NO. 41 VOL. LU. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1910. Bargains in Groceries lEVERmS at G. S. Thorburn's 1 W Cash Grocery 25 lbs Moss Rose Floiu- 75e :i bushel PoLatocs VDC 25 lbs Lily White Flour SOc 1 bushel Tomatoes SOc 25 lbs Best Flour 75c Fresh Melons every day, each ^ DC 25 lbs I-Ienkle Bread Flour 85c Apples, peck - ^Oc 25 lbs Gold Medal Flour 95c All Rradcs Iflour •--''So (;anvas Gloves, loe pair, ;i pair 250 25 lbs H. & E. Gran. Sugar $1.48 :r)airy and Creamery Jiuller for sale. Pulverized Sugar, per lb 8c A Kood Broom 'lOc. Loaf Sugar, per lb 8c 10 llttaraham Mi^ 1 lb Santos and Rio Coffee 15c :i()ll)s Meal '^5(1 Trv lloinz Apple liuttcr, line. 10 lbs Pure Buckwheat ,35c Kr'usli Hrcad and Friedcakcs daily. Henkle Prepared Buckwheat,. 9c 1 gal pail Corn Syrup 35c GEO. H. LEVERETT. Mi gal pail Corn Syrup 18c Itiith l>hi)ncs. 2-lb can Corn Syrup 10c Leader Condensed Milk 10c Ann & Hammer Soda 5c |luj)ham(!5outttij|lcutsi Cold Blast Lantern Globes 8c Eiil.iU'nd 11.H.I10 I'list. onlce, Mason, No. 1 Lamp Chimney 5c iissucDtid-cliiss niattur. Best Eocene Oil, gal 10c I'uljllsliuil Kvory Tluirsdiiy by •I'he uprising in Portugal was iho most Important news event of tUe week King M.nuuel wns variously reported a cnplive and 25 lb. sack Suffar *1.'10 News Snapshots a fleeing monnrch. The consecration of St. Patrick's cnfheilral In New York was one ot the greatest events in American Cath­ (With $1,50 other groceries) Sweet Potatoes, peck , iiOc TERmS olic history. The swamping of a boat of the battleship New Uampshife in the Hudson river cost the lives of j^ioro than n score One Voir, $1.00; lix month. 60 csnti; ihrat Gal. jar Apple .lell $1.00 Of the Week of sailors. The Democrats of Wyoming have nominated .lohn M. Carey, an insurgent Uepubllcan, for governor. Goremor monihi 35 cents. Try our Boiled Rye, best breakfast Hughes Df .New York resigned, and Horace K, White became executive of the Empire State. Walter Brooklns raced with a train from Chicago to Sprint- food spld; something new. ADVERTISING RATES. fiplil, 111. The tight to keoji out cholera Is being led by Dr, A. H. Doty of New York. 100 lb. sack Corn Meal $].;!0 Ourlulvcrllslni;ratesiniidoknown atoillco. riuslnoss cards Si ii lino jmryear. HiislnusH localstlvu cents pur Unn each and NKWS IN IIIIIKF. Cider barrels at McOrossen'fi Farmers, Take Notice. At A. l. VANDERCOOK'S every Insertion' iMarrlaKu, blrtli and doatli notices fl;oe. drug store. ! We will nay 2nc this week for Kesohitlons of rosiioct card of thanks, Tlioso good aiul 'puro Seal Shipt G. L. Pock, collections and insur­ w butter fat aeliverdd at the cream­ etc.. live cents a Una oysters at Clipper's 'Ijakery. 38-il ance. Office over Farmers 'bank. ! ery in good condition. R. C. Dart, loans, real estate, col­ Mason Creamery Co. lections. Lawrence Block, Mason. Mr, 'and iMrs., P. D. Stanton now Have you seen the one-person Business Cards. occupy their mew .heme on west vacuum cleaner for 88.50 at Dens- To Mason Creamery Patrons. Curloiid Uliolvu Cediir foNla, Ash street. ' Tlie October Session Is Now more's? ! 16c, 18c and 20c, AT'I'OIINKV. in Progress. The days for taking in cream •Joseph Jcwett is preparing to Last Monday Mrs. Pred Brenner duiring the winter montlhs will bo 23tf Dean & Cross. build a new bavn on his lot on received fro'm "way do'wn aouth" Monday and Thursdays in 'tJie Vtir Salt!. L son, bjich. •'South 0 street. a fiiie pair of 'opossums. forenoon. This will not effect the cream, routes. Choice Shropshire yearlings, al­ ENSMOUR, E. A„ attorney at law, Ma­ Wall paper sale at Quirk's. We Furnished roonns to rent. Stud­ so bine Black Top yearling, at \J s W. A. BLACKMORE ELECTED CHAIRMAN 41wl Ma.son Creamery Co. son, Mich. can't afford to continue it long, ents preferred. Cor. B and South farmers' prices. B, C. Raymond, and you can't 'afford to 'miss it. ! I.KUEl) AIir,RN. l-uwyer, Oflico With streets. Mrs. Pearl McGowan. ! Republican Meeting. two miles north of Dansville. 95tf. County Olork, Mason, A About lour acres of ne^v plat The Gleaners of Eden will give If your money does not net you A. BERGMAN. ATTOUNEY ANDOOUN- of 'Maple Grovo cemetery have their opening dance Friday even­ Hon. Samuel W. Smith, Hon. W. OuiiiiiiltlccN A|i|>ulntc<l and the Work five per cent, see SRLOU AT r.,A\V, Mason, Mich, beem laid off into lots the past ing, Oct. 14. Music by Wheaton's A. Well Viidcr W«r. W. Wedemeyer, Hon. W. A. Rosen- 22tf H. 0. Freeland. S, A VERY, attorney at law. Rooms weeik. orchestra. crans and Hon. T. A. Lawler will . 