QW Iii/Q5�Y,R DB1-E: , 7 W LI=1°"*,L/>¢�~" ,7 � Description N° °F�P55e5 � Exemptlons Used Gr

QW Iii/Q5�Y,R DB1-E: , 7 W LI=1°"*,L/>¢�~" ,7 � Description N° °F�P55e5 � Exemptlons Used Gr

Inientury Wortshut FD-503 <2-18-Tn Flle No: £5;-{X/09$ Re:-_/:5- Z4/ K/é/QW iii/q5'Y,r DB1-e: _ , 7 W LI=1°"*,'L/>'¢~" ,7 Description N°' °fp55e5 Exemptlons used gr. to who}!!! referred Serial Date Typeof communion , tq, from! Idenufy statute 1f 3! cued! | /go 0 §~/¢?<,>i@§r /</6! ___/W 92 bl /-1//4'rs-13 <5? /4/ 9 21?/V V _ @/ 1* 1 @47§~;6I~»cJ/¢ 1%¢4,M~§2</¢/9~/ 12 Qg E /I//¢ wvso /// 77/5/*&r_ W If ii"?/ 7 W i/V i Mi ;5~3-59 r/L/ L7 W _r_ [=19 7 92_<-r/2-sot my 77 »<//as r /J00 $.95-so Kw [J ~>/%v/ /-9 0? l_f"J-?$U92 ér %»_'§ %¬771'.//0?» * Ow K ;@;,/ ~ <1 "1 /Q/0 53/[M511 {Q9 Twéaow . J i /5/0 53550 77_¬F.¢:¢I./92/Z'*:*»K/4» //4 25¢/'ji0,_W%/¥ r77 M k :-+ zrv-ax, 5111/0:51? _ /V4 .5'Z;§0 -TQ. Z6! 1d_@~ _%-'¢/ 119/ __ /£01-,¢."43'1-'2 '51: _7__92 lnveninry Workshut FD-503 ms-77: File No: _ Re: iiif/yg, /54/7§£11~111 _____ _ ate M V _ _ iii i i moat year! I WW Description l N°' °f| Pages _ Exempt_ions used 0 to whom referred Serial " " Data * Typeof communication, ""' W" "W to, ' " from! ' " Actual | Ieleasaz WW ' Idenhfy' statute bI! elf-ed! * /;// 5' 5,559 76/0 /M/IwL¬>Z_£9//0/ j /// .4144 5 1-a9/'50/Q/£9 [K-/' /bcpi .'.-92_ // {0/n /a- _ ~/1//d 50 A/61 5/~ _ é%wd5/Mkwdkd é§3wzQ7=37 _ TI tr 92 L61/.1/P 41/ X/1 Cab//"/L7!/J5 ,_ _,_ ' I F 1/ /.=;P/ 3/ 535% 1/ A :6 ,/:14./ /.9»/3 5-Ja"50 aw /I// ___. / Iz 1/ / y ,9/V ¢5;@§Q M /9/Z, 51.2 Y-50 Af /@1411/,zl/ Q/J41 4/f{KY / /b/ [}:;_W/9/¢ /mm» w/-»»<,/ J%?Z%7p»m.cfpéL ,_ _ _ _ /J/:2 s>»~-2? M Z01 I/7 bl 6 P? _ /V/¢ §f227'5VAi& 1T /*4J;.,7{'/lg?/0!! é *" ¢1:s'rz</¢-'=<f>"_ "o>f/' /WWW if/4 19/ Inventory Worhhut FD-503 -18-77! FHBM 45- §J4°0§ Re: _,g;'Z.¢ £1.14-z,/5 g/5_, WW Date; _? _ month/year! 1 1 j W]E!escl-il;tion N°- °f P3399 Exemptions used <_>1-.10 who§n refe1Lred 7 Serial 1 92 Date 92 Typeof communication, to, from! 