March 2020 Publication for members of USS Illinois Base, United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Message from We all are now aware the CO- where/how to get assistance, however, National CDR VID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic has the personal call or “Buddy Check” is severely impacted the operation of a very important tool to reach out to our USSVI Bases and our Charitable those who may not know what to do, Foundation, as well as society in or how to get help. Remember many general. Just about all events have of our older submarine veterans may been cancelled or postponed, meet- not use email or the Internet. They ings and gatherings of more than 10 are not getting the information being people have been discouraged, and put out, and they are often the ones in some cases prohibited, parks and that need our help the most. beaches have been closed and we Reach out with help have all been advised to avoid travel USSVI Commander Wayne Standerfer that is not absolutely essential. Many of our members, their fami- lies and other submarine veterans So, what are we going to do to help need help in getting to the stores or our members, their families, and getting food and medicines delivered other submarine veterans who are to them, many of them have no way housebound or otherwise unable to to get to the Doctor or other appoint- fend for themselves? What can our ments. Bases and the CF do in this age of COVID-19? In short, volunteer opportunities are available and very much needed. Check on your friends Our Base members do not have to sit A term that I am hearing a lot around home feeling helpless with lately is “Buddy Check.” Does your nothing to do while everything is Base have a phone tree? Are your shut down. Our members could be Offi cers calling their membership to reaching out, as much as they are check on how they are holding up able, and off ering our help in any and if they need any assistance, or if way that they can. Our Bases and they know of family or other subma- members should be doing this sort of rine veterans that need assistance? thing all the time, it is part of what Sending out emails and posting we are all about, but especially now on your websites is fi ne for getting when so many are in crisis and the the word out on who to contact and (Continued on page 3) www.ussillinoisbase.org Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 1 March 7, 2020 -- Minutes of the USS Illinois Base 17 Members present - Patrick O’Brien, Beloit and Pecatonica. He will keep us Richard Martin, Renee Martin, Wayne posted as more information is known. Orrison, Kate Ramsay, Tom Ramsay, Mark • He is also investigating a location for a Dykstra, Bruce Pickering, Nathan Heft, Tag Sale. An info table about the Base Mike Barney, Terry Elmeier, Don Bosetti, would be set up with a contribution jar. Chuck, Mongan, Jim Helsell, Daryl Rora- baugh, Joseph Jones, Tim Deneen. Unfi nished business 2 Guests present – Stephen and Sherry • JVCDR Mark Dykstra reminded the Thompson, (CDR of Great Lakes Base and Base that Warbirds Weekend in Janes- his wife). ville will be July 17–19, 2020. He made a call for volunteers. Volunteers will be Pledge of Allegiance to the fl ag. required to attend a volunteer’s meeting. Invocation by Bruce Pickering. The volunteer’s meeting is also required if the Base wishes to sell Cobia memora- Recitation of the USSVI Creed. bilia. Information will be forth coming. Member/guest introductions. Discussion followed. Central District 2 Commander Change • Kate Ramsay reported on her research Base Contacts of Command - Outgoing Dist. CDR Phil into the Base participating in the Mon- Owens gave the oath of offi ce to the new roe Cheese Days Parade, on Sept. 16. CD2 Commander, Stephen Thompson. This event happens every two years. We Commander are awaiting word back from the Parade Richard Martin Tolling of Bells ceremony -- Phil Owens committee. [email protected] recited the roll of lost boats and rang the bell. New Business • CDR Martin advised of several orga- Sr. Vice Commander Secretary’s report -- Secretary Pat O’Brien nized veterans’ events (Heartland Hos- Wayne Orrison asked for a motion to accept the minutes of pice Vietnam Veterans Welcome home, [email protected] the last meeting as published in the Base VFW Bunny Breakfast etc.) in the com- newsletter. Terry Elmeier made the motion. munity. He had brochures available. Jr. Vice Commander & Phil Owens seconded. Motion to accepted. Kaps 4 Kids Coord. • Kate Ramsay advised that all members Treasurer’s Report -- Treasurer Bruce Mark Dykstra are required to update their profi le on Pickering presented his report. Kate Ram- [email protected] the USSVI National website. Instruc- say made a motion to accept. Motion sec- tions on how to do this are on page 8 of onded by Don Bosetti. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer the February “Green Board” base news- was accepted. Bruce Pickering letter. This an action item for all hands. [email protected] Chaplain’s Report – None. • Don Bosetti advised that the VA will Secretary Storekeeper’s Report – Storekeeper Terry now provide eye glasses. Elmeier reported he has mouse pads, stick- Patrick O’Brien • SVCDR Wayne Orison reminded the ers and calendars available for sale. [email protected] members of the services provided by Kaps(ss) 4 Kids Report -- JVCDR Mark The Winnebago County Vet’s Drop-in Storekeeper Dykstra reported a scheduled visit to UW Center. Terry Elmeier Hospital for April 2. He will advise the • Discussion held regarding marketing ta- [email protected] membership of changes in light of the cur- glines on Base signage and brochures to rent health crisis. Chaplain incorporate “Serving submarine veter- Bob Fleck CDR’s Report by CDR Dick Martin ans in the Northern Illinois and South- bobfl [email protected] • A volunteer is still needed to assume ern Wisconsin area” or similar wordage. the offi ce of Chaplain. Bruce Pickering • JVCDR Mark Dykstra advised of a volunteered to provide the Invocation Editor/Webmaster Janesville Community Yard Sale the 3rd and Closing Prayer until a new Chaplain Kate Ramsay weekend of June. He would accept kateram@jcwifi .com is installed. Let him know if interested. • He reminded the Base of our planned (Continued on page 3) participation Memorial Day parades in Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 2 ‘USSVI here to help’ Welcome new Central District 2 Commander (Continued from page 1) normal avenues for assistance may Phil Owens (right), not be available. retiring Central Dist. 2 Commander, administers Your Charitable Foundation is the Oath of Offi ce to the newly appointed CD2 available to help as well and can pro- CDR, Stephen Thompson, vide fi nancial assistance in matching from the Great Lakes the funds provided by the Base to Base. Congratulations! assist or, in case by case situations, by providing direct grants. If your Base becomes aware of needed fi nancial assistance beyond what they may be able to provide, they should contact the Brotherhood At our March 7th Base Meeting, Fund Manager, Ken Nichols, who we were hosts to the offi cial will evaluate the need and discuss change of command for USSVI’s what assistance he can provide. If Central District 2 Commander. the need exceeds that which he can Stepping down was our own provide, he can bring it to the CF Phil Owens. Thank you, Phil for Board through the CF Treasurer for your service. further consideration. Just for Laughs Dept. ‘PLEASE PRAY FOR TOM HANKS’ IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST !!!!!! Tom Hanks survived 4 years on an island as a castaway. He spent a year in an airport without being able to leave. Survived a volcano. Base CDR Richard Martin and Phil Owen welcomed our special guest: Caught AIDS in Philadelphia. Stephen Thompson (2nd from lft) and his wife Associate Member Sherry. Survived an acute case of kidney stones. Instead of drowning he’s rescued by a mer- Minutes continued (Continued from page 2) maid, and is able breathe underwater. items donated by members (proceeds to He was in World War II and rescued Private be donated to th Base). Ryan. 50-50 Raffl e -- Joe Jones won the raffl e. He went to Vietnam and rescued Lieutenant Closing Prayer -- off ered by Bruce Dan. Pickering. Was on a boat and kidnapped by Somali NNOTE:OTE: Adjourn -- Motion made and seconded pirates. AAprilpril MMeetingeeting to adjourn Survived Apollo 13 trying to reach the Moon. ccancelledancelled duedue toto Next Meeting -- April 7, 2020 at noon Landed a Boeing on the Hudson River . nnationalational hhealthealth at Mustang’s Grill and Bar, South Beloit, Wis. (CANCELED) If that son of a gun dies of Covid 19, we’re eemergency.mergency. ALL SCREWED !!! Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 3 information is only as good minded us that there are women as the current information on submarines now. In fact, the we have on USSVI’s Member Bremerton Base’s Vice Com- Profi le page. Members need mander is a female sub sailor. to update their own person- Richard Martin, EN3(SS) We also received a lot of pro- al profi les on USSVI’s web- USS Illinois Base Commander cedural information that will site. Kate Ramsay provided help Bases communicate with directions on how to do that National. More importantly, he in our February newsletter. shared information about an Greetings to all my fellow I encourage you to read this if upcoming USSVI Charitable “quarantinees”! Quarantining you haven’t, and call Kate if you Foundation fundraising drive.
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