it Vol. 53, No.6 130 Gerrard 'St. E., June 13, 1974 Whole Number 2385 Dr. H. C. Slade Memorial Issue REV. H. C. SLADE D.D., LL.D. Esteemed Pastor of Jarvis Street Baptist Church April 1955 - May 1974 REV. HAROLD CURTIS SLADE, D.D., LL.D. SEPTEMBER 9, 1902 - MAY 16, 1974 Dr. H. C. Slade was born in Oxford, Nova Scotia, on September 9, 1902. A young man while in the dry goods business in his home town heard the Gospel through a visiting evangelist in a Modernistic church. A year after DR. T. T. SHIELDS - FOUNDER AND FIRST EDITOR (1922·1955) his conversion he sold his business to attend Toronto DR. H. C. SLADE-(1955·1974) Baptist Seminary. It was through THE GOSPEL WITNESS that his godly p3Jfents learned of the sl'and of Dr. Shields and the founding of Toronto Baptist Sem­ Published bi-weekly on Thursday for the propagation of the Evangelical principles of the Protestant Reformation and in inary. The fact that a promising young man was leaving defence of the faith once delivered to the Sainh. town to attend "Shields' Seminary" made local headlines. $4.00 Per Year. Postpaid to any addre". 20¢ P.r Single Copy While at the Seminary Dr. Slade served the Baptist Sterling Countries £1.7 (2 y.ars 3£) payabl. to Canadian Imperial Ohurch of Westport, Ontario, for four years. DUlfing his Bank of Commerce, 2 Lombard Stre.t, London, England last year as student pastor Viola Prevost, a young l'ady, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"-Romans 1:16 was converted and baptized by Dr. Slade and later be­ came Mrs. Slade. fDITOR: Olive Clark, Ph.D. MANAGING EDITOR: Itev. W. P. Bauman, B.A., B.D. After Graduation from Toronto Baptist Seminary in CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Rev. George B. Fletcher, D.O. 1930 Dr. Slade accepted the ca,\) to First Baptist Ohurch, Rev. J. F. Holliday, D.O. Timmins, where he served faithifuilly twelve years and Registered Cable Address: Jarwitsem, Canada became generally known as "Bishop of the North." After 130 Gerrard Street East, Toronto • Canada four years in Timmins he was married in 1934. DUlrin:g MSA 3T4 the war he resigned from Timmins Ohurch in 1942, and Second class mall registration number 1465 while awaiting an appoin!lment in the Chaplaincy he served nine months as Pastor of Briscoe Street Baptist Church in London, Ontario. While in London he taught Greek in London Bible Institute. CITATION ON ILLUMINATED ADDRESS In April 1943 he accepted the appointment of Secre­ Presented on the Pastor's FiHeenth Anniversary tary of the Union of Regular Baptist Churches, where JUNE, 1970 he served with distinction for six years. On October 6, 1946, the Jarvis Street Baptist Church called Dr. Slade to become the Associate of Dr. Shields. Upon the death of Dr. Shields on April 4, 1955, he became the Pastor of the church, which he served faithfully until his sudden deatb on May 16, 1974. While in Jarvis Street Dr. Slade became a key figure in the International Council of Christian Churches, Cana­ dian Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches and the Fundamental Baptist Congresses. Two great Fundamental Universities recognized Pastor Slade as a mighty man of God. Faith Theological Sem­ inary bestowed upon him the degree of Doctor of Divin­ ity in 1955, and in 1962 Bob Jones University honoured DR. H. C. SLADE him with the degree of Doctor of Laws. He was serving OUR GRATEFUL THANKS TO GOD FOR THESE as a Memlber of the Board of Bob Jones University at FIFTEEN YEARS IN THE PASTORATE OF JARVIS the time of his death. STREET BAPTIST CHURCH The a!bove is but a brief biographical sketch of his illustrious career. The many tributes in this issue rdlect To give faithful leadership in these days of increasing the various aspects of his ministry as a faithful minister apostacy requires much of the Spirit of Christ. You have of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. been true to' your high calling; for eight years as Associate Pastor with Dr. T. T. Shields before assuming the fuN pastorate. OBITUARY SLADE, Rev. Harold Curtis, D.O., LL.D. (Esteemed Pastor of Your preaching has been marked by forthrightness, Jarvis St. Baptist Church, Toronto) - Suddenly at the earnestness, missionary zeal, and warmth. As a true North York General Hospital, on Thursday, May 16, 1974, shepherd of the flock you have ever manifested a tender Rev. Harold C. Slade, beloved husband of Viola Slade, love for the souls of men. loving father of Ruth Esther Slade, James Peter and Lois Your example and wise counsel have encouraged many Margaret (Mrs. D. Black). Much loved grandfather of to stand fast in the faith. Deborah, James, Elizabeth Slade, Wendy and Andrew Black, dear brother of Bertha (Mrs. G. Beedom) of Van­ Your in£luence has been felt in the church, Toronto couver, Myra (Mrs. C. McGrath) of Timmins, Etta (Mrs. H. Baptist Seminary, "The Gospel Witness," and hence to Isbster) of Vancouver, Arthur Slade of Nova Scotia, Ethel the far corners of the earth. Slade of Toronto and the late W. R. Slade. May your bow long abide in strength. 