~~ Dominion Resources Services, Inc. , Law Department Dominion® 120 T redegar Sr. Richmond, VA 23219 dom.com Horace P. Payne, Jr. Senior Counsel Direct (804) 819-2682 Fax: (804) 819-2183 l-l [email protected] VIA ELECTRONIC FILING January 14, 2016 Ms. Gail Mount, Chief Clerk North Carolina Utilities Commission 430 North Salisbury Street Dobbs Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Re: Docket No. E-100, Sub 141 Dear Ms. Mount: Enclosed is an Affidavit of Publication which will serve as proof of publication of the Public Notice as required in ordering paragraph 2 of the Commission' s November 23 , 2015, Order Scheduling Public Hearing on 2015 IRP Update Reports and Related 2015 REPS Compliance Plans in the above-referenced case. Pursuant to the instructions in ordering paragraph 2, the notices were published in newspapers having general circulation in Dominion North Carolina Power's service area once a week for two consecutive weeks beginning with the week of December 7, 2015. Copies oftear sheets from each of the newspapers in which the public notice ran are also enclosed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Senior Counsel Enclosures cc: Antoinette Wike, Esq. (w/o enc.) Virginia 11529 Nuckols Road Glen Allen, VA 23059 (804) 521-7570 Serving Virginia newspapers since 1881 Fax (804) 521-7590 ~PRESS http://www.vpa.net Services AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Order #15123DDO) COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF Henrico, to-wit: I, Janet Madison, Tearsheet Coordinator, hereby certify that a legal notice for Dominion Resources (Docket No. E-100, Sub 141) (copies attached hereto) was published in the following North Carolina newspapers on the days listed below in the year 2015. Coastland Times 12/9 and 12116 The Chowan Herald 12/9 and 12/16 Elizabeth City Daily Advance 12/9 and 12/16 Hertford Perquimans Weekly 12/9 and 12/16 Martin Co. Enterprise 12111 and 12118 Outer Banks Sentinel12/9 and 12/16 Plymouth Roanoke Beacon 12/9 and 12/16 Roanoke Chowan News Herald 12/8 and 12115 Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald 12/9 and 12116 Rocky Mt. Telegram 12/9 and 12116 Roxboro, The Courier Times 12/9 and 12/16 Signlture :,- J 15JCJ3\/DC) • THE COASTLAND TIMES, Wednesday, December 9,.2015, Page· FLOUNDER ""'m""'an"n""g-'e"r,;;t,:o:cw=n.:cc:.l_er_k_· -,n-d-,,-_-·~·-;o-sencra'Jelter rome..-g'"o"'v"•"r-o-:.::O::B:-:x:-·::s::P::C"'A-,",;-u-rg_e_d,... th tOJlleY tci their: positions. nor, the state senate president spokesman: STATE OF NoRTH-CAROLINA. UTILITIES. COMMISSION RALEIGH DOCKET NO. E-100, SUB 141 . BEFORE Ttie'f."tORTH CAROLINA UlltlTIES COMMISSION ·'·'.' . fn.Jhe MSlter.of' . 20.15 Integrated Resource. Plan Update NOTiCE.OF F;'USLIC HEARING ON" Reports and Relati!d 201'5·REPS 20151RP UPDATE REPORTS AND ComplianCe Plans RElATED 2015 REPS COMPLIANCE PLANS NOTICE !S HEREBY GIVEN that the North Carolln"a UUI!!ies Commission {Com· mission) has scheduled a public hearing In conjunction with !he Commlssion.'.s revfaw and evaluation or Integrated resource planning (IRP) il North Carolina. The purpose of"lhe review and evaluation is to ensure that.each regulated alectrlc·utlllly op_eratlng In North Carolina Is developing reliable projections of the long-range demands for eiectrl~lty In Its service area and Is developing a combination of reliable resource options for meeting the anUcipated demands in a cost·~¥ffectlve manner. IRP ls Intended. to Identify those electric resource options which can be obtained at least cost to ratepayers In North Carollna conslstent.wlth adequate, reliable electric seNic"e. IRP considers conseNalion, efficiency,· toad management and other demand· sl.de program alternatives In the selecllon·of resource options. Commission Rule R8·60 requires that each of the electric uti!llles furnish the CommJs~Jon wllh a biennial reporUn even-numbered years !hal contains the specilic lnrormallon se(pu~ Jn that Commission Rule. In odd-numbered years, e~ch of !he electric ulll!lles must file an up dale report updating Its most recently Oled . biennial report. lh addltlon, electric power suppliers ara•requlred to Include their plans for meet­ ing customer electric needs via renewable energy.resources and energy afliclency·Programs "by submlitlng a Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard compllence·plail. (REPS co'!!pllanc"o plan) as part of the IRP nllng. · · · ·D~rrn9 lhe publlc:hearlng.to· be held I~ this docket, the ~ommlss!on wiU·recerve test!· many from Oonexpert publiC witnesses wllh respect lQ the most current update IRP'reports Snd, ftEPS compliance s)laris nlf;d In 2015 by Duke Energy Progress,.I.:LC; Duke .Energy Carollnas, LLC; arid \llrg)'nla Eledrlc 'and Power. <;:omp8ny, 9fofa Dominion North Carolina Power. A night hearing for the convenience of Pl,lblic.wllnGsses.and·soleiy for'the purpOse of taking nonexp?rt pub![c witness Jestlmony is h.ereby st:heduled as fol!ows: B.!l.!alnb.: 7:00p.m., on Moilday, February~. 