H COLUMBUSOHIO MARCH1933 VOUJMEXIX 1 NUMBERl 1 EVONIDICBESTS HE!P.INCIN FIRST '8:} OUTOOOR TACTITLE RACE I.a.fayette, Colorado, March 19--l"Brco Evoniuk launched his 198) campaign with a decisive victory over Jim Heiring in the National TAC JO Km Championship today. In the irocess, he bettered Ray Sharp's cham piomsh ip record of 2:21:03 (set in 1980) with & t.ime of 2:16:41. Heiring, who won this race in 1978, also had an excellent time, but was nearly J minutes back of Evoniuk. Canada's Marcel Jobin, who has been dominate in the U.S. races he has entered the past couple of years, was a well beaten third (but not el~ible for official placing in a U.S. title race). Tim IA:!wis, official:cy third, demons~ated a.gain that he is going to be a strong candidate :for a place on U .s. teams for this ye:trS World Championships and l.ugano Cup at 20 Km, Neal Picken, aka Grim Reaper, won the Ma.ster•s title. 1. Ma.rooEvoniuk 2:16141 2. Jim Heiring 2119125 (Marce1. Jobin, Cen. 2:21:41) 3. Tim lewis 2123:.50 4. Mel McGinnis 2:28116 5. Fabian Knizack;y 2 =28:.52 6. Randy Mimlll2:29:15 7, Steve Pecinovsky 21351.56 8. Terry Femmer )112 :39 r.a.sters1 1, Neal Picken 3!151'.36 PASTW.mNERS NATIONAL JO KM 1937 Morris Fleisoher 2148:17 196o RUdy Haluza 2:38:45 19J8 John Rabkonen 2:57129 1961 Ron laird 2;29140 1939 John Rabkonen 2:57:08 1962 Jack Mortland 2 1)6 02 1940 John Ra.bkonen J:0.5:31 1963 Michael Brodie 2;49;33 1941 Walter Fleming 2:52ilJ 1964 Ron laird 2;26,27 1942 James Wilson 2:57:45 1965 Ron IE.il:d 2:41:17 1943 John Abbate 2=49:35 l~....6 Ron Daniel 2:s,,07 1944 William Mihalo 3 =10:59 1967 Ron I.a.ird 2 :29:06 1945 Morris Fleischer 2:52:22 1968 I.a.rry Young 2 :Jl:3l 1946 Morris Fleischer 3!05 :18 1969 ~on laird 2:29:23 1947 William Mihalo 2 58:31 1970 Ron Iaird 2:17,18 1948 Chris Clegg 2:55:21 1971 Iarry Young 2 :25:110 1949 Bill Mihalo 3155 1972 l.arry Young 2 128:09 19.50 Adolph Weinacker 2;48:43 1973 Jerry Brown 2:28:12 1951 John Deni 21)2:15 1974 Iarry Young 2:~0:26 1952 John Deni 2:52:46 1975 Iarry Young 2:2,5:26 1953 John Deni 2:59:08 1976 Iarry Young 2;27:26 19.54 Leo Sjogren 2 :58:02 1977 Marcel Jobin 2,21:0J 1955 Alex Oakley 2:)6111 1978 Jim Heiring 2;'.30.:50 19.56 Adolph Weinacker 2:39:12 1979 Ian O'Connor 2:22:43 1951 Leo Sjogren 2 151110 1980 Ray Sharp 2121103 1958 Guillermo Weller 2 149:l) 1981 Ray Sharp 2125:45 1959 Ferenc Sipes 2 146 :20 PAGE 2 MARCH198'3 MARCH1983 PAGE 3 The Ohio Racewalker (USPS 306-050) is published monthly in C0 lumbus, Ohio. Subscription rate is $5,00 per yea:r: ($7 .00 for First Class Mail). F.ciitor an Publisher: John E. (Jack) Mortland. Address all correspondence regarding both editorial and subscription matters to I Ohio Racewalker, J184 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio 4J202, Second Class postage paid at Columbus, Ohio. :EOSTMASTER:Send Address changes to the Ohio Racewalker, J184 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio 4J202. MARili BLISTERS SPANISH.50 KM Valencia, Sp:i.in, March lJ- - Jose Marin, winner of last year's European 20 Km title and second at 50 Km in the same championships, easily won the Spanish National .50Km today. In the process, he walked the sixth fasiest time in history--) :40 :47. The five ahead of him ca.me in what still seems a quest­ ionable race in ·r-ioscow in 198o. Outside of that race, tha best previous time was a 3:41:20 by Raul Gonzalez of Mexico. Gonzalez also had a J:41:J9 on the track. Marin's previous best was J:4J:J5 in this race J years ago. The race was held on a flat, 2-km loop and Marin took command from the start and was close to 42 minutes at 10 Km. He passed 20 Km in under 1:27 and then held on for sub 45 second 10 km splits the rest of the way, despite effects of a warming sun in the la tier stages. Jorge Llopart walked very well, bettering 3:48, but was no threat to Marin. Dan O'Connor finished seventh in the race, recording his fifth .50 Km in a row in the 4:20 to 4 :22 range. He was hindered when his assigned helper at the aid station took off at the gun--he finally got help from the British trainer and L1op:1.rt's father after 2.5 Km--and';.'three forced retreats to the bushes. 