41)4-5-11, tloillstor nik.. LunsInK, Mich. E County Treasurer Wilson hois a Bion Harper of North Aureilius speak at Mason on Thursday, Oct. For Mule. l4AWrON T. IIKItlANM. peach tree bearing pink peaches. will appear before Justice Adams 13, at 2 jp. 'in. Two hours of good Shropshire yearlings and ram He does not know what to name today on u charge of assault and lambs, of the best wool and mut­ TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Ii AW speaking. The candidates on the A Oflico ovorlli'lrst State and Savlnns bunk, them. battery upon, his .'wife and IHtle The October session of the board ton type, all from registered Mason, Mich, Inghlam county republican ticket Wm. Eckert, "who recently pur­ daughter. of supervisors convened 'at their stock. Six miles east of Mason. Rural phone. Geo P. Andrews. chased 'W'hite Bros', meat market, "Tihere will be a dance at^ the rooms at the court house Monday wilj be present. A 'smoker will be lilt. JOS. M. IIAWLKV. has moved into 'the house vacated North Aurelius .Gleaner ihall on at 10 o'clock, i^and was called - to held after the speaking. Every­ Illuttk Tup llaiUN DENTIST, by -Fred Stanton. Friday evening of this week, Oct. order by County 'Clerk Alfred Al­ body 'Come. for sale. 39tf E. C. Russell. Formerly Mackinac Island and St. iRnaco 14. Music by^ the North Aurelius- successor to Dr, Spaiildlnu' and Dr. Llnsloy. Only 10c for a coal hod, Satur-; len. day. commencing at 3 p, m,, while orchestra. Teachers' Examination. Wwiitcd, Cunvum«rM, Lawronco Block. Upon motion of Supervisor Mc- they last. Only one to a person. Mrs. Hattie Freeland 'has spld A teachers 'examination for sec- lady or gent. Ask W. S. Lamb, at PHVSIOIANN. Quirk's Pept. store. ! iter home on, east Ash street to P. Kinley, Wm. A. Blaickmore of Les­ Qind and third 'grade certificates I American House, or enquire at Perrin of Aurelius, 'and has pur­ lie wias named (as temporary chair- will be held in tihe county normal i Longyear's drug store. ' 39wl ll. Al.EXANUEiC~?l>ysicriin and Siir- Homer Ellsworth of Vevay room in the eiity of 'Mason, Thurs­ R, geon, Oflico over Plannanun's dniK brought to our office Monday ripe chased the H. 'P. Williaims home main. Wauled, Lady lleiiioiiMralort store. Residence opposite Uaptlst church on Elm .street. day and Friday, Oct. 20 and 21, Olllce hours 8 to 10 a. in., 1 lo 4 and T to 10 p.m strawberries picked from his vines Upon motion Assessor Pinckney 1910, eammencing promptly at 7:30 at Longyear's drug store. Ask the that day. They were nice ones, A pensioner of this ,city recently of Lansing was allowed to act as 0. 8. RAtiLAUD, Homeopathic Thy- oJclock a. ^m. F. 'E. Searl. Wa-Hoo 'man. 39wl too. lost a,$20 bill in Mason. The find­ County Soho'O'l Cbm'H-. D^ slclau and SurKoon. Diseases of Eyo, a member of the board in place of f;ar|iet CIOUIIIIIK Ear, No.so and Throat al specialty. Olfico There will 'be 'an auction sale at er will do ' a worthy act by re­ In Near block. Hours 8 to a, m., S lo .^) and 7 Alderman Smith of third' ward. Burgess' feed barn Oct. 15. Any­ turning it to this office and will Notice. On short notice. Satisfactory to U p. m, The following committees on as­ work iguaranteed. W. iS. Chalker. thing for sale can 'he listed with receive 'reward. - _ Al accounts thirty days and 41w2p Citizens phone 210. R. KKANKE.THOMAS, HHYSiqiANand Mr. Burgess, Mason, or with C. W. sessment rolls were named; Raim- over are past due^ Kiiidly call JU surneon. ^OllTc o over Webb & Wiiitman's Dr. Bailey of Williamatgn will clotblnK store. Clark, Dansville. ! lecture at thg PolltJk school house sey and Edgar, McKinley and and settle at once. Don't think it Ilettii I'lvkera Wuntod, oin the evening dt Oct. 20. His Gunn, 'Raudabaugh and Rose, Blair does not need your attention be­ 41tt Mlason 'Elevator 'Co. GlIAS. fS. JKNKINS, HI. 11. .,J. A. Oortright 'has purchased cause it nxay ^be but a 'S'lmll sum. the Butler building, next door to subject wi.l be "Unseen Things in and 'McCrosaen, Brogan and Ole- IIAOTIOE limited to diseases of Eyo, Ear, the World Arouixd 'Us." 41wl Dr. Thomas. €l«uii, nry SluruKo Itooiii Nose and Throat, Rooms 20!l-aud :204 the News office, 'and after repairs 'ment, Oatlin and Pinckney, Lane PI'rudon Ulock, Lanslnir, Mich, to rent by week or 'moiith.
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