Construction Qaiwan Towers 4DLZDQ 7RZHUV· LFRQLF WZLQ WRZHU GHVLJQHG LV D EUHDWKWDNLQJ DGGLWLRQ WR Energy WKH 6XODLPDQ\DK VN\OLQH BAZIAN OIL REFINERY 7KH VWRUH\ EXLOGLQJ LV 5HÀQHG3HWUROHXPRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO4XDOLW\ VSUHDG DFURVV 7KH UHÀQHU\ LV FXUUHQWO\ RQH RI WZR UHÀQHULHV LQ WKH .XUGLVK 640 DQG FRPSULVHV DQ UHJLRQFRQVLVWHQWO\SURGXFLQJUHÀQHGSHWUROHXPSURGXFWVRI RIÀFH WRZHU D ÀYH VWDU WKH KLJKHVW RUGHU 7KLV UHPDUNDEOH JURZWK DQG SURGXFWLYLW\ KRWHO DQG D SUHPLXP KDV HQDEOHG 4DLZDQ *URXS WR H[SDQG WKH UHÀQHU\ DQG VKRSSLQJPDOO$QLPSRU LQFUHDVH LWV RXWSXW WR EDUUHOV D GD\ /RFDWHG NP WDQW EXVLQHVV DQG FRP IURP6XOD\PDQL\DKWKHUHÀQHU\LVFXUUHQWO\RQHRIRQO\WZR PHUFLDO KXE WKH FDSLWDO UHÀQHULHVLQWKH.XUGLVWDQUHJLRQDQGSURGXFHVEDUUHOV H[SHQGLWXUH RQ 4DLZDQ DGD\%D]LDQ2LO5HÀQHU\LVFXUUHQWO\XQGHUJRLQJDQH[SDQ 7RZHUV LV LQ H[FHVV RI 86 VLRQ SURJUDPPH WR LQFUHDVH LWV FDSDFLW\ WR RYHU PLOOLRQ EDUUHOVDGD\E\ Real Estate Contact Details Sulaimanyah Heights +HDGRIÀFH6XODLPDQL0DOOEXLOGLQJ,UDT 7 6XOH\PDQLH+HLJKWVLV4DLZDQ*URXS·VQHZHVWDQGWKHPRVWDPELWLRXVSURMHFWVWLOOGDWH:LWK &RQWDFW#TDLZDQJURXSFRP RXWVWDQGLQJ SURMHFWV XQGHU WKH EHOW OLNH 4DLZDQ &LW\ 6XOH\PDQLH 0DOO DQG XSFRPLQJ 'XEDL -%&-/7'XEDL32%R[8$( SURMHFWVVXFKDV4DLZDQ7RZHUVLWRQO\PDNHVVHQVHWKHQH[WVWHSLVDSURMHFWRIWKLVVWDWXUH 7 &RQWDFW#TDLZDQJURXSFRP 6XOH\PDQLH+HLJKWVZLOOEHVSUDZOHGDFURVVDSDUWPHQWXQLWVDQGYLOODVRIYDULRXV 'XEDL$/2ZDLV7RZHU'XEDL32%R[8$( VL]HV WKDW DUH DOO VSUHDG DFURVV D MDZGURSSLQJ VTXDUH PHWHUV ,W LV GHVWLQHG WR 7 EHFRPHWKHFLW\·VPRVWSUHVWLJLRXVDQGGHVLUDEOHFRPPHUFLDODQGUHVLGHQWLDOGHYHORSPHQW 7KHFDSLWDOH[SHQGLWXUHRQWKHSURMHFWLVRYHU86PLOOLRQ Real Estate Qaiwan City 4DLZDQ &LW\ LV D G\QDPLF WKULYLQJ FRPPXQLW\LQ6XODLPDQ\DK'HVLJQHG WR DSSHDO WR ERWK KRPH EX\HUV DQG SURSHUW\LQYHVWRUVWKHGHYHORSPHQWLV D FLW\ ZLWKLQ D FLW\ RIIHULQJ UHVLGHQWV HYHU\WKLQJWKH\QHHGIRUDIXOÀOOLQJOLIH 7KHFLW\FRQWDLQYLOODVDQGDSDUW PHQWV WKH 4DLZDQ &LW\ FRYHULQJ DQ DUHDRI640ZLWKWKHFDSLWDO H[SHQGLWXUHRQWKHSURMHFWLVRYHU86 PLOOLRQ Building Kurdistan's Future with global partnerships Founded in Erbil, Ster Group has emerged as one of Iraq’s fastest growing conglomerates. The group’s core expertise includes construction, environmental engineering, consultancy, insurance, security, power, communication, general trading, tourism, information technology, and research. Ster Group also actively invests in a wide range of real estate projects. A leader in its domestic market, Ster Group possesses an unparalleled level of scope and experience while maintaining a global reach. Ster Company Ster Petroleum Ster Construction Ster Security Ster Tower StarKar Insurance TarinNet Damosc Avian Water Kani Water provides a wide is an oil and gas believes that today's is a leading aims to strengthen was the first has been providing aims to strengthen aims to strengthen has been the range of all- service company well-designed provider of security its market insurance company Internet and its market its market leading producer inclusive services that offers a broad construction consulting and leadership founded in the communications leadership leadership of pure natural and support range of services projects contribute planning services, by constantly Kurdistan Region in services since 2005. by constantly