EJNHAWDBe HELMUT ' 'ANKPURB, ,iPSA HEWLETT hih - PACKARD Vol. 3, No. 22 October I, 1978 New Products from BOISE, - DSD, DTD and GSD I Volume 3, Number 22, Cctober I, 1978 FOR 1l~IT'E'~Nl~LUSE' C%d:lL?' CC2MIPUTER S\iSTZMS NEWSLETTER BOISE Announces the HP 2608A, HP 2639A, HP 2631G, HP 7970E HP-IB Interface.. Page 3 DSD Announces Prices Slashed on HP 1000 Systems . Page 14 DTD Announces the HP 2621AIP Interactive Terminals . Page 21 GSD Announces the HP 300.. Page 27 DTD NEWS Product News lntroducing the HP 2621A and 2621P Interactive Terminals . B. MillerlDTD [21] 2648A Raster Dump Is BOISE NEWS Now Available! . E. GrandjeanlDTD [22] Product News Sales Aids Boise Division Makes History.. B. MurphylBoise [ 41 DTD Price Guide Has New Format and HP - The First Manufacturer of Small Computers New Products! . E. GrandjeanlDTD [23] To Design and Manufacture Its Own 2647A Quick Reference Guide . E. GrandjeanlDTD [23] Line Printers.. G AtkinslBoise [ 41 New!! 2647A Four-Color Flyer! . E. GrandjeanlDTD [24] HP-IB for the 7970E Mag Tape Drive.. M. HarriganlBoise [ 41 Term~nalApplications Review . M. GonzalezIDTD [24] Now: Hard-Copy Graphics! . S. RichardsonlBoise [ 51 2649A Automatic Test System 2639A Offers Communications For Corvallls M TarensIDTD [25] Flexibility,OEM Discounts . L. AndrewslBoise [ 51 Split Availability for 2631A Printers . T. WebsterlBoise [ 61 Special Length Cables on Printers . T. WebsterlBoise [ 61 HP Assumes Manufacture of GSD NEWS Terminals Print Heads . M. McNallylBoise [ 61 Product News Special Character Sets for The HP 300 is Here! . V. KapoorlGSD [27] Line Printers . S. DavislBoise [ 71 Press Release.. V. KapoorlGSD [28] Selling HP 3000's? Consider Our Point DSD NEWS Of VIEW.. C. MorrislGSD 1301 Product News Sales Aids lntroducing the HP 1000 MFG Goes to Hollywood Computer Minirack . B. ElmorelDSD [ 81 MFGl3000 Customer Training - A Pre- and HP 1000 Multipoint Enhanced . B. StevenslDSD [I 11 Post-Sales Tool . D. CrosbylGSD [31] 7221 Multicolor Graphics Plotter Now The Conference to Make Your Selling Supported on GRAPHICS11000 Graphics Job Easier.. L. GardnerlGSD [31] Plotting Software . M. ScottiDSD [I 11 When Your Prospect is Concerned About an Economic Downturn . G. NortonlGSD [31] HP-IB Bus Stop GSD Customer Reference Database . T. PohlmanlGSD [33] New Microwave Application Note Order Processing News Describes Automatic Sensor Details, Detalls . Ordering VIEW13000 . C. MorrislGSD [34] Calibration . J. MincklSPD and N. KuhnlDSD [14] MFG Manuals Ordering Simpl~fled. P. Van KuranlGSD [34] A Note from Order Processing . N. JusticelGSD [34] Sales Aids Prices Slashed on HP 1000 Systems. D. CarverlDSD [14] RJEl1000 Updated . B. StevensiDSD [I 51 RJEllOOO Price Reduction . B. StevensiDSD [la] CSG NEWS Software Option 001 Offers Price Discount Product News To Customers That Wish to Data Sheet for SDD s New Overhead Upgrade . M. Scott and V. DlehlIDSD [la] Transparency Klt Now Ava~lable G DlehlISDD [35] Service Kit Update . R, HeldlDSD [la] New 7245A Data Sheet Features 2608A Line Prlnter IS a Major Addition to Hard Copy Raster Vector Graphlcs and HP 1000 Computer System . M. Scotti DSD [la] Alphanumeric Prlntlng B WoolpertlSDD [35] Volume 3 Number 22 October 1 1978 2 ~~~ ~~E~PU?!,~USE ONLY --a INTRODUCES zn Volume 3, Number 22, October 1, 1978 3 FOR ~RITERNIALUSE ONILV - to reach this level of vert~cal~ntegrat~on The 2608A IS a low cost highly reliable med~um-speeddot matr~x~ne prlnter des~gnedfor use In most computer applicat~ons Pr~nt~ngat 400 lines per minute ut~l~z~nga high resolut~on matrlx offerlng special user features such as graph~cs Boise Division Makes History multiple character sets 16-channel VFC and double slze By Bill MurphylBoise characters the 2608A offers a price, performance comb~na- tlon prev~ouslyunava~lable Above all the 2608A is a prrnter September 18 will undoubtedly be remembered as a slg- des~gnedwith today's systems in m~ndrugged enough for nificant date in the history of the Borse Divis~on.On that EDP appl~cations yet quiet enough to be compat~blew~th day, our d~vis~onannounced four new products wh~ch most office env~ronments should substantially enhance our compet~tlveposltlon In the marketplace. The 2608A IS designed to be the workhorse' prlnter in the The 2608A, a 400 Ihne per m~nutedot matrix prnter, w~ll HP lhne We feel that w~th~na year the 2608A will represent become the primary lhne prlnter on HP computer systems. over 75% of the line printers sold on HP systems Not only is the 2608A a major milestone for us In Boise, it is a significant step for HP rn the computer business, in At introduction the 2608A will be fully supported on the that we are now the only small computer company manu- HP 1000 under RTE-M and RTE-IV Th~sIncludes full facturing a line pr~nterof ~tsown