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Ê17 Àíãëіéñüêà ìîâà = English : äëÿ ñïåöіàëіç. øê. ç ïîãëèáë. âèâ÷. àíãë. ìîâè : ïіäðó÷. äëÿ 8-ãî êë. çàãàëü- íîîñâіò. íàâ÷. çàêë. / Ë.Â. Êàëіíіíà, І.Â. Ñàìîéëþêå- âè÷. — Êèїâ : Ãåíåçà, 2016. — 288 ñ. : іë. ISBN 978-966-11-0708-2. Ïіäðó÷íèê «Àíãëіéñüêà ìîâà. 8 êëàñ» ïðîäîâæóє ñåðіþ ÍÌÊ äëÿ îâîëîäіííÿ àíãëіéñüêîþ ìîâîþ â ñïåöіàëіçîâàíèõ íàâ÷àëüíèõ çàêëàäàõ ç ïîãëèáëåíèì âèâ÷åííÿì іíîçåìíîї ìîâè. Cêëàäàєòüñÿ іç 7 ðîçäіëіâ (Units). Íàïðèêіíöі êîæíî- ãî ðîçäіëó ïîäàíî ðóáðèêó My progress in English äëÿ êîíò- ðîëþ і ñàìîêîíòðîëþ çäîáóòèõ ó÷íÿìè çíàíü. Ó êіíöі ïіäðó÷íèêà — ëåêñèêî-ãðàìàòè÷íèé êîìåíòàð First Aid Kit, òåêñòè äëÿ àóäіþâàííÿ, êëþ÷і äî òåñòîâèõ çà- âäàíü My progress in English, òàáëèöÿ íåïðàâèëüíèõ äієñëіâ òà àíãëî-óêðàїíñüêèé ñëîâíèê. ÓÄÊ 811.111(075.3) ÁÁÊ 81.2ÀÍÃË-922 © Êàëіíіíà Ë.Â., Ñàìîéëþêåâè÷ І.Â., 2016 © Âèäàâíèöòâî «Ãåíåçà», ISBNISBN 978- 966-11- 11 0708- 2 îðèãîðèãіíàëíàë-ì ìàêåò,àêåò, 20162016 Любий друже і люба подружко! Ïåðåä òîáîþ ïіäðó÷íèê ç àíãëіéñüêîї ìîâè. Âіí ìіñòèòü ñіì ðîçäіëіâ – Units. Êîæåí ç íèõ – öå âåëèêà òåìà, íàïðèêëàä “My Friends and Me” àáî “Live and Learn”. Äëÿ òîãî ùîá ç êíèæêîþ áóëî çðó÷íіøå ïðàöþâàòè, óðîêè ïîäіëåíî íà äåêіëüêà ÷àñòèí. Êîæåí óðîê ïî÷èíàєòüñÿ ç áåñіäè – Now for it!, ÿêà äîïîìîæå òîáі àêòèâíî âêëþ÷èòèñÿ â ðîáîòó, «çàíóðèòèñÿ» â ñåðåäîâèùå àíãëіéñüêîї ìîâè, âіäíîâèòè â ïàì’ÿòі ñâîї çíàííÿ. Ó òåáå ç’ÿâëÿòüñÿ íîâі äðóçі. Öå ïåðñîíàæі Annie, Alice, Peter, Ted òà іíøі, ç ÿêèìè òè áóäåø ñïіëêóâàòèñÿ àíãëіéñüêîþ, âèâ÷àòè ãðàìàòèêó, ïîïîâíþâàòè ñëîâíèêîâèé çàïàñ. Ïіäëіòêè ðîçêàæóòü òîáі ïðî æèòòÿ øêîëÿðіâ і øêîëÿðîê ó ñâîїõ êðàїíàõ, íàâ÷àòü ñïіëêóâàòèñÿ ìîâîþ, ÿêà є äëÿ íèõ ðіäíîþ. Âè îáãîâîðþâàòèìåòå óëþáëåíі êíèæêè òà æóðíàëè, öіêàâі òåëåïåðåäà÷і, âіäîìèõ ìóçèêàíòіâ, ïîáóâàєòå â ïîïóëÿðíèõ êîíöåðòíèõ çàëàõ âàøèõ êðàїí. Òè ïîêàæåø ñâîїì çàêîðäîííèì äðóçÿì ñâîþ ðіäíó êðàїíó – Óêðàїíó, îçíàéîìèø їõ ç âèçíà÷íèìè ìіñöÿìè. Ç óðèâêіâ òâîðіâ âіäîìèõ àíãëіéñüêèõ òà àìåðèêàíñüêèõ ïèñüìåííèêіâ і ïèñüìåííèöü òè äіçíàєøñÿ áіëüøå ïðî àíãëîìîâíі êðàїíè. Öå äîïîìîæå òîáі íå òіëüêè ïîãëèáèòè çíàííÿ ç àíãëіéñüêîї ìîâè, à é íàâ÷èòèñÿ ñïіëêóâàòèñÿ ç îäíîëіòêàìè, ñòàòè öіêàâèì ñïіâðîçìîâíèêîì àáî ñïіâ- ðîçìîâíèöåþ. Good luck! Õàé ùàñòèòü! УМОВНІ ПОЗНАЧЕННЯ: – Домашнє завдання – Завдання підвищеної складності 3 CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................... 3 UNIT 1: My Friends and Me .......................................................... 5 UNIT 2: Live and Learn ............................................................... 35 UNIT 3: Music to My Ears ............................................................ 69 UNIT 4: In the World of Mass Media ............................................ 101 UNIT 5: The More You Read ......................................................... 139 UNIT 6: Britain Is Great .............................................................. 169 UNIT 7: Visiting Ukraine ............................................................. 201 First Aid Kit .............................................................................. 232 Vocabulary ................................................................................. 246 Writing Samples ......................................................................... 258 Audioscripts ............................................................................... 269 Keys to the Test Files................................................................... 287 4 Unit 1 My Friends and Me In this unit you will learn how: • to talk about making friends; • to describe your best friends; • to speak about your pen-friends; • to discuss your leisure time with friends; • to check your knowledge and skills on the topic getting ready for your independent testing. 5 Unit One: My Friends and Me 1.1. Making Friends Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box pen-friend trendy clothes So far… cute make fun of somebody zits to be cool peers to do fun stuff to hurt to be true to oneself elective to be uppopular band to be hard on somebody to come along to be a good mixer to think much of somebody to make friends with some- body I. Now for it! Read the chart and say what colour is true about your character. Can any characteristics of other colours be attributable to describ- BrE colour ing your personality? Let your friends judge. AmE color white red black You like things to be You have strong feel- You are intelligent and neat and clean and you ings and a quick tem- love to discuss serious always plan ahead. per. things. yellow blue brown