass Arm- 2 Dalkeith13 . , (donation. ) lets from, ..... 374 Ceilings, Painted, formerly at Tolquhon Cairn at Taiverso Tuick, Kousay, Orkney, . 197 Castle, ..... 268 Cairns, Excavations of Three Neolithic Chalmers-Jervise Prize, ...7 . Chambered e Islandth n f Edao , so y Charles I., Memoria2 1 . l Medallio . , nof Cale Edayf th o f d an , Orkney, 193 Charles II., Memorial Bing of, . 12 ——— Belies from, ..... 204 Charles Edward, PrinceItinerarf 2 o 13 p ,Ma , yof Caithness, Cutting Edge of an Axe of Cheek-piece, Bridle, Bronze, from Birrens, . 337 Greenstone from, (donation. ) Chest, Oak, "Commoun Box" of the Edin- ——— Wooden Toddy Ladle from, 12 burgh Pewterers, .... 224 Calder, Charles C., presented an Anvil- Chesterhall, Bowden, Boxburghshire, Glass stone, Armlet from, .... 374 ——— Charle n Excavationo s , 8T. f o s Chesters, Northumberland, Glass Armlet Three Chambered Cairns—one with from, . 374/. an Upper and a Lower Chamber—on Childe, Professor V. Gordon, on Excavations the Islands of Eday and the Calf of carried out by H.M. Office of Works Eday, Orkney, .... 193 Bronze in th Level e eAg t Jarlshosa f ——— ——— on Fragments of a Sculptured in 1937, ..... 348 Cros Angliaf so n Typ preservew eno d ——— ——— and Wallace Thorneycroft, on in Abercorn Church, West Lothian, 217 Vitrifiee th d For Bahoyt ta , Morvern, 23 Cal f Edayo f , Orkney Edaye se : . ——— ——— ——— ——— on the Experimental Callander . J Graham r D , , presentea d Production of the Phenomena dis- Shilling of King George VI., . 14 tinctiv Vitrifief eo d Forts, 44 presented Stone Axes Bronza , e Chisel, Slate, from Jarlshof, 356 Spear-head, and Glass Beads from Chisel-ended Tool, Jaspilite, from Whitrig- Asia MinorWoodea d an , n Casr efo hill, Mertoun, Berwickshire. , 188 a Jew's Harp bought in Aberdeen, . 133/. Christie, Miss Cowdenf o , , presente dHana d —— Becor f o loso dt Scottis s h Yarn Windea Bobbi d an rn Yarn Archffiology through death of, 232 Winder, ..... 132 400 INDEX. PAGE Christie s IsabellaMr , , M., presents Belies Corbridge, Northumberland, Glass Armlets from Stone Circle near Big Hill, Nith , ff.,377/. 0 4 38 #,386 8 37 . 38 ,from , Lodge, ....4 27 . ——— ——— Bing Pendant, Glass, from, 378, 382 Cist-covers, Carved:— Corrie, John M., presented a piece of Cramp, 8 at Carlowrie, West Lothian, . 145 Cowan, .
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