20—MANCHUSTER }1ERALD, Thursday, Oct. 26., 1989 A Nrwapaprr In Education Pregrain APARTMENTS HOMES Sponaorcd by FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNITURE THE QUIZ The Manchester Herald MANCHESTER ■ bed­ DINING room set Drexel, Quiet, 5 rooms, 3rd floor. (10 poinlt for each question room, garage,ira c en- hutch and buffet. Pe­ Heat, appliances. Reli­ answered correctly) closed porch. Security. can wood cane back WORLDSCOPE able mature adults. No pets. $800. 647-9976. c h a irs . $7,500 new a sk­ References, security, MANCHESTER - 7 in g $3,200 or best o ffe r. lease. No pets. 647-1221 289-4437.______________ o r 646-6113.___________ rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1 Vj baths. Immediate oc­ 50 chaIrs-Good for club or 3 bedroom apartment, HaiirhpBtpr MpralJi cupancy. No pets. $800 meefing. Moke offer. ) security and referen­ per month. Call 647- 647-9223.______________ ces. C a ll 645-8201. 7623.__________________ SLEEP Sofa-Proctlcallv WET BASEMENT? MANCHESTER-2 bed­ MANCHESTER-Verv new . $200. C a ll 646-1089. CARPENTRY/ Over 40 Year* Experience room Duplex. Newly nice single fam ily REMODELING Written Guarantee remodelled, applian­ Free Eetimatee home, 3-4 bedrooms. In Halchwi^, Foundation Cracks, ces, priyate parking, prestigious area. Pos­ Sump Pumpe, Drainage Lines, Friday, Oct. 27, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents conyenlent to Route MACHINERY Basement Waterproofing of Floors A sible rent with option. G C F H O M E Walls A More 384. $700 per m onth. Security and referen­ AND TOOLS 649-6300.______________ ces a m ust. $1,200 per SERVICES Albert Zuccaro 646-3361 DUPLEX-6 rooms, ottic, month. Call Boland AIRCO-WeldIng Torch Remodeling, repair, decks, ■‘4 V ' I basement, appliances, B ro th e rs. 645-8201. with gages. Asking trim work, small jobs. ELECTRICAL ■ i 1 porches, yard, no pets, $325, Heavy duty bench Senior Citizen Discount Switch of clocks promoted references, security. HELPING PEOPLE sa­ g rin d e r $55. 647-8967. 645-6559 $625 plus utilities. tisfy their needs ond DUMAS ELECTRIC 1 Thousands of marchers in South Africa recently celebrated the Available December 1. wants ... that's what want Service changes, Police recapture prison freeing of eight anti-apartheid leaders, seven of whom immediately 643-1561. ads are all about. as time to check detectors ITTIOFFICE/RETAIL PAINTING/PAPERING additional wiring and called for the release of Nelson Mandela and vowed to keep repairs on existing sage. 12 11 EQUIPMENT working for the b a n n e d th e group they have led for decades. By The Associated Press ROOMS STORE/OFFICE homes. Quality work at While 80 percent of the homes “ IFf> can tell you FOR RENT I FOR RENT COMMODORE 64 with affordable prices. in America have smoke detectors, Entirely owner operated. The International Association of terminal and SG-10 ivhal to look for... 2 The recent plunge of the Stock Market MATCHWOKDS as many as half don’t work be­ MANCHESTER-Room OFFICE - 3 room, 900 Star printer. Best offer. 27 years exp. Call Fire Chiefs is trying to make the sq.ft, on Spruce Street. reminded many people of Monday, cause the batteries are either old or after 2nd night of riots and ivhat to look American ritual of resetting the with kitchen and 649-3125. Joseph Dumas (2 points for each correct match) missing. A lack of the warning that laundry privileges. Lease, parking, out forF 640-5263. October 19,1987, when the Dow Jones clocks into an annual lifesaving Private residence. $700/m onth. 643-6712. Index dropped..?.. points. 1 -release a-settle event. smoke detectors can give is a Non-smoker, no alco­ OFFICE - Prime location, a-190 b-359c-508 major factor in firp deaths and in­ By Michael Blood 2- plunge b-go between The occasion is the switch from hol. Quiet, considerate. heat, ca rp e t. $250. per MISCELLANEOUS H a rB ro MISCELLANEOUS daylight to standard time, which juries, fire chiefs say. The Associated Press $85 w e e kly. 649-2902. m o n th . C oll 647-9223 o r FOR SALE SERVICES 3 An international conference was 3- mediate c-free 643-7175. I P ain tin g occurs officially at 2 a.m. Sunday. While people arc concerned MANCHESTER-Call af­ recently held in Switzerland to discuss 4- resolve d-drop CAMP HILL, Pa. — Police te r 5 p.m . 643-6681. Con- For the record, turn the clock about fires and will buy and install of Manchester ways to save Africa's ..?.., which are stormed an overcrowded state prison fgct Carole.