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I ' TIME -41 FUCHS IN NY DID NOT SEE FUCHS AF'I'ER"I'AT' Nov; ronmwxuz Q1 zomouacn, scom-mo AT s_Ac_1_1=:n'r_1r:c» conrznguog. __ _l -'- I. -. no' nor _ I 'AssooiArr _ , _ __ * -_- 'w1'm Jul-__ _ rucus -*::__ '_ ourszoa -92___ or _ t::Iu, A I uni o1-nos, V. KNOWS .__,-_.i._-n-ll-I!-I'I"'or _ NONE or ms _ J *3-ii .L '_92. J __. ~-.5§_»l.=:1' CONTACTS OUTSIDE OF SCIENTISTS IN BRITISH MISSION. DESCRIBES '1-.--u-nun:-|-IiiFUCHS? F- ': ;4:,- .92 ' - _ __ _ _ ____,i _ _ _ _ _ . .1 -__::,- -,_,;,,4-T-= ~_-__'L__# _ 92_ - *3. AS HARD woggzuc, _1;~]1*z1.1_.§om'r, B_u'r__;~4A§§.[s sc1,92:rm$1j_. consow saxo HE nan . , 2 commxcanzo - i 4-Wwcriil wrru -,-1-$IiIII"t"_*_;JuuqI|1'_*4-.1;-IIIII_**JIIlI* 5112 _.Jomv¥p6ncnor_'r mo rucus?Ioong§13y_;u§_j_m£ " J f i -.*_ = .AL':: rucns cos;-5 an. 1.11.*5Er - .1Hi -___';h-,'' . SAID _.. ._ HE lb - WAS VERY SHOCKED BY FUCHS | ARREST, I 4 CLAIMS TO__1_ HAVE - *WEPT FOR _ -. S1I a. ,92____é_-; -..- ;--Bk: I P =--i goons.isms wmzu HE orrzmzn rucus amp, as nzc-o_ REPLY rnon ru gs? _¢- ._ Hf,- »___I 1,",---'=o=_ -- pl t =***-*J*_@w1 ._ I ." _;'Z. P _. " :10 EFFECT mar . 1-,. .5 . - <o~*>:§'*--I - I -* . -"-1?; ,,- 1': .. 1;-_:-5 ,.. ' _ _ _.= J-1 ',; M 1. '£92_IIDENCE UQULD INF I COTE FUCHS GUILT.» COBSQN 5TH-L APPEARS REATLY 'u 1; r. ' : ,'. _- - in?- ' " CQNCERNED u_ ,..- OVER . PU _ 5 , BUT PAPPARENTLY.Rl92TI0NPlL IN HIS STATEMREZS -'5 -.1; '__ ,- ~ .; ; ':""" I ' T ' ** "C - .,_ -92l F -£12.-.,-4: - hSARE5ULT=OF 7 3 F! HIS _. C'OMMUUIC§£IONOH5HS W - _ 1, I_ _ AND I CROCROFT _ £0 SON SAYS HE -1, - K I RDED -11 »§@os*¢"//7 .,:,.. -». _.. AS n R rawzn Aron ssvznm. DAYS s£v1-zgtaou E MI-F 2 gsrnssznfrxvzs, _Auo__?'c1n'. a1.so sroxz TO _AH1-2RIClj%EI'!BAS'SY_, LONDON. L' --- "' I _.. -Qhsagwwo ---- n'921§>§s1!'rsY vrrn THEM 1o6gg§-Aiwggszedcoa o»/' .-u . 1 *~- -'{;¢,,,,.. s Y2 {L M" - ._ 7I Iuijz.-.h '--.4: __j-7"-"-.._."_;:W I n ' !£I"'I';1 , j';,» ,'¬§.'z$VDe:>1aasiI£: _ Eggmpt frag CL, » .'.:L:'_'_;0TYnI.=a;_1 'NF? 1 _;:un PAGE ' om: ""' 113- ' .

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