You are a happy friend- You like fresh air and You like to be in char- ly person and you love being outdoors and ge and tell others what being in the sun. you like cold weather. to do. 6 1.1 green pink purple You care about the You love to laugh and You like to be alone and environment and love don’t take things too «do your own thing» animals. seriously. Examp le: My favourite colour is pink and I like to laugh and make jokes. I can also be serious. II. Reading Read the dialogue between two American girls and say how they made friends. Annie: Hi! I don’t think I’ve seenn you in this group. You are so cute. Are you new? Alice: I am, really. It’s my first day. Annie: Welcome. My name is Annie. How do you like the class? Alice: Oh, I really like it. Annie: Yeah, me too so far. Alice: Frankly speaking, it’s a little hard for me. I’m only taking it as an elective because my parents want me to go to college, they demand it. I’m not a ‘language’ person, you know. I like music better. Are you in a music club? Annie: No, but I am thinking of joining the band. I play the guitar. And what musical instruments do you play? Alice: I want to play some of them, but it wasn’t required in my previous school. I’ve learned to play the drums and saxophone. In our band I play the alto saxophone. Annie: It’s great! I love saxophone. You probably are a romantic person. Alice: My friends say the same. And not only because I love music, but be- cause I write poems for our school journal. I have already published a few poems in our city newspaper. Annie: You sure keep busy with all those extra-curricular activities. Any time for friends? Alice: Certainly, we love to hang out at the mall, walk around, look at the trendy clothes store, check out what’s new at the music stores and sometimes go to the movies. It’s good to do fun stuff like this. I have really good friends and think much of them. Annie: It sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I have only pen-friends. Can I come along and meet your peers? Alice: Sure, no problem. You seem to be a good mixer. Let’s make it round about 4 p.m. at our assembly hall. Oh, no, here goes the bell. We’d better run if we want to get to class! See you this afternoon. Annie: See you. 7 Unit 1 Across Cultures: the USA Mall – a large shopping centre, usually enclosed, where teenagers like to meet and socialize. Mall III. Language Track Phonetics in Context 1. In the text, find general questions and reproduce them with correct intonation, fol- lowing the pattern. Practise this intonation pattern in chain in your own context. Pattern: 'Are you new? A: Are you in Grade 8? B: I’m. Do you have many friends? A: I do. Do you…… Words and Phrases in Context 1. Study the difference in meaning. From the text reproduce the words in context andnd interpret their meaning. Make up sentences by analogy with them. Mind! to demand – to ask for some- to require – to ask somebody thing.t to do something as a necessity Example: My teacher demand- (often in the passive voice). ed an explanation. Example: We are required to follow the rules. E xamp le: Trust is required of a real friend. 2. From the text, reproduce words and phrases which have the same meanings as the given ones in the contexts. E xamp le: Very pretty and attractive cute My best friend is very cute and I think much of her. a course that students can choose to take if they wish; a group of musicians; someone who finds it easy to talk to people they don’t know; the people who are the same age as you (or in the same class); someone you write friendly letters to, especially someone in another country; something that is very fashionable, interesting etc. in a way that people admire. 8 1.1 3. Read what Alice told Annie. Now she became cool and made friends with her classmates. From the box choose words and phrases suitable for the proper context and comment on their meaning. to be unpopular making fun of me took sport zits made friends trendy clothes cool peers true to yourself In the eighth grade I was unpopular. I was short and had some ________ on my face. I watched my classmates even ______________. But at the end of the eighth year I _____________ and became more ath- letic and _____________ with some of the popular girls in my field hockey team. It was my passport to popularity. My best friend now is the one who gave me a hard time and made me feel stupid. I think to be popular with your __________, you have to be perfect __to wear ______, to have perfect hair and face and to look just like them.
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