by constantly mineral water in the to industrial, to the oil and gas to the economic professional security enhancing the 2004. enhancing the enhancing the Kurdistan Region commercial, and industry. growth of the personnel, explosive excellence of excellence of excellence of since 2006. government clients. Kurdistan Region. detection canine its products its products its products units, and armored through a process through a process through a process transport vehicles. of continuous of continuous of continuous reinvestment reinvestment reinvestment and innovative and innovative and innovative manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing and marketing and marketing and marketing strategies. strategies. strategies. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +964.66.256.9200 Gulan Street, Ster Tower, 12th Floor, Erbil, Kurdistan - Iraq Invest in Group — 7 dfr.gov.krd www.krg.org CONTENTS 23-31 44 The Expert 32 Cengiz Candar THE REVIEW: Confidence in the Future Diplomacy & Politics 45 A New Era Masoud Barzani, The President of the Forging Ties Globally Prof. Dlawer Ala'Aldeen, Kurdistan Region President, MERI 46 The UK & Kurdistan Angus Mckee, British CG to the Kurdistan Region 47 Insight Gary Kent 48 Focus: Rwanga Sofia Barbarani 38 57 Focus: The KRG's Foreign Policy Attracting Investors Perspective Raad Zahid – CEO, Erbil Falah Mustafa Bakir, Head of the DFR Stock Exchange 34 58 Insight Leading the Way Baroness Nicholson of Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of the Winterbourne Kurdistan Region 59 Trust in Me Jamal Asfour, CEO, Asia Insurance 60 Long-Term Investment 40 Paul Bailey, Managing Director, Definitus KRG Worldwide KRG Worldwide 61 Building Industrial Capacity Dilshad Shakir, CEO, 51-55 Azady Industries The Review: Business Searching for Sustainable Growth 62 Focus: AmCham in Kurdistan 36 Secure & Stable 63 Analysis Karim Sinjari, Minister of Interior Christina Bache Fidan 64 Analysis Dr. Anwar Anaid 66 Driving Growth Moh’d Fuad Anaswah, CEO, Niva Car Trading 56 67 Facilitating Boosting Trade for Growth Investment Samal Sardar, Minister of Trade & Industry Shwan Taha, Chairman, Rabee Securities Invest in Group — 13 CONTENTS Just about as high as you can get. 68 Financing 75-81 Development When it comes to setting the standard in private jet charters, no Chawki Badr, Assistant The Review: Energy one surpasses Komar Aviation Group. For the 8th consecutive year GM, BBAC Forging Ahead we’ve been awarded the ARGUS Platinum Rating — the highest 69 Expanding Local level of safety ratings for equipment and crew experience. Market Share Nawzad Jaff, Chairman, So take to the skies with a majestic fleet of aircraft, magnificent North Bank 24-hour concierge service, and maximum peace of mind. We’ll 70 Bringing Global take you higher than ever before. Welcome aboard. Standards Nejdet Polat, Manager, 82 Erbil Branch, İş Bank 71 Retail Giant Source of Inspiration Bhupesh Malhotra, Donnie MacDonald, President & Country Country Manager, Manager, Chevron Iraq Landmark, Iraq 72 The Big Box Comes to Kurdistan Jean Marie Boixel, SI Retail 72 Rapid Expansion Christophe Durand, SI Retail 96 73 Focus: Ecocem ANALYSIS: Finding Synergy in Registering an Oil Services Unlikely Places Company