__________ HAWKES TREE SERVICE 5- dispute e-argument back one hour. smoke detectors, it’s easy to forget MISCELLANEOUS E N D R O L L S threatened by poachers in Kenya and this morning to regain control from FEMALE preferred- Quality Painting Bucket, truck & chipper. about them, the chiefs warn. And 1 FOR RENT 27'h" w id th — 25C several other African nations. For all but a few Americans this Furnlshed, kitchen Stump removel. Free PEOPLE/SPORTS the batteries will die eventually, inmates who seized hostages and set privileges, clean, 13" width — 2 tor 25<t Services eetlmetes. Speclel is an event they cannot ignore conalderetlon for elderly leaving the home unprotected. fires in a two-night riot that left 100 quiet, busline. 647-9813. NEED winter storage? Newsprint end rolls can be •Free Estimates 4 The House, in a major shift, has (S points for each correct answer) without the risk of being an hour Fenced, secured, and picked up at the Manchester end hendlcepped. people injured, authorities said. •Senior Citizen Discounts voted to allow the government to pay early for everything until next well lit area. Call 842- Herald ONLY before 11 a m. 1 Archaeologists digging under a London Checking and replacing batteries Officers fired shots and tear gas •Aluminum & Vinyl 647-7553 for abortions for poor women whose 4775. Monday through Thursday parking lot have found what they think are spring. is also a good idea in states where in a kitchen building, wounding one CONDOMINIUMS Powerwashing pregnancies (CHOOSE ONE: result I SNOW Plows for sale. 7,6, the remains of the Globe Theater, where The fire chiefs arc promoting it the clocks don’t have to be inmate in the assault, said Ken FOR RENT 10, and 11 foot. All In from rape and incest, threaten the life as an occasion to make sure they 1 ROOMMATES TREE many of the plays o f..?.. were first per­ changed. Those few, which didn’t Robinson, state Corrections Depart­ good shape. Make an 646-6815 of the mother). are safe as well as on time by put­ VERNON-l bedroom WANTED offer and take them W e V e H e re T o Se. ve REMOVAL formed. change to daylight time in the ment spokesman. All four hostages Trees trimmed and removed. ting a new battery in smoke detec­ spring, include Arizona, Hawaii, Condo, newly ap­ a w a v l C all 643-2659. Cordwood sold. Seasoned and 5 Scientists recently reported that the were freed, he said. pointed, wonderful AVAILABLE-November "w a ll Papering and 2 A collection of paintings by Frederic tors. ALUMINUM storm doors unseasoned hardwood only. ozone “hole'' that opens up each fall parts of Indiana, Puerto Rico, the Prisoners then began “coming out amenities, minutes 1, b e a u tifu l, b l-le v e l and storm windows for Painting Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Edwin Church is on display at the National “Change your clock, change town house with pool Crane Service Available. over..?.. Is appearing again, and could Virgin Islands and American and surrendering” by lying face from Hartford. In­ sale. Best offer. 647- 30 years Experience Gallery of Art. Church was a member of your battery,” is the simple mes­ cludes heat and water. and sauna. $370 per Call Carl 742-5986 be bigger than ever this year. Samoa. down on the ground, Robinson said. 7197. Insurance and the so-called (CHOOSE ONE: Impres­ $625. Call Mr. LaBella month plus half utili­ In another courtyard, police in riot !l : References sionist, Hudson River) school ot art. 528-4111 days. 563-8310 tie s. C a ll G a ry a t 649- gear and wielding shotguns pushed evenings. 0574. MARTY MATTSSON GUTTER NEWSNAME 649-4431 surrendering or captured prisoners CLEANING (15 points for correct answer or answers) 3 In his debut as a Minnesota Viking, former Dallas Cowboys’ star running back to the ground, holding them face­ ~ Le g a l n o t ic e s Superintendent axes MISCELLANEOUS SALES DICK COBB SERVICE I recently met with ..?.. gained 148 yards on 18 carries in a down in the grass. SERVICES mine owners and Rioters among about 1,900 in­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS INTERIORS for estimate call 26-14 victory over the Green Bay Pack­ NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ Clean Quality Painting at 875-0634 or 875-9142. UMW officials and ers. mates who remained loose in their ESTATE OF GSL Building Mainte­ eral Statute 23-65 prohibits pledged to appoint plan to slaughter pig cellblocks this morning were taken HENRY S. SIENKIEWICZ nance Co. Commercl- the posting ot advertise­ Fair Prices. ments by any person, firm or a mediator to re­ 4 Rookie quarterback Rodney Peete ran to a holding area at the rear of the The Hon. Norman J. Preuss, al/ResIdentlal building Specializing in Interior repairs and home Im­ corporation on a telegraph, Need repoirs around the ! solve their dispute.
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