Jazz Icon Herbie Hancock Virtu- ally Honored at Barbara Morrison Finding a ‘Greater Love’ with Performing Arts Center Novelist Devyn Bakewell (See page A-5) (See page D-1) VOL. LXXXVII NO. 16, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 George Floyd FILE PHOTO BY BETTI HALSELL for almost two hours, fol- Contributing Writer lowed by an additional three- hour response from defense Former Minneapolis po- attorney Eric Nelson. lice officer, Derek Chauvin, Swinging the gavel on the has been charged with the case was Judge Peter Cahill; murder of George Floyd. he interrupted the assembly In this image from video, former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin, center, is taken into custody as his The jurors of the historical for a 30-minute intermission. attorney, Eric Nelson, left, looks on, after the verdicts were read at Chauvin’s trial for the 2020 death of George trial reached a verdict almost Nelson finished his statement Floyd, Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis, Minn. COURT TV VIA AP, POOL a month before the anniver- after the break. Judge Cahill sary of Floyd’s untimely end prepared instructions for the Floyd. Images of differ- “All it would have tak- Spokesman-Recorder. gled, desperate to breathe on May 25, 2020. Jurors on how to take in the ent ages of Floyd filled the en for Floyd to have sur- The previously men- to make enough room in On Monday, April 19, extended arguments. courtroom, ending with a vived that Memorial Day, tioned news source cap- his chest to breathe.” closing remarks were left by Schleicher left the jurors picture of him “face down was a little compassion tured a statement from He continued, “But the Special Assistant Attorney with sentiments of Floyd’s on the pavement” with the and oxygen—two things Schleicher, “Nine minutes force was too much. He General Steve Schleicher. f family, highlighting his accused officer’s knee on that Chauvin deprived him and 29 seconds. During this who gave closing remarks mother, Larcenia “Sissy” his neck. of,” reported by Minnesota time, George Floyd strug- {See GUILTY A-7} BY BETTI HALSELL Contributing Writer Jeannae Rouzan-Clay L.A. Mayor recommends $1 billion towards homeless crisis, has led the creative direc- advocates $24 million for Basic Income Pilot tion of a number of iden- tifiable shows that uplift BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT and empower the Black Staff Writer community. With over 50 recognized credits under Hot topics headlining her belt, Rouzan-Clay re- current news mirror the flects on her expertise in priorities in the 2021-2022 the entertainment industry. budget proposed by L.A. Through Jesse Collins Mayor Eric Garcetti. Entertainment, Rouzan- Delivering the finan- Clay was given the tools cial document to the City to develop her role in Rouzan-Clay has been with the Jesse Collins network Council on April 20, the production with a focus for over 10 years, in counting; she is currently the Vice mayor indicated his top in- {See ROUZAN-CLAY A-6} President of Specials. PHOTO BY BRITTANY BRAZIL terests include addressing the homelessness crisis, in- vesting in small businesses, upgrading opportunities for young people and improv- Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti delivers his annual ing the quality of life for State of the City address from the Griffith Observatory, many Angelenos by imple- Monday, April 19, 2021, in Los Angeles. GARY CORONADO/LOS ANGELES {See PROPOSAL A-7} TIMES VIA AP, POOL (See FULL STORY C-4) SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE With our community facing a myriad of chal- Heather Hutt is a loving mother to her 3 sons Hugh, Hamilton and Harrison Augustine FILE PHOTO lenges as we begin the pro- desperately-needed resourc- cess of recovering from the es into the hands of Angele- COVID-19 pandemic, Los nos as quickly as possible. Angeles needs elected repre- Heather Hutt is the only can- sentatives that have both the didate running for Assembly lived experience and pro- District 54 that can meet this www.lasentinel.net fessional background to get {See HUTT A-10} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY,APRIL 22, 2021 COVID-19 FAQ Tackles Vaccines Safety & Distribution for Black and African American Californians BY CHET P. HEWITT cines, the FDA required COVID-19 vaccines. local community and President and CEO, companies making COVID- Q: What’s being done health organizations have The Center at Sierra Health 19 vaccines to follow trial to address federally quali- placed megasites and Foundation participants for a minimum fied health centers and mobile vaccination clinics of eight weeks before they other local clinics who can- in many