2 (90) The Gospel Witness, June 13, 1974 '.. ' MEMORIAL SERVICE' : - Held ill JAHVIS STREET BAPTIST CHUHCH, Toronto, MAY 18, 1974 fl.EV. H. C. SLADE, D.D., LL.D. Esteemed Pastor of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto Presiding: Rev. S. A. Tulloch REV .. S. A. TULLOCH: On this. occasion we would dare to ask Thee, Lord, "For the Lord God/is a sun and shield: The Lord . for those here fnr whom it would not be true t:hat "to . will give grace and glory: no good thing will he with­ be absent from the body" is "to be present with the hold froin them that walk uprightly." Lord," and we pray that even as the GospeLis resounded again, even today might be the introduction to the new HYMN: JESUS, WONDROUS SAVIOUR life in Christ. We would ask Thee in a very special way for the Jesus, wondrous Saviour! Life is death, if severed Church. We pray, 0 Lord, that Thou wilt enable this Christ, oj-kings the King! From Thy throbbing heart, distinctive ministry to continue. May the doctrines of Angelsfall before Thee, Death 'with life abundant grace continue to sound forth, may the aggressive evan­ Prosiiate, worshipping; At Thy touch would start. gelism still characterize it as men are compelled to be­ Fairest they confess Thee Worlds and men and angels lieve in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Heaven above, A II consist in Thee; We would sing Thee fairest Yet Thou camest to us We pray, 0 Lord, that there may be the edification Here-in hymns of love; . In humility. of the saints, that there may be the contending for the faith once de'livered to the saints. We pray, 0 Lord, All earth's flowing pleasures Jesus! all perfections that Thou wilt enable us to continue and prosper. Were a wintry sea, Rise and end if/) Thee; We ask for the family 'and commit them to Thee. We Heavenitself without Thee Brightness of God's glory pray that the balm of Gilead may be brought this day. Dark as night would be. Thou; eternally. Be wirh us and draw nigh and make this place. 11 Bethel. Lamb ofl'YQd! Thy glory Favour'd beyond measure We ask it for Christ's sake, Amen. ls the light above. They Thy face who see; . , Lamb of God! Thy glory May we, gracious Saviour, SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 40:1-8; Revelation 21:1-4 .. Is the life of love. Share this ecstasy. HEV. B. R.. OATLEY-WILLIS' REV. G. k ADAMS: TRIBUTES: Let us unite together in prayer. REV. W. P. BAUMAN: We confess, 0 Lord, that we are sorrowful; we con­ "Know ye not that there is a prince and great man. fallen fess that,in Thy presence we: are small and so sinful. this day in Israel?" . " We 'are frail children of ·dust. But we do thank Thee . Human'ly speaking,this is a 'day of sadness, but thanks . at' t'his time that though we do "walk through the valley be unto God we sorrow not as those who have no, hope. of .the shadow of death" weileed "fear no evil: for thou . .. ,' arfwitli (us); thy rbd and thy starf they comfort (us)." We rejoice that death is swallowed up in victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a Memorial Service­ We would thank Thee at such ~ time as this that the together we thank God upon every remen::lbrance of .Pr. ·Prince of Life tasted of death on our behalf. We t:hank H. C. Slade, whom God has given to us these many Thee that while His wound was that. of the bruised ankle, precious years, and now has been pleased to call him We thank Thee that victory was obtamed over him who to higher service. He was one of Gog's choice gifts to was the. adversary, and we would thank Thee for the His Church, and from this pulpit he delighted to preach triumph in Christ Jesus. with Holy Spirit power the glorious Gospe1 of the. Grace We thank Thee that He is the Resurrection and the of God. Life. We thank Thee that "he that believeth in him has On behalf of the whole Church Family and Christian life." We thank Thee that to be absent from t:he body friends we ex:press to. Mrs. Slade and all tlhe members is to .beprese'nt with the Loid, which is far ,better.
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