2016; In Commission Hearlrig Room 2115. Dobbs Bu!ld!ng, 430 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Anyo_ne ~"rshlng to ravia~ tpe 2o151RP update· rep~rts and REPS ~.mpllance plans .. 111ed by \he.utlliUes may do so·eJthar at the Corilmlsslon's .websl!e, www ncur; net .by selecting 'lhei OoCke~ lab· and entering Docket No. E-100.Sub 1'41, Or at lhe.Offica of Ihe Chief. Clerk or lhel Commission, Dobbs Sulldlng; 430 North.Sallsbury.. Stre"el; R~;~lelgh, North Carolina. Up!)l) re •. quest, U;le Chief Cl~rk wilt place copies of the l.RPs, compllance.plans and any other documents filed in this proceeding In centrally-located public libraries where they rimY be copied wllh.Out ·' proh!b"iiton: Such a request may b"e mad& by Wrillng to the Chief Clerk, North Carolina .Lltllllies CommisSion, 4325 Malt Service Clinter; Rat8lgh; North-Carolina 27699-43SO, and provldlnQ the name and address of the llbrary to which, . \he lnfofTJlatlon. is to be mailed. · PersOns deSirl~g to present t&Siimony r6r the re~rd should appes"r at !lie Public he~r­ lng, Parsons d8s)rlng to Send written statements tO !nform·the Commission of their posruonsln t.he metter shall address their statements to: • Chle(citerk NOrth carol!ne Utilities Commission 4325 Man SeNice Center ~ala!gh, NC·27699-4300 The Public Staff-North Carolina Utilities Commission, through Its Executive Director, Is required by statute to represent the using and consuming public !n proceedings before the Commission. Written Statements to the Public Staff stiould be addressed to: Christopher J, Ayers, Executive Director PUblic Staff- North Carolina UtUlties Commission 4326 Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC ,27699~300 · The Atto"rney Generalis also aulhorlz!ld by staJute to rep'resenllhe using and consum­ Ing public In pi"octiadlngs be foro the' Commission. Statements to \he AHorney General should be a~dressed to: The Honorable R~y Cooper AttorneY Genei-al or North Carolina Cto Utilities Section 9001 M8U Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699·9001 ISS.UEO BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION, This \he 23rd day of November, 2015. NORTH CAROliNA UTILITIES COMMISSION Paige J, Morris, Deputy Cler~ ~~~~h;---~:-·----~-~9~.§_T_~~l]~§_!2,~~.. December16 ~fu~-- ;taurant in brate the joy­ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION ites the garty RALEIGH !vent"· starts at DOCKET NO, E·100, SUB 141 progra1n is BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION ood fOod· or­ n"enu· .:::: Sepa._· . ikth~··Ma'tt~rot-· · ·· .~2015'irit89i-ated'Resourc~ Plan Up'dete" 1· NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON : ·okaY: --.· and. Reports aild Relaied 2015 REPS ) 2015 lRP. UPDATE REPORTS AND 1 some of oUr· Compliance Plans ) RELATED 2015 REPS COMPLIANCE Jeople. Manr;. I PLANS ms· as well as" NOTICE !S HEREBY GIVEN that the North Carolina Utilities Commission (Com­ ill Coo.k .will mission) has scheduled a public hearing In conjunctltm wilh the Commission's review and urpr.ise guest~ evaluation of Integra led resource planning (IRP) In North Carolina. The purpOse of· the review and evaluallon is to ensure"that each regulated electric utll!ly operating In North Carolina Is •d.· developing reliable projectlons·of the long-range demands for electricity In Its service area and the monthly Is developing a combination of reliable resource options for meeting the anllcfpated demands JOP meeti·ng In a.cas\-effecllve manner. IRP Is Intended to Identify those electric resource opt!ons which :hanged from can be obtained at least cost to ratepayers In North Caroilna consistent wilh adequate, reliable eleclrlc service. IRP considers cooservat!on, efficiency, load management and other demand­ 'ue·sday each side program altemaUves In the se!ec11on of resource options. Commission Rule R8·60 requires tecond Thllrs-. !hal each of the electric ulllltles furnish the Commission with a biennial report In even-numbered 1th, effective years that contains the specific lnformaUon set out In that Commission Rule. In odd-numbered years, each of the electric utilities must me an update repo_rt updating Its most recently filed 7 p.m. at the biennial report. In eddl!lon, electric power suppliers are required to Include their plans for meet: Is TOwn Hall ing customer electric needs via renewable energy resources and energy efficiency progr.ams ills. by submitting a RenEI'>!'able Energy. and Energy Efficiency Portfotlo Standard compliance plan (REPS compliance plan) as part of the IRP filing. and . like­ !rvatiVes who During the public hearing to be held In this docket, the Commission wlll receive tesH· ttry are invited mony from nonexpert public witnesses wllh respect to the most current update IRP reports end REPS compliance plans nled In 2015 by Duke Energy Progress, LLC; Duke Energy Carolinas, Volunteers to.
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