design. Explo~t~ngthe graphics appl~cat~onssupport from Boise D~v~s~onw~th unique features des~gnedInto the 2608A should give us an GRAPHICS/I000 edge on our compettlon. m HP-IB compatib~lityfor our 7970E tape drive extends the Toothp~ckand Amigo will both support the normal line capabil~tiesof the h~ghlyrellable mag tape product Ilne. printer funct~onsof the 2608A at their ~ntroductions. Employing a self-contained controller and formatter, the HP-IB will allow us to connect tape dr~vesto a number of new HP systems. Res~d~ngIn ~tsown stand-alone cabinet, Option 300 to the 2608A w~llbe on the Corporate Price the HP-IB 7970E will be a very attractive addition to our List on November 1, announcing support on the HP 3000 systems. Ser~esll and Ill Th~ssupport w~ll~ntially be l~mitedto the basic prlnt and space operations of the 2608A. The 2639A is a new product In the 2630 family of dot matrix prlnters and terminals. Th~snew "communicat~onsterminal" ~>.-.- The 2608A IS not just another pr~nter.It offers ruggedness, has cons~derableinterface flex~bilityand should allow us to flexibility, and versat~lrtynot found in just another printer connect to a w~devariety of non-HPcomputer systems. Th~s For add~tonalinformat~on on this excit~ngnew product, refer capab~l~tywill extend our potential market allow~ngus to to your new product trainlng material from Boise bring the power and .versatility of our hard copy term~nals to a much broader segment of users. F~nallythe 2631 G expands on the capab~litiesof the 26314, prrnter w~ththe add~t~onof graphics As exempl~fledby our product theme ' Graph~csPlus , the 26316 has very power- HP-IB for the 7970E Mag Tape Drive ful graph~csoutput capab~l~ties,as well as the complete By Mike HarriganiBoise rn set of prlnter features whch has made the 2630 fam~lyone of the industry leaders Borse D~v~sion1s proud to announce that HP-IB Interfacing is now ava~lablefor the HP 7970E mag tape dr~veThe new All four of these products have been announced to the Interface unl~keprevious mag tape controllers, IS located press, and we are now accept~ngorders. If the in~t~al inside the mag tape drive rather than ins~dethe CPU reaction to the announcement is any indicat~on,the 2608A, Instead of three bulky data cables going from the CPU to the HP-IB tape, 2639A, and 2631 G will meet with quick market tape dr~veonly one standard HP-IB cable IS used acceptance, as d~dour first new products, the 2631A and 2635A. A mlcroprocessor 1s used for efficent data handling. The new interface wlll perform all tape functrons performed by other HP mag tape controllers. Three more slave drives may be da~sy-chainedinto one controller for a total of four tape HP - The First Manufacturer of drlves per controller. Small Computers to Design and Manufacture Its Own Line Printers HP-IB 1s ava~lableonly on the HP 7970E (1600 bpi PE) By: Gary AtkinslBoise not on the HP 7970B (800 bp~,NRZI) A new dot-matrix 400 LPM line printer, the 2608A, is the At in~t~al~ntroduct~on, the HP-IB interface will be available first line pr~nterdeslgned and manufactured by Hewlett- only for use in conjunct~onwith the HP 3000 Series 33 Packard. In fact, we are the first small computer company computer system. Volume 3, Number 22, October 1, 1978 COMPUTER SYSTEMS NEWSLETTER For use with the HP 3000133, the HP 7970E mag tape drive, The 2639A includes all of the features of the 2635A plus the HP-IB controller, and Lo-Boy cabinet are available as sub- following data communications capabilities: system Option 426. This subsystem also includes installa- tion and documentation. The matching slave mag tape 1000-character buffer. drive, Lo-Boy cabinet, and cables are designated Opt~on 421. 103 and 202 type modem control. Current-loop capability (full duplex only) for operation up to 2000 feet from CPU. Concurrent with introduction of HP-IB compatibility for the mag tape drive, the new Lo-Boy cabinet will be available on Selectable control characters for data stream protocols. both the 7970E and 79700 mag tape drives. The Lo-Boy cabinet provides a low profile design with lo\~erinitial cost X-onlX-off (DClIDC3) type protocol. and easy installation. ENQIACK type protocol. Printer busy (buffer full) signal. Selectable buffer full limits at 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, or 300 characters. Now: Hard-Copy Graphics! Selectable buffer empty limits at 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, By: Steve ~ichardso~n~~oise- 500, 600, 700 characters. (Selectable buffer limits allow the interface to be configured to work with various 0 communication links.) The 26316, 180 CPS dot-matrix graphics printer is now Split baud rates: baud rate for receive and transrnit available to connect BD your 2647A or 2648P.
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