1. Jose Marin 3:40:47 2. Jorge Llopart 3:47:48 3, Manuel Alcalde 4:01:14 4. Waldemar Schwoche, WG4 1 14:21 .5. S. Gines 4;16:.52 6 . Paul Blagg, GB 4:21:0J 7. Dan O'Connor 4 :21:27 8. Sil. Marclay 4:24153 9, Adrian -James, GB 4 128:0J OTHERRESULTS 20 Km1 Lo~ Beach, Cal. 1 March 19--1. Dan O'(!onnor 1128:JB 2. Ivan Glas­ enberg 1:) :,56 4. F.d Bouldin 1:14:15 4. Jay Byers l:4J:16 .Mastera;: l. John Kelly 1:56:18 2. Bob Brewer 2:01:2.5 J. Hal McWillia.01s 2:16 08 Women: 1. Kathy Pugh (14) 2;0J.:J6 Senior Women: 1. Jolene Steigerwalt 1:5'7 :1~1 2. Anne Todoroff 2 :11 :13--good effort for Dan a week af'Lcir. that long effort. and rather debilat<'.ting 50. Half Marathon, Brooklyn, March ~--J.. Nick Bdera 1:55:09 2. Roberta Ba]dini 2:21 :2.5 J. Dorthy Kelley 2:23 : 4. Ron Valionte 2;24:58 (9 firi~hors) Indoor l Mile 1 Fort Dix 1 NJ1 Feb. 10--1. Cliff Mimm7:26.J.5 2. Bob Mirun 8:17 J. Jack Devenney 9:27 5 Km1 Syracuse, NY1 Feb. 13--1, David Talcott 2J:50 5 Km1 Fairfax, VA1 Feb, 20-- 1, Ron Kulik 23;50 10 Km, Washington, DC1 Feb. 19--1. Tim Good 47:26 2. Sal Corrallo 49:57 J. 11.artin Nikolov _52:24 4. David King _58:10 .5. Ian Krause _58:12 Women: l. Jennifer Bishop 62:0J l Mile and 2 Mile, Washington, Feb. 20--1. Sal Co:ITallo 7:29 and 1.5:08 2 Hour, Yorktown, Va., Feb. 26--1. David King lJ miles .560 yds 2, Sal Corrallo lJ miles 110 yds J. Tim Good 12 miles 1410 4. Tom Kawecki 11 mi 899 Women: 1, Dot Miahaels (.56) 10 mi 420--wind-chill factor of 6 F, slippery. 20 Km, Bethesda, Md., 1. Iavid King 1 :42:04 2. Tim Good 1:42:17 J. Bill Norton l:4J:45 4. Sal Corrallo 1:4.5:27 5. Joel Holman 2:04:32 .5. Dick Good 2:28:52 TAC Eastern Re ional Ston Brook NY March 2 (Result received 2 minutes on the Ma. Bell hotline --1. Tom F.dwards 12J :22 Dan O'Connor on his way to a l:28:J8 for 20 Km at Long Beach on March 19. (First 50 Km. Excellent debut at a very even pace-52140, 1:45 1.58, 2:)8:16, S:EORTSFO-ro1l>by John Allen) J1Jl:OO) 2. Jon Gaska 4:.52:38 (2:20:.58 at 2.5) J. Paul D'Elisa 5:20109 4. leul Robertson .5.49:28-DNFi Bob Falciola 3 108:4.5 at JO, Bob Ti.u:mons 1 J 16:21 at JO. 20 Km1 same place--1. Bill Crucilla 1144 :17 2. Susan MARCH PAGE 4 MARCH1983 1983 Apr. JO-Drake Relays 10 Km, Des Moines (N) Liers - 'iiesterfield 1:.52=08 J . Carol Drown 2_08 :50 Midwest TAC Masters 1 Sa.t. Mile , Cincinnati, Feb. 20--1. Jack Blackburn 7!46.6 2. Rich Myer:> 8:28 10 Km (Tx:ack), men and women, Stony Brook, NY (K) (b :>th in 45-49) J, James Broom 8:Lq (1st 40-45) If , C:1rl Brungard 9:19 Sun, May 1---20 Km and 5 Km, Dearborn, Mich . , 10 am (0) 10 Rm, Nepturn, NJ (F) (1st 5~-~) 5. Charlie Rall 9:40 (Jr<l 45-4 9) 6 . HugbYeomans 10:J4 (1st Sat . May7-- -- 5 Km Handicap, Dearborn, Mich., 10 am (o) 65-69)J 7. Clair Dackham 10:47 (1st 75- 79) 8. Jim R ckovich ~0:49 (4th Southeast Masters 5 and 20 Km (U) 45- 49) 9, Jack Siring-er 11:41 (1st 70-74) Women: 1. E:rnest~e Yeomans 10 Km, Los Angeles, 8 am (J) 10:36 (1st 60-64- - u.s. Age group record) 2. Rhoda lawyer 12:.54 (1st 45-49) Sun, May 8----10 Km, New York City (Q) 5 Miles 1 Bellah-e, Tex. 1 March 5--1. Kevil; Kn~ht 40:51 20 Km1 Houston! Marathon , Denver, Col, (D) ~arch lJ--1 . John Knifton l :}6:51 2. Kevin Kni,ght 1=47:51 3. Hank Klein Sat. May 14-- -5 and 10 Km, Washington, DC, 9 a!ll (G) 1:4 9 :10.
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