in Kurdistan 84 88 Focus: 36N Bringing the Best First Mover International Practices Saad Hasan, CEO, Qaiwan Group to Kurdistan 90 Securing Industry Botan Osman, Country Director, Stirling Group 91 Shifting to Production Worldwide aircraft charters, sales, Affiliate Office Majdi Ahmad, Managing Director, Kalegran management and acquisitions. Macair Flight Support +1.949.250.1359 +964.750.386.2363 92 Changing KomarAviation.com MacAirInc.com Dynamics Bilal Wahab, AUIS Orange County | Van Nuys | Long Beach | Carlsbad Erbil, Iraq 92 Focus: 86 MNR Report 89 Global Ambitions 93 Analysis Energizing Kurdistan Alexander Dodds, E&P Executive Vice Brad Camp Baz Karim, President & CEO, Kar Group President, MOL Group 94 Analysis Shwan Zulal 14 — Kurdistan Review A MACAIR, Inc. company CONTENTS 99-107 114 Quality— 124 A Growing Trend How-To-Start-Up Mario Al-Jebouri, Investing in the Future Doing Business in the Kurdistan Region. Chairman, IKG Property Hiwa Afandi, Head of the Department of IT 115 Global Design Yassin Younis, General Manager-Kurdistan, SSH Design 116 Addressing New Developments Dean Michael, Chairman, Atconz Group 109-113 117 Luxury Landmark Rasheed Abu Hamad, The Review: General Manager, Real Estate & Construction Trillium Holding The New Trend 135 126 Connecting the Region Focus: Macair Flight Support Rebaz Kawa, CEO, TarinNet 127 Expanding Access Aram Daro Noori, General Director, GoranNet Amal Ouarid, Senior Customer 119-123 128 Building an Service Rep. IT-Enabled Society The Review: ICT Antoine Kawkabani, Stepping Forward General Manager, CIS Iraq 129 Local 139-145 Knowledge, Local The Review: Agriculture & Water Excellence in Applications Planting the Seeds Godar J. Ibrahim, CEO, Aircraft Handling Awrosoft 136 Growing Rapidly Baker Saeed Taufiq, Macair Flight Support sets the standard in superior 131-134 General Manager, Azmar Air customer service and specialized aviation services The Review: Transport Planning to Expand 137 The Hub handling as the first fixed based operation (FBO) in Oliver Mathwich, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Business Development Manager, dnata Macair Flight Support / Private Jet Exclusive Handlers Erbil International Airport [email protected] | www.macairinc.com Mobile +964 750.330.2777 | Office +964.750.386.2363 Invest in Group — 17 CONTENTS Kurdistan Review 147-149 152 Educational 177-179 Keeping an eye on the alluring leaders, emerging sectors, leading companies, and rising Edge The Review: Higher Education Robert Ritchie, AUIS The Review: Tourism trends shaping the future of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Game Changer Bold Plans 153 Focus: Sulaimani Forum 154 Bringing Best Practices Carl Bistany, SABIS Co-Publisher nvest in Group (IIG) is pleased to announce the release of the eight issue 155 Progress in Iof “Kurdistan Review,” which provides Higher Education fresh business perspectives and features the Khaled Salih, University alluring leaders, emerging sectors, leading of Kurdistan-Hewler 150 183-193 companies, rising trends shaping the future of 162 Focus: MSELECT the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Training Kurdistan’s Future The Guide Department of Foreign
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