different key areas COVID-19 vaccina- could submit their data for not reserve vaccines doses throughout the state. The tions are currently in full approval. for their patients and com- state will also continue to force, with over 20 million Q: Who investigated the munity members? Is there a reach out to underserved Californians currently hav- findings that are being sub- larger effort underway in communities with trusted ing received one of the mitted by the pharmacology three FDA approved vac- corporations and/or actual cines. President Biden researchers? recently announced vac- A: The Western States cine eligibility expansion Scientific Safety Review for all adult Americans Workgroup was created to beginning April 19, while concurrently and independ- every Californian 16 and ently review the Food and up are eligible for vaccina- Drug Administrations tion on April 15. FILE PHOTO (FDA) actions related to As vaccinations contin- Chet P. Hewitt, president and CEO, The Center at Sierra COVID-19 vaccinations. ue at a notable pace, the Health Foundation The panel is made up of State of California is com- nationally acclaimed scien- mitted to providing suffi- COVID-19 vaccines. rigorous clinical trials and tists with expertise in GETTY IMAGES cient, transparent and com- Q: I have never had a are proven to be both safe prehensive information flu shot; will I be allowed and effective for adults. The voices to share that the vac- about the safety and distri- to take the vaccine? bottom line is these vac- cines are safe and effective, bution of the COVID-19 A: Yes, you can still cines protect against hospi- and how and where to get vaccines. The below FAQ receive the COVID-19 vac- talization and death. The vaccinated when it’s their is Part II of a series of com- cines even if you have never effects of COVID-19 are far turn. monly asked questions and had a flu shot. If you have scarier than any potential Remember, the COVID- answers on vaccine safety specific questions, please risk associated with the vac- 19 vaccines are safe, effec- and distribution focused on talk to your healthcare cines. tive and free. For more educating the Black and provider, local community Q: How can we start information on COVID-19 African American commu- clinic or a public health addressing the vaccines and the vaccine’s distribu- nity on the safety of the office. concerns based on potential tion process, please visit vaccines and to help them Q: How long does the long-term side effects like www.covid19.ca.gov. Sign understand the importance immunity last with the Pfiz- infertility and birth defects GETTY IMAGES up at MyTurn.CA.Gov or of these vaccines and their er vaccine? when the data/evidence role in helping end the pan- A: How long the vac- doesn’t exist yet? immunization and public demic for all Californians. cine will provide immunity A: Although COVID-19 health. The Workgroup Vaccine Safety from the virus is still mRNA vaccines are new, confirmed that Pfizer and Q: Should people who unknown, but scientists are this type of vaccine has Moderna COVID-19 vac- have experienced anaphy- hard at work studying this. been studied in people cines are safe and effective lactic reactions not take the It is important to remember before. mRNA vaccines and that the federal review vaccine? to continue to take safety against HIV, rabies, Zika process was comprehen- A: Allergic reactions to precautions, including mask and flu have been tested in sive. With a unanimous the COVID-19 vaccines wearing and hand-washing, phase 1 and phase 2 trials in recommendation, the panel are rare and very few peo- even after receiving the vac- people. The technology has of experts endorsed the ple have had severe cines. also been used in clinical transparency and validity adverse reactions. If some- Q: If I get vaccinated trials as a way to treat some of the analyses, determined one normally has allergic which vaccines would be cancers. These efforts pro- equity had been considered GETTY IMAGES reactions to the flu vaccine considered the best one? vided important information in clinical trials, and rec- or other severe allergies, A: The best vaccine is about mRNA technology ommended vaccines be L.A County? call (833) 422-4255 to reg- they should report that to the one you can get as and its safety. accessible without delay. A: California in part- ister to be notified when their health providers in quickly as possible. All Because of the knowl- The Workgroup will con- nership with the Biden it’s your turn to receive the advance of receiving the three vaccines went through edge gained with other vac- tinue to evaluate other Administration, as well as vaccine.
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